Okay so my story hasn't really gotten to many hits and I guess that's expected when I'm honestly just am winging it. However, I have good news. I am going to start another story on the side, BUT it is not a fanfic. That's right. I am going to post a nonfanfic story here. Yeah, I know I'm violating THE RULES and how dare I? The thing is though I had an idea for almost a year now for a manga I planned on illustrating and I want people to judge how well the story works. For those who are interested, the story is about an angel who gets kidnapped by a demon from hell. It's his duty to bring her back to hell, but a spell bonds the both together and to the Earth where they cannot return back to where they came from. In the process the angel learns about sin and the potential evil of humans while the demon realizes maybe humanity does have hope. The title will be "The Souls of Heaven and Hell", but I am hoping to change it. So anyway the story you are hopefully looking forward to.
"Hey dare! It's me, Murdoc Niccals, bass player and leader from the best band in the wurld, GORILLAZ!" sang Murdoc into his mic.
"So my kiddie winkles, I have some news. As of now we've been competely broke. Between restowing the floating island from the El Manana video, and keeping my radio show going we 'ave no funds left. Not to mention all the 'hores 'ay 'ad to mmm." Murdoc chuckled in remonesance.
Suddenly the door to his studio shot open and flew off the hinges. The door flew and broke through Murdoc's hula girl cardboard cutout like a ninja star through a sheetwall. The chain reaction continued to knocking over the lamp and leaving Murdoc completely pissed.
"What the-"
He pressed the button to censor his show although it was not typically in his nature. There was no light and all the sound that could be heard was furniture being smashed and Murdoc's scratchy screams drowning out most of the noise during the scene. Noodle was like a ninja. She was unable to be seen, but more than capable of finishing the task.
Her swift punches darted from every direction and Murdoc had no where to run. First punch went straight into his stomach making him bend over and losing some of his balance. The second went straight into his face and knocking out his one of his bottom teeth and a terrible nosebleed.
While trying to hold his nose and guard his stomach, he tried to sneak out towards the light as there was no door to keep it out. His efforts were rendered impossible as Noodle used all her speed and body weight which she targeted at Murdoc. Her attack literally lifted Murdoc of his Cuban heels and slid on the unstable desk where his record player and mic originally layed.
"No!" screamed Murdoc as his equipment hit the floor.
It was hopeless though. He was done for and before he could plea or yell, Noodle grasped his throat and pinned him to the table. Rage was surging through her body and she was dripping of sweat and adrenaline as if it was liquid rage excreting from her very pores. Her left hand formed into a tight fist that trembled with the unstable energy and longing for finishing the job she was assigned to do and giving the punishment Murdoc so desperately deserved.
Murdoc was gasping for air and losing brain function due to the lack of oxygen. Who was the dark figure after him? Couldn't be pirates. Could it? No. They were destroyed along with the island. Right? He made gasping noises trying so hard to form any type of human language, but it was no use. He had to use the air he could manage to breathe just to stay conscious and possibly alive. He felt the grip of the tiny, but strong hand get tighter around his disgusting, green throat as he tried to struggle and wriggle free like the nasty worm he was. He kicked furiously, but any effort or inkling of hope towards getting away was completely lost.
Noodle's fist began to fly, a long droned out tone broke her concentration.
"Nooooodle?" 2D's voice called from a distance.
Her figure flew out of the room and up the stairs to confront 2D. Murdoc felt his windpipe open up and he gasped for the air he was denied for what seemed like ages. He hyperventilated and sat up enjoying each full breath and collapsed back on the desk. When he did, the desk couldn't bear any further torment and collapsed under his weight.
"Fuck," he said bluntly with no interest to try moving for a while. He decided to lay there for a while with untreated injuries and all.
Meanwhile, 2D began walking down the stairs regardless of Noodle's warning. She looked up the staircase and noticed 2D. She felt frustrated that he ignored her instructions, but dismissed it being that he's 2D. Seriously, what are you going to do? She tried smoothing out her hair with her hands since it got horribly messed up after her beatdown. She was still breathing heavy between running and just her huge fit.
"Hai?" Noodle inquisitivly answered 2D's call between her deep breaths.
"Can 'ay come out of yo'r room now? 'Ay 'av to use da toilet."
Noodle paused for a moment. She knew 2D for a long time, but sometimes he just said the stupidest shit. He knew he left her room right? Plus 2D just turned 34. He doesn't fucking need anyone's permission to go to the fucking loo. Yet, his child-like innocence and goofy smile just managed to charm Noodle in some bizarre and twisted way. She could not help to smile.
"Yes 2D, you may go," answered Noodle in her accent.
"Aw'right! Thank yew Noods, thank yew so much. I cannot 'old it any longer."
2D rushed back up the stairs to the bathroom and leaving Noodle partly puzzled about how she handled the strange situation that just occurred. She was about to go back to her room and go back to writing her song.
"HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP!" screamed Murdoc's voice from the basement.
Noodle almost forgot about the previous task at hand. With a smirk, she intertwined her fingers and flexed her hands away from her body making a loud cracking noise and followed by cracking her knuckles. She began to head downstairs quietly so he wouldn't hear her coming. She was shortly interrupted.
"Noodle! We're out of toilet paper!" screamed the muffled voice of 2D.
Noodle sighed and facepalmed herself with full force.
"Could ya' go to the sto'r and get sum? Oh and sum ointment tew, 'ay think 'ay 'ave a rash an' it may be gettin' wurse."
"Okay!" Noodle yelled back and began to go and get her purse.
"Wait! 'Ay think it may be jus' a scab. Nev'rmind!"
"Wait! 'Ay jus' picked it off an' it is oozing yellow ooze! Noodle is that supposed to 'appen? Noods? Noodle? Nooodle? 'Ay may need sum ointment afterall."
"AHHH! Fine, 2D I get yoooou fuckin' ointment for your oozing rash okay?"
Noodle stomped into the living room to where the Boogeyman was watching the tellie. Noodle stood in front of him with arms folded and looking at him with serious grimace and full knowledge that she was obscuring his vision of his favorite programs. He looked up at her with a blank expression.
"I have to go out and Murdoc is completely helpless trying to do his radio show. Go take care of him while I'm gone. Hai?" she demanded in a fierce way.
The Boogeyman looked at her without any type of reaction, but finally stood up and looked at her. He shrugged casually and quietly walked towards the basement. Noodle sighed in relief as she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. She got into a small car and was about to pull out of the driveway when her phone rang with the Broken song ringtone. She looked at it quickly to see it was a text from 2D. She opened it and it read:
Noodle, can you pick up some candy 2. I am getting peckish waiting here for you
Noodle furiously texted him back an answer and drove to the store in an even deeper fit than she started.