Disclaimer: Victorious is not mine :c wish it was...

(also the first part of this story is actual dialogue from the show but I needed it so I could set up for the rest of the story ^^ )

Tori and Jade had some how been set up on a "date" by Sikowitz. Neither of them were very happy about this little situation. Tori hated Jade and vise-versa. Yet here they were at Nozu, on a so called "date."

They were both sitting at the center bar, both slurping on their ramen. Tori was slurping especially loud. This really annoyed Jade. One of her biggest peeves. Tori slurped, and slurped, and slurped until Jade finally broke.

"NO!" she blurted.

Tori took a quick sip of the broth and put the bowl down.

Jade pushed the noodles around in her bowl. "Worst night ever."

Tori rolled her eyes, "Oh, you think I'm having fun on this date? Cuz I'm not."

"Then let's not talk." Jade snapped back.

"Fine!" Tori agreed. She turned away but then suddenly turned back. "You know-"

"UGGH!" Jade grunted.

Tori rolled her eyes once again. "There is no good reason why you and I shouldn't be able to sit here together and have a conversation."

Jade was so frustrated by this. Why does she keep talking? "I've got a good reason."

"Which is?"

"I don't like you." she said, exasperated.

Tori looked at her, "Really? You can't think of one thing that you like about me?"

Jade thought for a second, "I like when you're sad."

Tori sighed, "Ok, try again. Reach deep down into your twisted, bitter soul and see if you can find anything nice to say about me."

Jade thought hard. Maybe there were a few things about Tori she liked. "Uhh, ok." She liked Tori's singing. More like loved it. Jade was even a little jealous of Tori's singing, but there is no way she would admit that. "Your singing isn't.. awful."

Tori smiled and nodded, "Thanks so much." She took a sip of her drink.

"Now let's hear you say something nice about me." She challenged.

Tori put her glass down. "Sure, Um. I admire how you're never afraid to say what you think."

That's a good one. "That's stupid." she said instead.

"See?" Tori pointed out. She sighed. "Now your turn again."

"Uhhhh," Jade played with her noodles again, thinking. "I guess some people might say, from certain angles.. you're pretty." It was the truth, people did. Jades was one of those people.

Tori just looked at her and smiled.

Jade was starting to feel more awkward than she did before. She wasn't really sure what to do now. "You could say I'm pretty.." Why did I say that...

Tori straightened her back and just looked over at Jade, smiling. "You are pretty."

Jade was stunned she actually said that. She turned her head towards Tori. "You really think that?" She asked.

Tori nodded.

Jade looked back down at her ramen. She wasn't expecting Tori to call her pretty. She wasn't even expecting the look on her face. Did Tori have feelings for her? Or was she just being nice? Jade tried to start eating her noodles, attempting to make the awkwardness go away. She almost spit the food right out of her mouth when she felt a hand on her thigh. Tori's hand. "What are you doing?"

Tori kept her hand on Jade's thigh. "Well, I was thinking, if we are supposed to be on a date, why don't we act like it."

"No. Just-" Jade went to grab Tori's hand to toss it away but paused as soon as she touched it. She felt funny. She felt a weird sensation go from Tori's hand to hers, then up her arm and into the pit of her stomach, making it go into a frenzy. Jade pulled her hand away and looked up at Tori who just stared back at her.

Tori squeezed Jade's thigh slightly, "Come on, it'll be fun." She winked.

Jade's heart almost stopped. Half of her wanted to slap Tori in the face but the other half wanted to grab her hand again. To feel that crazy awesome feeling in her gut. Instead, she just looked at her. Eventually it passed but it was replaced by something new. Something Jade never thought she would ever do. She didn't have enough time to stop herself before she leaned over and kissed Tori on the lips. Jade wanted to stop herself and pull away, but she was shocked to find that Tori was kissing her back. And not only was she kissing her but the hand that was resting on Jade's thigh had now moved to rest on the back of her neck.

Tori was actually the first one to pull away. Jade didn't want to stop and tried to follow as Tori's lips moved. Tori laughed, "Whoa there, tiger. Remember, we are still in a public place. Don't want to get too frisky."

Jade hinted a smile.

As Tori looked down at her phone to check the time she realized that Nozu was going to be closing soon. "Hey, so we should get going. You want me to take you home or do you want to go somewhere else." She said this with a half smile on her face.

Jade shouldered her bag, "I'd rather go home." she said quickly.

Tori sighed, "Very well."

The next morning, Jade woke up groggily and went to stretch out her arms. She found that her left arm was blocked by something. Confused, she turned her head and saw the sleeping figure of an almost nude Tori Vega.

Jade's eye widened. "Oh, shit..."

A/N: Yay for my first Jori fic! Snaps for Roxii!... *snapsnapsnap*...Ok so please review and I will give you snaps!