Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Haku struggled to stand up from the powerful punch from Naruto. 'How did this boy gain this much strength this quickly and what is this evil chakra coming from him?' Haku thought to himself. When he looked forward to face his opponent, he saw blood red slitted eyes that struck him still with fear. 'I've failed you Zabuza-sama,' was the fake hunter-nin's last thought before a hand ripped through his heart and out his back.
Naruto pulled his arm out the boy's body and turned around to see his teammate Sakura running towards his direction. Sakura stopped in her tracks when she saw Naruto with blood on his sleeves and a sadistic grin on his face. "Naruto?" she called out, but was welcomed when the boy was in front of her in a flash and had his hand around her neck. She tried to pry his arms off her throat, but Naruto's new strength stopped her. She could feel that Naruto was slowly increasing pressure, intent on breaking her neck.
Sakura was seeing dots of black in her vision, alerting her she was about to go unconscious. She saw Sasuke getting up and she tried to scream out for him to save him. 'Sasuke-kun, please save me from this monster!' she thought before she went unconscious. Sasuke had got up and saw Naruto gripping Sakura by her neck.
'What the hell is wrong with Naruto?' Sasuke asked himself, before throwing some shuriken at Naruto and rushing towards him. Naruto sensed the projectiles coming and threw Sakura by the rails to jump out the way. Sasuke sent a jab at Naruto's face, who caught it with ease and tightened his grip that allowed his nails to penetrate Sasuke's skin. Sasuke gritted his teeth and pulled out a kunai and stabbed Naruto in the arm to make him let go.
Naruto snarled at the Uchiha and was about to attack when he felt something dig its way into his back. He turned around to see a thug with a bow readying another arrow and a short fat man with gray hair. "Looks like some brats took down that accomplice of Zabuza, that's too bad, I wanted to get him back for breaking my wrist," Gato said, "Shoot another one to take down that orange clown."
The thug did as it was told, but Naruto dodged the arrow and sent a snarl before rushing at the little army of thugs. He cut the thug who was shooting the arrows throat open with his claws, splattering blood on his headband. Naruto then ducked under a thrust from a nearby thug's spear and gutted the man in the stomach. The sight of two grown men getting killed by a child just getting into his teens caused the others to stand still with shock and fear.
Naruto used their shock to pick up the fallen spear and swing in a circle causing a few thugs to duck, but the ones to slow to duck got decapitated. A few sword wielding thugs swarmed the boy, but Naruto crouched down swirled the spear on their knee level to make them instantly fall down from their injuries. Naruto quickly followed up with another swing to decapitate them.
One large man with an ax did an downward slash to split Naruto in half, who tried to block with the pole arm, after the decapitated bodies hit the ground, but the force the ax cut through the wooden shaft of the spear and caused blood to splatter on the thug as his ax caused a long cut down Naruto's chest. Naruto used the pointed head of the spear to stab through the man's face and threw the sharp end of the shaft into the neck of a nearby thug.
The thugs formed a circle around Naruto, wary of being killed easily like the others. Gato on the other hand, was attempting to escape, which didn't go unnoticed by Naruto. Naruto breathed in and let a roar that put the men in front of Naruto and Gato himself, on their backs. Naruto pounced over the thugs' body and onto Gato's. Naruto bared his fangs, causing Gato to let out a high-pitched scream, and ripped into Gato's neck, taking good chunk of it off.
Naruto got up and turned around to look at the thugs, a piece of Gato's neck still hanging off the side of his mouth. "Fuck this! I'm out of here," said one of the thugs, as he jumped off the bridge and others joining him. Naruto was about to give chase to the ones that hadn't got off the bridge yet, when an authoritative voice called out to him.
"Naruto, stop this!" Kakashi yelled out. Naruto snapped his head at the man to stare right in his spinning sharingan eye.
(Naruto's Mindscape)
Kakashi found himself in a sewer facing a gate that a piece of paper that had the kanji for seal on it. "I was expecting something more elaborate than this Minato-sensei," Kakashi said aloud. His battle-honed senses allowed him to dodge a punch from Naruto. The boy didn't look much different from what he looked like now outside his mind scape. Kakashi sent a punch at the boy that sent Naruto reeling until he hit the gate.
Kakashi body flickered beside Naruto to restrain the boy by putting Naruto's hands behind him and holding both his arms with one hand. Naruto struggled while growling at the man, which happen to wake up the other inhabitant. "What's with all the ruckus?" the Kyuubi asked sleepily, "Oh, aren't you one of Minato's students?" "That doesn't matter, you will remove your influence on him now!" Kakashi yelled while having his sharingan out, staring straight into the beast's eyes.
"What are you talking about? I can't influence the kit by this miniscule amount of my chakra going into his body," said Kyuubi, "He would need to pull on much more for me to even to direct his actions." "Then why is he killing people without a care in the world?" he asked, not trusting the biju. "The boy has a weak mind, as you can see on how this place is, so even this amount of my chakra made him be controlled by blood lust, not me," Kyuubi explained, "I'll just stop some of the flow to make him normal but he will probably faint from the sudden lost."
"Wait! Why can't you completely stop the flow of your chakra?" Kakashi asked. "That damnable sensei of yours wanted the boy to eventually use my powers, so part of my chakra always flow his chakra system in such a small amount that it is undetectable," Kyuubi said. "Why are you telling me so carefree like?" asked Kakashi curiously. "That white-haired pervert has all this information anyway," Kyuubi said, "Now leave me alone, so I can go back to asleep." Kakashi soon heard the sound of snoring and decided it was time to leave.
(Back at the bridge)
After Sasuke had finished throwing up after Naruto's gruesome display, he saw Kakashi had arrived and got Naruto's attention. The two had stared off for about a few seconds before Naruto just fell down on his face. 'The sharingan has that much power that it can knock someone unconscious?' Sasuke thought to himself. "That was easier than I expected," Kakashi said. "What was easier then you expected?" Sasuke asked. "Getting Naruto to control himself," answered Kakashi.
"Sasuke, get Sakura, we're heading back to town to rest," Kakashi said in an unfamiliar voice that left no room for argument. Sasuke went to pick up Sakura as Kakashi picked up Naruto and they both started to walk back to town. When they reached the end of the bridge, Kakashi saw a large group of civilians armed. "Gato's dead people so you can all go home," Kakashi said, before anyone even asked.
"Kakashi, what's that in Naruto's mouth," asked Inari, pointing at the strip of Gato's neck. "Oops, forget to take that out," Kakashi said, as he pulled out the strip of meat and threw it on the ground. The strip caused blood to splatter on Sasuke's sandals as it hit the ground and Sasuke had to put his hand to his mouth to stop the vomit as he remembered how that got there.
"Is he okay?" one of the civilians asked. "Yeah, he'll be fine and these two need a place to rest," Kakashi said. "You can come back to our house for awhile," offered Tsunami. "Thanks, Tsunami-Chan," said Kakashi, causing said woman to blush, "Just make sure no children or anyone with a weak stomach goes on that bridge to do clean up." After that statement, which confused most of the people there, Kakashi and Sasuke head back to Tsunami's house.
(Naruto's Mindscape)
Naruto woke up to find himself soaked wet and looking at an unfamiliar ceiling. 'Where am I?' Naruto asked himself. "In your own crappy mind," a booming voice said. "Who's there?" Naruto half asked and half yelled, while reaching for a kunai. "That simple knife won't hurt me, kit," the voice said, "Look past this gate if you want to know the answer to your question."
Naruto did as instructed to come face to face with the almighty Kyuubi himself, making him jump back in fear. "You're the Kyuubi!" he said pointing, remembering how the beast looks from all the stories on how his idol beat it. "I didn't expect you to figure out that so quickly," the nine-tailed fox said. Naruto took this an insult on his intelligence and said with a little bravado, "Everyone knows how you look since you're like the worst disaster to happen to Konoha."
"At least you know something, but how did you enjoy your first kill and taste of blood," he said with a wicked smile. "What are you talking about...AHHH!" Naruto screamed, falling to his knees as the Kyuubi sent all the memories of what Naruto did on the bridge. After a minute and some vomiting, Naruto stood back up and faced all the Kyuubi.
"I did all that?" he asked, shaking. "Of course, who else did it? The Uchiha?" the demonic fox asked, voice dripping with sarcasm. "I almost killed Sakura-chan and then tried to kill Sasuke," Naruto muttered to himself. The Kyuubi let out a sigh and said, "I don't see why you care about the abusive pink headed harpy so-called teammate of yours and the prick because they really don't seem to care about you." "They do care about me, they're my friends and Sasuke and I are rivals," Naruto defended his so called 'friends.'
"Your Sakura-chan only seems to want to hop all over the Uchiha's dick, who ignores you most of the time, and they both use you as their personal punching bag, Sakura, to vent her frustrations on you and Sasuke cause he can since he and I both know he's better than you." "Sasuke isn't any better than me!" Naruto yelled stubbornly.
"You have crappy chakra control compared to him, who doesn't have great chakra control anyway, making almost near impossible for you to break the simplest genjutsu, his taijutsu is levels beyond yours that you seem to picked up from a drunk civilian, and the only reason that is passable because your strength is near the level of an Akimichi child, and you have one jutsu you don't even use to your full potential while he has at least three!" Kyuubi explained, picking apart the boy's skill and destroying his confidence in the process.
"Well, maybe you should train me if you seem to care how good of a ninja I am," Naruto said pouting. "You know, that might have been the smartest thing you have ever thought of," the Kyuubi said after a moment of silence, "All you have to do is agree to a few conditions first." "Wait, you'll actually train me and what are these conditions?" Naruto asked. "Yes I will, since all the other jinchuriki would turn into a fine paste before you got to even say believe it, and I would like to just experience the world through you for my near infinite knowledge and gifts of heightened senses."
"What do you mean experience the world through me?" Naruto asked curiously liking the idea of being trained by his biju more and more. "I will able to see, feel, taste, hear, and smell through you and I will be able to communicate with you at all times," the biju explained. "Plus, there are things only you can learn because you're my jinchuriki and I can of course am the only one who teach you those abilities that would be on par with a kekki genkai." Naruto eyes widened as heard the last part and the boy readily agreed. "Now, when we get back to Konoha, I am going get your ass in gear so you won't die anytime soon," Kyuubi said before Naruto left his mind scape.
(Tsunami's House)
Naruto woke up to find himself in the room he occupied with Sasuke in Tsunami's house. He was only in his boxers. 'I guess Kakashi-sensei cleaned me up,' he thought before getting out his bed and stretching his muscles. 'Get rid of that monstrosity that you call clothing,' Kyuubi grumbled out. ' 'Hey! What's wrong with my choice of clothing?' he asked, offended. 'It's an eyesore to everyone and plus this thing will get you killed later since it makes you so much easier to spot,' Kyuubi explained to the boy, hoping that was enough to persuade the boy. 'They have a lot of pockets to carry things,' Naruto said, trying to come up with a reason to keep the jumpsuit. 'You have sealing scrolls for that and wearing that would endanger anyone with you on missions that required stealth,' Kyuubi said, utterly throwing Naruto's sole defense to keep the jumpsuits out the window.
'I never thought about it that way,' Naruto thought, frowning that he would probably have to get rid of his beloved his jumpsuits. When Naruto was finished dressing, he left the room to find Kakashi waiting outside his door. "Kakashi-sensei, what are you doing?"asked Naruto. Kakashi gave Naruto a scrutinizing gaze that made him squirm a little. "Nothing, just making sure you are able to travel," Kakashi said.
"We're leaving already?" Naruto asked, surprised. "Yes, we completed our mission, so why would we stay any longer?" Kakashi asked. "Yeah, that does make sense," Naruto said sheepishly while rubbing his neck. "Naruto, do you remember what happened on the bridge?" Kakashi asked in a concerned tone. "Yeah, I came to save Sasuke, but he almost died and I lost control and killed all those people," Naruto said with a disgusted look.
"Naruto, you need to know that you will have to kill people as the goal of a mission or to protect someone," Kakashi said, "You just need to learn how to stay in control of yourself." Naruto shoulders sagged, since it seem to him that Kakashi was saying he didn't have any self-control. "Naruto, I still think you're the same person as you were before," Kakashi said while patting the boy on the head, hoping to make the boy feel better.
"Thanks Kakashi-sensei! I need to do something right quick," he said before speeding off towards Sakura's room. When he reached her room and opened the door, he saw Sakura rubbing her bruised neck, which made Naruto flinch. "Hey, Sakura-chan," Naruto drawled out. Sakura jumped at the sound of Naruto's voice. She pulled out a kunai when she noticed it was him who spoke her name.
"What do you want?" she asked with narrowed eyes. "I just want to apologized for what happened yesterday since I wasn't in control of myself and I hope you can forgive me," Naruto answered hopefully. "Why wasn't you in control of yourself?" Sakura asked. 'You know you can't tell her about me since your Hokage made a law under the punishment of the death penalty if someone spoke of me,' Kyuubi informed Naruto.
'What I am I supposed to say then?' Naruto asked desperately. 'I don't know neither do I care, since if you don't tell her, she will show how she really feels about you,' Kyuubi said. "Naruto!" Sakura yelled to get said boy's attention, "You never answered my question." "Well you see, I can't talk about why I wasn't controlling myself because the Third Hokage said so," Naruto supplied. "Do you expect to me to believe that bullshit?" Sakura asked in an angry tone, "You come in here with a half-assed apology and then lie to my face." "Naruto do you think I'm some stupid, naive child that had the lowest grades like you? Let me remind you I was the best kunoichi of the class, not the dead last like you," she said harshly, while Naruto was boiling with anger.
'See how she treats like trash like all the other villagers, even after you almost killed her?' Kyuubi whispered to to his jailer, taking advantage of his weaker state of mind, 'She has the same look in her eyes as them too!' Naruto looked at Sakura to see the all too familiar look of hate and loathing. 'Why does everyone hate me, I didn't get to choose my fate!' Naruto yelled mentally. 'Because they're scared of you and this girl needs to be reminded of how much stronger you are then her,' Kyuubi said.
Sakura was staring at the silent Naruto, who hadn't said anything yet, which was starting to unnerve her. "Naruto?" she asked before she got punched in the face by Naruto. Her head hit the wall, leaving a dent in it and she tasted blood as she was losing conscious. She looked around hazily for Naruto, but he had already left. 'My mom was right, I can't trust Naruto, he's a monster,' Sakura thought before falling unconscious.
(Forested Area)
Naruto had just stopped running after he hit Sakura. He looked at his knuckles with the hand he hit her with to see it had blood on it. This brought a smile to his face. 'Felt good didn't kit?' Kyuubi asked. 'It did, but I shouldn't have done that,' Naruto said with regret. 'Aw, here I thought you really learned something about how you should put weaklings in their place when they insult stronger beings,' Kyuubi whined. 'I probably won't have to worry about her hitting me anymore since I won't be taking anymore crap from her,' Naruto said. 'That's good,' Kyuubi said.
'Hey! This is where I met Haku.' he thought. The memories of the boy made Naruto grin ever wider in satisfaction. 'No, I didn't enjoy killing Haku!' Naruto yelled mentally. 'Could of have fooled me,' Kyuubi commented. 'That was your fault! I wouldn't killed Haku and all those people if you didn't give me that your chakra,' the boy argued.
'If it wasn't for me, you and your team would probably be dead! I never gave you that chakra, you subconsciously increased the output of it that is constantly supplied to you!' Kyuubi roared. 'Your chakra is always in me?' Naruto asked. 'Your idol constructed the seal so you would always be able to draw on some of my power,' Kyuubi informed, 'That's why you have massive chakra and stamina and accelerated healing. So almost everything you have is a by product of my abilities!'
Naruto stood silent for a awhile, absorbing the new knowledge. 'I never knew how much I depended on you and for what's it worth, I'm sorry for my outburst,' Naruto apologized, getting a snort from the Kyuubi. 'So, why did I act the way I did?' Naruto asked. 'The increased amount of my chakra fuels your negative emotions combined with your level of hate for Haku for almost killing teammate caused you to become a mindless, killing machine,' Kyuubi explained.
'Is there any way to stop or decrease the side affect?' Naruto asked hopefully.'You would have to constantly train with my chakra so you would get used to the feeling and suppress it, but you must first work on your own skills so you won't depended of added boost of chakra all the time,' Kyuubi said.
'What should I work on first when we get back to Konoha?' Naruto asked. 'Your choice of clothing,' Kyuubi said. 'Will you stop bugging me about that? I said I will change when we get there,' Naruto said annoyed.
'First would be your chakra control and then taijutsu or bukijutsu to substitute taijutsu,' Kyuubi said. 'What's bukijustu?' Naruto asked confused. 'The use of weapon techniques, such as shurikens and kunais, but also Inuzuka's ninken and Aburame's insect techniques,' Kyuubi explained. 'If bukijutsu user kunais and shurikens, doesn't everybody use it?' asked Naruto. 'To some extent, but everyone tends to favor another branch of the shinobi arts over this one,' Kyuubi answered.
'I could make some really cool jutsues and impressed people since everyone doesn't use it that much,' Naruto thought happily. 'That's a good idea, since it will probably help you get promoted easier,' Kyuubi added. 'Old man Sarutobi will be really impressed and might even give me the title of Hokage!' Naruto thought, bouncing up and down happily. 'I don't think they will be that impressive kit,' Kyuubi said, bursting Naruto's bubble, 'You should go back to leave before your sensei looks for you or orders Sasuke to.'
'Oh yeah! Now, I'm about to get scolded by Kakashi-sensei for hitting Sakura,' Naruto thought as he turned back to the direction of Tsunami's house, while making an emotion mask. Using a mask to hide his true emotions was second nature to Naruto since he always use his happy idiot mask to hide his sadness when in public. The only time he didn't have it on was when he was with himself or a very close person like the Third Hokage, Iruka or the ramen stand owners, Ayame and Teuchi.
(Tsunami's House)
"Naruto, I know Sakura probably angered you but you need to practice self-control!" Kakashi scolded Naruto. "Yes, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto said with no emotion. His response unnerved Kakashi and Sasuke, who was still shocked that Naruto had hit his crush. 'What the hell happened to the dope on the bridge?' Sasuke asked himself, 'First he almost kills Sakura, goes on a killing spree, knocks out Sakura the next day, and doesn't seem to care. Has he always been like this, hiding his true nature?'
"Naruto, is there something wrong?" Kakashi asked concern. "No, I was just thinking about the level of my skills," Naruto answered, "I would like a truthful evaluation of them Kakashi-sensei."
Kakashi sighed, hoping he wasn't going to be to critical about the boy's skills. "You have no talent in genjutsu, your ninjutsu is limited to one jutsu, albeit a high-ranking one, your taijutsu is reminiscent of a drunken brawler and your chakra control is the worst of anyone I ever seen," Kakashi told Naruto truthfully. "You could also learn some more jutsues," Sasuke added.
The two better skilled shinobi were expecting some type of outburst, but instead they got Naruto in a thoughtful pose. 'Just like you said Kyuubi,' Naruto told the biju. 'Told you,' was the reply of the demonic fox. "Thank you, Kakashi-sensei," Naruto told his sensei.
"Why did you ask for that anyway, Naruto?" Kakashi asked curiously. "I plan on improving myself so I won't have a repeat of the bridge incident," Naruto explained monotonously. "That's good and you need assistance just ask me," Kakashi said with an eye smile. "What about me?" Sasuke asked. "If you ask nicely, bit don't demand it," Kakashi answered. "Hn," was Sasuke's answer.
"Alright get packed and so we can leave, we're already behind schedule," Kakashi commanded. Naruto promptly when back to his room to get his stuff and Sasuke went to go get Sakura.
This is my new story and I planned this one out, so it is unlikely I will hit a block for awhile. Naruto will be influenced by the Kyuubi as you can see and the next few chapters will be about his growth in skills. Review please!