"Major Monogram, wait!" The professional agent turned to the little fire sight girl.
"What is it, Isabella?" His voice was deep.
"Once you press that button, none of us are going to remember today?" She asked, and he nodded.
"In that case," She locked her lips with Phineas.
"Isabella," Phineas exclaimed. "Wait, don't press that button." The nerdy boy, Carl, stopped dead in his tracks.
"Isabella, why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked.
"I don't know, I figured you didn't like me back," The Latino girl put her head down.
"Isabella, promise me something," Phineas began. "Promise me that once Carl presses that button, you'll tell me you like me."
"But Phi-"
"Promise me," That was the first time he shouted at her.
"I promise," Isabella figured if she really cared for him, she'd remember.
"Okay, Carl, press the button." Phineas ordered.
Carl slammed his fist on the big red button and a beam traveled through the gun onto the kids. They awoke in the back yard, the back yard that started it all.
"Phineas," Isabella began.
"Yeah Isabella?" Phineas asked, completely oblivious to what happened just a couple of minutes ago.
"Oh, Kids, you're all here, want some pie?" Mrs. Flynn came out.
"Yeah," They all ran inside. Isabella pulled Phineas to the end of the line.
"I know," He gripped her hand. Isabella smiled deeply and squeezed his hand.
He knew, which meant he loved her too.