Soul was standing, leaning against the door. A pain in his chest caused him to gasp and clutch at his jacket.

"Dammit… Where is that damned doctor..?" He looked at the ceiling trying to remember to breath. A sheen of sweat started along his forehead and through clamped teeth he whispered. "This is so uncool…"

The door opened and Stein peered out. His glasses hanging at an impossible angle, clutching to the bridge of his nose, a warm smile spread across his face but quickly vanished when he saw the teenager's condition. He peered over the glasses at Soul and beckoned him inside. Standing up out of his chair, his lanky body straightened out before hunching over again as soon as he reached for his clipboard. As Soul staggered inside and lowered himself down onto the bed, the doctor clicked his tongue and made a Tsk Tsk noise. Reaching up Stein twisted the screw in his head, an action he only did when he was frustrated, mad, or hiding something. He examined the boy entirely, from the fine white hair that was naturally spiked, to the way his feet shifted uncomfortably as he sat on the hospital bed of the nurses office.

"Lie back and take off the jacket." He said, his voice echoing slightly off the walls of the empty room.

Soul did as he was told and revealed a black tank top underneath his favorite jacket. He lay back onto the soft pillow and tensed as the doctor neared the bed and looked down at him. Feeling this weak was so uncool to the stubborn teen.

"I'm going to have to lift this up Soul." Stein exclaimed as his fingers delicately touched the fabric of the shirt. Pushing it up Stein slowly revealed the stitches that reached diagonally across the boy's chest. Steins cold fingers made Soul gasp and the way the man said his name sent shivers down his spine. Soul didn't understand why, so proceeded to glare up at the doctor.

"It hurts like a bitch… do something about it." He growled, his white hair covered parts of his face, but the pain still showed through.

"Alright alright, hold your tongue young man." Stein said back with a soft smile. He left the bed side and went to a cabinet, opening it he frowned as he began examining the small vials. One labeled anesthetic caused him to smile. He reached and pushed it aside, grabbing the even smaller vial behind it. The small casing had a piece of paper taped to it that said X.

The liquid was a light pink almost clear color. The smell was rosy, pleasant to say the least. Stein shook the vial a little, mixing up the liquid and making the scent stronger.

"What is that?" Asked the nervous Soul

"Just febreze."

Stein quickly hooked it up to Souls IV, piercing his arm with the needle and speaking slowly.

"The pain will go away soon… I promise." Soul glanced up at the doctor with a confused face. Stein's voice was weird when he spoke.. almost a husky kind of whisper… uncool.

Meanwhile Stein went to his chair and sat down. He put his elbows on his knees occasionally jotting down some notes onto his clipboard. His stare made Soul uncomfortable and the teen wished that the doctor would leave him alone.

Minutes went by. Soul's body started to feel weird. It got very hot very fast and he began to sweat. It felt like his skin was on fire.

"Stein… what did you give me?... I'm burning up..."

"That means it's working.. Just live with it." Standing up the doctor walked over and cracked open a window near Soul's head. He stood over the boy for a second before returning back to his seat.

More minutes ticked away. Soul's cheeks had visibly changed to a rosy pink. He was desperately trying to hide his face with his hair and headband. Turning his head away from the doctor he stared at the wall. I feel weird… Oh shit… He glanced down at his pants and groaned loudly. Struggling to sit up he leaned into the pillow.

"What's up kid?" Stein said with a smirk that Soul didn't catch.

"I need… I'm going home."

"Oh no you're not."

"I've had enough of this medicine! I'm fine! All better!" He yelled and winced at the sharp pain in his chest.

"Your chest still hurts." Soul growled loudly, not meeting the doctor's eyes. He knew Stein was right… but that still wasn't going to help him with his problem.

"Can I at least go to the bathroom?"

"Sure" Stein sighed loudly and stood up. He started to walk towards to boy.

"W-wait! What are you doing?" Soul frantically clawed at the blankets and yanked it up over his lower half.

"It would be better if you didn't walk on your own. I'll carry you to the bathroom. Your pain earlier tells me that Nurse Medusa released you to early. Honestly anyone can see you need to be in this bed a few more days."

Soul blinked and looked down at his hands.

"Never mind then." Soul mumbled "Uncool…" Stein said something about Soul being a stubborn child. The doctor made no move to sit back down, instead watching the boy as he shifted restlessly on the bed.

"Why are you still standing here?" Soul asked defensively, fearing that Stein saw what he was trying to hide. The doctor smiled slightly, his hands reaching down to the boy.
