Sorry for the delay, my lovely readers! My laptop was having problems.
This chapter is dedicated to DannySamLover20, thedancingmermaid and Amber R (Guest). Enjoy! =]
I do not own Radio Rebel
"Barry, are you ready for another fun mess?" Kim asked this as she held out a box filled with glitter, glue, markers and neon colored paper. Among other art supplies.
"Always." He answered, taking the box and ushering her inside. "But I can't say the same for my brother."
"He's done really well at going with the flow lately." Kim took a seat at the table, and Barry sat across from her. He saw Larry standing in the doorway.
"Thank you, but I think I might have to draw the line at glitter. It gets in everything and stays there as long as possible."
Neither of the others could dispute that, but Barry tried to find a happy medium. "We could always just cut the letters from different color paper. Then the signs would look like giant ransom notes."
While Kim looked at him bug-eyed, his brother answered: "That still scares me less than glitter." He took a seat next to his dare partner, and she told him: "Whatever makes you happy, I'm just glad you guys are around to help out."
"What else would we be doing on a Saturday morning?" Barry asked jokingly.
His brother had something to add: "Especially now that Stacy's not using Barry as her campaign manager." It was obvious he meant to stress the word 'using'.
"I didn't let her use me."
"I did." Kim admitted, though she was looking down at the sign she was working on.
It was if either of the boys didn't hear. "What were you getting out of this dare, anyway?" Larry questioned, as he searched through the box for the dullest pair of scissors he could find.
"I just wanted to be a part of it. I didn't feel like she owed me anything."
"And now you do?" Kim seemed surprised.
Barry nodded. "I feel like she owes my soulmate an apology, for one thing."
"What about your apology?" Larry thought that was in order as well.
"That's not as important to me."
"Why not?" The tone of that question made it a challenging one.
Barry stumbled through his explanation, which did not go unnoticed by either of the others. "Because I could be mean to her, too. But it's not like Radio Rebel did anything wrong." Admitting that was even more difficult in front of Kim. Barry didn't like painting himself as the bad guy.
And she just couldn't picture him like that. "Bad how?"
"I would tease her." Barry replied, remembering all the times he brought up her possible crush on him. "And yeah, she'd tease me, too. But there's a big difference between teasing and threatening, and that's why I think Radio Rebel deserves an apology more than I do."
"How do you apologize to someone if you don't know who they are?" Kim questioned.
Barry didn't have an answer to give, but Larry did. "It wouldn't matter if she called into the show to say sorry. The idea's already in Moreno's head."
Barry knew his brother was right. 'Sorry' wouldn't fix this. "But it still means something."
Barry found himself retracing his steps, much like his dare partner had done during the week. The difference was, he wasn't alone. Larry and Kim went with him to the nursing home, where he saw a lot of familiar people wearing vaguely familiar hats.
Kim blinked, recognizing them immediately. "So that's what she did with them."
"Maybe this is part of her apology." Larry said, feeling like he'd spoken too soon before.
Barry smiled. "Everybody looks so nice."
"Yeah, I thought so, too."
The three turned to see Stacy, all equally surprised.
Before either of them could say anything, she did what they'd been waiting for. She apologized, but not for what they were expecting. "Sorry, I didn't know you were bringing an entourage." She told Barry. Her voice was quiet, but he and Kim both knew that wasn't because she was relaxed. She sounded exhausted, and her appearance reflected that. She owed her eyes being open to the cup of coffee in her hand. She passed another cup over to Barry. "I'd say you can split it three was, but I don't think Larry would be comfortable with that."
"Okay, but I don't really drink coffee."
"I know," Stacy said. "yours is hot chocolate."
Barry smiled and took the cup, while the others by his side looked between each other. "Thanks. Thanks for being here."
She seemed to find that strange for him to say. "It's still kinda my job." She understood that this was a weekly routine for Barry, and including her in it was just part of the dare. "Being on punishment doesn't change that."
He didn't like thinking about that way. "Is that the only reason you're here?" He asked, as the group headed to the room where Bingo was behind held. Larry and Kim wondered what they would do once they got there, since only two callers were needed.
"Actually, the only reason I'm here is 'cause I missed you so much." By her dry tone, he could tell she was joking.
"Ah, I knew it."
"So, this is the teasing you were telling us about?" Larry asked, while Kim laughed.
Barry raised his eyebrows. "Clearly my brother and his dare partner find this funny, do you?"
Stacy certainly didn't act like it. "I don't mind."
Barry found that hard to believe. "You don't mind that I've been mistaken for your prom date?" The others thought that was more teasing.
"You have not." Stacy said in disbelief.
"I have so."
"Wait, really?" Kim asked.
Larry couldn't help but chime in. "Why?"
"How?" Stacy added.
"Because I'm helping you with your campaign." Barry said matter-of-factly, not offended by the others' curiosities. "And because you see more of me than you do of your actual prom date. Or anyone, really." He added after some thought.
"Not lately." Stacy said through a sigh, turning her attention to the cage so that the others wouldn't see the look on her face.
"So, you really did miss me then?"
This was a serious question, but she played it off with a sarcastic side eye.
"We're gonna need a lot of practice tonight."
Tara looked worried about that. "Haven't you guys practiced almost every night this week?" She didn't want the boys to get too tired, and then be unable to play in the show.
"Yeah, but this song's brand new," Gabe informed. "and a lot less scary than the first one I wrote for the concert."
She chuckled nervously. "What do you mean?"
To show her, he picked up his guitar to accompany him through the first few lines.
She got a voice our whole little world is tuned into, but under pressure she buckles
And she's telling me to face down my demons, but I don't need glass in my knuckles
When she heard, she couldn't help but just stand there and stare.
"I know it's a little much." He told her, putting his guitar back down.
"That's how you see yourself?" As your own worst enemy?" She never would've thought that about him.
"Most of the time, no. I don't see you a such a shy little thing most of the time, either."
"How do you see us most of the time?" Tara asked after she took a seat next to her dare partner. She meant that as a harmless question. He knew that, but just by the way she phrased it, he knew coming up with an answer would not be easy.
"Onstage or off?"
"Both." Tara challenged.
"Onstage we're confident. We know what we're doing, and we see the impact we make. Offstage you're not as confident in yourself as you are in other people. And I'm still confident, but not in the things I should be. My mind's still onstage. I have to remind myself all the time that life isn't a show."
Tara took in all his words, and waited for a little while before weighing in with what she thought of them. "Sometimes it is. Different situations and people… you have to adjust for. We're not always prepared. Sometimes we have to improvise."
He smiled, but his smile seemed sad. "You know what I figured out?"
"You're so good with people you can't see, and I'm so good with the people who can't see me."
His fans loved him, but they didn't really know him. He worried that if they did, they wouldn't love him anymore. That's why he swapped the song he wrote out for another one.
"Is that what you wrote about?"
"The first time, yeah. But I think that's more for just me to know." He wasn't going to give away her secret, and he wasn't going to admit he felt fake. Instead, he would show the fans something real.
"You think she'll show up tomorrow?"
"At the concert?" Larry asked, after swallowing a spoonful of ice cream. The residents got theirs for free, but they had to pay for it. They wound up splitting both the cup and the cost. Only one part of that surprised him. He watched his dare partner nod. "As long as I'm there, I doubt it."
"What makes you say that?" Kim looked thoroughly confused.
"I don't trust her like you guys do. She can probably sense that." Another shock came to him when she laughed.
"I wasn't talking about Stacy."
"Oh," He said sheepishly. "you meant Radio Rebel."
'Mm-hm." Kim said, since her closed mouth was full.
"Maybe. She might be in the crowd somewhere, but I doubt she'd risk exposure by hosting backstage or something like that."
"You're probably right." She said, noticing a nervous look enter his eye as he realized they'd eaten too much ice cream to 'stay on their own side'. He put his spoon down. "Why don't you trust Stacy?"
That question was easy, which isn't what he was used to from Kim. "I just think she takes too many of her problems out on you and Barry. Without even explaining what those problems are."
"She can't hide everything from me." Kim countered. "I am her best friend, after all. And Barry's her dare partner so… he's pretty in tune, too. You don't have to worry about us." She insisted. "We… figured it out."
He appreciated that, but it wasn't helping. "I do have to worry about Stacy not feeling welcome in our group of friends because I'm… bitter. His voice sank under sorrow. "I messed it all up for you guys."
Kim laughed that off, letting him know he was being silly. "No, you didn't. If anything, we're fixing things." Her eyes lit up at the notion. "We're seeing what we can handle on our own, and what we need to rely on people for. Like tomorrow, 'cause it's gonna be huge." She finished her thought with a smile.
Larry liked that idea, but that wasn't what he'd been thinking. "I thought the whole point of this dare, in Audrey's mind, was to help us not get bored with the monotony of our lives. But I was never bored with it."
Kim understood. "You were comfortable."
"Now that scares me. If I keep going back to my comfort zone, how much am I gonna miss?" This was rare, but he'd asked a question that stumped her.
He picked up his spoon, scraping it along the other side of the swirl. She laughed with delight, not even caring that he was taking some of her share.
The Bingo callers held the doors open while the last of the players were walking or being transported out. "Don't tell me you don't have anything to wear." Barry joked.
"How do you know I didn't donate the rest of my clothes when I was retracing my steps?"
"Because that doesn't suit your style." Barry knew Stacy well enough to know that. "You couldn't have just one look."
The look she gave then told him he had her there. "I did make more donations, though." Stacy said, crossing her arms casually. "Had to take down your fort."
"The pillows? All those extra pillows?"
"Gone." She confirmed, though she didn't see why he was so excited about it.
"So digging up all those little luxuries are your way of putting the spotlight on someone else for a change?" He asked.
"I didn't think about it like that."
Barry blinked. "But that was your big idea."
Suddenly, she remembered that. She didn't comment on it through, because the original lucky hat owner walked by. He smiled, tipped his hat to Barry, then went on his way. She watched for a split second, then turned back to her dare partner.
"So, what's the deal?"
"What, with him and his hat? Why don't you ask him?"
Stacy seemed somewhat scared, but stubbornness quickly took over. "He's not my friend. You are."
"That's nice of you to say, but you're allowed to make more friends. You're allowed to come to this concert, too." They walked out the door, to meet up with his brother and her best friend.
"Okay," She agreed. "but maybe I should sleep in tomorrow."
That sounded like a good idea to him. "Have you slept at all the past few days?"
"Not much." She admitted. It wasn't like she could hide it from him.
"You're overworking yourself." Barry seemed disappointed in himself, like he could've prevented that.
"No, that's not the reason. I've just had a lot on my mind the past few days." Stacy was a few steps ahead of Barry, which annoyed him because he couldn't see her facial expressions.
"Like what?" He knew she didn't just mean campaign wise.
"You were right."
She heard his feet practically skid to a stop behind her. "About what?" Barry breathed.
She turned around to face him. "I did miss you. I miss a lot of people. I just don't notice unless… I keep busy. That's how it's always been."
"It's incredible." Tara and her mother marveled at the round stage in front of them.
"Wait 'til you see it in motion." Rob told them.
The band could hardly wait for that, knowing they'd be onstage in a matter of hours. "Yet another brilliant idea…" Gavin began, making his dare partner laugh.
"I just made a lot of last minute work." Audrey didn't see a reason to be praised for that.
Delilah didn't see why she would worry herself like that. "Oh, it's gonna be great." She said excitedly. "Best of luck, boys."
They all thanked her. No one seemed more impressed with the setup than Gabe.
"It shows how much we care." He said to Audrey, hoping she would see what the shape of the stage ment. "It shows that the fans are the most important part of all this." He said, imagining them all being able to get in close.
"Aside from the music." Audrey added, now glad she hadn't kept the idea for herself.
Tara was starting to regret the decision to sit in on soundcheck. The performance was perfect, that wasn't the problem. What worried her was the argument that started before the second song. All the guys except Gabe wanted the save the new song for last. He had to disagree.
"It's a dangerous move."
"It's a new direction." Gavin countered, no longer seeing anything wrong with that.
"Our set only has three songs. We might as well end it on a note the fans recognize."
"This is supposed to be a new start for us. I think we should risk it." The others nodded in agreement.
"Not everything has to be a dare."
Gavin wasn't trying to make it into one. He was taking a chance to see how well he would recover if it went wrong. "They'll get that it's new for us, too. We all have to adjust. They might not be ready for it, but we have to be."
"Okay," Gabe agreed. On one condition. "Let's play it for Tara after 'Turn It All Around', see if she's ready."
That was the plan, but once the second song wrapped up, she wasn't sure if she could let them go through with it. She knew not everyone would be pleased with her decision, but felt she had to speak up about it. "Guys, I think I wanna hear this with everyone else." She admitted.
To her surprise, Gabe actually smiled about this. But he wasn't exactly happy. He just accepted the situation for what it was. "Ya know, you guys must really be my best friends because you never let me have it easy!"
The boys laughed in response, and Tara walked off to go find the rest of the group. The last thing she heard was Greg on the drums, counting Gabe and the others in.
"This new song is like your secret weapon." Cami told the boys as part of her pre-show pep talk.
"Once they hear it, you'll start seeing who your true fans are." Rob added. He looked at Gabe then. "It is scary, but it's something you have to do if you wanna grow. If you ever wanna get outta Seattle. Or, ya know, even just the garage." He joked, being met with light laughs and a slight smirk.
"There are some people that are gonna love it no matter what." Delilah said. Everyone knew she counted herself in that category. "Some people that aren't gonna want you to leave Seattle, 'cause they'd miss you too much." It surprised the boys how genuinely she meant that, because she wasn't a mother to any of them. Yet she looked at them like they were already stars. "But if this goes well, and I know it will… they'll follow." Some literally, some metaphorically.
"Your stories matter." Cami agreed. "More people should hear them."
Kim's sign read: 'You So Fly'. She and her friends were so near to the stage, they felt like they were getting VIP treatment.
Larry's sign was a perfect recreation of the GGGG's logo. He didn't see it as impressive. He was just trying to be neat about it.
Both had to laugh when they finally caught a glimpse of what Barry brought with him, as he proudly showed it off. It looked like abstract art, but there were letters hidden in there. He insisted. He was scanning the crowd for his dare partner, but spotted Tara and Audrey first. They made their way over. "Thanks for the signs, Kim." Audrey said. Her and Tara's had to be held up together, because each one had two G's on it.
"No problem." She said. "Ready for this?" With those words, the band took the stage.
"We So Fly" was their opener, and it put everyone in a party mood.
When it came time to perform "Turn It All Around", the guys had something to say first.
"We wanna thank everyone out there who listened to this song and watched the music video. We really couldn't have done this without you, and we're so happy to be here."
"To everyone who helped out on this project, we'll never forget that." Greg added. "We know this is just the beginning." Tara and her family wore matching smiles, but Audrey was just in awe of their performance. Every part of it.
"So any time you find yourself in a situation and you're not sure how it's gonna work out," Gavin began, knowing that sort of thing was just a song away for him and his bandmates. "We hope this song brings inspiration."
Gabe wrapped up the intro. "Our leading lady's in the crowd tonight." With those words, a spotlight shined down on an awestruck Audrey. "And we couldn't imagine doing this without her." Gabe extended his hand, and the crowd went wild.
Stunned still, Audrey simply stared.
"Get up there!" Barry urged with a smile.
"Someone's gotta hold my sign!" She replied, sparking laughter from her group of friends.
"I'll do it!" Stacy volunteered. The others realized that-once again-she was standing right behind them. She didn't even seemed put off by having to stand next to Tara.
The twins gave Audrey an encouraging push, and she was up onstage with the band.
When the music started, Barry rotated his sign, making it finally legible. The words 'Turn It All Around' were written repeatedly, in a kaleidoscope type of pattern.
The stage began to rotate as well, looking like some sort of carnival attraction. Two pieces of it spun slowly, switching direction every so often. Since Audrey was unfamiliar with the mechanics, she stayed to one side of the stage. Since it moved, that didn't make her look any less into the performance. Gabe followed her lead by finding his place on the other side, which was surprising in itself. But effective when they wound up looking like orbiting planets or passing ships.
Audrey had stood onstage countless times, but it had never felt this exhilarating before...
Thanks for reading, PLEASE REVIEW! I ended it here so I could extend a invitation for lyric ideas. Not necessarily specific lines, but themes you would want in the song. I was thinking it would be about the dare as a whole. Questions, theories and corrections are welcome as well. I'll update ASAP! =]