Finally caught up on all episodes of Glee,

and once again found myself falling in love with the bad guy... Who for some reason seem to be way hotter than they should be, I mean Jesse and now Sebastian.

And this is what happens when you have writer's block, you keep writing new stories instead of finishing the ones you already have!

So this starts off after Quinn's accident and Rachel is at the Hospitol with the rest also the wedding did not happen!

Sebastian whistled as he strode down the Lima hospital halls. The Warblers lost Regional's- therefore he had nothing left to do but continue his community service that he was assigned due to his slushie mishap. Which in all honesty he never meant for all that had ended up happening…

He stood behind some female wearing a rather strange wedding dress. It literally covered every curve in the old 60s style yet the dress was unconventional, no train and stopping just short of her ankles. Although it was pretty it looked like a dress one found last minute… There was no detailed nor unique decorations that emphasized any of the female's attributes.

When he heard sniffling coming from the female, he couldn't help but sigh. This was why Sebastian didn't like females. He didn't care so much that they cried but it was the fact that their emotions overwhelmed them so much that well, they were incapable of doing anything else. Even making a simple decision such as picking a drink from a machine that only had 3 damn choices. Before he could thoroughly think through his actions, Sebastian punched one of the various buttons for water. His patience only went so far and he was going to be late. The female in front of him froze, her sob caught in her throat. She turned around slowly.

Green eyes widened as they met brown orbs hazed with tears.


Rachel felt a brief flash of anger at the guy who had made her and her friends miserable for the past week or two. But she caught the unusually concerned look in his gorgeous green eyes.

"Berry what happened?"

As soon as Sebastian asked the question, he regretted it. The floodgates opened again and to his immense shock, Rachel Berry practically threw herself into his arms and began to cry on his Dalton blazer. Sebastian cursed under his breath as he awkwardly tried to maneuver the petite girl into a seat closest to them. But her grip on his blazer only got stronger as if she knew he was just plotting his escape.

"It's going to be okay…" Sebastian tried as he finally gave up. For such a small thing, her grip sure was unrelenting. He wasn't going to be escaping on his terms anytime soon.

"No it's not."

Sebastian rubbed his temple with one hand; at least she was finally capable of words.

"Okay so it won't be all right- did you just pinch me?" He cried.

"You don't say that to a sobbing person!"

"You said it first! I'm just trying to stop your crying."

Rachel sniffed before borrowing her face into the crook of Sebastian's torso. As much as she hated him, he was the one stable thing nearest her and she honestly didn't give a damn what he thought of her so she could cry all she wanted. She needed that more than anything else. Everyone was either crying like her or staring at her with accusing eyes. Not that she blamed them, it was her fault. If only…

"Berry if you're not going to let go- can you at least come with me before I'm late?"


Rachel clung to the back of Sebastian's blazer, following him as closely as she could. Sebastian walked slower than he normally did because of the shadow practically clinging onto him for dear life. He waved at some of the familiar people he saw and waved them off when they saw his shadow dressed in a wedding gown and veil.


When Rachel heard the rather sweet cries of joy, she looked up and found herself in the cancer ward.

"You're late," One girl said giggling.

"Are you going to sing for us again?" One asked rather tiredly but adamant in her question that sounded more like a demand.

"Of course, why else would I be here- it certainly is not for the food." He made a face.

The kids laughed.

"Sebastian who's that?" A boy asked, pointing to Rachel.

"Oh this is Rachel."

"Why is she wearing a wedding dress?" Another girl asked, cocking her head to the side, looking closely at Rachel.

"If I knew Annie, I'd tell you."

"My wedding was supposed to be today." Rachel spoke up.

Several gasps ensued some out of delight most out of shock.

"What happened?" an older boy asked out of curiosity.

Sebastian felt the grip on his blazer tighten. Crap no, not again. "Rachel's here with me because we're going to sing together for your entertainment. Any requests?"


I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

Rachel didn't know what was going on but as Sebastian began to sing, she couldn't help but be mesmerized.

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

Upon Sebastian turning to face her, Rachel realized that she was supposed to sing. Rachel bit her lip as she tried to find her place.

Sebastian rolled his eyes before grabbing the brunette's hand.

No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

He sang his last lines one more time and saw her brown orbs widen even more so but sighed in relief when she belted out her lyrics with her much too beautiful vocals.

A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
that now I'm in a whole new world with you

Sebastian smiled as he could hear the kids clapping in delight at Rachel's voice. He perked up and sang his part trying to up his voice so that Rachel Berry wouldn't outshine him in front of his biggest fans.

Now I'm in a whole new world with you

Sebastian let go of Rachel's hand as he turned to face the kids.

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world

He danced around the girls as Rachel sang her parts.

Don't you dare close your eyes

Sebastian sang to Lori who giggled happily in return.

A hundred thousand things to see

Rachel whirled around to find Sebastian in the midst of the kids. He was smiling so contagiously that even Rachel was as mesmerized as the kids and couldn't help but smile too.

Hold your breath - it gets better

I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be

A whole new world

Sebastian sang as their eyes connected.

Every turn a surprise

With new horizons to pursue

Every moment gets better

I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

Both sang together as they started to walk towards each other again knowing that the song was nearing the end.

A whole new world. That's where we'll be

A thrilling chase

A wondrous place

For you and me

All the kids watched enraptured as Rachel and Sebastian finished, him twirling her. Rachel's wedding dress only made it all the more magical.

Rachel finished belting out with all she had left not realizing that she'd closed her eyes and was once again gripping Sebastian's blazer. At the sound of applause she opened her eyes and found herself staring at Sebastian Smythe's chest- but what shocked her was the soft look on said person's face as he looked at all the kids, grinning as if he'd just won a Tony.

Song is from Aladin A Whole New World!

Love that song!