Author's note: I don't own the Labyrinth or Once Upon a Time.
You craven men
May fear dishonor
But you fear my
Vengeance more
~Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Heather Dale
Chapter Two: Craven
"I demand that you release me!" Regina angrily screeched at the group of goblins that held her captive.
The goblins cackled.
"She funny," a goblin conspiratorially whispered to another goblin.
"You… hideous creature, I am… a Queen! You... would do… well by… not mocking... me!" Regina angrily sputtered as she glared at them.
If looks could kill, this particular group of goblins would have suffered a thousand painful deaths by now.
"The Goblin Queen is the only Queen!" A goblin angrily babbled.
"Then take me to this Queen," Regina insolently ordered them.
"The Goblin King matter," a tiny goblin nonsensically interjected.
"True, but Goblin Queen matter more!" A different goblin corrected.
"That true," a few goblins muttered.
"Why won't the Queen see me?" Regina angrily asked them.
"The Goblin Queen will see you when she wants to see you," a goblin gleefully corrected.
"Don't rush the Goblin Queen," a stout goblin scolded her.
Regina blinked in astonishment as she looked upon the goblin that had seen fit to scold her. It was wearing a small baby blue handbag over its large head.
"Why?" She bewilderingly asked it.
The strange goblin unexpectedly pushed the Evil Queen's head further into the muck. A chicken loudly clucked and all of the goblins maniacally cackled.
"That'll teach ya!" A brazen goblin yelled at her.
"Sweet brother of mine," a familiar voice chortled.
Toby groaned.
'Does she really need to wake me up at such an ungodly hour?'
"What do you want?" He muttered.
"Who says that I have to want anything," she defensively asked him.
He regretfully sighed as he turned over to face her. He noticed that she looked truly hurt.
'Remember. Your sister has not been herself lately,' Toby thought.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting something from me," he gently told her.
"I know," Sarah whined.
'Be careful.'
Toby wearily watched her.
"But," he gently prompted her.
"It just feels wrong," she complained.
"You haven't been asking for sexual favors from me," he bluntly continued, "As far as I am concerned, nothing vital is wrong. Except, most of the time, I'd prefer if you didn't wake me up so early in the morning."
Toby relaxed a little when he noticed that Sarah looked less troubled.
"I have…a prisoner that needs to be watched," she absentmindedly told him.
"A baby does not exactly count-"
"Not a baby," Sarah interrupted him.
"Oh," he numbly replied.
"The prisoner is a hazard to my kingdom," she dryly informed him.
"I bet that you are just so eager to turn the prisoner into a goblin," Toby joked.
'You call that careful? Teasing the Goblin Queen is like poking a sleeping dragon!'
"I am," she blandly replied.
Toby blanched.
"So you want me to watch-"
"I do," she interrupted.
"Why? Can't the goblins watch… this so called hazard?"
'Careful! She is not the adoring sister that you had once known!'
"She is wily. I know that I can trust you to keep an eye on her," Sarah vaguely commented.
"Oh. Do you really need me to watch her?" He whined.
He hated most fae women. 'Who could say if mortal women were just as annoying as fae women?'
Sarah glared at him. As anger danced in her eyes Toby felt fear chill his blood.
'Remember, Toby. Sarah is no longer… in her right mind.'
He hated admitting that Sarah was becoming crazy. Toby began to frantically nod.
"I'll watch her," he quickly agreed.
"Thank you, little brother," she chortled.
She seemed to be amused by his panic.
"Be sure to let allow the prisoner any misconceptions about your identity," Sarah gleefully informed him.
"I will."
'Don't say anything that will get you killed.'
"The prisoner is waiting in the throne room. Be sure to quickly collect her," she ordered him.
"Sure thing," he amiably replied.
'Sometimes I wish that she left me in the mortal world.'
Author's note: Thank you for reading! So not all of the questions were answered like I thought but... eventually. :P Reviews are appreciated! ;)