I know, I know. Go ahead and yell at me. I deserve it… I am so sorry that I haven't updated Layers in a very, very, VERY long time! I feel so bad about it! It's just that when I got better at school, I got writer's block! Curse my blocked brain! So I am so so so so so so soooooo sorry! I've been trying to think something up these past couple of weeks but have had no luck whatsoever. Please forgive me and I will try and update as soon as possible. Plus, I haven't had the time. The last two months have been filled with Sweet Sixteen preparations. Yes, it was recently my birthday! I'm 16! Woohoo! Reviews make great presents… Just saying… LOL Enjoy this song-fic! I absolutely love Fabina right now and my best friend, Maddie, would totally agree with me! Hey Maddie! Sibuna! Lol well enjoy! ~E
And P.S. - The prom kiss and Victor breaking through the panel never happened.
Disclaimer: I don't own HOA or You Found Me by The Fray.
I found God
On the corner of First and Amistad
Where the west
Was all but won
I, Nina Martin, sat on the steps of Anubis house, watching my friends play a bit of footie on the front lawn. Well, at this moment, friends probably wasn't the best term. Joy's back and is currently clinging to Fabian as if her life depended on it.
Even Fabian forgot about me. After everything that we'd gone through. All of the things we'd seen. And it's like I don't even exist anymore. I even lost my spot at the dinner table. Now, I just bring an apple to school and a plate to my room. There was still one person that looked out for me, though.
"Hey Nina!" I heard a perky voice behind me greet. Amber never really liked Joy, even before she disappeared. "What're you up to?"
"Watching last year's memories slowly fade into the distance. You?"
All alone
Smoking his last cigarette
I said, "Where you been?"
He said, "Ask anything."
Sometimes, Amber eats dinner with me in our room. Today wasn't one of those days. She'd heard some new gossip on Victoria Beckham and couldn't wait to share it with everyone. So, I decided to get my diner before everyone came in from outside.
Walking into the kitchen, I got myself a bowl, filled it with chicken salad, poured myself a glass of milk, and walked out the kitchen door, running into someone in the process. I almost spilled my milk.
"Oh, sorry Nina. Hey, where've you been lately?" Fabian asked. Ouch. He hasn't even seen me around campus at all. I had to move. I didn't really want anyone to see me cry at the moment. I took a deep breath, controlling myself.
"Around. Excuse me," I said, rushing upstairs to my room. Once inside, I locked my door, slid down to the floor, and broke down.
Where were you
When everything was falling apart
All my days
Were spent by the telephone
About a week ago, I got a call that my Gran was sick in the hospital. They told me that if anything changed, they would call. But I've been spending days by the house phone and they still haven't called. And no one has even asked me what's wrong. I haven't told Amber yet. Fabian hasn't noticed either. Big surprise. He's too busy hanging out with Joy and Patricia. Just like old times. Before I popped into the picture.
He used to always be there for me. No matter what. He would notice if something was wrong by the first frown. Now, he didn't even notice me when I cried. Where is he when I need him most? Now.
It never rang
And all I needed was a call
That never came
From the corner of First and Amistad
A week later and still no call. I needed to talk to Gran about all of this. She'd always know how to make me feel better. I'd call myself but I don't have the number. Now I hate myself for not asking for it a couple of weeks ago. I just wish they'd call so I know she's okay.
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
It was three weeks later when I got the call. I remember exactly how it happened, too.
I was sitting on the stairs, writing in my notebook, when I suddenly heard the phone ring. First time in a month. I got up quickly and ran to pick it up.
"Hello?" I asked, hopefully.
"Yes, is Miss Martin around?" the voice on the phone asked.
"Speaking," I stated.
"Miss Martin, I don't know how to say this," he paused, "Your grandmother had cancer."
Tears began to well up in my eyes. "What do you mean, had?" I questioned.
"I'm so sorry. But she died last night. Are there any other family members that I should call?" he asked.
I shook my head but remembered that he can't exactly see me. "No," I replied. "No, there's no one else." I was trying to hold my tears back.
"Alright, well I am sorry. Your grandmother was a delightful woman. Goodbye," and then he hung up.
I set the phone on the hook shakily, tears pouring down my cheeks. At that precise moment, Fabian came out of his room, walked past me, and out the door. So, I proceeded to cry harder. Then, Amber came in through the kitchen.
"Nina?" she asked. "Are you alright? What's happened?"
"Did you see that?"
"See what?" she wondered.
"Fabian. He walked right past me. He didn't even notice I was here, let alone crying. He doesn't care about me anymore, Amber. I thought me and him were- And then he goes and does this. What did I do wrong?" I asked, staring into space.
"Nothing, Neens," she comforted, "You've done absolutely nothing wrong. Is that why you're crying?"
I shook my head slowly and sobbed even harder, but cleared my voice enough to speak broken up words.
"Sh- She's gone," was all I could muster before I fell to the floor.
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, Where were you
Just a little late
You found me, you found me
My life is slowly falling apart. Amber is the only one who sees me. I officially have no one else.
I lie on my bed, just staring at the wall, when the door was opened by Amber. She came in and sat beside me on my bed.
"Are you feeling any better, Neens?" she asked hopefully. I stayed silent and shook my head. Amber is super sweet in her own Amber-ish way. I was about to thank her when I heard a knock at the door. "I'll be right back," she said. She stood up and opened the door a crack so no one would see me because I didn't feel like showing my face quite yet.
"Hey Amber," I heard a voice say. It was Fabian. "We're all going out to catch a film. You coming?" he asked.
"Um, no, actually I'm going to stay here with" she started.
"Alright, well if you change your mind, we'll be downstairs." He said and then left. Amber closed the door and walked over to my bed.
"Did you hear any of that?" she asked.
"I heard enough," I stated, fighting back tears as I got off my bed, ran out the door, and into the hall. No one was there. I couldn't take it anymore. This house used to feel like a home. Now, I just don't belong. Running over to the attic door, I pulled out my hair pin, and picked the lock. I heard footsteps coming behind me. They had heels. I didn't want anyone following me, not even Amber. Once I got inside, I quickly shut the door and made my way upstairs. My locket began to shine and I remembered the secret panel. I placed it against the indent and the panel slid open. I stepped inside and when the panel closed, I thought to myself, 'This place feels more like home than anywhere else in this house.' I could feel Sarah in here. She had spent most of her days up here when she was little.
Just then, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards the attic. And then, the door opened.
"Nina! Nina, I know you're up here." It was Amber. I decided to sit down and keep quiet. "Are you behind the secret panel? Nina, please answer me." She said, moving closer to the panel. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked from the other side. I took a deep breath to calm myself and sighed.
"No, Amber. You didn't. You're my BBF. I could never be cross with you. I just need some alone time to cry without the possibility of others hearing." I replied, sniffling.
I heard her sigh. "Well alright. I'll be in our room. Try to feel better." She stated. I didn't reply when I heard her going back down the steps. That's when I let myself go.
But in the end
Everyone ends up alone
Losing her
The only one who's ever known
Amber didn't go back to her room. In fact, she was never going to. Instead, she marched downstairs and headed straight for Fabian. He turned around and saw her.
"Oh, hey! So, you're coming?" he asked.
Rather than answer, she replied, "Private talk," grabbed his ear, and pulled him towards the kitchen, with a few ow's coming from Fabian.
When she came to a stop, Fabian stood rubbing his ear. "What!" he shouted. Amber responded with a slap. "Ow! What did I do!" he complained.
"You really don't see it, do you?" she asked.
"I thought that would have been clear with the 'Ow!' and 'What did I do!' he explained.
"How long has it been since you spoke with Nina?" she questioned.
"Not sure. Why? Where has she been?" Amber slapped his arm. "Stop hurting me!"
"No, you deserve it," she stated. "Nina has spoken to no one, besides me and a doctor through the phone, for the past few months. The only thing you've said to her this whole year is, "Hey Nina. Where've you been?" Everywhere, Fabian! She's been everywhere! But you, along with everyone else in this house, refuse to acknowledge that she even exists. I'm the only one she can talk to."
"She can always call her Gran," he stated, completely missing the point.
"Um, no Fabian, she can't. Nina's Gran died two days ago. Which brings me back to my original point. She sat there, in the middle of the front hall, tears pouring down her face. And you just walked RIGHT past her, not even noticing her. And that stabbed her heart even more!" she finished. He just stood there. Staring at nothing.
"How did I not notice her cry?" he asked himself.
"Because you, Fabian Rutter, are the source of her tears!" She said, hitting his shoulder with each of the last four words.
"I am such an idiot," he said to no one in particular.
"Oh, really?" Amber asked sarcastically.
"Where is she?" he asked hurriedly.
"Why should I even say? She won't even let ME see her. She's probably still crying! That's all she does these days. D' you think I'm going to just let the source of all this know where she is? The answer, by the way, is no." she stated.
"Come on, Amber! Please, I just want to apologize to her." Amber stood there thinking for a moment and then spoke.
"Fine. But before I do you need to hear this straight. Ever since Joy got back, it's been all about her. Joy this, Joy that. Not a single one of you has noticed Nina because, apparently, Joy is the most important person in this house."
"No, she's not. Amber, you've got to believe me. I. Love. Nina." He confessed.
"I would have believed last year. But, now? I'm not so sure. Did you even notice that Joy took Nina's spot at the dinner table? She eats in her room now," she said. Amber sighed, "She's behind the secret panel in the attic."
"What is she doing there?" he asked.
"When you asked if I wanted to come to the movies with everyone, you didn't even ask about her. She was in the room the entire time. To her, I guess it felt like you'd completely forgotten about her. Which, in retrospect, you did." Fabian sighed in disappointment with himself.
"I really messed up," he stated.
"Just go before I regret telling you." Amber ordered him, pointing towards the stairs.
Who I am, who I'm not
And who I wanna be
No way to know
How long she will be next to me
Nina's POV
I think I've been crying for fifteen minutes straight. Everything's just falling apart so fast. If this has something to do with being the 'Chosen One', just kill me now. As I thought that, I noticed a piece of broken mirror out of the corner of my eye. It reminded me of yesterday morning.
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
I was in the bathroom, just finishing getting ready for school, thinking about Gran. How I would never see her again. I needed her now, when my life was at its worst. All I want is to feel happy.
Then, I noticed a pair of scissors sitting on the corner of the bathroom sink. This is what I get for being unhappy. A dangerous mind. But what's the worst that could happen?
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you
Just a little late
You found me, you found me
I lifted my shirt halfway to view the heart-shaped scar that sat just to the left of my bellybutton. I remember trying to make sure it was perfect. I hadn't done so well considering my hands had been shaking so much from the pain. Then, I found myself looking at the piece of mirror once again. I was about to reach for it when I heard someone hastily coming up the steps. I quickly evened out my shirt and backed up against the wall just as the door to the attic opened. I sighed.
"Amber, seriously, you're awesome but I really just want to be alone right now," I said, my breath catching on some words.
"Nina, I really need to talk to you," they said. I clamed up. I didn't want to speak to him. I didn't want to cry in front of him.
"Nina, please," he pleaded.
"Where's Joy?" I finally asked. "I thought you guys were all going to the movies."
"I swear, I don't like Joy like that," he said through the wall.
"It's not about that, Fabian!" I shouted. "My life is the issue. Everyone is either dying or shutting me out. I'd be completely alone if it wasn't for Amber," I explained, starting to cry.
"Nina, I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing. If I did, I would've stopped if it weren't for-," he started.
"Joy." I finished for him. And then, it was silent aside from my heavy breathing between quiet sobs.
"Nina," he began. "Please open the door."
"Why? Give me one reason why I should."
It was quiet for a bit. Tears were cascading down my face.
"Because," he paused for a moment, "Because I love you." I closed my eyes, afraid of what to say.
"You don't mean that. You're just saying that to get me to forgive you."
"That's not it at all. Please, believe me. Please, open the door." I don't know what to do. He'd ignored me for months and now he loves me?
Early morning
The city breaks
And I've been calling
For years, and years, and years, and years
I slowly stood up and made my way over to the panel. I was still weak from crying so much. I touched my locket to the indentation and the panel door slid open to reveal Fabian. I had tried to wipe my eyes but didn't really have much luck.
"Tell me why I should believe you." I said simply. He stepped over the little bump in the doorway and looked down at me, lifting his hand to wipe away my stray tears that still rested on my cheek.
"This is why." I looked up in time to see him take my face in his hands delicately, as if he were going to break me, looked into my eyes, and kissed me.
It wasn't at all like I thought it would be. It was better. It started off soft at first. I put my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him closer, if that was even possible. His hands went from holding my face to my lower back and tangled in the hair on the back of my head. Neither of us had noticed that by this point, the panel had shut behind. We'd been a bit preoccupied.
And you never left me no messages
You never sent me no letters
You've got some kind of nerve
It's making all our worlds…
We were sitting against the wall with my head on his shoulder. We hadn't even talked since the kiss and that was a good twenty minutes ago. I guess it just felt natural and comfortable to sit here like this. But after a while, I felt like I had to say SOMETHING.
"So," I began, looking up at him. "You love me, huh?"
He looked down at me and smiled, even blushing a bit. "More than you know." I put my head back down and closed my eyes, savoring the moment. "Hey, Nina?" I sat up a bit more at his question. "Amber told me about your Gran."
I took a deep breath. "Course she did." I gave a sad, small chuckle.
"I am so sorry I wasn't there. I mean, I wasn't even paying attention to-."
"Fabian, it's alright." I told him.
" No, it's not. I walked right past you when you-."
"Fabian," I tried again. He looked into my eyes and chills went down my spine. "I forgive you. It's behind us." He gave a slight smile.
"It must be hard on you. Your Gran, I mean." He said. I nodded, about to cry.
"Lots," I replied. He must've noticed the tears well up in my eyes.
"Come here." Putting one arm under my knees and the other around my shoulders, he lifted me onto his lap and told me that it was okay to cry. I put my arms around his neck and began to sob into his chest. Every so often, he'd whisper 'Shhh' into my hair while he held me tight.
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Where were you, where were you
After a while, and a lot of crying, Nina had fallen asleep. Fabian knew that but was still stroking her hair.
With Nina's around Fabian, however, it also pulled her shirt a bit, exposing half of the heart she had created just yesterday. Sadly, Fabian saw this. He lifted the hem of her top by a little and saw the full shape of the heart on her stomach. He sighed.
"Oh, Nina," he said to himself. "What've I done?" He put her shirt back down and went back to stroking her hair. "I love you so much."
Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
"Nina? Nina?" Fabian asked, gently shaking her. "You got to get up now." He heard her let out a small sigh.
"Is it morning?" she asked, nuzzling into his shoulder more.
He let out a small laugh. "No, but Victor is going to give the 'pin-drop' speech soon and we should be in our own beds when he does."
"Nah, I'm good here. You're warm." She said, relaxing once more.
"I guess I'll have to carry you, then," he responded. He lifted her bridal style, they left the secret room, and then the attic. He didn't have many free hands, so he knocked on the door with his foot. Amber opened the door and was about to gasp.
"No, shh. She's asleep. She's fine." She breathed a sigh of relief and stepped aside to let him in. Fabian placed Nina on her bed and covered her with the comforter. After smiling at her for a little bit, he turned to Amber. "Can I talk to you outside for a second?"
"Are you sure? It's a bit nippy out there. I think it may snow."
'There's Amber.' He thought. "I meant outside the door, Amber," he explained.
"Oh… right," she realized. "Sure."
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you
Just a little late
You found me, you found me
When they walked outside, Amber immediately started questioning Fabian. "So, what happened? Did you work it out? Did you apologize? You better have or I'm going to-," she rambled.
"Amber!" he interrupted. "If I tell you what happened, will you keep quiet?"
She thought for a moment. "I'll try." She concluded. He told her everything up until Nina falling asleep. He didn't tell her about the scar because he knew Nina and she probably didn't want anyone knowing about it. He'd talk to her later.
"OMA! Fabina! I need to start your scrapbook," she whispered/screamed. "Suck it, Joy!"
"Suck what, Amber?" Amber peered around Fabian to see Joy with a toothbrush in hand.
"Uh… Nothing. Goodnight!" And with that, she ran back into her room and quietly shut the door so as to not wake Nina. Joy laughed slightly.
"What was that all about, Fabes?" she asked. Fabian, being him, started to nervously stutter.
"Uh, um, I-I'm not sure. Y-you know Amber. Sh-she's just, just-." But instead of answering, he bolted down the stairs. (A/N: Ah, Fabian…)
Why'd you have to wait?
Nina's POV
I awoke with a jolt. The last thing I remember was being in the attic with… I smiled. Fabian must've carried me to my bed. He's sweet.
I got out of bed before Amber, changed into my uniform, and walked downstairs for breakfast. I was up early so, when I got to the table, MY seat wasn't taken. And it looks like I wasn't the only one up.
"Hey, Fabian," I greeted. He turned around and smiled.
"Hey," he said. "Hey," he repeated. "Have a seat, here." He said, patting the chair I would always sit in. I giggled and sat down. We smiled at each other, leaned in, and were about to kiss if it weren't for the high-pitched squeal coming from the door. We turned around to find Amber jumping and clapping. She soon realized what she was doing and came to a halt.
"Oh. Sooooorrrrry… I'm such a moment ruinner! Continue, I'll be on the other side of this door." She explained, and then left. I laughed a little bit. You've got to love Amber. Which brings me back to my original point. I turned back just as Fabian kissed me. What was my point again? Oh, yeah. It's good to be back.
To find me, to find me
Okay, so tada! I know I really need to update Layers and I'm sorry I haven't. I hope you liked it! I wrote it from the heart. And I'm pretty sure that this is the longest one shot I've written so I broke my record! Yay! And yes, I am absolutely in love with Fabina! They're the sugar to my sugar rush… LOL but seriously they are so perfect together it's crazy! And all in favor of Joy sucking and being a horrible person, say Aye! Aye! Haha Yeah her writing that article about Nina was just low… So, I'll post soon! I swear! Love y'all! ~E