Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

So sorry for the delay. I've been really busy and I didn't want to rush writing this chapter. I do believe we run into the prologue at the end... :)

A lot happens this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

"When the day has come

That I've lost my way around

And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground

When the sky turns gray

And everything is screaming

I will reach inside

Just to find my heart is beating."

-Imagine Dragons - Bleeding out


"Bella, I think the sooner you get out, the better." Rosalie had been on edge all afternoon. I came over to her loft to discuss a couple of things, and she just leveled me with a gaze that had me wondering if someone had died.

"I want to Rosalie, but there's a couple of things I have to take care of," I said. Edward came to mind. I wish there was some way I could have him leave with me, but Emmett's words haunt me. Is there truly nothing I can do about the black boxes?

"Rose," I whispered. "When you first left Division, why didn't you take Emmett with you?"

She sighed.

"Bella, we were both very different people back then. I was very impulsive and stubborn, and he was very dedicated to Division. Any time I tried to bring up the shady business Division was involved in, he would walk away." She came closer to me, and began brushing my hair back with her fingers. "You have to understand their point of view. They're in high positions in Division. They've done some great things for this country, so a part of them is convinced that all Division does is good. You and I see Division for what it is because we've been wronged by them. Sometimes it takes a slap in the face for us to realize what's going on around us."

"Did you slap Emmett?" I asked. Rose chuckled and shoved me playfully. "I think he's been having his doubts for a while. I just gave him the extra push he needed to believe his doubts."

I felt a small twinge of jealousy towards Rose. She had Emmett on her side. But just as quickly as the feeling came, it was gone. She spent years apart from him and they're just now reunited.

"What would the world do without you, Rose?"


It was dark by the time I made it back to my place. Rose and I had passed time by drinking a few glasses of wine and giggling like girls. I almost felt normal.

I walked through my door and put my keys down in the bowl by the door. I could hear music coming from the living room. I assumed it was Edward, so I walked a bit faster with a smile on my face. I turned the corner and froze, my purse falling to the floor with a thud.

It was Edward, but not the Edward I have come to know and love.

The Edward in front of me was clearly inebriated, and well on his way to drinking himself unconscious. His usually clean pressed suit was wrinkled and his shirt was untucked. When his eyes lazily made their way up to see me standing in place, he stood up. In his state, he fell over slightly. When I rushed to keep him from falling, he snatched his arm away from me angrily.

"Get the fuck away from me," he growled.

My eyes widened at the amount of rage and hate in his words. Never before has Edward ever spoken to me like this, and it scared the hell out of me. I wasn't scared of Edward physically hurting me, although he was trained to kill. I was scared of his words. I don't think he knew just how much impact his words had on me. He had the power to break me.

"Don't look so offended, sweetheart. You can drop the pathetic homeless girl act now. I know you're faking."

"Edward, what are you talking about? What am I faking?"

"Everything!" He yelled. "Who knows how fucking long you've been working with Rosalie and lying to me."

My stomach sank. I could feel my whole body tense in shock and fear.

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

He stumbled his way to me and pushed me against the wall. He grabbed a strong hold of my upper arm with his right hand. Not enough to really hurt me, but firm enough to threaten. "I'm talking about how you just let me fuck you because you're working with Rosalie. You think I was never going to find out?"

"Edward, I can explain," I whispered out. His hand tightened, to the point where I was certain a bruise was going to be left behind. I winced and tried to push his hand away. He squeezed for a couple of seconds, glaring into my eyes the whole time, before he let go and took a couple of steps back.

"I don't want to hear you spewing your bullshit anymore!"

"You have to give me a chance to talk! That's why you came here isn't it? You want to know everything."

He stumbled back to sit on the couch. He let his head fall into his hands and rubbed at his eyes angrily.

"Division killed my family," I blurted out.

His head snapped up and fixed his eyes on me, burning me with his gaze. "Are you lying?"

"No!" I could feel my throat start to close up with the amount of force I was using to hold back my tears. I refused to cry. If I cried, Edward would think I was trying to make him feel sorry for me. "I never lied to you, I am from Germany. My real name is Isabella Kaiser."

His eyes widened. Even in his state of drunkenness, he knew the name. "Isabella Kaiser died in the fire that night."

"Yet here I stand before you," I said. I walked forward slowly. "They took everything from me that night, Edward. You more than anyone should understand what that feels like."

I stood in from of him and slowly reached out a hand to go over his.

He snatched his hand away from under mine, and before I knew what was happening, he had a Glock aimed at my face. His eyes looked wild and crazy, and I was truly afraid of him in that moment. This man in front of me was desperate for answers and he would kill for them. I raised my hands in surrender as Edward stood and circled around me like a lion circling his prey.

"You know where Rosalie is." He stated.

I nodded.

"You're going to take me to her, or I will blow your head off."

"Edward, let's talk between us. I'm the one that owes you answers, leave her out of this."

"Take me to her. Now."


Half an hour later, we were standing outside Rosalie's loft. I had a feeling both her and Emmett were expecting us, and seeing them in the front entrance just confirmed my thoughts.

Edward dragged me by my arm inside the loft. He wasn't overly rough with me, something that I noticed. He was drunk and angry and yet he was still careful with me. Maybe there was hope for us yet.

"Edward, man, why don't you sit down," Emmett said.

He made to come closer to us, but Edward took his gun from the waistband of his pants. "Stay the fuck away. I'm here to get answers."

"What do you want to know?" Rosalie asked.

"Is it true? Is she really Isabella Kaiser?" He asked, motioning towards me.


Rosalie's face looked solemn as she spoke.


She sighed and stepped closer to us. "I was on that operation. When we infiltrated the Kaiser home and set fire to it, I saw Bella hiding under her bed and I pulled her out of there."


"Come on Edward, you're not that blind. You're aware of the things Division has done, what they are doing. I'll admit that some of the operations we carried out benefited the world, but sometimes we were ordered to do things that were morally wrong."

"If you're trying to give me the, 'Carlisle is evil' speech, you can stop now. Emmett already tried."

Emmett stepped forward a bit so that he was in front of Rosalie. "Let me guess why you're so loyal to Carlisle. He promised to help find your sister's killer right? Has he come through with that promise?"

Edward released a breath, and opened his mouth with a retort, but Emmett continued talking. "He promised me the same thing. Before Division, I was a cop. One day, while I was at work, a gunman came into my home and killed my wife and my two daughters. One day Carlisle strolls into my office and makes me an offer. He told me that if I work for him, he'll help me find the gunman." Emmett's eyes teared up a bit as he spoke of his lost family. "Do you know why I joined Rosalie, Edward? Not just because we have history together, but she helped me uncover who killed my family. It turns out the man who massacred my entire family was Division."

Edward's head snapped up and glared at Emmett. "Why the fuck would Carlisle do that?"

"I don't know Edward. He wanted loyal people working for him. What better way than to dangle prizes in front of them. For all we know, the man you've been looking for all this time was Division too."

Edward ran a frustrated hand through his hair and across his face. He squeezed his eyes shut, and the confusion and anger was visible in his body language. I reached out to place a hand on his arm, but his eyes opened and glared at me. "Don't touch me. Why are you still going along with your act? I know about it, so there's no point in pretending you like me anymore."

"Edward, my feelings were never faked. I love-"

Suddenly there was a huge bang, and the windows crashed in all at once as dozens of camouflaged agents swarmed into the loft. We all dived simultaneously as they began shooting. I crawled on the floor, reaching behind me for Edward's hand. Even while angry with me, he still pushed me down in order to keep me safe. I followed behind Rosalie and Emmett who were crawling ahead of me towards the emergency exit. We moved fast as the agents got closer and closer. Emmett pushed Rosalie into the emergency exit first, then reached for me. Both him and Edward pushed me out, and as soon as I was clear I reached for Edward, but the exit was closed suddenly. I went to try and open it, but Rosalie pulled me away.

"We can't get caught, Bella!"

I screamed as she pulled me away from Edward. They could kill him for being in the same place as Rosalie.

I did this.

I brought him to Rosalie's location and was stupid enough to get us both caught. Tears ran down my face as I ran behind Rosalie. My heart was back at the loft, with Edward, but I left him.

"Please, Rosalie. I can't leave him. I can't live without him."

Rosalie stopped suddenly and walked into a dark alley, pulling me with her. "Bella, stop! They aren't going to kill them. I know how Carlisle works, and he is not going to kill them right away. We're going to get in there and get them out."

"How the fuck are we supposed to do that, Rose? It's Division! We'd have better luck getting into the oval office than getting in there."

"Bella, I need you to calm down. You aren't going to be any help if you're not focused." She made sure I was looking straight at her before continuing. "We do what we do best. We plan and strike."

"We plan and strike." I repeated to myself.


"Good thing I have a backup storage for weapons," Rose said as we go through what guns and ammo she had stashed. Rose was a planner. She planned for every possible scenario, especially if things ever went wrong. I'm a bit more impulsive, and in the moment, but I still try to plan for the worst.

We had a plan in mind. It will probably get us killed in the process, but as long as Edward and Emmett have a fighting chance, it would be worth it. I'd sacrifice my life for his in a heart beat.

My brain was still buzzing with the amount of hate I had towards myself. I caused all of this shit the moment I stepped foot in that place.

We all make choices.

Big or small, they impact our life. Sometimes, we don't know exactly how much though.

Not until the consequences of your choices are staring you in the face. Or until you're paying for every single wrong decision you've ever made.

I went into this for one reason. But now everything has changed. I wouldn't have done any of this if I knew how much it affected him. I can't live without him, but my choices have put his neck on the line. But I'll die for him. I'd give my life to save his any day.

My choices are going to make him hate me. He's going to despise me for the things I've done. The things I've lied about. I never did any of it to hurt him though. I'm not the impressionable girl I once was. Now I know what I want.

Even if he does hate me for what I've done, I will still love him. I know in my heart that I will never stop loving him, no matter how much he hates me.

Now, I have to find a way to save him.

Before it's too late.

I've made my choice. And now it's time to act upon it.

And that's that. Wonder what will happen?

Oh, and in case you were wondering... I am a VERY firm believer in a HEA ;)

Take care!
