The Present

It was still very dark when she opened her eyes. Turning her head and looking over at the digital clock, Aeris bit her bottom lip when she saw it was barely even five thirty in the morning. She rarely woke up this early, but she had been so exhausted yesterday from Rosaline's intrusive questions, Sephiroth's texts and of course work.

Unconsciously, she reached down and touched her stomach. The sickness hadn't washed over her yet, but it would probably come soon. Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes as she recalled her dreams. Memories of their past. Their first meetings. Five years ago when she had been a foolish naïve little slum girl and he…well to her at the time, he had been something beyond comprehension.

Forcing her body up, Aeris headed into the shower and closed her eyes as she let the hot water soothe her tired and aching body. It still felt strange to shower alone. He was usually up the earliest, but the sound of the shower running often woke her up in return and she would usually jump out from their bed and slip into the shower with him. Sometimes they made love. Sometimes he just held her. Every now and then he would wash her.

An aching formed in her throat just thinking about it. As she dried her body off and dragged a brush through her hair, an idea came to her. She was up early so perhaps she could utilize the earliness of the hour for herself and take a pregnancy test. They would probably think she was doing some work in the labs and if that failed she could discreetly head to a chemist. It was just the Turks she didn't trust. They always watched her and the last people she wanted to find out about her possible pregnancy were them.

Tying her hair up in a ponytail and making herself presentable, Aeris grabbed her handbag and headed out.

As she headed into the main Shinra building in Junon and up to the labs, she noticed that there were still some scientists from the night shift about. Some spared her some curious glances. Aeris ignored them. Heading into the office she shared with Rayleigh, Aeris rummaged through the draws until she found the band to tighten around her arm, a clean syringe, tube and vial. Locking the door and closing the blinds, she took a deep breath and inserted the syringe into her wrist.

This is just me being cautious. It doesn't mean anything.

The more she told herself this, the less likely it seemed to be true. Removing the syringe and holding a cotton pad down on her wrist to clot the blood, Aeris sealed the vial and wracked her brain on what sort of excuse to give pathology. She usually didn't test the blood herself, but she supposed she could pretend the blood belonged to one of her clinical patients. That seemed like the better less suspicious option than doing it herself.

With that in mind, she left the room and made her way along the corridors with Cissnei's medical file as her cover. She had recently treated the young Turk for injuries sustained on a mission to Banora so she supposed she could use her file as the perfect scapegoat. She'd throw away and burn the test results when they got back.

"HCG levels please," she said politely to the technician. Wordlessly he took the file and had a quick look inside as she handed him the blood vial. "You will have to wait a couple of hours. More urgent things if that is not a problem?" Aeris sucked in any protest she had.

"Not a problem," she replied because there was nothing wrong. This was just a precautionary measure that was all.

Seeing as there was nothing else to do, she supposed she would go out and grab herself some breakfast. "Notify me by PHS when it is ready," she said casually and headed out. The sun was on the rise casting beautiful shades over the sky and sea. Aeris managed a small smile as she appreciated the beauty and went to find herself a nice café.

Nonchalant and unaware of her surroundings as she strolled on by in the early morning, it was a little while before she noticed someone was walking behind her. When she did and turned around, her heart sank.

To be fair though, his face was just as gloomy. Cold and icy and still freshly insulted at her current behaviour towards him. "You've been ignoring my texts and my phone calls." Aeris swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry Sephiroth. I've been really busy." It was a flimsy excuse and he saw right through it.


"You've been avoiding me." It was a rhetorical question. Aeris licked her lips unsure of what to say. Running a few fingers through her bangs, she struggled for her words. "I just…didn't want to deal with it. Not right now." Sephiroth wasn't impressed, but then she didn't really expect him to be. He had been furious at her for months after he found out about her affair with Zack and she had only rubbed salt in his wounds when she decided to leave him.

"How did you know I was walking out here?" She mumbled looking down at the ground. She felt like a scolded child. He always made her feel that way whenever he was angry. "I have a spacious view from my office Aeris as you know. I was surprised to see you walking around this early." She didn't say anything and an awkward silence resumed. Sephiroth sighed.

"Where are you heading now?" The question set her nerves on edge. She knew what was coming next and she wouldn't be able to refuse him, lie to him or somehow squeeze out of it. "Was heading into the plaza to have breakfast," she admitted.

Sephiroth stared at her for a few moments before reaching out and removing a few stray hairs from her forehead. "Let's go together. We have much to discuss." Not daring to defy him, she followed him and said nothing when he gently linked his arms with hers. He refused to acknowledge the turn their relationship was taking. She had already moved out even though she hadn't gathered all her things from their…no…his place.

"You're still wearing the ring," he noted. His voice was dry. Aeris looked down at her hand guiltily. The priceless diamond taken from the depths of mythril and cut generously to fit in an eighteen carat gold ring which was still lodged safely on her second last finger. The words 'Aeris will you marry me?' were craftily engraved on the inside.

"I didn't want to take it off," she said simply. She felt his grip on her hand tighten as they walked. She dared not look up at him. "For its flashy look, its element of status or its worth?" Blood rushed to her cheeks and she flushed in anger. Always with the accusations. "That's not the reason." She said through gritted teeth. Whether he believed it or not, she couldn't tell.

Turning into a corner, Sephiroth chose a café that had a nice view of the ocean. When they had moved to Junon, they had a few usual places they visited, but she supposed Sephiroth did not want to be disturbed.

"How are you feeling now?" He said as they sat down.

"Better," she lied. Judging by his expression he did not believe her.

"And how long do you plan to keep up this silly façade? Not that I care, but the media are asking questions and since the ring is still on your finger…"

The question was head on and straightforward. She wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or annoyed by his bluntness.

"I really don't know Sephiroth. I need more time to think about where this is all headed." It was pathetic, she knew, but she was still partly responsible for their downfall. "I'm sorry," she whispered. She had said it hundreds of times to him even though clearly he should have apologized to her.

He raised his eyes, face unimpressed and looked away. Silence passed over and Aeris began to feel sick again. She heard him swallow before she spoke to her. His words were direct and quiet. "Is it because of Zack that you decided to move out? Needing some time alone? Or is it me? Because I know your feelings for me still remain."

Their orders couldn't have arrived at a more impromptu time. Appetite gone, Aeris stared sullenly at her hot decaf and French toast. "It's a mixture of things Sephiroth and you know that. But after that night…y-you frighten me."

"I was just angry Aeris and I had every right to be, but I didn't hurt you." She refrained from breathing out in frustration. Was he so wrapped up in his conceitedness that he thought he could do no wrong? That he was the victim? Couldn't he honestly see that his treatment of her throughout all these years was the reason she went to Zack for comfort? In the end she had chosen Sephiroth and Zack had committed suicide because of it. And Sephiroth expected her not to care…

"I have explained this to you already. I am sick of it Seph. Just sick and tired of it. Your overprotectiveness, your accusations, your obsession. It's too much. I don't think I can deal with it anymore and this is why I decided to set some space between us."

She saw him suck in his breath and noted the way his eyes narrowed. He was angry beyond belief. She was afraid of him. "I did everything for you. Everything. I gave you everything. I stood up for you, fought for you, suffered for you and you claim that me protecting you from the very people who would see you dissected on a metal table is too much? Are you serious Aeris? Are you serious?"

The lump in her throat began to grow. She knew she was being selfish, at least partly, but she had given him enough empathy. Enough sympathy. "You know I appreciate that. More than anything, but I just wanted you to…" Gods, what words could she use? She hesitated and bit her lip.

"Back off a little," she finished and immediately regretted what she said. Those were not the right words to say. She saw his fingers clench around his fork and it was enough to make her stomach feel like a bottomless pit.

"Back off a little? Really? So you could have more time sneaking out fucking Zack Fair whenever you got the chance?" Aeris closed her eyes when he said those words. They were true. Undeniably, but she hated it when they left his mouth. She leaned over the table and for a moment buried her face in her hands.

When she looked up at him, tears were in her eyes and the nausea was unbearable. She got up. "I'm sorry Sephiroth I can't deal with this." She sprinted off into the ladies restroom and vomited.

When she had finished, she flushed the toilet, pushed down the lid and quietly sat on it. Tears began to run down her cheeks and self-consciously she began to rub them away. He just knew where to place a sharp knife into your body and twist it. He got what he wanted. She had chosen him in the end with her undying apologies and remorse. Zack had paid for it with his life and he still insisted on rubbing salt into her wounds.

And now that she decided she didn't want to put with it anymore, he still seemed to have such an absolute hold over her life. There was no help for it. Unless he changed which was an improbability, she would have to put her foot down and cut him out of her life. Gingerly she went to the sink and cleaned her mouth and freshened herself up before leaving the restroom.

Sephiroth was gone, but he had left money and a tip for the waiter within the bill for their meals. Both of them had been left untouched. She grimaced starting to feel embarrassed for herself. How weak she must have looked in front of him just running away to cry like that. Swallowing hard, she wrapped her coat around herself and left the café only to find him standing outside of it waiting for her.

He looked upset and they stared at each other wordlessly. With a sigh, he reached out his arm and pulled her close. Aeris felt stiff against him. "We have a lot to talk about. I know. But Aeris do not throw this away. You know I care about you. More than anything." She could see that the words were hard for him to get out. Admitting to things like this had never been his strong point in their relationship and she never faulted him for that considering the life he lived.

He kissed her forehead.

"Come by our place tonight." It was an order without room for protest. She even noticed how he still referred to it as 'their' place. "Sephiroth…" she began, but he pressed his lips gently against hers.

"I'll have a week of furlough and we can talk. We'll sort everything out. If only you'll try Aeris." She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and with a sigh looked away. Whatever he had planned to supposedly save their relationship could end very badly. But she had no choice, but to concede. Better sooner than later.

"I'll see," she replied without enthusiasm feeling suddenly exhausted. He squeezed her hand meaningfully before turning to leave her.


He turned back to her and she licked her lips.

"What were you saying sorry for in your text message?" He stared at her in bewilderment and gently caressed her cheek. "For that night. The night you found out about Zack and our fight." She looked at her shoes and nodded. "I'll see you tonight then."

She turned away from him and began to head back to the main complex building. She could feel Sephiroth's eyes upon her the whole way.

"And then I said to him, 'you can put it back in your trousers where it belongs.' He went absolutely red in the face…Aeris are you listening?" Aeris raised her eyes to Rayleigh and nodded absentmindedly. For a middle aged scientist, Rayleigh sure had some interesting stories to tell and despite her age, she still had good looks that kept men running after her.

"He thought I was willing to jump into his pants, but clearly I was unimpressed…" Aeris's PHS beeped and there was a message from the technician to come and collect the results. Trepidation filled her. She had successfully blotted out the issue all day and Sephiroth putting her in a bad mood had helped. Politely excusing herself from her mentor's presence, she grabbed her things and headed into the labs. The technician had helpfully placed the file into her cabinet, but Aeris carefully reached out to grab it.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the file and peered inside feeling her heart beat a mile per minute and then stop.

She looked at the HCG levels and the wording scrolled next to it.

The world came crashing down around her.
