So, writing this chapter I realized I never gave a name to the place they are hiding-AT LEAST I BELIEVE I DIDN'T! If you read this and then realize that I actually DID give the name in a previous chapter, please tell me, because for the life of me I can't find it and I can't remember whether I did or not. It's not a BIG deal but it's big enough to raise eyebrows if someone's like "What. . . I thought they were in _?!" So please don't be confused if that's the case. This fic is long in the making, and it's hard to keep track of these things.
(tl;dr: I suck at remembering things please help)
As always this is unbeta'd. There is porn, there is swearing, there is male pregnancy yadda yadda Warning for badly placed flashback. . .
Two pairs of green eyes locked onto each other, and Dean used this opportunity to see if Sam was planning anything or not. He was no mind reader, but he'd been around Sam long enough to know when he was up to no good. Sam simply looked worried and that was a good thing, right? Castiel still separated them, his shoulders shifting and his body tense. Dean put his hand on the angel's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. The tension broke and Cas looked back at him, raising an eyebrow.
"It's okay, Cas. Sam's not gonna hurt me." He explained. Sam rolled his eyes.
"Of course I'm not, Dean." He said, irritated. "Why would you even think that in the first place?"
"At the time I was kind of going on auto pilot, Sam." Dean said with a sigh. "I couldn't take any risks and both of us have a habit of taking care of business whether the other approves or not."
"Dean I'm your brother." Sam emphasized. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, and I know the difference between monsters and innocents." Sam looked meaningfully at Cas, and Dean suddenly felt ashamed. He didn't even know why he'd got all panicky in the first place. Sam had become friends with Cas just like him and hadn't ever tried to kill Cas behind his back.
It all just seemed silly now—this running away to a remote house in the boonies thing. To escape what? Sam? If Sam wouldn't kill an Cas, what made Dean think he was going to kill an angel that was his own flesh and blood?
Dean beckoned Sam inside and shut the door. Sam looked around, taking in Dean and Cas's makeshift home and smiling a bit.
"This is a nice little place you go—" His eyes widened as Cas's fingers descended onto his forehead, his body seizing up. In not more than two seconds, Cas pulled back. "What the hell Cas?" Sam demanded, wincing, his body wracked with tremors.
"I had to make sure you were telling the truth." Cas said. "There are many who threaten our safety here, and we can't afford to be careless." Sam glared a little, raising an eyebrow.
"Well do I pass your test, then?" He spat irritably.
"You do. You have no ill intentions here." Cas was still glaring at him as he spoke. Sam rolled his eyes again, looking back to his brother. Dean felt really guilty now.
"Sam I'm really sorry. . ." He explained, rubbing his neck nervously. "It's like I have these uncontrollable reactions to stuff now. All I could think of at the time was protect, protect, protect. Seriously it was like I had no other choice." Sam frowned, nodding in understanding.
"Whatever, man. I get it." He said. "All I demand as an apology is to be able to touch your belly whenever I want." Dean snorted and grinned, pulling his brother into a tight hug.
"All you want, man." He promised, patting Sam on the back. "It's good to see you." Sam hugged him back tightly before pulling away and quickly digging his hands under Dean's shirt. Dean saw Cas stiffen out of the corner of his eye, shoulders shifting like they did when he was irritated. Dean smirked. Cas was so cute, all overprotective. Don't want Sam touching what's yours, buddy?
Sam's always warm hands pushed slightly against his swell and his face lit up.
"This is actually happening!" He said in awe, looking at Dean for confirmation. Dean bit down a grin.
"It is." Sam's eyes were alight with excitement and he grinned.
"I'm going to be an uncle!" Dean rolled his eyes.
"Yeah. . ." Sam pressed again, shaking his head, unable to stop smiling.
"It's so hard! I know in women it's their uterus, but what would it be for you?" Dean made a face, pushing Sam's hands away.
"Hell if I know, man." Sam looked at him in concern.
"Wait. . . So you're going through a pregnancy and you don't even know what's happening inside of you?" He said skeptically.
"Gabriel never went into details and I didn't see why I should ask." Dean shrugged, moving to sit on the couch. "I'm having a baby, Sam. It's coming whether I know how or not." Sam rolled his eyes, taking his hands away and joining him. Castiel was still as stiff as a board, brooding in the corner and glaring at Sam. Dean thought it was the funniest shit. . . .
"That's so like you." Sam said, rolling his eyes. "Gabriel?" He called out. Dean's eyes caught Gabriel in the corner opposite Castiel and he frowned. That angel had been suspiciously absent during the last week.
"Dumb and Dumber reunited at last." He drawled. "How touching."
"Nice to see you too." Dean bit out. "Would have been nice if you'd come around sooner."
"I was busy." Gabriel didn't offer any more than that before turning to Sam. "You called?"
"Could you please explain to us what's happening inside of my brother?" Sam gestured to Dean, frowning. "Why didn't you tell him before?"
"He never asked!" Gabriel said in defense, throwing up his arms. Sam shook his head.
"Well I am!" Gabriel waved his hand in dismissal.
"Okay okay. Sit down, puppies. Daddy's got a story tell."
Gabriel spent that afternoon and evening explaining all of the physical changes Dean was going through. Apparently what he'd given Dean with that kiss was something like a miniature uterus—Travel sized. It was somehow hooked up to Dean's ass (as he'd so crudely put it). He'd started it off in it's ovulation cycle which is why it had been so easy for Dean to get pregnant.
Gabriel explained the cycles the uterus goes through and how it differs from women to Dean. In theory, if fertilization hadn't occurred, Dean would have been going through something of a menstruation. He wouldn't bleed, but the bloating and cramps would persist. He explained how his uterus was growing now, making a little home for the baby to live in while it matured. This was why his stomach was getting so hard. He explained the growth of the placenta and umbilical cord, basically where the baby was going to be getting all of its nutrients; The barrier between mother (or in this case, father) and child.
He explained why Dean was sore all the time, even though he hadn't gained that much weight; His bones were literally loosening, getting ready for birth. It was a pointless hormone, however, because Dean would be having a cesarean section when he did go into labor.
Dean asked why he even needed that hormone if that were the case. Gabriel explained that, in the event that there was no choice but for Dean to give a natural birth, his body would be ready. Dean didn't even want the details of how that would go down.
Sam wouldn't stop touching his belly, and Cas was glaring the whole time. Dean felt the strong urge to kiss and hug Cas's worries away, but he couldn't. He remembered the last time Sam had caught them together and it'd been the most mortifying experience ever. He tried to catch Castiel's gaze but the angel seemed to be avoiding him. Rightly so too; Cas hadn't reacted well to Dean's attempt at 'relationship talk'. He'd taken it all the wrong way and Dean knew it was his fault. He was terrible when it came to things like words.
He supposed he'd have to try again later. It was a little hard to pick up now when Sam and Gabriel were here.
An speaking of Gabriel. . .
The angel hadn't left since Sam called him. Sam was checking out Dean's laptop and Gabriel, while uninterested, seemed to be glued to his hip. They were playing a game called 'Logos' and Sam was making Gabriel tell him some of the answers since Gabriel had probably seen fifteen billion logos in his time on Earth.
Dean used this time to slip out and find the angel. They really needed to talk.
Dean had looked everywhere, but Cas was nowhere to be found. He stood in the hallway, hands on his hips as he searched his mind for places Cas might be. Oh. . . The roof! He hadn't checked there yet.
He jumped when he felt cold fingers slide under his shirt from behind and wrap around his belly. His heart pounded a mile a minute as he turned his head, seeing Cas anchor his chin onto Dean's shoulder.
"Way to give me a heart attack." He said, glaring. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you."
"I was on the roof."
"I knew it!" Dean tried to turn around, but Cas held him still, his hands tightening around him, pressing against his belly until they were flush together back to front. Dean shivered and his voice was a little shaky when he spoke. "What's gotten into you?"
"Sam was touching you." The angel deadpanned. Dean rolled his eyes.
"He was just excited, man. Sam's going to be doing it a lot now, so you better get used to it." Cas's hands tightened around him possessively and he felt the tension fill the warm body around him. He chuckled, patting Castiel's hands and relaxing a little in the embrace. "It's still your baby, Cas. You can touch me whenever you want."
"Mine." Cas breathed against his neck and Dean shivered, his stomach fluttering at the no-room-for-argument tone of voice. Dean was just a little too breathless when he spoke again.
"Yeah yours. . ." The hunter pulled away, feeling his hands go clammy, because the thought of this conversation had him really stressed out. "Um hey. . . About yesterday before Sam came—" Castiel sighed, rolling his eyes and turning away.
"Dean, I really don't want to talk about that. I told you, I understand. I don't like it, but I get it, so just—" Dean grabbed his hands, forcing Cas to look into his eyes.
"No you don't get it. Cas look. . . I really, really suck with words and this is really hard for me to say, so you just gotta shut up and let me get it out, alright?" The angel looked suspicious but nodded anyways, not saying a word. Dean sighed, looking around nervously, courage dropping to negative levels. God he was so pathetic. "Actually, I-I don't know if this is the best time to talk about this. . . I mean, we're in a hallway." He reasoned. He didn't want Sam walking in on them because what if it was at a really bad place and Cas took it wrong again? "H-How about I just tell you right now that talk about this relationship business doesn't end at never, okay? So you don't need to be all cranky." It was a moment before Cas nodded slowly, the tension leaving his shoulders. Dean smiled, hands moving up to Cas's upper arms and rubbing soothingly. "That's it."
"I'm sorry I got so upset yesterday, Dean. I don't know what came over me." Cas smiled guiltily, and Dean shrugged.
"Whatever. Not your fault, man." He grinned. "Even regular people don't understand it when I want to talk seriously, so I'm lucky I've even gotten this far with you." Castiel's lips quirked upwards and he pulled Dean close again, meeting Dean's gaze.
"What's Sam doing?" He said lowly.
"Playing some dumb game on the computer with Gabriel." Castiel looked thoughtful.
"So he's a little preoccupied." Dean narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"Yes. . .?" Castiel suddenly pulled Dean flush against him, lips not an inch apart. He was smirking now and Dean laughed, pushing him away. "Come on now. Sam's right in the next room."
"I just want a kiss." Castiel reasoned.
"This is not the 'just a kiss' position, you sneaky bastard." Suddenly he felt Cas's hands scratch lightly at his sides under his shirt and he tried to jerk away, laughing a bit. "Cas!" Cas chased him, pushing him gently against the wall and tickling him. "S-Stop that!"
"I learned about this yesterday. This is called tickling. It's more amusing than I imagined." Cas kept on, tickling Dean's sides and armpits and anywhere Dean wasn't blocking. Dean was giggling uncontrollably now, trying to smack Cas's hands away.
"S-Stop!" Cas moved in close, stilling his hands until they rested under his shirt and Dean looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, droopy and just completely perfect. He was excited. . . To just kiss Cas while someone might just walk in? It shouldn't have sounded like such a good idea, but it did. He realized only then how close they were. He looked down at Cas's slightly chapped lips, so thick and perfect and he could just kiss him now and nobody would know. He looked up into Cas's eyes again, nodding almost imperceptibly. He knew Cas would see it, though.
He leaned in, hands wrapping firmly around Dean's waist as their lips met in a gentle kiss that drove the butterflies in Dean's stomach insane. After a moment so brief it should have been illegal, He pulled away, looking into Cas's eyes again. "There." He said, breathlessly. "One kiss." Castiel pressed against him again, kissing him firmly. Dean laughed and pulled back, fingers burying themselves into Cas's dark hair. "That was two!"
"I can't just kiss you once." Cas whined.
"Cheater." Cas laughed against his lips, causing goosebumps to rise up on his arms. Cas kissed him again, moaning softly into Dean's mouth. He swiped his tongue against Dean's lower lip making the hunter groan before pulling back. "We can't. . ." He protested. Cas kissed him gently again, just a peck and, at the same time, trailing his fingers up and down his sides in a completely non-tickling manner.
"Just a little bit?" Cas bargained. Dean was losing more and more sense with each press of Cas's lips, the touch of his soft fingers, the smell of Earth and air seeping into his senses. Lust wrapped around his lower belly as Cas's tongue entered his mouth, swiping his playfully, questioning, daring. Dean couldn't deny it, licking back and allowing them to tangle together.
He loved how the angel pinned him against the wall, powerful arms holding him, as he kissed Dean senseless. The hunter's mind was currently entertaining many ideas now—Ideas that may or may not have included finding their bedroom and locking the door, getting Cas out of his clothes, and showing Cas what sex with Dean was really like.
Dean had been kind of reluctant with the whole gay sex thing, but now he kind of wanted to show Cas how much of a bad boy he could be. He smirked at the thought. Cas had no idea what he was getting himself into.
Dean breathed hard against Cas's lips, feeling his dick stir as the angel squeezed his ass with both hands. Dean pulled away, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Someone's a little feisty today."
"Well, I keep thinking of this morning." Cas's hand moved down as he kissed Dean, lifting Dean's leg as he thrust hard against him. Dean could feel the bulge there and he moaned, pushing back.
"Mmm, yeah this morning. . ." Dean purred, pushing up against Cas's hardening cock pressed hard into his hip. Castiel started sucking on his neck, falling into a slow grind with Dean. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas's neck, pulling him closer, wanting to feel more and more. Cas was moaning softly—He could feel the vibrations in his own throat and it was so fucking hot. Dean was held up effortlessly, and the hunter would have been perfectly content pressed against the wall, legs wrapped around Cas, and grinding their dicks together slowly just like they were. He could have done that for the rest of the day, but life wasn't so simple.
Behind them, there was a loud clearing throat and Dean all but shoved Cas away, stumbling back on his feet as he lost the support under his ass. His heart pounded as he looked up at the amused face his brother standing at the doorway.
"Is this the real reason you needed to run five-hundred miles? To Graysville?" Sam said with a smirk. Dean suspected he was as red as a fire hydrant now. Yeah. . . Graysville, PA was pretty bum-fuck nowhere.
"L-Look, Sam I. . ." Sam laughed, waving his hand.
"I'm pretty sure you didn't get pregnant from the stork, Dean." Castiel looked to Dean strangely at that. Dean shook his head, ignoring him, letting him know that 'now was not the time to explain the 'stork'. "I'm not an idiot. If you want to talk about it, that's fine. If you don't want to talk about it, whatever. Point is; You like dick. I get that. . . I mean it's weird since you've only been with women ever. . . Also knowing my big brother is fucking an angel is kinda—"
"Sam are we seriously talking about this right now? In the hallway?" Sam raised a brow.
"Yes because you would otherwise avoid it. I just want you to know it doesn't matter who you're sleeping with. I still love you." Dean noticed Sam pointedly looking up, eyes never leaving his face and Dean looked down, seeing the prominent tent in his pants. Mortification didn't do the feeling in him justice and he pulled at the sides of his face with his hands. He looked to Cas and noticed he was suffering the same problem. Oh jeez. . . Dean could only imagine how this looked.
Sam backed away, clearing his throat again, uncomfortably. "Right, well I'm going to go downstairs and see what Gabriel's up to. You guys. . . er. . . freshen up or something." He shook his head, still avoiding looking anywhere and the older Winchester flushed a dark magenta, glaring. Sam escaped and the tension left Dean instantly.
He felt Cas wrap his arms around him, hands sneaking up his shirt to wrap around his belly. The angel softly kissed the back of his neck and Dean leaned into him.
"Evidently you had nothing to worry about Sam catching us doing sexual things."
"Except the fucking awkwardness. . . Sam's tact is almost as bad as yours." He shivered as Cas started sucking a hickey where he was kissing before. Dean swatted him away, fighting down a grin. Cas whined.
"I may be not be good at 'reading the moment', but I suspect that was Sam's way of telling us to continue."
"We have to make dinner, Cas." Dean stressed.
"What I'm planning right now won't take long. . ."
Dean bit back a moan, feeling Cas's mouth cover his boxers, sucking on the head of his cock right under it. The angel was massaging his hips with his soft-yet-strong hands. The hunter's fingers were already buried in Cas's hair, tickling his scalp and urging him closer. He felt that hot tongue tease through the slit of the fabric and he let out a soft moan. Cas pulled back, looking up at Dean playfully.
"I would tease you more, but we're pressed for time." The boxers were pulled down, freeing Dean's erection completely, and no sooner was it engulfed in the delicious, wet heat that he was learning to be Cas's mouth. Cas's tongue wrapped around it, licking the underside and dragging along as that mouth took him deeper and deeper. So hot. . . So gorgeous sucking his dick, messy dark hair and ice blue eyes looking up at him with Dean's dick shoved half-way down his throat. Dean bit his lip, cheeks flushing at the sight because damn, Cas was hot.
"C-Cas. . ." He whined. Cas sucked him hard, pinning Dean's hips to the wall and taking him in and out fast, setting a brutal pace meant to get Dean off as quickly as possible and it was working. Dean was twisting against the wall, wanting to thrust in and out but not being able to as Cas was basically dragging him into ecstasy by force with his fingers digging into the bruises already on his hips. He was so close. . . So close, but Dean had enough sense to notice Cas hadn't been touching himself and he whined, not wanting to be the only one getting off. "Nnnn Cas stop. . . Cas please. . .A-Ah!" Cas popped off him with a loud smack and Dean blushed, watching his cock twitch dangerously as it bobbed in the air. He had been this close to coming!
"What is it, Dean? Does it not feel good?" Castiel looked at him worriedly. Dean tightened his fingers at the base of Cas's scalp, willing himself to regain control and not thrust right back into that beckoning heat of his mouth. And Cas was asking for it, pink lips wet and open and ready to be painted with come but no no no no. He shook his head, more to himself than to Cas.
"It feels beyond incredible man. . .I was about to come." He breathed, his voice low and gruff. Cas purred, stroking Dean's hip softly, hand skirting around Dean's flushed cock, the length glistening with saliva and precome.
"Mmmm yes," Cas agreed with purr. which leaves me to wonder why you told me to stop?"
How could he say this without sounding like a freakin' girl? "I-It feels better knowing you're feeling good too. . ." Cas raised his eyebrows, blushing very slightly.
"You want to perform fellatio on me, as well?" Dean felt his face burn crimson. Oh God. . . Did Cas just imply that they should six-nine? He couldn't help but imagine taking Cas's long dick in his mouth, licking it and feeling how hot it was, how heavy. . . Letting Cas fuck his mouth while Dean fucked his. . . oh. . .oh! He shook his head violently.
"N-No! I-I mean um. . . what I mean is. . ." He pulled Cas to his feet, kissing him hotly. He kissed along the angel's jaw before, whispering in his ear. "I kinda want a repeat of this morning." Cas blinked, mouth opening and a hungry look took over his face.
"A-Are you not sore, Dean?" Dean blushed, smirking a bit, remembering Cas's attentions to his asshole.
"A little, but you took care of me real good before that, didn't you?" Dean felt his hole twitch just a bit thinking about how Cas used his tongue on him, eating him out like a girl. He bit his lip, curling his fingers into Cas's shirt and doing his best to look coy even though he knew he was anything but. "I'm still stretched out back there. . . I'm practically ready to take it so just. . ." Dean kicked away his jeans and turned around. He braced himself against the wall, pushing out his hips and spreading his legs invitingly.
He felt wet, lube slicked fingers pulling at his hole, dipping in all the way, two at once and he moaned. Cas answered with his own pleased sound.
"It's still so open, Dean." He marveled, fingers pulling up and then down, feeling just how relaxed Dean was. Dean gasped at suddenly having Cas's fingers start to fuck him as the angel nibbled on his ear. He bit back the whimpers forming in his throat. "You really want to?"
"Y-yeah." Dean blushed, closing his eyes tightly as he was aware this was really the first time Dean had ever initiated the whole anal thing. He felt something hot and blunt rubbing up against his hole, replacing those probing fingers. He pressed back against Cas, the head of his dick breaching so easily. Cas groaned low in his throat and pulled out with a wet pop. Dean let out a frustrated groan, pushing back and burying Cas's cock between his cheeks, trying to get the head to catch again.
"Dean. . ." Cas's voice was strained with the control he was trying to display. Dean would have none of that nonsense today.
"Cas. . . Seriously I told you I'm ready," Dean said, biting his lip as his stomach filled with anticipation. God he wanted so bad for Cas to fuck him right now. Fuck him right here against the wall. Dean resisted the urge to just start begging for it. He cried out when that hot dick finally slipped inside, not wasting time and slamming in all the way to the hilt. Dean stood shaking on his feet, panting because his ass was so full. . . So full of Cas's cock. "Fuck. . ."
Dean's eyes fluttered shut and he choked on a moan, enjoying the feel of the angel inside of him. It wasn't long before Cas started moving, dragging out and in in long strokes, fucking him slowly from behind. He could feel Cas's lips on his neck, sucking and biting and letting out low moans and obscure whispers in Enochian. Dean reached back, pulling Cas's hip closer with his hand and pulling him flush against him. Before he knew it, that dick was pushed right up against his prostate and as deep as it possibly could go.
"Right there, Cas." He groaned, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation.
"Like this Dean?" Castiel pulled back and thrust hard into it. Dean cried out as he felt it hit dead on.
"Y-Yeah just like that." Dean gripped his cock in his right hand, which was already dripping wet. at this rate he would get off in no time.
It was scary how good this actually felt. . . Even without Cas hitting his sweet-spot, just being full of it, the feeling of cock dragging along his inner-walls—It was insane. The best thing, though, was giving Cas control like this—Cas knew just how he liked it and every movement, every thrust was directed to make Dean feel as much as possible. Really he'd been missing out the last twenty years. It was better than being the one to fuck—better than the tightest pussy.
What Dean couldn't understand is why he hadn't felt like this for any man ever before? And why did he so soon prefer this over something he'd been doing for his entire life? He'd never actually looked at men at bars and thought Huh I could do with a cock in my ass tonight. It had never even occurred to him that dicks could be attractive. He'd never really realized that he could think of guys sexually. Sure he could spot a hot guy and if they were charming enough, perhaps he didn't mind being hit on by them every now and then—It had always done wonders for his ego when Mr. Tall Dark and Sexy gave him the eye, but his wall always ended it at "Could I buy you a drink?" As Dean was sure to respond with an astute "Don't swing that way, dude, but good luck." And a wink. That was the extent of his frivolities with the male population.
The most gay he'd ever got before was a brief flirting battle that ended quickly enough.
*Dean had sat at the bar, sipping his beer slowly as he pored over a huge stack of case files. Dean was convinced it was vamps but Dean had a feeling it was werewolves. Next to him, the stool was suddenly occupied and he looked up briefly, sure that there were other stools open around him so it must have been a girl trying to pick him up—
—A guy, apparently.
The man was ordering two drinks and Dean looked up fully, surprise on his face. The guy was looking at him now appreciatively, showing Dean his perfectly white smile. His eyes were smoky gray, shadowed by eyelashes that should have only been on a girl. His hair was dark and cropped short, not as short as Deans, however.
He wore a dark red over-shirt over a black beater and jeans that were this side of too tight and Dean realized he was in the presence of a gay man.
A gay man who just bought him a drink.
Dean lifted a brow, taking the drink from the bartender and looking back to the guy as he knocked it back. Mystery man did the same and huddled a bit closer to Dean on the table, letting their knees brush just slightly.
"Your eyes remind me of four leaf clovers in spring and I hope that makes me a lucky man. I'm Jason, and you are?" Dean chuckled and scooted over, putting at least a little distance between them.
"Not drunk enough to let cheesy pick-up lines like that work on me." Dean said slyly. "Let alone flirt with another dude." Jason smirked, lifting a perfect eyebrow.
"The fact that you even would with more alcohol is encouraging." Dean snorted, sipping his beer.
"I flirt with everyone when I'm drunk."
"Then allow me to buy you a few more drinks."
Dean couldn't help but smirk at that, lifting an eyebrow and looking back at his papers.
"I can't tonight, bro. I have a lot of work to do here." He gestured to his messy pile of papers and folders. Dean could recognize a pout when he'd seen it.
"All work and no play? What, Are you a detective or something?"
"Something like that, yeah." Jason bit his lip, looking a bit hopeful as his hand squeezed Dean's arm gently. Dean felt butterflies rise in his chest at that. He still couldn't get over the thrill of a guy flirting with him so openly.
"The lighting's better at my place. . ." He suggested. Dean looked at him, pushing the man's hand away.
"Look man, thanks for the drink but really, it ain't happening. I like my partners a little more busty and you're really flat chested, no offense" Jason looked affronted, grabbing his chest.
"Are you kidding me? I may not have double Ds but at least they're real!" Dean laughed, pushing him away looked at him apologetically and the man sighed. "At least let me know the name of the straight-but-flirty detective with the pretty eyes I met at a bar." Dean had his alias on his tongue (Richard Geere), but bit his lip, not sure why he didn't want to give it.
"Dean." He said instead. "My name is Dean Winchester."
"Well, when you find yourself wanting to hop the hetero ship, Dean, give me a call." Dean laughed, turning back to his papers.
"You say that like it's actually going to happen." Jason smirked, giving him a sly little wink and stood up. He took Dean's hand in his and pressed it to his lips, looking at him with those penetrating gray eyes once again. Dean felt a fold of paper being pressed into his fingers. Dean bit his lip, feeling his face get hot.
"You never know when the right dick is going to come along."*
Oh and it has.
Dean felt moans escape his lips as Cas fucked him right proper and it was weird, but he wished he had Jason's phone number, not to hit him up on his offer but to tell the man he'd been so so right. Dick was a hidden treasure Dean should have discovered years ago.
And apparently Cas liked his ass because he hadn't once suggested switching places and Dean was fine with that. They'd had sex four times now and it was becoming clear that this arrangement was a good one that neither of them were willing to give up quite yet. If Cas wanted to try taking it someday, Dean would let him but until then, Dean wasn't complaining. He wondered if that's how Cas felt about topping? Maybe this was just how they both preferred it. . .
"Cas do you like this?" He asked. Cas paused, laughing against the sensitive hairs at the base of his neck.
"Does it really need saying?"
"I mean. . . always being the one to. . . I mean I feel kind of selfish here because you always make me feel so good." Cas groaned huskily when Dean clenched down on his cock, fucking hard into Dean a few times before slowing down.
"And you don't make me feel good?"
"Cas I think you're underestimating the powers of butt-sex, here. Like seriously that little button in my ass." Cas thrust into him, hitting that very spot and Dean moaned. "Mmmm yeah that. . . God it makes it feel fucking better than any sex I've ever had."
"I understand that, Dean. But like I said before, the physical side of sex isn't the payoff for me. It's seeing your ecstasy that is a source of insurmountable pleasure on my end." Cas fucked hard into Dean, ripping a strangled cry from his hicky'd throat. Cas panted harshly, biting his ear, pistoning hard into Dean's tight heat. His voice was so broken as he spoke his next words and it only served to arouse Dean impossibly more. "Dean, it's your voice when you moan, the beautiful way you pant and move back onto me just to feel me more." Cas moaned, fucking harder, deeper, so perfect inside of Dean. "I love making you orgasm Dean. I love making you lose every ounce of control, tear away every mask and watch every wall come down as you lose yourself in this feeling." Dean blushed, feeling his cock twitch dangerously. He couldn't help the sounds coming from his mouth at that point. Cas's praising words may as well have been filth judging from the way it was affecting Dean—that and the fact that Cas's cock was currently pummeling his sweet spot.
"Ah, Cas fuck!" He gasped. Cas was getting harder, fucking into him roughly now. "F-Fuck yes just like that. . ." Dean whimpered, pushing back into Cas's hard thrusts. "C-Cas!"
"If doing this to you is what makes you come undone." Cas let out a cry, speeding up. "I know it's selfish, but I don't want to stop. . ." Cas was sucking on his neck now, fingers tweaking his hardened nipples but all Dean could register was sensation everywhere and it was too much. He couldn't believe it but his balls were tight and his hips were spasming, cock twitching like it was. . . Fuck.
For fuck's sake, he was coming. Cas hadn't even touched him.
"Beautiful." Cas groaned.
That was all it took.
"F-Fuck C-Cas I. . . " His words were a broken, pathetic thing but he was coming. He was coming so hard and he couldn't stop it.
Dean cried out, lights exploding in front of his eyes, knees going weak as his cock let out spurt after spurt of hot come against the blue wall of the bathroom. The orgasm seemed to be ripped from his very soul.
Cas let out something of a growl, muttering husky words in Enochian right into Dean's ear as the hunter came untouched. "Il chisa v ror, v graa, v adohi a aboapri a-ah. . ." The way Dean clamped down on him, combined with Cas's deep, staggered thrusting pushed the angel over the edge, biting down on Dean's shoulder as he came. Cas moaned sweetly in his ear and Dean shivered, rolling his hips back against Cas, feeling more aftershocks and he moaned. "Saah, Dean. . .Ol ialpon. . ."
Dean didn't understand a word of what was coming out of Cas's mouth but he could understand by how husky that voice was, how hot his breaths were that it was something good. "Yeah Cas. So good. . . Feels so good."
"Love you, Dean. love every part of you." Cas whispered in his ear, stilling as his high died down. Dean felt his face burn and he bit his lip, butterflies creating a storm in his stomach as the words reverberated in his throat.
"Y-You shouldn't. . ."
"I never had a choice." Cas murmured, turning him around and captured Dean in a searing kiss, licking into his mouth. Dean clutched the front of Cas' shirt, melting into the kiss as he was pressed against the wall. He knew Cas was telling the truth. He'd seen it in the connection and he could feel it in every kiss peppering his lips right now, every warm touch on his skin. He felt so fucking loved and he knew he shouldn't like it. He shouldn't let himself get comfortable in Cas's warm embrace, because in a blink of an eye it could all be taken away. Everything could fall apart and Dean would be left alone.
He just didn't have it in him to care anymore.
Cas loved him and goddamn it that was kind of nice. Dean should really. . . God he really wanted Cas at this moment. The warmth of that unnamed feeling was knocking at the iron bars it was captive in, wanting so very much to escape and wrap itself up in Cas. Dean felt all of Cas's weight shift onto him and he chuckled.
"Cas." He said softly, stroking the angel's hair. "Cas we can't cuddle here," He only received a low grunt and more weight shifted on him in response. "Really, dude? Come on. You're heavy." Dean rolled his eyes when Cas didn't move an inch. He blushed, remembering the things Cas had said. "Cas you said something to me in Enochian I think. . . I didn't understand it." He felt Cas tense and shake his head.
"I-It's nothing. I was rambling. . . I don't even really remember what I said."
"Yes you do, asshole. Come on. tell me." Cas looked at him then and Dean saw it, the red staining his cheeks.
"T-The significance of my words are something that shouldn't be said so lightly. . . In both Enochian and English. . . B-But I did mean what I said." He kissed Dean softly. "Il chisa v ror, You are the sun," Kiss. "v graa. The moon," Kiss. Dean felt his face get ten degrees hotter. "v adohi a aboapri. . .The kingdom I serve." Cas nuzzled his lips against Dean's and the hunter's grip tightened on Cas's shirt allowing the words to sink in.
"You shouldn't waste such pretty words Cas—" Cas's hands were holding his face so that their eyes connected.
"No words could ever be wasted on you." Dean bit his lip again, flushing darkly. God, Dean would be an idiot if he let Cas get away. . . He didn't know if he could ever feel like the angel did, but he knew he wanted to. Cas deserved so much more, but if Dean was somehow what made Cas happy, then that's what Cas was gonna get. They had to talk. . . but the bathroom wasn't the place to do it with drying come sticking them together.
"C-Come on let's get cleaned up."
Later that night, Dean was suddenly faced with the problem of sleeping arrangements. There was only one bedroom in the house (two if you counted the storage room that didn't have a bed) and all the stores in the small little town closed by 7pm at the latest. He knew Castiel didn't need to sleep and Sam was probably tired from his trip. Sam wouldn't fit on that couch, Dean already knew that, and for some reason it felt rude to try to make him sleep there. He didn't really want to deal with Sam knowing Dean and Cas slept in the same bed regularly, either. Not yet. He pulled Cas aside, speaking in a hushed manner.
"You okay if I let Sam crash in the bed tonight?" He asked. Cas narrowed his eyes, body tensing and Dean raised a brow curiously.
"I didn't know you were going to let him sleep there." He said uncomfortably.
"Yeah, I'll sleep on the couch. It's no biggie." Cas looked at him disapprovingly.
"Dean you can't sleep on the couch." He complained "You're pregnant."
"One night's not gonna kill me, Cas."
"I won't allow it." Cas said firmly. Dean rolled his eyes. Would it be weird for a mid-thirty year old to be sleeping in the same bad with his late-twenty something brother?
"Fine. Not like I've never slept in the same bed with Sam before." He didn't know if the reasoning was directed at Cas or himself. Castiel narrowed his eyes.
"I prefer to be near you while you sleep. . ."
"I'll be fine, man. I'm a big boy now. I load my own shot-gun and everything." He clapped Cas on the shoulder. Cas relaxed a fraction, but Dean could still see the way his shoulders shifted slightly, showing just how perturbed by the idea Castiel really was. "Hey," Castiel looked up at Dean and the hunter cupped the angel's stubbly jaw, leaning in and kissing him gently. Cas sighed into the kiss and Dean pulled away slowly, looking into Cas's eyes. "Don't worry. We'll work on the guest room tomorrow." Cas sighed against Dean's lips, wrapping is arms around Dean's waist, resting their foreheads together.
"Is Sam going to be staying here permanently?"
"I-I don't really know yet. I guess we should probably talk about that too."
"Is there something else we have to talk about?" Dean bit his lip. Yes, yes, and yes.
"We'll worry about it later." He said, patting Cas's hands. "You've been worrying too much lately. Why don't you try to get some sleep on the couch? I'll make bacon tomorrow morning, okay? You like bacon."
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep." Cas said honestly. Dean frowned because he felt kind of bad, kicking Cas out of his bed. . . their bed.
"You can check on me every couple hours if it makes you feel better, okay?" Cas nodded and tilted his jaw upward a bit, his lips pushed out just a fraction and his eyes shifted off to the side with a cranky look on his face. Dean realized he was being demanded a kiss and goddamn if his heart didn't melt just a tiny bit. Cas was just so damn cute sometimes. He was worried and possibly a little jealous at the idea of Sam sleeping in their bed when he could not. Dean grinned, cupping Cas's face and leaned in to kiss him gently. He pulled back and patted Cas's chest.
"Come on now. I gotta get to bed." Cas was literally pouting now and Dean laughed, pecking him on the lips again chastely and pulling back to look into his eyes. "Goodnight," He said softly. Cas's face flushed and he kissed Dean again.
"Goodnight, Dean."
As he walked away, he resisted the urge to look back at Cas because it felt too much like he was abandoning the angel. He quickened his pace and tried to squash the feeling of loneliness he felt with each step. He shook his head, laughing at how silly he was being. It wasn't like he needed to sleep with Cas. He'd got on just fine the last fifteen or so years sleeping alone. . . Get it together man, it's just one night.
After they explained their sleeping arrangements, Sam agreed without a fuss and Dean was glad for that. Any mention of Dean sleeping on the couch made Cas's eyes go murderous so he really was glad he didn't have to fight Cas on that. He'd already agreed to let Cas worry about his health and he didn't plan on breaking his promise. It wasn't just himself he had to think about now, either.
He entered his room and shut the door behind him. Sam was already sitting on the bed, taking off his shoes. Dean dressed for bed quickly—boxers and t-shirt, because he was damn sure he wasn't gonna sleep half naked in bed with his brother.
It was okay to do that with Cas though.
"You have a really nice place here, Dean." Sam commented. "I wasn't really expecting it."
"Let me guess, you were thinking another cheap hotel that smells like everybody in town fucked in it at least once?" Sam shrugged. Dean snorted, pulling back the covers and sitting on the springy mattress. "Cas is surprisingly good at finding abandoned houses." He explained. "How'd you find this place anyways?"
"I could see it through the Grace network. I um. . . It wasn't that hard to track down after that." Both of them fell into a moment of silence at the mention of their little game of cat and mouse. "I thought Gabriel was keeping you posted though. I thought you would be gone by the time I got here." Dean threw his shirt in the basket before laying himself properly into the bed and throwing the covers over himself.
"Nah, Sam. . . I told you the reason I ran was this damn instinct thing. It does things to my head." Sam was silent for a moment before speaking.
"Motherly instinct is hardly something to ignore." Dean glared at Sam, annoyed at his word choice.
"Fatherly and look, Cas looked into your head and we know you're not here to hurt us. I just overreacted. You're my brother and I don't like it when we're separated."
"You sure? You got some extensive alone time with your baby daddy." Sam chided.
"You're really going to call him that?" Dean said, unamused.
Sam threw his arms under his head as he lay back. He frowned in thought. "I guess he's a bit more than that huh? You guys official then?" Dean blushed.
"N-Not entirely. . ." Sam sighed, turning to face his brother.
"Don't tell me you gave him The Speech." Dean looked at him oddly.
"The Speech?"
"You know, the one where you tell the girl it's nothing serious, just fucking? The inevitable 'speech' you give to every girl that gets a little too close?" Dean bit his lip, looking away. He felt Sam sit up in surprise.
"You did! Dean, really? This is your child and the father of it. You can't just give Cas The Speech!" Dean threw his head over and glared at his little brother.
"Yeah? Well I did, okay? I know it was a bad idea but I was scared, alright? I-I've been meaning to talk to Cas about it again." Dean looked up, eyebrows knitting together as he looked for a way to say this without sounding like Lamey McLame pants. "I. . . I'm working up the nerve to amend that." Sam looked at him in shock.
"For real? Like dating, boyfriend, hand holding, the whole she-bang?"
"Dude, I don't know!" Dean cringed at the thought. "I mean he is the father of my c-child, like you said. . ." Dean shook his head. "God that's still fucking weird. . . B-But yeah not only that but I kinda. . . Well we're kinda. . ." Sam's face split into a grin.
"You like him. . ." Dean sat up, glaring.
"Of course I do! He's Cas. . .He's like my best friend!"
"I mean you like like him!" Dean blushed, gripping the sheets beneath him.
"What are you, four?!"
"Well I'm not going to say the other four letter word, Dean. I doubt you're adjusted enough to even think about that. No I imagine your attraction to him is growing exponentially though. I bet you guys fuck every day—"
"—Sam!" Sam giggled, waggling his eyebrows a bit.
"Once you accept that you like something, you like it with everything you got. Dick is apparently no exception."
"Fuck you, Sam. We don't even do it that much. . . I mean we weren't because we were trying to stay under the radar and Cas can't seem to control his grace when he comes—" Sam made a face.
"Dude. . . So do not want to know about your angelic sex life . ."
"—And we may have done it today while you were downstairs with Gabriel—"
"Seriously?! I meant for you to take a cold shower or something. . ." Sam made a face and Dean grinned.
"Cas gets a little excited." Dean found that grossing Sammy out with stories of his gay sex life could be oodles of fun. "And he gets so jealous. . . That's why he tried to fuck me against the wall earlier. You were hanging all over me and touching my belly and he didn't like it."
"I'm still floored that you. . . that you let him. . .top." Dean looked thoughtfully, using his ability to gross out Sam as a means to squash down his embarrassment at the fact.
"Butt sex for me was kind of like finding a toy in a cereal box that didn't claim to have a toy." His brother's face was screwed up in confusion.
"So it's. . . Good? I heard it is, what with the prostate and everything, but I didn't really believe it." Dean looked at him seriously.
"Once you try it you'll never want to stop." He declared. "I'll buy you a dildo for Christmas." Sam grimaced.
"Don't bother Dean, Jesus. . ." Sam lay back down and turned over.
For the first time sleeping in the same bed in years, it wasn't as awkward as Dean thought it might have been. Sam's steady breathing remained unchanged and so familiar that it was almost comforting. He closed his eyes, intending on taking advantage of the warm feeling of nostalgia and falling asleep, but Sam wasn't done talking apparently.
"Hey Dean?" Sam said softly.
"So you're really going to do it then? Relationship—Apple pie life?"
"I'm gonna be a dad, Sam." Dean explained. "Better than anyone, I know that this life ain't right for kids. I know that raising kids is easier with two parents. I'm not stupid. I can't be a hunter and a dad at the same time. We both know how that worked out for John." There was silent concession for a minute before Sam spoke again.
"So you're gonna give it up? The Life? For your kid?"
"Yeah, Sam. I'm gonna give it up."
"What if you can't? What if you're in too deep and it keeps coming for you?"
"Then I guess I just keep trying, don't I?"
"Then good for you, man. I hope everything works out. I really do."
So did Dean.
Castiel made his way down the hall, trying very hard to reign in these pesky emotions. As much as he disliked the idea of Sam sharing a bed with Dean after everything they'd already gone through, the angel had to respect that Sam was important to Dean and they needed to do some 'catching up' as humans say. He didn't have to like it, but he had to deal with it.
When he entered the living room, Gabriel was sitting on the couch.
"Brother." Castiel acknowledged, sitting in the chair next to him.
"Cassie." Gabriel grinned and Castiel couldn't help but notice the way it didn't reach his eyes.
"Must you call me that?" Castiel said, tiredly.
"You're cute so you deserve a cute nickname." Castiel rolled his eyes. At least Dean wouldn't call him that. Castiel watched his brother open a candy wrapper and pop the sweet into his mouth. His eyes were faraway and Castiel wondered just what he was seeing.
"Why didn't you contact us?" He asked.
"You're a big boy Cas. You don't need me checking in on you guys all the time." Castiel narrowed his eyes, not liking the elusive tone of voice Gabriel was using.
"You could have let us know what to expect with Sam, Gabriel. We had no idea he was going to be arriving today." Gabriel turned his bored expression to his little brother.
"If he was a danger, you know I'd let you know."
"If he hasn't been a danger, why then have we been avoiding him all this time?"
"He was a danger then, Cas. Trust me when I say I have the situation under control." Gabriel stretched, yawning, which was weird. Angels typically didn't need to yawn. Castiel stilled, his eyes catching a marking in swirling ink that was revealed as his shirt rode up. Castiel's mouth dropped open because he knew exactly what marking that was.
"That's—" Gabriel winked and before he knew it, the archangel was gone. Could that really have been what Castiel thought it was?
When Dean woke up, he was alone in the bed and he could smell bacon. He dragged his ass out of bed, painfully reminded that Sam kicks. They definitely needed to finish the guest bedroom today.
"Dean, there's something amiss." Castiel said appearing suddenly on top of Dean, his voice grave.
"Cas, I can't even speak English right now." Dean muttered, pulling the blanket back over his face.
"Well actually you just did. . . But Dean this is really important—" Dean shut him up with a kiss.
"Smell that? That's my breath because I need to brush my teeth. Let me at least get a shower and bacon in me before we start in on the drama." Cas furrowed his brow and stood down, following Dean out the bedroom and into the hallway.
As they reached the kitchen Dean was about to walk in when Cas pulled him back.
"You're not going to want to walk in there. Look." Dean narrowed his eyes and peeked his head into the kitchen, staying silent. What he saw there almost made him choke on his spit.
Sam was leaning back into Gabriel's embrace as he flipped bacon on the stove. Gabriel was softly kissing his neck and Dean's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull before he snapped back and pressed himself against the wall.
"Why is that dick hanging all over my brother?!" Dean hissed. "Why is he kissing his neck?!"
"That's what I've been trying to tell you, Dean." Cas said, annoyed.
"What the fuck is going on?" He demanded. Castiel pulled him away, dragging him back down the hall and into his room.
"Last night after you went to bed I was talking to Gabriel. I asked him why he'd been so silent the past week or so and I think he tried to tell me. I saw a mark on his skin and if I'm correct about it's meaning, then we have trouble."
"A mark?" Castiel looked away, shoulders shifting uncomfortably.
"It was a bonding mark." He explained. Dean merely looked at him blankly.
"A what?" Castiel sighed, rolling his eyes. Well excuse me for not knowing angel shit!
"The mark signifies an oath." Castiel sat down on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the floor in confusion. "The oath of a guardian angel." Dean took a step towards Cas, shaking his head.
"I think I misheard you because I swear you just suggested that freakin' Gabriel is Sam's guardian angel."
"I would have to check Sam's body for similar markings, but all signs—The touching and the attachment that hadn't been there previously. All of that can be attributed to the initiation of such a bond."
"Why would Gabriel want to be my brother's guardian angel? Isn't he like one of the super important ones, and an archangel at that?" Castiel sighed.
"Yes. It's highly unusual for an archangel, and one of such status to take on a charge—Let alone such a. . . damaged one." Dean rolled his eyes. Yeah yeah, he knew his brother was created to be the vessel of Lucifer, had been addicted to demon blood and he may or may not be a chicken short of the coup. . . "I would have to investigate their relationship further but I believe we need to be more cautious, Dean. Something about all of this doesn't smell right and I believe we may be in danger."
"You looked into Sam's mind yourself, right? He's harmless."
"So it seems." Dean didn't like the unconvinced way Cas said it and that flight response was rising up in Dean again but he ignored it. He had to give Sam the benefit of the doubt here. He was his brother and he truly wanted his kid to grow up knowing its uncle.
"S-So this bond thing. . . How does that even happen? I thought guardian angels were assigned or some shit."
"Typically yes, but an angel can become bonded to any human at their own will. It's not usually perceived as a good idea because a contract like that—there are several forms, but one in particular is very binding—In a bond like that, the angel is basically swearing fealty to the human. They are sworn to obey, to love and to protect in all matters. The angel cannot speak against his charge, reveal their secrets, or do anything that may be against the human's favor." Castiel looked away, thinking for a moment before speaking again. "If I had seen correctly, that mark was an indicator of a bond like this. It's very concerning."
"So wait, Gabriel is sworn to do Sam's bidding? C-Can something like that be reversed?" Castiel looked up at Dean then, his face grave as he spoke one word.
"No. The arrangement can only be annulled by death. In a way it is the strongest form of protection for the angel or the human involved. There are very few things aside from God himself that could kill a pair like this. Their souls are literally bonded and cannot end without the other ending as well. The master cannot be killed while the angel lives. The master is the only one who can kill the angel, but if the angel dies, the master will die. If the angel defies his oath and goes against his master, the angel will be punished. This is the most binding contract anybody could put themselves under; human or angel. I can't imagine why Gabriel would sacrifice himself like that. For what purpose does this serve Sam? Why would he need such a strong protection?"
"So I can't kill him." Dean's voice was quieter than it should have been. Panic was overtaking him and he felt anxious and suddenly the nausea that had subsided was grasping him in full force. "Sam's planning something. . . T-This isn't good Cas. . . Cas I can't. . . I can't let him hurt—" Cas stood up, stepping close and cupping Dean's jaw gently.
"I won't let anyone hurt you or the baby. I will investigate further but for now, I don't think Sam is a threat. Gabriel is on our side, Dean."
"And how do you know that?" Dean demanded. "Before I knew him as an angel, I knew him as the trickster! He's a being of deception and lies and I'm not trusting a single thing that comes out of his sugar coated mouth." Dean said, jaw set. "What if their plan was to get us to trust them and then attack when we've got our guard down, huh?" Dean shook his head. "No. . . No I can't trust them. I just can't—" Cas tilted his head, his face soft and understanding and he stroked the side of Dean's face, pulling him closer with his other hand.
"Then trust me. I will take care of this." Dean's eyes connected with Cas's and they stayed like that for a moment. Dean shivered in the familiar sensation of Cas's penetrating gaze.
"What are you looking at?" He wondered for the first time.
"Your soul. It's so passionate, Dean." Cas smiled. "It's so driven. Whenever you decide to fight for something, it wants to put everything into that cause whether it's a bull-headed decision or not." Dean glared, but stayed quiet. "It's like a cheerleader. It wants you to go all out and it almost seems upset that you're conceding to my point. I wish I could apologize to it." Dean blushed, looking away because he couldn't believe Cas was standing there describing his overzealous soul of all things.
"Do you. . . look at it a lot?" Dean swore Cas was blushing.
"I-It's hard not to. It's always so bright. It's always calling out to me because it knows I see it. It remembers me pulling it out of hell and it's," Cas looked at Dean, seeing something beyond and he flushed. ". . . Well it's definitely taken a liking to me." Dean snorted.
"Wait, are you saying my soul flirts with you?" Cas narrowed his eyes, assessing the statement before responding.
"I—Yes I suppose you could say that." Cas looked embarrassed at the idea. "My Grace responds to its energy and it's hard to control sometimes. . ." Cas coughed, definitely blushing now. Wait, so souls could interact with an angel's Grace?
"What exactly does your Grace want to do to my soul, huh?" Dean waggled his eyebrows and suddenly Cas looked horrified, swallowing so hard that his Adam's apple bobbed a few good inches along his neck.
"I sense that breakfast is ready, and you really need to eat, Dean." Cas disappeared and Dean's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. If that wasn't an avoidance tactic, Dean didn't know what was. Dean was almost one hundred percent certain his soul wanted to have kinky Grace sex and that was kind of unsettling to think about. It was weird enough thinking of his soul as a separate entity with needs and feelings, but it was nice to know that his soul was just as much of a flirt as he was.
Breakfast with Sam and Gabriel was tense. Perhaps it was one sided, though. Sam and Gabriel didn't seem to know that Dean had seen them basically cuddling while Sam was cooking. Dean shuddered, still not able to wrap his mind around it. Was this what it was like for Sam knowing that Dean was fucking Cas? Were Sam and Gabriel fucking? No. Sam didn't seem to know anything about butt-sex so. . . But what if Sam was topping? That was completely possible. . . Ugh this was crazy. He couldn't even imagine.
No, he absolutely did not want to imagine.
"Dean are you okay? You look a bit green. . . Are you still getting morning sickness?" Sam asked, real concern coloring his expression.
"Y-Yeah sometimes. . . It's not often now, though." It wasn't a sickness of the morning kind right now, however.
Dean pushed his eggs around his plate, still feeling extremely uncomfortable with this whole situation. Castiel was watching Sam intently and Dean wondered what was going through his head. Their eyes connected and Cas gave him a worried expression that did not bode well with Dean. It seemed like things were going to get complicated after all.
"So have you thought of names yet?" Sam asked, taking a bite of his bacon. Dean nearly jumped out of his skin at the question that came out of nowhere.
"U-Um no not really. I don't even know the gender."
"That could totally change dude." Gabriel chimed in. "Just say the word."
"Dean and I decided we will wait to find out." Castiel said, sitting down next to Dean. Dean resisted the temptation to lean into him. He felt so much safer with Cas next to him. He also didn't mind the tone of finality in the angel's voice. It gave him chills thinking of Cas enforcing their decisions and not taking any shit. The urge to take his hand was overwhelming and Dean had to curl his fingers in on themselves to quell it.
Sam looked at the pair curiously before smiling.
"Well, you can still plan names. What if it's a girl?" Dean looked to Cas, mouth opening slightly in question because no, they hadn't even talked about this. Castiel shrugged.
"I've always liked the name Veronica." Dean offered, weakly.
"Dean, that sounds like a pornstar name." Sam commented, looking worried. Dean rolled his eyes.
"I'm wondering if the name Mary would be appropriate." Cas commented. "Either her middle name or first. It would depend on what you want Dean." Cas said. "Mary was a great woman. We should continue her name." Dean smiled at Cas. He hadn't even thought of that, even though he and Sam had been named after their grandparents.
"If it's a boy we should name him after Bobby, right?" Dean said, feeling like he really didn't have a choice there. Bobby deserved to have Dean's first born son named after him. He earned that place. Castiel smiled and put his hand on Dean's leg discreetly under the table. "Robert but Bobby for short."
"I like that." Cas said, a smile on his face.
"Bobby John?" Sam asked.
"No." Sam blinked in surprise and Dean could feel the heavy gaze coming from Cas and his ears burned. He wasn't going to name his kid after John. "Look I don't want to think about baby names right now. I've barely finished my first trimester and I'm still miles away from all that. "So Sam," He said, desperate to change the subject. He didn't need Sam's knowing eyes or Cas's meaningful looks. He didn't want sympathy. "I'm backing out of the hunting business for a while. What are you gonna do?"
"Well, I'll be staying here, of course." Sam said, completely serious and taking a bite of his bacon.
Dean's eyebrows shot up to his hairline and he looked at Cas who was all but glaring at Sam now.
"O-Of course." Dean repeated nervously, hoping it seemed like agreement. Cas shot him a look and Dean shook his head. "Um. . . Sam look it's not like I don't want you here, but this place ain't too big you know?"
"That can easily be fixed. Gabriel is an archangel. I'm sure making a few rooms wouldn't be too hard for you, would it?"
Gabriel smiled at Sam, and to Dean's horror, took his brother's hand in his own.
"It's already done. I've made the guest bedroom, a bathroom and a study for you. Everything is furnished to your needs." Dean's jaw dropped and Cas was wearing a similar, mortified expression. Dean laughed nervously.
"Right, but I don't know if—"
"It's fine, Dean." Sam insisted. He smiled and there was absolutely no room for argument in his tone of voice. Something smelled just this side of fucked the hell up and Dean was ready to get the fuck out of here. "I'm going to protect you, okay? I'm going to be an uncle and there's nothing more important than you delivering a healthy baby." Dean saw Sam's eyes sparkle and that worried pit formed in his stomach once again, even more violently than before. Dean stood up, turning his back to hide his panicked expression. He laughed.
"T-That's great Sammy. I-I'm just going to go take a shower okay?" Dean sent a loaded look at Cas before quickly exiting the kitchen.
He was in the shower, standing under the scalding hot water with the door locked when he heard Cas's voice.
"Cas we gotta leave."
"I know, Dean." Dean clenched his jaw, balling his fists and resisting the urge to punch the wall in front of him. He'd hoped Cas would say something different like 'No, there's no reason to leave. Sam is safe. There's nothing wrong'. But Cas wouldn't say it unless there was real danger here.
"I don't know what's wrong with him, Cas. There's something way off and now this thing with Gabriel? Are you kidding me? He's my brother but I can't trust him as far as I can throw him. That's fucked up, right?" A flutter of wings before Dean felt warmth press against him from behind, strong arms wrapping around him and soft lips nuzzling the back of his neck.
"I understand, Dean. It's not you're fault. We both love Sam but," Dean closed his eyes and sighed as Cas pressed his hands against the slight swell of his belly. The swell that seemed to get bigger every day. "We have more than us to think about now." Dean slumped in Cas's embrace, already drained at the thought of running again.
"Is flying going to be safe for the baby at this stage?"
"It should be fine."
"I'm tired of this Cas. . . He's going to keep looking for us. He's going to keep finding us. We can't run forever, man."
"What else should we do?" Dean felt a lump form at his throat because really what? What exactly was Dean proposing that they do now? If Sam was a monster and a threat to their safety, he knew exactly what he would do in that case.
Sam wasn't a monster. It wasn't so easy a decision.
"I don't know. I'm just so tired of this. . ."
"We'll think of something. You don't need to think like that Dean."
"Don't I?" Dean turned in Cas's embrace, wrapping his arms around the angel's neck, feeling the dread rise up inside because for some reason he knew how all this was going to end. "Sam's quickly turning into one of those things I can't ignore, Cas. He's dangerous, he's a threat to our child and. . . And just because he's my brother doesn't mean he gets a free pass, you know? Family doesn't matter in the job description, o really, shouldn't I be thinking about it?" Castiel frowned, eyebrows drawing together in concern.
"No." Dean shook his head, but Cas cupped the sides of his face, forcing Dean to look into his deep blue eyes. "I will protect you. I promised you that and I intend to keep that promise. I will never make you make a decision like that." Dean sighed, leaning in and pressing their lips together before speaking.
"You're kind of wonderful, Cas." Castiel smiled, kissing Dean then. Dean laughed, smoothing his hands down Castiel's sopping wet trench coat. "What did I say about clothes and water?" Castiel looked down, raising a brow in surprise.
"Strange. . . I didn't even think to take it off. I just wanted to hold you." Dean rolled his eyes, heart dancing despite the ridiculousness of it all. It was still hard comprehending Cas actually being in love with him and little things like this still took him by surprise.
He couldn't wipe off the smile on his face. Dean bit his lip, turning away and trying to hide the persistent grin.
"Okay enough of that, lemme finish up here so we can get this show on the road."
"Since you have such a difficult time with it, and since I'm here I could wash your back." Cas offered. Dean narrowed his eyes suspiciously before nodding and turning around. He felt Cas's hands and a soft cloth on his back then. Cas wiped Dean's back with it, massaging the muscles there as he worked. Dean sighed, leaning into his touch.
"I love your hands." Dean admitted. Castiel chuckled.
"Now if only I could get you to feel the same about the rest of me." Dean sighed, turning to face Cas and taking his hand.
"Cas. . ."
"Don't worry about it, Dean." Dean shook his head.
"No because that's not right. You know you mean the world to me, right? I don't say it a lot but damn, Cas you are in my top three favorite people in this entire world and I don't know what I'd do without you."
"I know you care for me in that sense, Dean but the kind of love I'm talking about is a bit different. . ."
"I know. . ." Dean felt his face heat up, that warm feeling in his chest swelling to almost unmanageable levels, almost irritably as if to say Well what are you waiting for?. Dean realized then that this feeling just may have been the very thing Cas wanted from him but it was just too strange, too ambiguous at this point and he didn't want to go giving Cas false hope. He took the angel's face in his hands, sending him a loaded look. "I'm sorry I can't tell you what you want to hear, Cas, but you know better than anyone how difficult it is for me to. . . feel like that." Castiel smiled.
"Just being here with you is more than I've ever hoped to have." Dean drew his eyebrows together and smiled, the gesture not quite reaching his eyes. Cas deserved more. . . Deserved so much more than these half-assed feelings but Dean couldn't honestly tell Cas he was in love with him. Dean wouldn't know love if it bit him in the ass. He suspected the feeling he got in his chest sometimes—The strong one that overwhelmed him and sometimes triggered that weird power of his—that feeling might have been related but he wasn't sure. It could have been an elaborate infatuation for all he knew.
What if he admitted to loving Cas and then the feeling disappeared the moment some pretty thing walked by? If Cas sensed that, it would break his heart. Dean shook his head. No. If he was going to admit something like that, he was going to be damn certain it was the real deal. Cas deserved some certainty in his life for once.
And he would have it.
Once Dean worked up the courage to tell Cas he wanted to be exclusive, that would be one thing Cas could always count on. Dean wasn't gonna be leaving him anytime soon.
Dean jumped, feeling that weird fluttering coming from his belly again and he grinned. His baby. . .
"Cas! Cas here," Dean took his hand and pressed it to his belly on the place where he felt it.
"What am I feeling, Dean?"
"The baby! It's moving!"
"I can't feel anything. . ."
"Just wait. . ." It was a few moments before Dean felt the fluttering again. "See! There!"
"I still don't feel anything. . ." Dean let out a frustrated noise, pulling Cas closer, pressing his hand more firmly against his abdomen. It was almost a minute before it moved again and it felt a whole lot stronger this time. Dean jumped and Cas's eyes widened. "I felt that!"
"See?!" Dean was grinning from ear to ear now and there was fluttering in his stomach not just from the baby. Cas was grinning and he pressed both his hands to Dean's belly, kneeling down onto the tub floor and pressing his ear against it. Dean laughed. "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to hear its movements."
"Can you hear it?"
"Shit. . . Really!? What's it like?"
"It seems to be rolling. . . It's." Dean noticed the red tint on Castiel's face. "Adorable."
"Shit. . ." Dean dropped to his knees then, wrapping his arms around Cas and kissing him softly before pulling back and looking deep into the angel's blue eyes.
"That's your baby, Cas." Cas grinned widely, smiling his gummy smile.
"I can't believe I could create something from myself. . . I never imagined I'd ever be able to do something like that. I never knew I'd ever want something like this." Cas looked lost in wonder and Dean cupped his face, smiling.
"You did, though. You're a daddy, Cas." Castiel grinned, his face squished between Dean's fingers and he looked ridiculous but so freaking cute.
"You're a daddy too." Dean shook his head, laughing.
"It's insane. I mean I've always kinda. . . I mean I've imagined it before but. . . I never thought I'd actually want it." Castiel cupped Dean's face, smiling softly.
"You're going to be a wonderful father, Dean.
The hunter bit his lip, trying in vain to contain his excitement because the fact that this was really happening used to be a scary thought. Now, however, it was exciting and Dean couldn't believe how just the slightest movement of the baby inside of him could change his outlook so drastically.
He never wanted anything more than he wanted this baby right now.
After their shower, Castiel put up a privacy ward around them so they could discuss their next move. He didn't think it would hold up if Gabriel really wanted to listen, but he was counting on the other angel being on their side. Dean wasn't so trusting, but he didn't really have any other choice.
They would leave at night. They couldn't take anything with them, lest they be tracked and weighed down. Castiel gave Dean a tracfone—untraceable thanks to his Grace and said that it can only call the other one. If things went south, that would be how Dean should contact him.
Dean didn't really like the idea that Cas even had to have a plan B.
All he knew was that they needed to stay together at all costs.
Dean knew that they had to be careful. He wasn't one hundred percent certain about Gabriel but Cas seemed to trust him and Dean trusted Castiel enough to believe him.
Even so, they decided they wouldn't let Gabriel know of any plans they might have, lest he be punished by the bond he'd formed with Sam. Castiel said that it would be some sort of hideous punishment that the bond saw fit to give him if Gabriel disobeyed. Mercy would not be in the equation.
As much as Dean kind of loathed Gabriel, he didn't want the guy to suffer too, really. The annoying archangel had his good points and Dean wasn't the type to forget all the things he'd done for them.
So they were discreet.
They created a series of signals for different things—'We need to talk', 'beware', 'Get the fuck out of here'—Pretty much the basics. The trick was acting normal around Sam and Gabriel without being suspicious. Dean knew he could be a damn good actor if he wanted to be, but it was hard when Sam had literally spent every waking moment with Dean for years and knew just when Dean was up to something.
"You look a little tense, Dean." Sam said in concern the next day. Dean shrugged, trying not to seem nervous. He had to distract Sam while Cas made certain their escape would be undetectable.
"Eh, it's all sorts of aches and pains when you're pregnant dude. I'm just a little stiff." Sam smirked.
"I bet Cas wouldn't mind giving you a massage." He said teasingly. Dean flushed, looking away.
"Probably," Sam's eyebrows snapped up.
"You let him give you massages?" Dean shifted in his seat, thinking it was okay to look a bit nervous now.
"D-Dude, He just notices whenever I'm sore." Sam was giving him a definite look now and Dean rolled his eyes. "His hands are like magic, okay?" He defended. "I like it." Sam smiled.
"Dean, I'm really happy for you." Dean grimaced.
"Oh please Sam I don't need your sappy bullshit today. . ." Sam scooted closer to him, smiling.
"The way your eyes light up when you talk about Cas, dude. I just can't get over how my big brother's finally found a little bit of happiness." Dean smiled tightly and jumped when he felt his pocket buzz. That was the signal.
"Yeah dude. . . Uh hey I'm gonna go get dinner started. Still want stir fry?"
"Let me help. There's a lot of vegetables to cut." Dean shook his head.
"Uh, no that's okay I did most of the preparing earlier. . . Cooking is therapeutic to me, man." Dean quickly exited the room, grabbing his bag that was hidden in a cubby next to the back door. When he went to open it, he couldn't. The door was locked—
—But the lock wasn't locked. He tugged but the door wouldn't give. Shit.
"Going somewhere?" Sam asked, his face hard set and cranky. Dean chuckled nervously, not liking the way he got goosebumps looking at his brother.
"I-I was just gonna go check the perimeter—"
"Gabriel already checked it thirty minutes ago. Why are you lying to me, Dean? Really I thought we'd worked this out."
"Sam, you're not right. There's something up with you man. . . I just can't. . ."
"You don't trust me."
"That's not—"
"Lucifer was right. You really are willing to throw away our entire relationship just for that. . . that thing in your belly." Dean grit his teeth, fear rising inside and he gripped the handle tightly, not liking the way Sam was advancing on him.
"What? Sam, no! I don't want that at all, man. . .I—" Sam reached out and pinned Dean to the door. Dean shut his eyes and prayed to Cas.
"Lucifer told me all about nephilim, Dean. What they did to the humans? You really think you can just raise something like that?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Dean. . . I'm trying to protect you here. Full nephilim are dangerous and there has never been a nephilim fed off of Grace before. . . This birth could kill you and everybody with it if we don't control it. I have knowledge, Dean. We can't kill it, but I know how to control it."
"No, Dean. You're going to be sorely disappointed if you think you can raise this thing like any normal child. This thing can and will destroy you.
"You have no possible way of knowing that!" Sam raised a brow.
"Don't I? Remember when you froze the entire wedding hall when we were trapped in fairytale land? Imagine it's power when it's an adolescent, or an adult!?"
"You have no fucking idea what it's like." Dean shook his head, placing a hand on his belly. "There is nothing but good inside of this kid, Sam. I feel it every fucking day."
"It's an intelligent being even as an infant, Dean." Sam explained. "It's using you to grow itself, and then when it's capable, it will kill you. You need to let me help you. If controlled right, we could even use this thing to win the war against the leviathans."
"Over my dead fucking body." Dean shook his head in awe. "You really think that listening to Lucifer of all people is a good idea?" Dean snorted in dry amusement. "I thought I was supposed to be the slow one. Or maybe all that archangel's spunk you swallow nowadays is fucking up your thought process—" Sam narrowed his eyes and grabbed Dean by the collar, teeth gnashing in anger. Dean raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Is that what that talk was all about? Wanted your own angel so you're gonna let Gabriel do the deed?" Sam shook his head, face screwed up in anger.
"No! Jesus. . ." He hesitated, flushing slightly. "It's not like that, okay?!" It was not two seconds before there was a loud boom and Sam was on the ground. Dean looked up to see Cas standing there, fist raised. Cas looked at Dean worriedly before suddenly he was knocked to the ground by—Gabriel? Dean narrowed his eyes and glared.
"You sonofa—" Dean stepped forward, ready to knock Gabriel into next week when he heard Castiel shout.
"Dean wait!"
"Fuck that, Cas. He's a traitor!"
"Dean please just look!" Dean stopped and watched as Gabriel fell to his knees, gripping his side tightly. He looked like he was in pain and Dean was confused.
"Castiel. Dean. Just go! Hurry. I can't—" Gabriel screamed as the skin around his wrists were torn open, blood chains springing out of them and stabbing into the floor beneath. A third chain ripped out of his neck and brought him down to the floor in front of Sam. Gabriel looked up at them, one eye closed in a wince but a giant grin on his face. "Go you idiots, before I'm compelled to try and kill you again." Dean tried the door, finding it still locked.
"It's still locked!" Dean looked desperately at Cas who nodded to Gabriel. He turned to Dean.
"We need to turn to Plan B." Dean shook his head violently, making himself dizzy.
"No no no, Cas. That's the fucking plan I said we were not using!"
"Dean we have no other choice. Gabriel's power is bound, and unless we banish him, it's going to stay that way. We won't be able to leave and Sam will be awake soon. If Gabriel intervenes even one more time, we will be trapped and Gabriel would wish he could die. At least this way, we'll be able to leave and then find each other. We have to go, Dean." Dean shook his head, wrapping his arms around himself.
"I don't want. . . I can't to be without you, Cas! It's not safe. . . I can't fight like this. I mean what if I—" Castiel took his shoulders, forcing Dean to look up.
"You'll be okay. I promise, Dean. I will call you the moment I materialize." Dean felt his eyes burn because goddamn it. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
"You guys gotta go. Now" Gabriel stressed, eyes glowing white. Dean could see the horrible image of something moving under the clothes on his back, ripping and tearing the fabric to shreds. Castiel nodded and leaned forward, kissing Dean gently.
"I love you." He whispered before pulling away and ripping the painting off the kitchen wall. "Close your eyes Dean, and leave the moment Gabriel is gone!" He revealed a banishing sigil and, once Dean's eyes were clenched shut, wasted no time in slapping his hand on it, engulfing the room in a blinding white light. Dean heard two screams and then the light in front of his eyelids was gone. Dean grabbed his bag and tried the door again, finding it open now. He sighed and stepped out onto the threshold and he was about to leave when he heard his name.
"D-Dean!" He looked back, seeing Sam reach out for him. Dean sucked in a breath and shook his head, his voice full of so much regret.
"Sorry Sammy."
And then he ran. The night was dark and the forest was quiet. His foot falls were heard as large echoes and, for the first time in his life, Dean worried about having a run-in with the wildlife. He was unarmed and not very threatening at all being pregnant. He supposed the smart thing to do would be to stop for multiple reasons. He needed to be quiet, and he couldn't do it in this condition.
His back was screaming and he was so frustrated with himself. His body had never been so limited and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to escape. Sam would regain complete consciousness and then he would run fast with his freakishly long legs and catch up.
Why wasn't Cas calling him yet? Wasn't angel banishing supposed to be an instant thing? Cas would end up somewhere remote—The middle of the ocean perhaps—
Oh shit. What if he didn't have service where he landed? Dean supposed he could fly—-But wait what if he took a hit to his mojo? Goddamn it they should have thought this through! Why hadn't Dean thought to ask these questions before he allowed Cas to fucking banish himself?
Dean stopped, leaning heavily against a tree. He needed to rest damn it.
"Fuck this shit. Goddamn it, Cas." He muttered to himself. He glared at his persistently silent phone before pressing the solitary contact inside and dialing.
It rang four times before it went to voicemail and Dean ground his teeth, feeling tears prickling the corners of his eyes. He wasn't going to cry. He wasn't going to fucking cry. He stood up, not crying and continued, slower, more quietly.
He couldn't fucking give up now. Damn Cas for leaving this their only option, but he had to make it work. His belly was hard beneath his touch and he gasped when he felt that warm familiar Grace from it once again.
"That's right, baby. I'm gonna make sure we get outta this mess. Don't worry. We'll find your daddy I promise."
What he hadn't anticipated was to come face to face with glowing yellow eyes. Instantly terror arose in him, rooted deep from within. He knew where that fear came from and it was irrational. These were not the same eyes that he'd been raised to hate.
It was that nephilim he'd met in the forest before. The one that he'd had a staring contest with and won. The child stood before him, the same expression on his face and features illuminated where the moonlight bled through the trees.
"Look kid. I'm in a bit of a hurry here so if you don't mind—"
"Come with me, Dean Winchester." So he spoke English, then? Well that was nice to know.
"Um. . . Yeah not gonna happen. I gotta go—" The child held out his hand.
"It's not safe for you, here. There are creatures in this forest that want to harm you and your child. I'm here to take you to my people. I was sent by the archangel. He told me to tell you '2348' and you'd understand.' Dean frowned, glaring at the child because of course he'd understand.
"Alright so you were sent by Gabriel. I still don't really trust that guy. . ."
"Do you have any other choice?" He said, irritably. Dean grit his teeth before reluctantly taking the child's hand.
"I swear to God if you fuck me over—Ah!" The child grabbed him around the middle and took flight, shooting upwards into the quiet, night sky.