Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm back! I know it's been forever since I have updated, but I have had to share a computer with my mom and sister. I finally bought my own laptop a few days ago, so that shouldn't be a problem anymore though. Now, in this chapter, we are going to jump forward a little bit. It's going to be the day that Harry and Hermione leave for Hogwarts, because I have been looking forward to writing this chapter for a while!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my laptop and the ideas that pop into my head.

The Life and Love of Hermione Jean Granger

Chapter 11: The Hogwarts Express

"Mum! Daddy! Come on, get up!" Hermione called up the stairs to her parents, getting impatient. Today was the day she and Harry would leave for Hogwarts, and she couldn't wait.

"Hermione, are you excited?" Harry asked her sarcastically as he exited his room. "It's only 8, and we don't have to be there until 9."

Hermione glared at him. "I know that Harry, but we still have to pack everything in the car, and drive there."

Realization hit Harry's face. "Oh! Why didn't you say so?" And with that, the two 11-year-olds called up to the Granger parents.

"We're coming, Hermione. Calm down," Mrs. Granger told her young daughter affectionately. Mr. Granger was following her down the stairs.

A few moments later, the small family was in the car on the way to the train station. Hermione sat in the back seat of her parents' van in between Hannah and Heather, while Harry squished into the front with her parents.

When they arrived at the train station, Harry and Mr. Granger went to look for carts for the luggage. Hermione, Hannah, and Heather looked around for the platform.

"I don't see it," Hermione mumbled, disappointed. She had hoped against hope that maybe, just maybe, this could all be real. Maybe it was just a dream, though.

When Harry and Mr. Granger returned with the luggage carts, Hermione was near tears. "It's not real. I don't see it."

Just when they were about to get back in the car, a family of redheads walked past. "Packed with muggles as always," a plump woman with a little girl clinging to her hand muttered as she past.

"She said muggles! Let's go ask her!" Harry said, grabbing Hermione's hand and dragging her over to the family. Mr. Granger, his wife, and Hannah and Heather followed behind.

"Now, Fred you go first," the woman said, pointing at one of the redheaded boys.

"Mum, don't you see? I'm George," the boy told her, rolling his eyes.

"So sorry George," the woman told him, patting his hand.

"Just kidding, I am Fred," the boy said, grinning and running straight for the wall between platforms 9 and 10. He disappeared.

The rest of the family followed, until it was just the woman, the little girl, and a young boy about Harry and Hermione's age.

"Excuse me," Harry said to the red haired woman. "But how do you get onto the platform?"

"Ah, it's simple dear. Just walk straight into the wall, and you should go right through," the woman smiled at the two of them kindly.

Squeezing Hermione's hand, Harry ran to the wall, expecting impact. He felt nothing. When they opened their eyes, they saw a long train that was waiting, smoke billowing from its many chimneys.

"Wow," a small voice said from behind them. Hermione turned to see her little sisters gazing at the train in wonder. "You get to ride that, Mione?"

"Yep. Isn't it great?" Hermione replied excitedly.

"I'm going to miss you," Heather said with tears in her pretty brown eyes. Hermione reached over and put her arms around the small girl.

"I'll miss you to, Heather. I love you," Hermione smiled bravely through her tears as she hugged the rest of her family. "I love all of you. See you at Christmas." After Harry had gotten to hug everyone goodbye, he took Hermione's hand and walked with her to the long train. They packed on all of their stuff and went to find an empty compartment.

As they were walking along, a young, chubby boy rushed up to him frantically. "Have either of you seen a toad? I've lost one!" He cried.

"No, I haven't. I can help you look if you like," Hermione offered sweetly. A look of relief crossed the boy's face.

"Thank you so much!" He told her. "I'm Neville, Neville Longbottom."

"I'm Hermione, and this is Harry," Hermione replied, gesturing to Harry.

"Nice to meet you. I'm going to find a seat." Harry told them, leaving them to look for the toad.

They searched the whole train together, then split up to take different directions. Hermione entered compartment after compartment in search for the missing toad, but didn't see it anywhere. At last she came to the final compartment. She glanced in the window to see Harry sitting with the redheaded boy from the platform.

She opened the door and went in, causing the two boys to look up at her.

"You haven't seen a toad, have you Harry?" Hermione asked, looking at her best friend.

"Sorry, Mi. I haven't seen one yet. I'll keep my eye out though."

IT was then that the redhead spoke up. "Harry, Harry Potter?" he sputtered.

"Yes, why?" Harry asked, confused.

"Do you have the scar?"

"Yes." Harry lifted up the bangs on his forehead, and the other boy gasped.

Hermione was confused, and Harry seemed to be too. "What's so exciting about a scar?"

"He's Harry Potter, basically a celebrity!" the boy said. "I've met Harry Potter!"

"Yes, so?" Harry asked. "Why is that so exciting? And who are you anyway?"

"Oh, I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." the redhead told them. He then turned to Hermione. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hermione Granger, Harry's best friend and adopted sister," she said defensively. She did not like this boy for some reason.

"Nice to meet you, Hermione," Ron told her around a mouthful of food, extending his hand. Hermione grimaced, and Ron gave up.

"Charmed. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change."

"What's her problem?" Ron asked of Harry, who just shrugged.

A few hours later, the train came to a stop. The passengers all piled out into the dark, rainy night.

Hermione met up with Harry and Ron once she stepped off the train. They all looked around at the chaos, and saw a tall man towering over all of the students. "First years! Over this way!" the giant man called.

All of the young kids walked toward the giant, who told them all to get into a canoe. Hermione sat in one with Ron and Harry.

The all rowed to the castle in the distance, chattering excitedly. It was a beautiful sight. It was all lit up, with tall towers, like a castle out of a fairytale.

When they reached the shore of the lake, the tall man, Hagrid, led them to the large castle doors. They entered the castle to meet up with a strict looking woman, with spectacles and a tight bun on the top of her head.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall," the woman said as she led them to an empty corridor. "I will take you into the Great Hall shortly, where you will be sorted into your houses. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I will be back for you in a moment." With that, Professor McGonagall left them to stand about nervously.

A thin, blonde boy sauntered over to where Harry and Hermione were standing. "Hello, Harry Potter," the boy said. "The name's Draco Malfoy. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand, which was ignored by Harry.

"How can I help you, Draco?" Harry asked through gritted teeth. The kid's arrogance was grating on his nerves.

"Just wanted to let you know that Slytherin would love to have you. We could be the best of friends," Draco said pompously.

"No, thanks, Malfoy," Harry sneered. Hermione grabbed his hand as McGonagall reentered the corridor.

"This way, please," she told them, opening the doors to the Great Hall. It took Hermione's breath away. There were four tables, each with many students sitting at them. Above the tables floated hundreds of candles, which lit up the room beautifully. The ceiling reflected the sky, showing a deep black with bright stars. It was incredible.

The first years all walked up to the front of the Hall nervously. They paused when they saw a stool in front of them, on top of which was an old worn out hat. It opened its mouth and began to sing. This shocked all of the eleven year olds, especially the muggleborns.

"Now, returning students, please be respectful," McGonagall told everyone in the Hall. "New students, here's how this is going to work. When I call your name, you will come up and sit on the stool. I will place the Sorting Hat on your head, and it will call out the house where you belong," McGonagall then began to read of the names.

Some of the children were up there for only a second, while others took longer. Finally, it was Hermione's turn. She walked up to the stool with pretend confidence, while on the inside, butterflies were erupting in her stomach. When the hat was placed on her head, it slipped over her eyes, blinding her. It then began to speak. "Well, well, child. Very intelligent, you would do well in Ravenclaw, and cunning, which is a wonderful trait for Slytherin. But you are very brave, so it will have to be GRYFFINDOR!" The last word was shouted out for the whole Hall to hear, and Hermione climbed from the stool and took her seat at the cheering table.

Next, it was Harry's turn. When the hat was placed on his head, it stayed silent for several minutes. Finally, it shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" Hermione cheered with the rest of the students as Harry sat next to her.

"Malfoy, Draco," McGonagall called. The blonde boy from earlier sat on the stool. As soon as the hat touched his head, it screamed, "SLYTHERIN!"

Before he sat down, he smirked over at where Harry and Hermione were sitting. That could only mean trouble.

So, what did you think? This chapter was way fun to write, so I hope you enjoy it.

Now, questions:

1. How do you think this story is going so far? Is it good?

2. When do you think we should start to see some Harry/Hermione action?

3. Would anyone be horribly opposed to a small time jump, to the end of first year?

4. Any ideas for the next chapter?

5. What was your favorite part of this chapter?

6. Do you think I should do a sequel to this story?

Please send me a review with the answers to these questions. I love hearing your opinions, and I'm open to ideas. Sorry if I made any spelling or grammar errors, I was in a rush to put this up. Review please!