Hey, guys. It's me, Destiny. Just to let you all know, I haven't disappeared from the planet. I'm still alive. PS, this might be a bit long.

I really am sorry that I haven't updated all summer. I just left without a trace and never came back. No warning, no nothing.

But it's okay, because I'm back, now.

Brief distraction: I'm officially in Junior High, now! I'm in seventh grade! And I have my final health exam tomorrow which I'm not going to study for because I make A's in there. YEAH. I can't wait to finally be able to have gym! (Even if it's hard work, because who cares? It's in the last period of the day anyway!)

Also, I have quit gymnastics, and gone back to dancing. I felt like I was home when I walked through those front doors of the studio; it feels good to be back! I quit gymnastics because I was beginning to miss everyone back at the studio, and at first I had really only wanted to be in gymnastics to get more flexible for ballet, anyway, so….. yeah. Anyway, back to the explanations:

You see what had happened, was that at the beginning of the summer, I completely lost the urge and inspiration to write. I was really close to deleting my account, but I didn't, because it was very sentimental to me.

Whenever I read through the first stories I'd ever written, it's like going through a scrapbook.

I would never delete my account.

I had also lost every inspiration for House of Anubis fanfiction, also. I didn't really like it at all for a while.

But I didn't stop reading fanfiction, though. I had made myself a home at the One Direcion Fanfiction website. In case you're wondering, I didn't write any, though. I just read. And for the majority of the summer, One Direction Fanfiction had clouded my inspiration to write.

Well, anyway, there's your explination.

Now; to the good news.

While I was on my little 'hiatus', my reading level skyrocketed. And I'm sure you know that when your reading level goes up, your vocabulary increases, and you become a better writer.

That's what happened to me.

Well, I had just randomly been looking through my account last week, reading some of my old stories. And now that I look at them now, almost a year later, I think to myself, 'These stories are so childish!'

It was weird.

Anyway, I had been planning my comeback for weeks, but I didn't know how, exactly.

But then I thought while I was reading my stories, "What better way to make a comeback than to make a newer, better, improved, more adult version of on of my stories?"

So, there you have it, folks. Love in a Hellhole will be re-written. The plot will be thicker, I will go more in depth with everything. I won't change the plotline at all. It wouldn't be the same story with a different plotline, now would it?

I knew exactly how the story was going to turn out from the moment I started to type chapter one, so whenever it comes out different from you expected, please don't blame it for being rewritten, because that's how it was always going to be.

And, to add more to my little announcement, I just added a new story, and it's called Red, based off of the new Taylor Swift song, kinda. (Who's excited for her new album?! I can't wait!asdjdjdjdkfdbmelsdibefiebifb ie!) Excuse that spaz attack.

It's basically about Nina leaving England after graduation, but returning ten years later for Mick and Amber's wedding.

The reason she left? I can't tell you that. I'm already saying too much.

I'm going to give you guys a little preview of the prologue. It's already up on my account, by the way, if you don't want to just read the teaser.

"Amber," breathed Nina, fidgeting with the zipper on her leather jacket, then running a hand through her curly locks.

She caught a look at herself in the mirror, and for the first time, she noticed how much she had changed since graduation. But she hadn't. It was weird, not changing and changing at the same time.

It probably made no sense whatsoever. She felt like she was in the Alice in Wonderland movie, where nothing made the slightest bit of sense.

It was broad as daylight, that she'd grown, and everything else that comes with growing up. But when she looked at herself in the mirror, phone to her ear, she still looked like naïve, eighteen year old, Nina.

And that was something that scared her. She hadn't seen that image since the morning she woke up on the day of graduation…

Anyway, chapter 1 of that is in process right now. I'm working on making the stories longer than I used to write them. Like, maybe 2,500-4,000 words a chapter. SO, it might take a little more time to write them.

Also, on the last note, I have become an official fangirl. So, if you like any of the fandoms of the fandoms below, you are considered awesome in my book.


One Direction

Cher Lloyd

Little Mix

Olly Murs

Ed Sheeran

The Vampire Diaries

Taylor Swift



The Secret Circle

The Nine Lives of Chloe King

Big Time Rush

The Beatles

That's all I could think about right now, since I still haven't finished my homework (haha), and I need to finish the first chapter of Red, and I need to begin planning Love in a Hellhole: Rewritten.

Or would you guys like me to change the name?

I'm taking requests, so please review (even if you're a guest) your opinion if you think I should change the name or not, and if so, what to?

Plus, if you are a part of a fandom that I didn't list up there, put that in your review, too! I'm probably in it.

