Disclaimer: I don't own Suits.

Notes: I wrote this based on a prompt over at SuitsMeme, who was looking for something like Pokeyshadow's Patience is a Virtue. For those of you who haven't read it, it's an awesome White Collar fic, and I strongly suggest you do. I'm going to frame my story after hers in the sense that it's going to be a bunch of one shots centering on a major plot twist. I'm trying to make my story different than hers, but if things look similar I apologize. It's completely unintentional. I hope you enjoy.

Just Another Day

Chapter 1

Harvey is busy putting together the things that he needs for the night, and checks them up off the list that's in his mind, quietly. "Phone, check. Brief case, check. Harvard baseball hat, check. Batteries, check. The Book of Dead Philosophers, I still don't know how he can make sense of that crap, check. Copy of The Good Guys blu ray, check. Rocky, check. The Historian's-"

"I got some of those chocolate chip cookies from that bakery he likes," Harvey's check list stops, as he looks to see where the intrusion came from. He looks at Donna in the doorway with a stern look on his face. He glances at the bag of cookies that she has in her hands.

"You can't keep giving him sweets. It's not good for him."

"Hey, at least he's eating now. It wasn't too long ago that they were considering putting a feeding tube in," Donna replies. Harvey's stern look disappears when Donna says this. How could he forget how difficult it was to get Mike to eat after the surgery? No matter what they tried, it was a battle to get him to eat. Scenes of past countless lectures, angry outbursts, and heartfelt pleas run through Harvey's mind at the thought. Hell, it's still difficult to get him to eat an acceptable amount of food. But, at least he's eating something now.

"I'll give them to him, if I get a good report on how he's been doing."

"You better, and don't forget to give him this," Donna says as she adds a copy of The Hunger Games to Harvey's pile.

He raises his eyebrows in response, "he actually wants to read this?"

"When Rachel visited him over the weekend she told him about it. He seemed interested, but she couldn't bring it to him because she's been busy with the Jacobson case. He mentioned something to me last night when I stopped by. So, here it is."

"Okay, well I better get going. I have to stop and grab some dinner at Tony's before I head over there," Harvey says.

"Ok, don't forget, no spicy mustard on his sandwich. He doesn't like spicy foods."

"I know, Donna. I have it covered. Have a good night."

"You too. Tell Mike, I say hi and I will stop by over the weekend. I'm bringing the Back to the Future Trilogy." Donna has a smile on her face; she's looking forward to this weekend. Harvey promises to do just that and then grabs the rest of his loot and makes his way to the elevator to leave for the night.


"Do you need help, Mr. Specter?" a cheerful voice calls out to Harvey as he struggles with his bag of goodies and a takeout bag from Tony's. Harvey looks towards the guardian angel with a look of gratitude.

"Yes, thanks, Becky. And please, how many times do I have to tell you, call me Harvey." Harvey looks at the petite, brunette nurse. Becky has been a god send sense this nightmare started. The gentle nurse has been a constant fixture in Mike's recovery from the first day he arrived at Pine View Rehabilitation Center. It was Becky's reassuring smile, and guidance that made Harvey more comfortable with the idea of leaving Mike all alone in a new place, so soon after surgery. Now with Becky's support Mike is making great strides. Harvey will forever be in debt to Becky and the other staff members of Pine View Rehabilitation Center.

"How's Mike doing today?" Harvey asks.

The quick look of unease that passes over Becky's face is all that Harvey needs to make a guess. Mike isn't having a good day. With a somber look on his face Harvey asks, "What is it?"

Becky calmly says," He's been off all day. Probably has to do with the fact that he barely slept last night. When Tina was doing her rounds over night, she noticed that Mike was up both times she checked in on him. And you know what happens when he doesn't sleep."

Harvey knows exactly what happens when Mike doesn't sleep nowadays. Even though Harvey knows that he cannot compare the Mike of now to the Mike of old, sometimes he can't help it. It's hard to believe that the same kid who used to be able to pull off all nighters without yawning then, is so drastically different from the Mike now when he doesn't get the sleep he needs. Harvey takes Becky's words as a bit of a warning and proceeds toward Mike's room.

As Harvey enters Mike's room he hears the tv going. An episode of Law & Oder is playing. Mike is sitting there on his bed, watching tv. Mike must have heard Harvey's footsteps, because before Harvey could even knock, Mike is already looking towards the door. Harvey smiles at Mike as he makes his ways towards Mike's bed. Harvey takes a good look at Mike. Even after two months, it's still strange to see Mike like this. With his Nike track pants, Harvard sweatshirt, and a Yankee cap, Mike looks like a teenager lounging at home. Not Harvey's golden boy associate. Harvey would do anything to see Mike in a suit, even wearing one of his ridiculous, skinny ties. That means Mike would be working alongside Harvey at Pearson Hardman, and isn't recuperating at a rehabilitation facility, relearning every day skills that everyone takes for granted. Harvey shakes the longing feeling for the way things used to be out of his head, and holds up the new Harvard baseball cap he brought.

"I couldn't stand looking at your ratty Yankee hat anymore, so I got you a new one."

With a genuine smile on his face, Mike reaches for the cap that Harvey is holding. Harvey can't help but notice the shaking of Mike's hand as he goes to grab the cap out of Harvey's outstretched hand. Harvey knows that shaking is a telltale sign that Mike's body needs rest. Mike happily replaces the Yankee hat with the newer one that Harvey brought. There is only a three second window where Harvey can see the scar on Mike's head. Harvey would like to think that he has gotten over his uneasiness over seeing the scar, but he also knows that the scar is substantially less noticeable than it was immediately following Mike's surgery and beginning of his recovery. The fact that Mike's hair is now at a buzz cut length also helps to camouflage the scar.

"The-h-h-inks, H-h-h-h-are-v-v-vey," Mike says.

Harvey briefly closes his eyes, reminding himself that now Mike only stutters like this when he's tired. Mike's progress isn't regressing. All those hours with Charlie, Mike's speech therapist, are not going to be for nothing. Once Mike gets some decent sleep, he's going to once again be spewing useless information that at one point annoyed Harvey to no end. But, now Harvey loves it. It reminds him, that Mike is still Mike, and no brain aneurysm is going to change that.

"No problem, kid. I got us some dinner from Tony's." Harvey sees the looks of uneasiness pass over Mike's face. He knows that Mike's nervous that he brought something to eat that would require the use of utensils. Even with all the progress that Mike has made sense the ruptured aneurysm; his fine motor skills are still a work in progress. Using the remote control is tough, but manageable. Buttons are even more difficult. Anything that requires holding something small is nearly impossible, this includes simple tasks such as, writing, brushing your teeth, and of course eating. What makes it even more difficult is that the only way that Mike's motor skills are going to improve is if he practices these skills. And he won't do so in front of Harvey. Harvey knows that Mike's reluctance to do so is because he's afraid of looking weak in front of him. No matter how many times Harvey tries to reassure Mike that this is not the case, he knows that Mike still feels the same way.

Harvey takes the turkey sandwich out of the takeout bag, unwraps it, and places it in front of Mike to eat. Mike looks at it wearily. Harvey instantly knows why Mike is so untrusting of the sandwich. Another effect of the aneurysm is that Mike's appetite has changed. Foods that he used to love before the aneurysm, he can't stand to look at now. He used to love spicy mustard on his sandwiches, but this is no longer the case. Harvey still can't help but laugh when he thinks of the time when Louis found this out the hard way.

"Don't worry kid, no spicy mustard this time. Just plain turkey and cheese with lettuce and tomato on a hard roll."

"Let-t-t-t-uce?" Mike questions with a look of distaste on his face.

"Yep, you have to get your vegetables some way. You'll barely taste it with the tomato, cheese, and turkey."

Mike takes Harvey's word and takes a bite of his sandwich. Harvey opens the bag of barbecue chips he brought for Mike and places them on the table next to Mike's sandwich.

"D-d-d-id y-y-ou bring m-m-m-e some-some-th-th-ing to dr-r-rink?"

"Here you go." Harvey opens the can of Pepsi and puts a straw in it. He hands it over to Mike to take a sip. Once Mike is situated with his dinner, Harvey takes out his own sandwich and fries and begins to eat. Dinner is quiet, and the only times words are spoken is when they make a comment about something that happened on the episode of Law & Order that is playing on the television. Not too long after, they both finish their respective meals.

Glad to see that Mike actually ate everything (including the lettuce), he turns to Mike and says, "Good job, rookie. Donna got these for you." Harvey places the chocolate chip cookies on the tray. Mike happily grabs a cookie and quickly devours it. Harvey can't help but smile, that is such a Mike thing to do. "Okay, enough of this Law & Order shit, let's put on a movie. I say Rocky."

Mike shakes his head in agreement. Harvey puts the movie on and the two of them are quickly immersed with watching the movie. Throughout the movie they talk about the movie, what's going on at Pearson Hardman, and the latest issue of Rolling Stone. Before long, the casual talk tapers off. Harvey looks at Mike, and sees that the kid is fast asleep. His baseball hat had fallen off, and his head is tilted to the right. His exhaustion has finally caught up with him

Harvey smiles. Its times like this, with him and Mike bantering back and forth that gives Harvey hope that everything will be ok. Like a proud papa bear, he's proud at how far Mike has come. It's been two months sense Mike's and in a way Harvey's life has changed. In some ways, these two months feel like a lifetime, but in other ways they feel like they flew. That's probably because he can recall the vents around the aneurysm so vividly. He still remembers Donna interrupting his meeting with the senior partners, telling him that Mike collapsed. He remembers rushing to the hospital and then having to wait for what seemed like forever to be told that Mike had to go into surgery for a ruptured aneurysm. And with that came even more waiting. He remembers Dr. Clarke telling him that brain damage was a likely possibility. He remembers sitting by Mike's bedside, waiting for him to wakeup. He remembers Mike finally waking up, and realizing that everything wasn't going to go back to the way it was before the aneurysm.

Harvey also remembers the good. He remembers when Mike first said his name without stuttering once. He remembers Mike finally being able to wash his hair, because it had gotten long for him to do so. He remembers the first time Mike tied his shoes. Harvey knows that today was a so-so day, but it was better than the day that he was told by Dr. Clarke that they didn't know if Mike was going to make it through the night. Mike will get the sleep he needs, and tomorrow he will continue to make great strides in his recovery.

Harvey gets up and pats Mike's head, running his hand gently over Mike's scar. "Good night, kid. I'll see later." Harvey goes toward the door and turns to Mike again. With one last look he leaves. After it all, it's just another day, and he needs to get up early tomorrow for a nine o'clock meeting with a client. He still has briefs to go over. He has to do it himself since he doesn't have an associate.

Well, I hope you guys like! This story will be a collection of one-shots centering on Mike's recovery from a ruptured aneurysm. They will not be in chronological order. I already have some ideas for some chapters. Let me know what you guys will like to see. I'll see what I can do to try and accommodate your requests.