"Cant Frost do it?" Jane complained

"I don't mind, that girl is fine" Frost piped up, looking at a picture of the beautiful leggy blonde woman

"Because you're going undercover to try and get her to fall in love with you. Have you forgotten the last person she dated?" Korsak added

"So, put Frost in a dress! Makeup can do wonders these days" Jane smirked, giving Fost a cheeky wink

"You're doing it Rizzoli. You're the only one of us who can" Korsak smiled

"But what about Reid. She likes women too. She's perfect for the job" Jane said uneasily pointing at the overweight Detective sitting in the other room

"Reid, really? She's like 300 pound, 50 years old and has no personal hygene...Seriously Rizzoli, did you not read the case file?" Korsak asked in a slightly raised voice

"Yeah! Obvcourse I did!" Jane defended herself

"Then you'd know that her last girlfriend was a model-"

"-Supermodel" Frost interrupted

"In case you forgot. I'm no supermodel. I'm a homocide detective" Jane said sarcastically

"Well, brush your hair, shave your legs, throw on some makeup and a dress and you'd be kinda hot" Frost laughed

"Fine. I'm only doing this because I have too. But I am NOT wearing a dress!" Jane sulked in her chair


Jane sat on the sofa, case file in one hand, beer in the other.

"Maura Doyle. 32. Daughter of Patrick 'Paddy' Doyle. Went into the family buisness when she was 25 - much to her fathers dismay, after her mother was murdered. Dated Cassie Robbins, supermodel, for 11 years, they broke up because Maura didn't want to get married and have kids. Now lives alone with her tortoise, Bass. Went to medical school but dropped out after her mothers death. Likes romantic comedies..." Jane read aloud to herself before the front door clicking shut distracted her

"Hey babe" Dean smiled as he bent down to kiss his girlfriend of 7 years

"Hey" Jane smiled back, pushing her paperwork off her lap

"What's this?" Dean asked, reading Jane's file

"Work. I've got to go undercover"

"You're bringing Paddy Doyle down?" Dean asked

"We're trying to and apparently i'm the only person who can go undercover. I've got to try and make Maura fall in love with me"

"Well, just be yourself. She'd be stupid to not fall in love with you" Dean smiled, putting the file back on the coffee table

"You don't care i've got to go undercover. To try and make a woman fal in love with me?" Jane asked, putting her legs on Dean

"Why would I? I mean, it's work and you're not gay. I have nothing to worry about" Dean smirked, kissing Janes toes.