The Feeling

Summary: You know it...that feeling...the one you get when someone's watching you...following you...stalking you. The feeling you get when you're watching a scary movie, and you need to look over your shoulder or lock your doors. Turning on all your lights and shutting the door to the room with all the dolls. Cuddled safely beneath the cotton blanket; your sanctuary is your car, your relief is finally being in the presence of your most trusted friends and family. Alone, a new home, starting over. Kagome knows no one. With that feeling, who will help her feel that security? Where is her shelter?

Anime: InuYasha/Death Note

Pairing: Kagome/L & (Slight Kagome/BB)

Genre: Romance/Horror/Suspense/Angst

Rated: M for Mature Content




Mello didn't even raise his head when Near sat down next to him in the lecture hall. He wasn't looking forward to it, personally. Professor Ruvie had a way of lulling the entire class to sleep with his monotonous tone.

"How did it go, last night?"

Mello frowned, "well, let's see. She slept, woke up screaming...then slept some more. So, it went great."

"Sarcasm, Mello?"

"Be grateful I can muster up coherent sentence structures."

"Would it be beneficial for me to take Kagome in tonight?"

"No," Mello sighed, "I'm not tired, I'm annoyed."

Near raised a finger to a lock of his hair and started twirling it around a gentle finger. "I believe, my previous inquiry still applies."

Mello smirked, "how about after classes, you take my mind off of what's bothering me?"

"...while...that perhaps might be a temporary fix..." Near had paused in his finger twirling, a pink tinge playing across his cheeks. "I'm not sure that it would do anything to alleviate the foremost problem at hand."

"Probably not, but it would make me feel better."

"I'm not sure what to say in this situation."

"Heh," Mello turned his focus back to the lecture. Feeling a bit better after teasing Near, he concentrated on International Human Rights Law.


So distracted, Kagome nearly jumped out of her skin when a hand touched her shoulder. Eyes meeting an apologetic pair of brown orbs, she sighed, "Linda...what the hell?"

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I guess, you were so focused, you didn't hear me when I called out to you. I wanted to check in and see how you were fairing with dorm life."

Kagome sighed, closing her book she shrugged her shoulders a bit as she leaned back in her chair. "I mean, it could certainly be better. I feel like a burden right now."

"What?! Is Mello making you feel like this?"

Kagome smiled and nodded, "yes and no. I stayed at his place yesterday. He was worried about my health, and I guess...I don't know, I feel bad because he stayed up watching over me all night."

Linda didn't respond right away at first. It took her a moment to process what was said before she finally spoke. "I-if Mello is taking care of you, then it's not a burden. He...he doesn't do things if it's going to be a problem for him. If it's going to hurt his scores or interrupt his studying, he won't bother with it. So, don't think you're a burden."

"I thought you didn't like Mello."

Blushing, Linda cleared her throat and sat down quietly beside Kagome. "The opposite...Kagome."

" like him?"

Linda nodded, "and yes, I'm aware that he and Matt are together. I just...I've liked him since our first year."

Suddenly things were falling into place, "mn, yeah...he and Matt..." Kagome smiled, 'and Near.' Reaching out, she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, "I'm sorry Linda. I can imagine how difficult it is."

"I guess it could be worse. He could be nice to me. Then I'd never be able to stay away from him. If he's rude to me, at least I have a reason to avoid him." Pulling out a sketchpad, she gave a nervous smile and moved it over towards Kagome, "when I realized I didn't have a chance with him."

Kagome lifted the cover of the sketchbook and her eyes widened. A heavily detailed sketch of Mello laughing with Matt's head resting on his lap. A textbook and game console discarded beside them as Matt reached up to touch a blonde strand of Mello's hair while Mello playfully held Matt's goggles in his hand. Well out of reach of the gamer, who didn't look to be interested in regaining them. There was a look in Matt's eyes, that Kagome was sure she'd never seen. It he was seeing Mello for the first time. "Linda, this is should give it to them though."

"I've wanted to, believe me. I just...I'm scared to."

" should draw one of all three of them."

Linda tilted her head a bit in confusion, "all three...who else do you mean?"

"'s not my place to say." Kagome sighed, handing the sketch back to Linda who took it carefully before laying the cover of the book back over it. Lifting her phone, she checked the time before sighing, "I need to go. I have Violin in an hour, and I still need to grab my instrument."

"I'll see you around then," Linda waved as she thought about what Kagome had said. Matt, Mello and who?



Strings pulled. Drawing out the longest, most nostalgic notes, and accompanying them with faithful short sharps and flats that grounded the tune. A simple Nocturn. Nothing too difficult. She played the violin without pause or falter, eyes closed as she took in all that the melody offered her. Which, as of late, was solace. Her pace picked up, drawing out louder notes, more powerful than before, they changed the tune to a more demanding paraphrase of the story being told. Then, it dwindled into a slow drawl once more, with tender high notes fading from her bow. Opening her eyes, she stretched her arms over her head and yawned. She'd finished Violin classes three hours ago. It was now nine, a little bit past. She'd stayed behind to practice with a couple other students. Not paying attention to the time, she let it slip away from her and now...

She snapped the bow back into the case before fixing the rosin and violin in their places and closing the case up. Grabbing her back and phone, she took in the number of missed calls. "Shit," pressing redial, she listened.

"What the absolute fuc―Hey!"

Pulling the phone back curiously, she stared at it for a moment before returning it to her ear. "Hello?"

"I'm here, sorry. I was moving out of Mello's reach. We were worried, where were you?"

"I'm sorry Matt. I completely forgot to mention that I had Violin classes today. Then I stayed behind to practice. I'm heading back now."

"I can come get you,"

She smiled, "I know, but I'm okay. I guys were right. I was anxious. I'll be fine on my own, Matt. Tell Mello I'm sorry for worrying him?"

"...yeah, I'll tell him. Let us know when you get home."

She nodded before realizing that he couldn't possibly see the head motion. "I will. Later." Hanging up, she pocketed her phone and started back to the dorm. Blocking out all sounds around her. She didn't want to be scared anymore. Her music had done a number on her nerves. Relaxing her in a way she hadn't felt possible for days now, and she refused to tumble back into her anxiety. This was ludicrous! She was imagining things. It happened. The darkness was famous for playing tricks on a secluded person. Someone who lives alone is a perfect victim for the shadows and sounds that go bump in the night. "I'm not afraid."

"Heh heh heh..."

Blue eyes widened. Shaking, her hand tightened on the phone in her pocket. She didn't pull it out, but she did press redial. "...hello?"

"Hah hah hah..."


Her Violin case no longer gripped in her hand, having dropped it, she looked around for any sign of life. She wasn't going crazy. She heard it. There was someone there! "Show yourself! I'm not afraid of you! Come out!" She yelled, barely hearing Mello's voice from her pocket.

Thup, Thup, Thup

Shaking, she heard the steps coming from behind her, making to turn, she froze when a hand settled on her shoulder.

"What a cute little lamb you are, pretending to be a brave wolf. He he he..."

She couldn't hear Mello anymore. She could only focus on the voice in her ear. Another hand slowly draped itself over her eyes, and she was consumed with darkness. "P-please..."

"Please? Please what?"

She shivered, the touch of his breath along her neck sent tremors down her spine. "What do you want from me? Why are you following me?! It's you, isn't it?"

"Heh...I can't help it. I love how scared you look. Truly, a delicious sight." Lips pressed gently along her collarbone, trailing down her shoulder.

She was petrified, too scared to move. His hand still covered her eyes, his lips burning a trail of fear along her body, and his other hand catching fabric as it moved the loose top from her shoulder to reveal moon kissed skin. From a distance, she could hear heavy footsteps.

One more kiss, "it seems our time must be cut short...until next time, Kagome. Kekekke!"

She kept her eyes closed, to scared to open them, even after his hand had left her and his retreating footsteps had disappeared into the night.



'...Matt...Mello...' her eyes fluttered open to see the two running towards her. Legs finally giving out beneath her, she felt gravity for the first time since she'd been released. The ground biting into her knees and palms, eyes wide, she watched droplets fall to the ground soundlessly.


She heard him in the back of her mind. Closing her eyes tightly, she felt Matt's arms around her, pulling her into a hug while Mello looked around for her assailant. Matt's voice in her ear, whispering soothing words that promised her, everything would be okay. She was scared. Finding it exceedingly difficult to believe him, she shook her head in his chest as her tears continued their endless pursuit. Matt let her go when Mello came to her side and lifted her into his arms, hers wrapping automatically around his shoulders as Matt grabbed her bag and case. It was a quiet walk back. Neither said more than necessary. Kagome was thankful for it, as it gave her time to cry away the fear. She knew now, it wasn't just anxiety. This was a solid being. Her fear was a physical person. He was real.

Curling in closer to Mello, she buried her head in his neck, relaxing in the familiar scent of bittersweet chocolate and orange. She closed her eyes to the world knowing, so long as she was with these two, she was at least safe from him.



Me: Here is chapter seven, yay~! Review guys.