I'm probably the biggest disappointment to all of the fandom. Of that, I think I'm certain. First off, I'm probably the first to kick a beautiful car, a sentient one at that. Second, I'm not squealing like a probably should be with delight. If I wasn't so pissed off, I'd be doing a little jig right now, but some stupid jack aft had to go and total my only car in a drag race right after I had won. THEN I get stuck with Mr. Pain in the aft sparkles somehow. How it happened I have no idea, so don't ask. Finding out that my world turned in to one of those fanfic's that every transformer girl dreams of wasn't really to my liking. Considering it's completely illogical and most likely I'll get squished within the hour. So on to the fun stuff.
The Trans fan most likely to go ballistic by pede do to her mouth,
"Let. Me. Out." I snarled, slamming my foot into the dashboard from my awkward position in the golden yellow Lamborghini. I admit that I kind of felt a slither of guilt at ruining the beautiful dashboard with my muddy converses, leaving a cruel foot print in its wake, but I felt some amount satisfaction at the snarl and whine that came with it.
"YOU FRAGGIN ORGANIC!" Sunstreaker screeched. "Your fragging slimy aft is going to be kicked to the nearest slagging dying sun!"
I smirked, blowing my dark chocolate layers out of my face. "Not like you can do that with this slimy organic INSIDE you, you stupid overgrown toaster!" I shouted, earning a very distinct shiver of disgust.
"Who even said I wanted you inside me, fleshy! Your gross, squishy, and leak fluids everywhere!" Another shiver.
"I am not pissing my pants! I also have a name!" I stopped, and then an evil thought came to mind. "Sunny." I said finalizing it in a sing song like tone.
Sunstreaker seemed to freeze in his continuous shivers. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He screeched. His interior heating up in anger.
"Then don't call me squishy, slimy, fleshling, organic, gross, or anything along those lines." I said while counting off on my fingers "My NAME, oh smart one is Ashtin! But considering you're a cybertronian who doesn't like fleshling's you can go with my cybertronian name Foxtrot." I stated simply.
"Why the FRAG, would you have a cybertronian designation, squishy femme?"
I tsked at that and shook my head, assuming he could see me. "Not till you call me by one of my names."
He snarled back in response, then began to complain about all the dirt he would have to get rid of. Along with short complaints about how he hated the mudball planet that he landed on.
With a sigh I sat down in the driver's seat, making extra sure to get the last of the mud on my shoes off on him.
He let out a string of insults in cybertronian. Clicking, whirring, and screeching the whole time.
"You know, the more I listen to you the more you sound like Red Alert on a bad day in one of his glitch moments." I said earning a girly 'I DO NOT!' in return
I out right laughed. Who would have known sunstreaker would be fun to torture, but then again he DID total my car. I glowered at his steering wheel, while the thoughts stuck.
"My poor, poor car!" I whined. "My baby is gone! Waaaaaaaah!" I continued, my own voice adding onto sunny's.
"What you were driving was trash." Sunstreaker added nonchalantly in between one of my whines.
"WHAT did you say?" I seethed, misty blue eyes flashing with anger.
"Trash. T-R-A-S-H. A pile of slagging trash." He sneered.
No way in hell was I going to let him get away with that.
"That pile of TRASH whooped your aft! A GIRL beat you in a race, I beat you!"
Suddenly is engine roared to life and he jerked forward, but that quickly came to a stop, as his engine stuttered and we slammed to a stop. Not expecting the sudden movement, neither of us did considering he had been stuck for the past hour, I jerked forward. Head hitting the steering wheel, with a sharp crack.
The last thing I remembered was sunstreaker cursing organic fluids to unicron and saying my name. "F-Foxtrot?"
"Finally" I mumbled, as the darkness consumed me.