(A/N) I don't think this chapter is going to be very long. I have a case of slight writers block so just hang in there!

The bus was quiet. Mostly because the only occupants were Tsukune, Moka, Kokoa, and Osmany. Other than them the bus driver. He never really talked. Tsukune was on the verge of sleep and being awake. He kept drifting off from time to time. Moka's head was laid down on his shoulder. Tsukune watched as she slept.

He had become a vampire for this beauty. "Is it really worth it? Can I Protect Moka from the fairy tale? What am I thinking? Of course I can!" Tsukune let out a sigh then a smile. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Tsukune woke up but was not on the bus. He was very confused. "Is this a dream?" He was on a rocky path surrounded by grass and mountains. Tsukune stood up and started to walk down the path that seemed to be endless. He walked and walked and walked but did not feel the slightest bit of fatigue.

Tsukune looked up at the sky to examine it's purely amazing beauty. It looked like something out of this world. That is when he saw it. A fiery figure going as fast at the speed of sound, every second it would be closer and closer to Tsukune. He started to panic and running. He had completely forgotten he was a vampire and had the ability to be faster than light itself.

The figure was too quick for Tsukune. In seconds Tsukune heard a giant explosion almost as big as a atom bomb. No harm was caused to him, but Tsukune could not say the same to giant crater that behind him.

The figure jumped out of the crater it had created. It slowly walked towards Tsukune. Tsukune looked straight forward trying to hide his fear of this creature. The being was a man roughly around the same age as Tsukune.

The man had fiery wings coming from his back and was indulged in flames starting from his feet reaching to his head. It looked like something out of a movie. Like a flame shield of some sort.

It was an awkward silence between the two for a moment until the man broke it.
"Hello I am glad you have arrived". Tsukune looked confused. "How does this guy know who I am?"

"W….ww…Who are you!" Tsukune managed to let out still in fear of the man. The fiery being began to laugh hysterically while Tsukune watched still confused as to what was currently happening.

"They call me Sola. Nothing more nothing less, and I advise you to do the same." Tsukune watched the being for a while.

"Ok then Sola, what do you want from me?" Sola started to laugh again when he was finished he became very serious. "It's not what I want from you. It's what I need from you. Understand? Now I am going to be the one asking the questions here. Cooperate and maybe I won't burn you into smithereens."

Tsukune gulped and nodded. "Great! Now then. What are your affiliations with the fairytale organization. " Sola looked intensely at Tsukune.
"Ehh um well you see that um the Fairytale they um yeah uh." Tsukune said nervously.

" ! Please help me help you. This is a matter of life and death. Life being you answer my questions you live. You don't you die. Understand?" Tsukune nodded and began to speak again.

"Ok well recently the Fairytale HQ attacked a castle I was staying at." Sola looked at Tsukune doubting his answer. "Interesting…May I ask what castle you were staying at ?" Tsukune nodded

"I was at the Akashiya castle. I stayed there for my summer break." Tsukune said quickly. Sola nodded running the information in his head.

"May I ask how you got the permission to stay in such a high class castle? Especially the one of Count Shuzen." Sola said patiently waiting for an answer from Tsukune.

"Well you see I am in a relationship with his second youngest daughter."
Sola started to laugh hysterically as if it were a joke. "You with a daughter of Shuzen? Please stop making yourself sound ridiculous."

Tsukune looked confused at what Sola was trying to say. Was he not good enough for Moka? Maybe.
"Ok then last question. Why did the Fairytale organization attack the castle and how did you survive?"

Tsukune quickly answered his questions wanting to get out of where ever he was. "Two of Shuzen's daughters were members of the Fairytale. They planned an ambush to take over the castle. We were having a small gathering when a soldier burst into the doors warning us that an attack was taking place.
The guests were scared. Shuzen sent someone to escort the guest out. We went out and saw two other member of the Fairytale. One with white hair and torn up clothes and the other with brown hair and a long jacket." Sola was intrigued by the information Tsukune had given him.

"Go on go on! Tell me what happened after." Sola was a real sucker for a story.
"After that they threw water at the family and were paralyzed. Everyone except for me." Tsukune said still talking very quickly so he can leave. "Wait! Aren't you a vampire as well? Why did it not affect you?"

Tsukune shrugged his shoulders then continued to speak. "They grabbed Moka and started to fondle her. I got very angry. After that all I remember was the members fleeing and me following them then breaking one's foot." Sola smiled.

"Interesting. Very very interesting. You must be a very high class vampire to have taken down two powerful fairytale members." Tsukune still watched not knowing what to say.

"Very well we are done here. Expect me in your future." In a flash Tsukune awoke and was on the bus right outside Moka's house. Tsukune woke up Moka but was too tired to actually move. Tsukune picked her up bridal style and put her on her bed. Osmany brought out all the luggage. Before leaving the room Tsukune kissed Moka's forehead and turned off the lights.

When he arrived home he started to recollect the memories of the dream he had while on the bus. In a flash blood started to spew out of his nose memories flooding into his brains of a massive war. Bodies everywhere, blood was all over the floor Tsukune still in a drastic amount of pain. Finally Tsukune got a grip.

He had no idea what had happened and what he had seen. He tried not to worry about it and fell asleep.

(A/N)Hope you enjoyed it. Not my longest but It was just somewhat of a filler. Anyways stay tuned. The end is neigh.