Hey:) It me! With a new story based on kickin it:) If you dont know who I am Im currently writing a story called "Kickin it not a punishment but an opportunity" based on the series. If you like fan-fictions like that then check it out:) This one however, is a but different. I know the 'rape' this is a similar idea to a story called 'saving Kim' (Really good btw check it out if you havn't) But i promise you this story will be compleaty different. So lets get started...
P.s Sorry for any unnoticed grammar/spelling mistakes. Bad habites die hard.
P.s.s I do NOT own Kickin it. Rights go to them:)
She was sorting through her room, putting things into boxes and bins when she came across the photo. A smile instantly grew on her face as she stared at the four year old photo of her and her friends outside the Bobby Wasabi Dojo. She placed her hand on the part of the photo in which she stood, Jacks arm around her, with Milton, Eddie, then Jerry beside him. Oh Jack, she thinks of him time to time. I guess it's hard to forget your first major crush. Yes Kim Crawford indeed had a crush on Jack Anderson. She never had the guts to tell him, and when he was pulled out of school the year of grade 11, she never had the chance.
Her thoughts were interupted by the sound of her mother calling her to come down for breakfeast.
"Coming Ma" She yelled to her. She cautiously placed the photo in a brown bin.
"How's packing coming?" He mom asked when she enterd the kitchen.
"Good, brining back alot of old memories" She replied while taking a seat at the breakfeast bar taking a bit of an apple.
"Nevous for the interveiw?" Her mom asked with a grin.
"Super" Kim managed to say between bites. Kim had moved to New Yokr city after graduation from highschool to move in with her mother. She wasn't doing very well. In New Yourk she recieved a job working for a branch in a major Magazine Company. Now, they want to extend the company into parts of LA and she has been offerd an interveiw for the managing position. Now that her mom's back on her feet, there's no way in hell she's turning it down.
"Im sure you'll do great Kimmi, It'll b-" She stopped at the sound of the TV. She turned the volume up a veiw notches. It showed the new reporter stading in an ally with police cars and "do not enter' tape in the background
"Breaking News": update on the recent rape attacts happining in the night of New York City. Anether victom has been reported, a man on a bike found her this morning and quickly rushed her to the closest hosipital. She is in criticle conditidion, ingurys are not to be reported. The police say to the woman of New York, be carful and watch your back. Hes escalating and will attact any night now, he will not stop untill he is caught. This in Sandra Summers signing out.."
"Kim, please be carful tonight"
"I will mom, I promise" She said with a reassuring smile. She glaced at her watch "Im gonna be late!" She exclaimed. Then grabed the lunch her mom had just finished preparing and ran out the door. She then re-traced a cuple steps back into the room. "Love you mom, see you later" then ran out again.
"Love you to, stay safe!" He hollard after her. Little did she know, that may be the last time she saw her daughter.
"Ha, Ha, Hiya!" Jack yelled while kicking his opponent. He put up the symbol for time, so he stopped.
"Wow Jack! You've gotten really strong since grade 11! Im wearing a full body protectice suit and I can still feel brusis coming on" He exlaimed. Jack let out a laugh and gave him a competitive shove while they walked over to get some water.
"He has been getting good" Said a man standing in the doorway.
"Cheif" Jack said while giving him a quick but respectful bow. He returned it.
"And thats why I need you to pack your bags."
"What! You just said I was getting good!" Jack protested.
"And thats why you need to pack your bags, your going on a mission." A wave af relief left Jacks body and a smile began to grow on his face. After 2 years of training he was finially about to go out in the feild. Grade 11, at 16 he was pulled out of school by his grandfather and was placed in this specialized school for future agents. Although leaving his old life was hard, he had never loved anything more than karate in his entire life... well almost anything.
"I'll go pack then" He said as he exited the training area. Packing didnt take very long, he didn't have alot off items. He was throwing clothes into two different bags when he stoped and stared at picture frame. He took a seat on his bed. The amount of memories it held was overwhalming. He placed his hand on the the part of the photo in which he stood. Beside him was Milton, Eddie then Jerry and on the otherside stood one Kim Crawford with his arm around her. Oh, Kim Crawford, she was his first crush, he always denied it though. He regrets not asking her to one of those lame dances she always got excited to go to..
His thoughts were interupted my a knock on the door; it was Cheif.
"You ready?" He asked. Jack nodded, cautiously placed the picture frame in one of his bags, and trailed after Cheif down the hall.
His heart practicly stopped and his body was left shaking as the approched the 'forbidden glass elevator' which everyone spoke of, but not many got to see. Cheif let out a laugh before the stepped inside. To Jack, the elevator ride took hours, the anticipation was killing him to see what lies behyond the other side.
That's when the doors open. It was a conference room, but not just any conference room. It was painted a royal blue with a large, expencive, oval table taking up most on the middle. The wall directly across from the elevator was coverd in cameras showing different views off all over the city. To the left side was a total of 7 computers probably tracking all the information.
"Wow" He said in amazement.
"Cool Eh?" Cheif responded.
"So is this the perfect boy you've been telling me so much about?" A man from the opposite side of the table asked while turning around.
"Yes Commander White, it is."
"Commander?" Jack thought. He didn't say anything though, just took a seat to where Cheif jesteured him to sit, as Cheif took a seat down next to him.
"If Cheif says your good, you must be. Heres you mission" He said then slid a file labled top secret to him from across the table. Jack looked through it as Commander White explained.
"Your target is a man we call X, he is a criminal mastermind. His plan is to plant bombs in many of New York's highly traviled subways. We cannot narrow it down due to fact all of New York's subways are busy. No we can't tell the public because that will cause mass panic just in case you had any stupid questions. Your mission is to track him down and eliminate him before any of this happens. And yes by eliminate I mean kill, just to clarify. You will be accompanied by Agents Clarke and Smith"
Just then a man and a woman steped out of a room to the side and stood there with there hands to there side. They didnt look that much older then Jack.
"They will be at the party tomorrow night where this all with go down. Farther instuctions are in the file, take it with you. Two rules; no one can find out your identity, if they do they must be eliminated, and do not make a spectical of yourself. Other than that good luck agents, 48 hours startes now.
Jack tucked the file into his sweater as he was escorted down the hall followed by Agents Clark and Smith. He was givin outfits to wear and a new telephone and other cool gadgets; like sunglasses that worked like a computer, a bug in his ear and a contraption that allowed him to jump from building to building kind of like spiderman. With that his mission begun...
Kim sat there twiddiling her thumbs, tapping her knee; basicly anything to keep her occupied. They pushed her interveiw four hours back because other buisness came up, and the anticipation was beggining to kill her. She sat there patiently watching as the other two how were also compeating for the position went in and then left. Finally, it was her turn.
"Kim Crawford?" A lady called. Kim stood up."Follow me" She said jesturing her down the hall and into a room. The coporate of the magazine was sitting in a black chair as Kim took a seat in the chair across. She asked her the basic interveiw questions and about an hour later she was sent out.
"Alright ladies" Said the coporate manager began a few minuts later "I am currently deliberating with other managers at the magazine, we will have an answer for you by 8, what you chose to do in that time is up to you, I will call you or invite you to my office. See you soon"
Kim didn't see the point in going home for 6 hours just to hear her mother repetitivly say "It's going to be just fine" so she discided to stay in her current office and wait for a phone call. She re-orgainized her office, then re-organized it again. She cought up on some work and proff-read future copies when it finially hit 8 O'clock. Thats when her phone rang. She was invited back to her office, this could mean she got the job, or had the courtesy to say no to her face. Either way she walked back to the coporates office.
"Hey Kim. Please take a seat" Kim sat down. "Look Kim, your a great person and a wondeful employee..." Her voice parcially trailed off. Kim put her head down knowing the word 'but' was coming next.
"Thats why we've dicided to give you the position!" The coporate said with a smile on her face. Kim stood up.
"What?" She said calm but excidedly.
"Well if you want me can give it to someone eles..." The coporate joked.
"No, no, no, thank you so much!" She shook her hand and walked out the door. After that she went back to her office to sort out a few things when 9:00 rolled around she figued it was time to go home.
Alot of people didin't like walking around at night but Kim was different, she didn't scare easy. Besides, New York is like the city that never sleeps. She took the same route to and from work every day that took her 25 minutes. Went down a few major roads, crossed an alley then walked down the road till she reached her house. But tonight was different.
Something felt off the second she left the building, it was like she was being watched. And when she hit the alley, things took a turn for the worse. As soon as she turned down it she had seene a man from behind her. He was wearing a back hoodie covering his face. She began to pick up the pace but she was stopped when she saw two more men in black up ahead, so she turned right. She had never been that way before and now she knows why... It was a dead end.
There was now four of them closing her in blocking the exit. She attemped to punch the brick wall that lied before her, something, anything to get out of here.
"HELP. Help!" She shrieked as the men got closer "HELP, HE-" Her pleading cries were interupted my a large force covering both her mouth an nose leaving her unable to make a sound.
Yes, Kim knew karate, but her small frame and light body weight couldn't even put up a fight. A tear trickled down her check as the thought occerd to her I'm going to die.
All the men were laughing now. The one still had a death grip on her face and was now holding her hands back. They took turns throwing a few punches at her gut to leave her weak. The man let go letting of her letting her make a thud, when she hit the ground. Anether one went and kicked her in the ribs, she felt paralized. He picked her up by her jacket throwing her against the brick wall.
"I'm going to have fun with you" He whisperd in her ear and he began to unzip her jacket.
"Please... don't" She pleaded. She couldn't help it, now, she was sobbing. He had suscesfully torn her jacke offt and was going for her t-shirt. And then it happend.
Out of nowhere flew this person that kicked one of the four men right off his feet, into one of the three walls rendering him uncouncious, and then it was gone again. The man stripping her pulled out a a kinfe, grabbed her and brounght it up to her throat.
"Who's there!" He barked. The other two men stood on both sides of him in a fighting stace. Kim was just standing there, fozen and speechless, what the hell just happend?
So how was that? Wanted to leave you with a bit off a cliffy. Sorry for the lack of dialogue, it was the introduction chapter. Let me know if you like it, have any ideas for the story line or my writing style:) It's greatly appriciated, I will try to upload soon:)