Disclaimer: We do not own Dragon Ball Z!

Note: Hi all, M here! Welcome to the first chapter of Don and M's Piccolo/Gohan roleplay converted to fanfiction. M writes for Gohan's character, and Don brilliantly writes for Piccolo's. In this story the Z warriors have heard about the Androids and (it turns out) Cell from Trunks. They decide to split up in order to prep for their arrival. Gohan is a little older than he is in the main series; sixteen. Gohan and Piccolo to pair off to train while Goku's away.

Warnings: Violence, AU plot but follows closely with canon, bloodkink, masturbation, sex, homosexuality, bondage, orgy, homophobia (later chapters)


Chapter 1

In a distance of an approaching sunset, two skilled fighters and longtime friends stood head to head in mid air.

Son Gohan swallowed in anticipation, and rubbed his throbbing temples to subside an oncoming headache. He and Piccolo-san had been fighting like this for hours and no matter how many passed he'd never admit he has tired to the bone – not to the man he respected most. The young fighter straightened suddenly, managing to undo the knots in his spine and shoulders muscles. It hurt like hell but the improvement did wonders for stamina.

He drew a pair of black brows together.

Sucked in a nice gulp of fresh air.

Gohan's biceps flexed tensely.

It was now or never.

"Ready, Piccolo-san?"

Bravely, Son Gohan began circling his mentor utilizing an inch of ki. At first, it was a slow and steady and then faster, and faster.

"I'm not going to take it easy on you!"

"Kid, if you did, you'd be wasting my time."

Piccolo shifted down, curling his much longer limbs inward in a defensive stance. The illusion of lacking size used to fool the boy years ago and at times when Gohan got too cocky, it still caught him off guard.

His eyes followed Gohan's movements, while using his senses to look for that key flux in the kid's energy for when he would attack. The faintest of a strain echoed in his muscles as he held his position. The sweat marking his gi belying his show of lacking fatigue after all these hours.

Piccolo knew too well Gohan lacked the patience to pull an attack from him first. Uncurling his fists, the slightest of smirks pulled on his lips. The kid was becoming a challenge with his added training, finally.

"This again?"

Gohan continued to circle the Namek, picking up speed but at an even gait.

"Very well."

Gohan bit back an excited smile and instead smirked half-heartedly.

A quote from a famous strategist passed through his mind, repeated like a mantra.

"All war is based on deception," – Sun Tzu.

The new size of his master was daunting, but only for a split second. His training preached this: to understand thy enemy, one must know thy enemy. While Piccolo-san was strong, he was extremely clever and calculated. Nevertheless, he was not the only one. Knowledge was power – knowledge that had been given to him by Piccolo-san himself, whether he realized it or not.

Gohan had a gut feeling that he was being goaded, or enticed to act without words. It could have been Gohan's own infatuation, or Piccolo-san's perplexing demeanor. Emotionless to others, but never to him.

The saiyan exhaled the breath he'd been holding, finally shaking off any abnormalities with ease. He was sweating under the sweltering sun, but you'd never know just by looking at him. His plum gi was neatly tied even after their hours of sparring, and little to no sleep. His skin, tanned, but glowing from excitement, and eyes, onyx, sharp as tacks.

It was about to get interesting.

"I'm getting bored, Piccolo-san." feigned a yawn, "seriously, you're taking forever. My dad is faster than this and he eats more than you do!"

Then, he stopped. Directly behind Piccolo. Crossed his muscled arms.

"Are those arms for show or are you going to actually hit me?"

With a soft grunt, Piccolo swept back with his left leg, pulling it in at the last possible moment before connecting with Gohan's mid-section. Instead rounding to the boy's side, slamming his elbow into Gohan's back. Sweeping across, Piccolo caught Gohan's midsection with the full on force of his knee, sending him higher into the sky. With a smirk, he flew up to meet the boy.

"Still bored kid?"

Son Gohan braced himself for the blow successfully, allowing himself to be "controlled" by his mentor. When they met mid air, Gohan teleported behind Piccolo and skillfully grasped both of his wrists. Brought them together behind his back in a rough fashion. Not too tight, not too loose; just perfect. Perfect for Piccolo - just enough. Did it hurt? Just a bit.

The young demi saiyan expected the Namek to break free from his hold any second, but enjoyed the proximity nonetheless.

"Still bored, man."

Within one move, Gohan slowly brought his knee and jammed into Piccolo's backside.

Inhaled for effect.

"Care to turn up the heat?"

Gohan suppressed a smirk - he enjoyed goading Piccolo. There was always a chance that he'd give in and the satisfaction was almost too much.

Inhaling sharply, Piccolo tensed, bracing back against Gohan's knee in turn. He wouldn't have paused a few years ago if he had been caught in this hold, but he did now.

The stretch of muscles almost painfully enjoyable in that moment. He couldn't let the boy get too cocky though. Even if he was getting a little too fast for his liking.

With a growl, he pressed back even harder against Gohan's knee, jerking his arms quickly to angle correctly, energy blasting from his palms and up into the demi saiyan's face.

"Here's your heat!"

Teleporting off to the side, he sent three more flashes of energy where he felt Gohan's energy. Flying forward, he bombarded Gohan in close range attacks of his fists. Narrowing his eyes, Piccolo focused on pushing Gohan back, the smallest of smirks hardly visible on his face.

The close range of attack came exactly as anticipated, yet not as powerful as expected. Oh no, it was even more powerful. The ki blasts singed the surface of his skin, a welcome wake up call; and the blows, most of which he managed to block just barely.

Gohan patiently waited for an opening and landed several punches to Piccolo-san's gut. Unfortunately, in the process, Piccolo managed to land an embedded punch in his face, whilst his own blow remained in Piccolo's gut.

The demi-saiyan searched the Namek's face for any signs of an expression. Ah, there it was - 'the smirk.' It was all the encouragement he needed to continue.

Gohan grinned and released a close countered ki blast, one that'd probably get them both.

"Here's yours!"

Soaring backwards, the sharp burn to his abdomen eased only slightly by the breeze. His gi destroyed where the skin still burned. Good, he wasn't pulling his punches.

Halting a short distance away, he glanced at Gohan. He'd be ready for anything after that move.

Teleporting down to the ground, Piccolo glanced up as his feet connected to the earth. The slight distraction of the approaching darkness calling his attention for a moment from his student.

"Care to see if you do better on the earth?"

The taunt lightly laced in his voice as he measured Gohan's appearance for any signs of fatigue.

Gohan glared jokingly down at his friend and shook his head. "Nope, I quite like it up here. Why, do you have some sort of plan? Must I play along?"

He passed a hand through his stubborn tendrils of hair. There was...something ominous, nearby – it wasn't close so they had some time to continue. His eyes drifted, but his position remained adjacent to Piccolo's. Gohan noticed he wasn't the only one that felt the oddity.

'Hm...so, Piccolo-san removed a bit of his gi? I see...great form, still, after all these years.'

Gohan's eyes lingered on Piccolo's body, trailing from the curve of his back to the impressive pair of pecs that put his own to shame. Heat pooled between his legs, causing an already frustrated member to twitch.

'Pay attention Gohan!' his mind chided.

Gohan cracked the crooks of his neck and reaffirmed his gaze to the Namek. Suddenly, he fired a barrage of ki blasts (half-hardheartedly), ones that landed purposely around Piccolo. Time to get his ass back into the air!

"Pick it up, man!"

Honestly, Gohan didn't care about where they fought. They could've fought in a smoldering volcano for all he cared - he just loved watching Piccolo move with cat-like precision.

Idly, the demi-saiyan brushed a canopy of bangs from his eyes,

Bolting to the side, Piccolo flew up behind Gohan at full speed, grabbing him by the back of his gi and throwing him higher.

Calculating that the demi-saiyan would brace for his usual frontal barrage, he went for the boy's side. The connection of his shin to Gohan's blocking arm stung but did not keep his other leg from its own follow through, connecting across the demi-saiyan's rear.

Pulling back, he held a ki blast at the ready, smirk fully in place.

"You know I don't play games."

Throwing the ki blast half ass-ed at Gohan's position, he tried to pull the smug look off as his mind reminded him that the boy needed training, not to play games.

Gohan righted his position and locked eyes with his long-time friend. The demi-saiyan sensed Piccolo's playfulness and grinned like a child in a candy store. It wasn't often that Piccolo-san openly (somewhat) showed anything less than that of a serious nature, even around Gohan.

He shook off any of the remaining aches and pains in neck joints, and ligaments and stole a glance his own gi. Felt around, fingering material. A tare. Ah, great. Mom would have a cow.

"You ruined my gi, Piccolo-san. Mom's gonna kill me."

Gohan tore off the surface of the front, and finally the back to leave the remaining bits of blue of his undershirt.

With that, he pursed his lips and teleported directly behind Piccolo. Close, close behind him.

He released a breath against Piccolo's neck, and in one motion, grabbed both of Piccolo's arms by the wrists tightly. There was no way in hell he was going to let go now, no matter how hard his opponent thrashed around. Gohan's grip tightened and pushed him forward, holding, in order to get him to release the searing ki blasts.


away from Gohan.

'Those suckers hurt like a bitch up close!'

Inhaled ice.

"Don't you know that everyone plays games?"

Exhaled fire.

The dissipated ki charged the air, his open palms becoming fists. Body tense and ready for a blow, Piccolo fought down the shudder from the breath on his skin.

Baring his fangs, Piccolo turned his head just enough to catch Gohan's face in the corner of his eye.

"And this is how you end it?"

He strained against the hold, making his point without admitting it. Unless the kid slipped up, or grew another foot in height to swing a leg around to trip up, he was stuck.

'There are harsher methods in which to escape.'

He turned his head forward, straining against Gohan's hold out of pride, claws digging into his flesh. It stung on one level but another part praised the boy for being able to capture his opponent.

Gohan felt his heart shiver from the proximity and fought to keep a grip. Even with the pain of Piccolo's stinging talons, Gohan felt his master react as well. Maybe it was pure disgust, maybe it was out of true struggle, maybe...eh, maybe he was thinking about this too much.

He smirked when Piccolo spoke and brought his face closer to the Namek's ear.

"Oh, it's not over. You still have to break free,"

His grip tightened for emphasis and jammed a pair of knees into Piccolo's chiseled sides.

The demi-saiyan knew that he couldn't keep this position up forever, and Piccolo would probably break free at some point; but he could try. It was a strain but it was also something that he needed to work on...initially, several months before, he was horrible at holds like this one.

The challenge was exhilarating.

Gohan cleared his throat and relaxed enough to feel his heart pumping blood through his veins.

"And I know you will, you'll just have to work for it."

Bones cracked as Piccolo straightened, tipping his head forward while his ears burned purple. Narrowing his eyes, he racked his brain for a time he had told the boy that his ears were god damn sensitive!

He felt his heart race and he quickly made use of the energy pumping through his system to send ki to his palms. Relaxing as best as he could, Piccolo sent the flashes of ki between them, enough to blind for a good minute or two. The second the light burst past his peripheral, he sent his body backwards into the demi-saiyan, until he felt the jolt of imprinting into a rock face.

Turning sharply, he grasped Gohan's forearms, forcing his palms to his own body. Piccolo pressed down more of his body weight until the rock gave under the weight around Gohan's form. Positioning between those powerful legs, he ensured the kid couldn't tuck them in for any escape maneuver.

"This enough work for you?"

He growled, teeth bared only inches from the demi-saiyan's face. The ghost of feeling upon his ear, keeping them a darker shade, which crept faintly across his cheek bones.

'Damn, its still distracting me.'

Gohan gasped from the impact and just how close Piccolo-san had brought himself. So, his longtime friend wasn't disgusted by any of it. Of course, they were fighting, so closeness was required to some degree — and yet, was it really required for a long period of time? Ah, there were SO many ways that the demi-saiyan could dice and analyze it...

But now...now was not the time or the place.

Gohan bit his lip.


His orbs searched Piccolo's for a second that could've been forever. Piccolo wasn't angry, no, but he was something.

Gohan struggled to move and promptly felt himself slammed back down. A splintered rock embedded itself in the back of his neck. He winced and stared back up at the Namek defiantly, and rebellious bangs fell into his eyes.

"Hm, this makes things rather tough doesn't it?"

He grinned toothily and laughed at his predicament.

"Now I'm the one that is going to have to work for his freedom, huh?'

"It seems so."

Piccolo eased his grip just enough that his talons didn't completely rip through Gohan's flesh.

That look the kid had, suddenly brought his mind to keenly catalog how close they were. Pulling his head back, Piccolo narrowed his eyes, the scowl turning into a soft frown. The heat brushing his skin was almost enough to distract him from the hold he had.

"Do you plan to actually convince me that you're not trapped, Gohan?"

He recalled a time when he had pinned Son Goku in a similar manner, only to have his head bashed into with Son's thick skull. The key difference was size for that move. A small smirk pulled at his lips, reaching his eyes with the amusement of that thought. It would probably be another year or two before the demi-saiyan reached that height, he doubted though that Gohan would change much from his lean form.

Tilting his chin down slightly, Piccolo considered releasing Gohan, should he decide he had no method of escape and admitted defeat.

The demi-saiyan shook his head defiantly at the Namek.

"Where there is a will, there is a way. I'm not giving up, not a chance."

Gohan's goofy smile faded a bit but not by much. He loved sparring with his mentor far too much to pull a sour face. That, and he didn't particularly hate where he was – pretty uncomfortable for his neck and stuff, but...

"And I'm not trapped, after all, you've always taught me never to underestimate my own abilities."

When Piccolo's grip lessened, Gohan almost used the opportunity. Alas, that'd be far too easy. It wasn't so bad here, maybe even the grasshopper wondering about his back would agree. Piccolo was a man that didn't allow others so close, and this was too great an opportunity to exploit. Hee hee.

Perv was he.

The demi-saiyan struggled to sit up just a bit, and brought his face close to the Namek's. His ears were a varying degree of purple, hmm...

"You're going to have to push me, man. Cell won't have me any allowance and I know you won't either. Besides, I don't exactly hate it here."

Gohan's breath tickled Piccolo's ears purposely yet again. The teen smirked and didn't make a move.

The shudder that ran through him, Piccolo knew the kid felt it.

Straightening his shoulders, he pulled his head up to avoid a direct view of the coloring now crawling over his cheeks and nose.


He narrowed his eyes, brow ridges pulling together as he glared down his nose to those wild bangs covering those dark eyes and the toying look the boy had. The legs on either side of him suddenly felt more noticeable then before. That look though, his eyes widened a fraction before darkening in thought.

'Fine boy, I'll play.'

Pushing Gohan's arms up more, he let the heel of his own palms rub up the kid's chest, making sure it could not be mistaken for anything else.

Jolting forward with just enough strength to trap the demi-saiyan in the rock face, much like a straight jacket, he pulled back, releasing his hold completely.

"No allowances, kid."

Sending a sharp blast of ki forward, Piccolo idly mused on whether Gohan would block or go through the rock face. Idly, he brought a hand up to his ear, trying to sooth the feeling and still the small spasms in his neck. The heat he still felt on them caused his eye to twitch at his body's lack of discipline.

'Damn kid messing with my ears.'

A growl rose from his throat with mild annoyance.

'It could have been your antenna. '

A small voice in the back of his mind chided.

Gohan felt himself gasp and bit it back immediately. So, he wasn't the only one. Piccolo's wide set of cheeks were darkening into a purple-like state, just as his ears had. Hmmm...so he was really that sensitive huh?

'Pay attention!'

Thank you, brain.


The ki blast from his mentor shocked him out of his revere and hit him in the chest. Literally.

Gohan felt sudden anger propelling him, much like it did when he was in danger and brought his hand upward hit it away. Thanks to the heat of Piccolo's ki blast, what had been left of the upper part of his plum gi became more shredded to luscious bits. And that mind link they shared, alerted him...rather suddenly. It was strange, though it wasn't the first time it occurred when the either of them felt stress or just needed a talk.

The fight was nothing, especially if Piccolo-san needed him...

'Piccolo-san is flustered.' his mind gathered lucidly. 'I've never witnessed or felt this before from Piccolo-san, even when we were fighting Frieza...'

The demi-sayian swallowed heavily and breathed in Piccolo-san's words. No allowances, huh? Wasn't that was what he was doing now? The Namek never did this for him before, not since...

"You're flustered,"

Gohan didn't move, just stood there floating a few inches from the ground.


Gohan floated forward to get a better look into the Namek's eyes. To others, they were expressionless...but to him, they were a window to Piccolo-san's soul. He pressed his lips into a thin line and cocked his head questioningly.

"I'm not toying with you, or teasing, I truly wish to know. Have I hurt you?"

He grasped their mind link with a breath, and concentrated deeply...hoping that the other would hear him.

Gohan's eyes flooded with worry.

'I've never seen you this way before.'

"It would take more then that to hurt me."

Closing his eyes for a moment, Piccolo stilled his mind upon hearing Gohan's voice ring within. He dropped his hand from his ear, crossing it over his chest with the other.

Opening his eyes, he fixed on the dark onyx ones searching for his answer.

Why was he flustered? His mind answered with a quick, 'You caused it, kid'. The flash of shock Piccolo felt wasn't quite his own.

Flickering eyes back up to meet the demi-saiyan's, he stilled his mind with the ease of running a rocket into a reenforced steel wall, the breeze and the dimming sun's rays the only things his mind picked up.

Slowly, he let his mind take in the newly unclothed flesh showing and the way the dimming light hit Gohan's form. Counting each breath Gohan took, Piccolo brought himself closer to a stable mind, not wishing to bother the boy with rambling questions to feelings he'd need to meditate on to understand. How could he explain something he had never turned an eye to before? Or needed to know as a solitary being? Only four years his senior, but Piccolo knew nothing as to his sensitivity near other beings. The pain of having antenna hit, the sound of whistling or the clap of a well placed fist to the ear, these he understood and knew well how to avoid a repeat.

Fingers twitched as his mind brought him back to the feeling of a warm breath on his ear, craving to sooth the feeling away. Tensing, he dug his fist tighter against his bicep. Gohan would know, he assumed, if he could get over his pride to ask.

Gohan listened via their mind link intently, whilst reading the Namek's body language intently. So tense, too tense.

'You caused it, kid.'

Piccolo-san's words drummed across the demi-saiyan's mind furiously, causing Gohan's eyes to jump. It didn't sound horrible, perhaps to him, but to his Master...they were foreign to him. Feelings of the potent kind were foreign, strangely foreign.

Gohan drifted a few feet forward, advancing to place a comforting hand on Piccolo-san's smooth shoulder-blade. A reassuring smile danced on Gohan's lips, and his dark orbs found the older man's with ease. "I know it's not your thing but, why don't we take a break?"

He pointed to the direction of a long-dead campfire they'd made days before.

Outwardly, calmness seemed to reign supreme, and yet, Gohan's heartbeat thudded in his ears. Gohan wanted to do more than he could, do things he didn't understand...things for the Namek. Torturing Piccolo-san anymore than he had would've been cruel and fuck he just didn't have it in him.

"I-I'll make the campfire. You can...go for a walk or meditate. Piccolo stuff."

Another cheerful smile spread across his lips, one reserved for Piccolo-san and Piccolo-san only.

"Rest those ears of yours, maybe get that skin to go back to normal."

Gently, Gohan took back his hand slowly and dropped to the ground cautiously. He turned to look elsewhere and began working on reassembling the primitive campsite. It was possible to work faster but Gohan loved taking his time when working with his hands and putting things together.

Calmness...serenity...yeah, this would do it...


His damned heartbeat was making it impossible to think straight. Why was he still thinking about how close they were and how flustered his best friend looked? Gohan fought the urge to blush and continued on awkwardly.

A ghost of air that could almost be a sigh escaped his lips. Dropping down to the ground, he hovered close enough to the camp as his long limbs folded loosely inward in a habitual position of meditation.

Blanking out everything around himself, Piccolo found part of his mind poking its curious nose into Gohan's thoughts. Mild surprise washed over his features before he forced it into a frown. Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, he kept a mental ear on the young man, while physically listening to Gohan's movements.

He doubted the boy knew just how calming he could be, moving around him. Even those rambles and questions Piccolo normally grunted at, was almost like sitting in front of his favored waterfall.

Drawing deeper into himself, Piccolo pulled apart the fight, bit by bit. From the comments, to the blows and lingering holds. His brow ridges pressed closer together as actions that were wrong by his normal training mentally surfaced. The scent and heat that flooded his senses in the memory pulled at him, something deep in his chest that caused his heart to run wild. Gohan. The scent was all his. The game of cat and mouse... How he enjoyed it without understanding what they had been doing.

Tipping his head ever so slightly to the side, Piccolo worked to focus on Gohan. His sharp nose bringing the boy's heavier scent in. Not a boy anymore... Piccolo twitched his nose, recalling the light smell of sweat, earth and fruit Gohan carried as a boy. Now it was different. Stronger. Each breath in, Piccolo picked up on the feeling of his chest tightening when Gohan moved close in his chores. Relaxing was going to take a while...

Gohan sensed Piccolo's mixed unease which caused his own damned thoughts to stir yet again. They'd been so close, close enough to touch and maybe if Gohan was a little braver he could close the gap and...and...

Touch him and see how far that damned blush could spread, see those glorious muscles expand and that chest heave. Every bit of him slicked with sweat, begging Gohan for more...or maybe Gohan begging for more. Frenzied. It'd always been a fantasy of his, begging Piccolo to send him over the edge. Kami, it was all so seductively consuming, and he wanted so bad to get lost in every bit like he'd done at home.


'Uh oh.'

He looked down between his legs with an innocent expression.

'Say hello to your little friend, Gohan!'

The campfire sparked to life just barely before he had to press his fingertips against it. Ouch, it was so freaking painful. He had to take care of it but couldn't around Piccolo-san...so...

Gohan stood and cocked his head in the Namek's direction. He too was lost in an endless stream of thought, face clenched and blushing again. The demi-saiyan didn't dare pry, no matter how alluring it was, and he so had to go. Hopefully, Piccolo-san wouldn't hear him and he could keep that dirty little secret to himself.

Gohan stood and made sure to keep his back to Piccolo-san. A hand covered the offending area.

'La la la, this is not happening...nooo...'

He dropped a stick and kicked it away like a dork.

"Piccolo-sama!" He called. A hideous blush darkened his cheeks. "I'll be back!"

The tightening of his pants was occurring again, a painful reminder, and suddenly he darted off into the forest like his butt was on fire.

Even out here, Piccolo's scent followed. It was maddening, but in the most intoxicating way possible.

'I'm so close and I haven't even done anything yet. Whhhhhhhhy nooooooow?'

The teen fell to his knees and leant against the trunk of a wild oak tree. Brought a hand down, and clenched his jaws...

One eye opened to see the quick after image of Gohan leaving. It had been months since he addressed him so formally.

Slowly Piccolo closed his eye, considering why Gohan had left so quickly. He trained his hearing on the demi-saiyan, that heavier scent lingering under his nose like food before a starved man.

The flickering of ki caused his brows to fold even tighter together. If he had managed to upset the boy, why wasn't he still here trying to talk his feelings away like he normally did?

Subconsciously, Piccolo dropped his own ki to nothing more then a human's.

Gohan had left for privacy then.

His frown deepened, the events only shortly before pulling for his attention. Feeling those toned muscles, carved by years of training under his palms...

A smirk pulled at his lips, recalling the flicker of surprise and pleasure in those dark eyes. He would have to figure out why it caused a rush in himself and if Gohan would make that face again.

Flickering his eyes open with the faintest show of curiosity, Piccolo scanned the camp for anyone or anything without quite noting himself doing so. Glancing down at his own hands, then to the shreds of his gi's top, he brushed a thumb over his naked side. The rougher skin yielded nothing close to pleasure. Frowning, his fingers moved over to the softer flesh over his abdomen, finding his diaphragm moving to pull in his stomach. There were times he touched himself to find injuries, or to bathe, but no memories surfaced to exploring his skin.

Brushing talons up the grooves, Piccolo choked on a mixture between a bark of laughter and a groan. Eyes widening, he glanced up, catching sight of only a few small birds in the area. Good, nothing could hear him. Slowly, fingers found the harder outline of his now darkened stomach. There was a lingering warmth building in his stomach with the slight change in the pink to red upon his abdomen. Quite an interesting feeling.

Gohan wrapped his fingertips around his length and began pumping furiously. He remembered a time when he and Piccolo-san were cleaning off in the midst of a waterfall, remembered how nude Piccolo-san was. The ripple of his green muscles when he stirred, the shifting of his plated stomach...Kami, to imagine what it'd be like to have the Namek crushing against him...lust-filled, wanting with wanton need. Maybe...taking him from behind as they both ravaged one another with hot kisses and sloppy gropes.

The demi-saiyan swallowed and groaned like a tired mule and squeezed himself...what if Piccolo-san did this to him one day?

Gohan's eyelids fluttered open, staring forward.

Piccolo-san, so elegant, so wise, so understanding. The pinnacle of all knowledge. Everything. Could he ever want Gohan in this way? Sometimes, Gohan glimpsed a ghost of need somewhere in those familiar eyes...but when he almost managed to figure out what it was...it was gone. Just as fast as it came, leaving him wanting more. Hungering for more. It was maddening, all of it, but he loved it. Getting lost in that madness just brought him closer.

Faster, faster, faster.

Again and again –

The world exploded in a flash of a white and he fell to the ground with a thump. In the process his ki flared and his moans burned to a scream, and the trees just couldn't take it the pressure. They fell, and Gohan stared down at the evil culprit between his knees. So sinful, but Kami the demi-saiyan needed it. Hell, he even screamed.

He inhaled...

Exhaled a puff of steam, shame gripping his heart.


Gohan basked in the afterglow, cheeks horribly red, burning with ridiculous lust. Just a little longer, and he'd be fine. Piccolo-san was probably meditating still and most likely thought nothing of it, what was a scream and few shattered trees anyway?





His head drooped like the stem of a dead flower. Stupid.

The sharp spike in ki halted all curiosities Piccolo had. His ears stung with a scream that wasn't quite right.

He knew pain stricken screams like he knew how to breathe.

Something is wrong.

With the lack of another energy signature, Piccolo's eyes widened with the thought of androids attacking, flying through his mind's eye.

In a heart beat, he burst through the canopy of trees to Gohan's location, halting ten feet from his form. Eyes rolling over the area, he took in the lack of an enemy, worry spilling off his features, steeling them instead.
