Title:Mouse Trap.

Summary: What happens when a game of Cat and Mouse exceeds expectation. Lost in the woods, hungry, cold. When your only companion is the Cat, what can you possibly do to stay alive. This vacation has definitely turned into a Mouse Trap.

Rating: M…Definitely M

A/N: Well here we are, Crazy4Beverages & ShitsRainbows have finally done it.

We've created a story together, this collaboration will work in two ways. Bow right's a chapter, then Crazy writes a chapter. It goes on back and forth. The number of pages varies, and the number of chapters will vary, until we see fit of when this story will end.

We hope you enjoy our story.

"Camping trip?"

Greg couldn't help but wonder where this sudden vacation sprouted from. He regarded his mother with a confused look. The Heffley's were all gathered around the dinning table for supper, his brother Manny sitting next to him, stuffing food in his little mouth like there was no tomorrow.

"Yes, a camping trip, all five of us, at Salt Lakes Camping Destination!" She stated happily while of course giving a look to Rodrick, the same look she always gave him which in the end referred to a 'you're coming no matter what' type of situation.

"We haven't gone on a family vacation in a while, not since Rockin' Rapids when it was just your father, Manny and I. This time though, we're all going no matter what! And since we want to make sure you two won't get the chance to do anything like last time, we're leaving tomorrow right after school. Right at the start of summer vacation, won't this be fun!" Their mother had a wide grin on her face. Greg just shook his head and went back to eating; Trying to digesting the new information he just received.

"Now Susan, that seems highly unfair. Springing this on us out of nowhere, the day before summer break to boost! I had plans this weekend, big plans." Leave it to his brother to try and get out of a family vacation. Greg kind of agreed with him though, he had wanted to hangout with his friends. He had also planned to invite Holly with them, but he wasn't able to find her anywhere.

"I don't want to hear it Rodrick, it's just for a couple of weeks. You'll have the rest of summer vacation to do…whatever you wanted to do." Susan gave her eldest son a look to signify that there was no way to fight it. Her mind was set up and there was no chance of changing it.

Greg was looking at his plate when in the corner of his eyes he saw Rodrick back away from the kitchen table, his chair legs scraping against the tiled floor aggressively. His mother yelled at her eldest son to get back here, but Rodrick gave no indignation of having heard anything. Rodrick scraped on his shoes to his feet and walked out of the house, slamming the door in the process.

Greg gave a puzzled look to his mother, not understanding what just happened either. His mother just shook her head and his father was forcefully eating his dinner, a menacing look in his eyes to signal that once Rodrick came back, he would be in trouble, but he'd still be forced to come on the trip.

In record time, Greg finished eating his supper and then excused himself from the table. He ran up the stairs to grab his phone so he could talk to Rowley about what had just happened.

His older brother really was weird; it was just a camping trip for a couple of weeks. He didn't need to storm out of the house in a temper tantrum. It made him wonder, exactly what is the big problem about spending time with their family? Didn't Rodrick love them, maybe just a little bit?

"What do you mean he stormed out of the house?"

Greg had been talking to Rowley for the past thirty minutes about what had transpired downstairs in their kitchen and how Rodrick just up and left without a word. It was very tiring, having to explain everything over and over again.

"Exactly what it means Rowley; he got so pissed off that he left the house. He probably went to go hangout with his friends like he usually does, complain about us most likely."

Greg sighed out as he lied down on his bed, looking up at his white ceiling. Rowley was talking about something, about how maybe he was just frustrated or something of that sort. Greg rubbed his eyes in frustration.

"Of course he's frustrated Rowley, I am too! We're being forced to go on this…camping trip. I am definitely not excited." Rowley was just so slow at times. Greg rolled over on his bed so that he was now laying face first in his pillow.

"You know Greg, when I was talking with Holly, she said that she was going on a camping trip for four weeks. That's why she was not at school this week. Hey, maybe you'll see her at that camping place…what was the name she told me. Salt. Salt something?"

Greg sprung up so fast that he thought he might of received whip lash. He grunted and looked at his phone, wondering exactly why Rowley knew something this important but not himself. He pursed his lips in an unpleasant fashion and began speaking in an accusatory tone.

"And you decided just NOW to tell me. Geez Rowley, if I would of known that Holly went to Salt Lakes I wouldn't of been as depressed when my parents told me. This could be my time to finally put a move on Holly. This is great!" Greg sighed out and fell on his bed once more in content, saying goodbye to Rowley and turning off the phone.

Nothing could ruin his mood now. Everything was fine, just perfect. He could finally be able to connect with Holly, and not even his dumb older brother could ruin that.

'Speaking of older brothers…' Greg thought to himself as he heard the front door slam shut and hurried steps going up the stairs. Greg knew that Rodrick was going to his room so that his parent's wouldn't be able to get to him first, but what surprised him was when his brother opened his door then locked it right behind him. Greg looked at him with a very curious look. What was he thinking?

"Can I help you…?"

"Just shut up and listen wimp. You need to make up an excuse to not go. Get sick, get drunk, do SOMETHING that will force us to stay here. I know, let me break your leg…Or something."

Rodrick looked absolutely insane. He looked like a caged animal ready to pounce at anytime.

"Rodrick…what's all this about, why are you so dead set on not going…it's only going to be for two weeks or something."

Rodrick took a few steps toward Greg, which Greg just backed up, hitting his back against the headboard of his bed. "I just can't go alright. Do this for me, if you don't…I'll make it hell, I'll promise you that." Rodrick rocked on his feet. He looked like a maniac, what the hell did he go do while he was outside?

"I'm sorry, but I can't." Was Gregs simple reply. The thought of spending time with Holly overshadowed Rodrick's demand. He wouldn't give this chance up for anything, even if it meant facing Rodrick in this state.

"What did you say! You can't…or you won't…?"

"I won't."

Rodrick scuffed out a petty laugh, shaking his head like he was in denial. "And why exactly won't you make something up so we don't have to go…hmmm, I thought you didn't want to go, what suddenly changed your mind little brother."

Greg couldn't fathom what the hell was going on right now. Why was Rodrick acting this way? Greg let out a sigh as he pushed his brown hair out of his light brown eyes.

"Because, Holly is going to be there….and….I like her…and….all…that…" Greg's eyes never strayed from Rodrick's as he said that. His brother's eyes were locked on his face so intently that he felt something stir inside of him. Fear. No, not a fear of his brother, but a fear that he was about to get hurt.

When Rodrick busted out laughing, it was probably the most frightening thing he ever saw. "Don't make me laugh, like you'd have any chance with her. Face it little brother, she'd never be able to handle you. You need someone that can take care of your wimpy little ass."

Greg could only watch as Rodrick took those few steps forward and punched him in the arm. His first instinct was to yell out, but he decided to bite his tongue and keep quiet. Greg quickly grabbed onto the aching bruise that was bound to form on his arm.

"You'll regret this Greg, you really will. I'll make this trip a living hell for you. Like cat and mouse….let the game begin!" Rodrick grinned manically before storming out of Greg's room only to enter his own.

Greg could only stare at the now closed door of his brother's bedroom. What had just happened? What did he do to deserve this? What exactly did his brother mean by he needed someone that would take care of him. He didn't need anyone to take care of him, he could take care of himself just fine. And what was all this about a Cat and Mouse game?

Greg hadn't noticed that he was shaking. Shaking from what exactly though, fear, anticipation? What exactly was he anticipating? Greg let out a deep shaky breath, not really in the mood to do anything but cuddle up in his bed and try to go to sleep. He threw one of his pillow at the light switch on the wall.

Everything went black.

Well there we go, first chapter C: I hope you all enjoyed it, Crazy is next. R&R makes us very happy and motivated C: