So here I am, at 3 am, in my bedroom, on my bed, writing a story that shouldn't be written, knowing I have others to work on, and knowing I have church in like, nine hours. But here I am. I'm also thinking about deleting 'We Meet Again'. Should I? But anyway, this story is completely AU. Remember it's Alternate Universe, so some people are a little out of character. And Nina has parents, and siblings, and all that out of the ordinary stuff.

Nina's POV:


I opened one eye drowsily. I wasn't ready to go back to the hellhole I have to call school. Especially not on the first day, either. I pressed snooze and started getting comfortable on my bed again.

"NINA! GET UP!" my impatient mother screamed from downstairs. Yep, this is my lame life.

I dragged myself out of my bed, grabbed the first things I saw in my closet and headed to my bathroom to take a shower.

Aah, the hot water felt so good. I didn't feel like getting out to have to go to a place like school. But, I eventually had to face my fears. I pulled the brush throughmy tangled hair, deciding how I should wear it today.

I looked at the random clothes I'd picked out. It was a gray cropped shirt and a black undershirt. I shrugged. It wasn't half bad. Then, I looked at the skinny jeans I picked out. I guess it matches. I decided on having my hair half up half down with a clip holding it and a few strands of my bangs coming out. I decided on some boots that went just below my knees. And I finished the outfit with a few bracelets and some clear lip gloss.

Presentable. But it wasn't like I was dressing to impress anyone. I'm too independent for that. And, no one pays attention to me in the first place. I ran downstairs, and the wonderful aroma of pancakes filled my nose.

"Morning, Mom." I said, with as much cheerfulness as I could muster. Danny, my ten year old brother glared at me. What did I do? Allison was no big help, either. She was thirteen, and texting on her phone. She had on way to much makeup and was stuck up. She sneered when she saw me.

Why my siblings hate me, I have no idea. Maybe because I was the oldest? Or I had at least some style.

"Allison, hand me your phone and eat your food," Mom said. I gratefully sat down and started to dig in. When I finished my pancake, I had to remember to breathe. Then I went back upstairs to grab my black Coach Purse, phone, keys, and brush my teeth.

When I walked back downstairs and Allison, Mom, and Danny were gone. She probably dropped them off at school and was on her way to work.

Then my phone started ringing.

"Hey, hey!" I greeted Patricia.

"Hey! Can you believe summer is over already?" she asked.

"No, I can't. It makes me want to cry. But, remember what today is?"

"Ugh, don't bring it up."

"I have to! You brought my sixteenth birthday up!"
"Fine. Meet you at school, yeah?"


I walked to my silver Chrysler, hopped in and sucked in a long breath. Today was going to be a long day.

***At school***

"Hey!" Patricia greeted me when we were by the school doors.

"Happy birthday!" I shouted. A few people turned and gave us weird looks.

"Ssh! So, how was your summer?"

"Patricia, I talked to you all last night and just talked to you this morning. You know how my summer was, because you were basically living in my house! You even went on vacation with us!"

"I know, just kidding, Drama Queen."

I said the usual comeback.

"I'm not a drama queen… I'm just… an emotional princess…" I said, pretending to be sheepish.

Patricia rolled her eyes, and we linked arms and walked inside to face the misadventures of high school.

Sorry this is kind of short! I don't need my parents to wake up and fuss me about still being up this late, and this is only, like the prologue or whatever. Please review, it means a lot! I won't continue until I get at least five. My anonymous reviews is turned on, so anyone could review, so you have no excuse not to! LOL! I sounded like a teacher right there. But seriously, review my story. They make my day much better.