A/N Hey! This fic takes place during Mockingjay right after Peeta was rescued from the Capitol, but instead, when they tried to hijack (?) him, he reacted differently... Please read and review, this is my first Hunger Games fanfic! If you review I'll respond with a PM, if I can figure out how to, I'm still new to Fanfiction! :P Sorry if Katniss seems a little OOC.

Disclaimer: Last time I looked in the mirror, I didn't see Suzanne Collins

Katniss' POV:

"Good news Sweetheart," Haymitch said, bustling into the room. For once, he looked genuinely happy and surprisingly sober.

I turned to him from where I was sitting on my bed, rolling Peeta's pearl over my skin. "What is it?" I asked.

Haymitch tried to hide his smile, but I knew that he was really happy about whatever he was going to tell me; that must mean it was really good news.

"The rescue soldiers came back from the mission to the Capitol," Haymitch replied.

I sucked in my breath and could feel my eyes widening.

"With Peeta?" I asked hurriedly.

He nodded.

The next moment I was running through the halls on the way to the hospital, the pearl still clutched in my fingers. When I got there, I realized that I had no idea where Peeta could be. I stood there pathetically before I saw Prim coming out of an office.

"Prim!" I called out to her as I rushed over. She turned towards me and smiled.

"Katniss! What brings you down here?"

"Where's Peeta?" I asked bluntly, cutting right to the chase.

"Right this way ," Prim said giggling while taking my hand. She led me down a few hallways before she stopped in front of a room.

"There should be a nurse in there. She'll tell you what to do next," Prim informed me before leaving.

I hurriedly opened the door to stumble into a small room with chairs scattered around and a big window looking into a white room. I ran over to the big window and looked through it. I saw my Peeta, lying on a hospital bed with machines surrounding him. He didn't seem to be moving though. I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around.

"Miss Everdeen?" the nurse asked.

I cleared my throat. "Yes?"

"The doctor has informed me to tell you about Peeta's state."

I nodded my head.

"It seems that the Capitol tried to hijack Peeta, which is when tracker jacker venom is used to make someone think differently. But Peeta's body apparently rejected the venom, and he…" The nurse trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"He fell into a coma," a voice from behind me said. I twisted around to see Haymitch standing in the doorway, looking stressed.

"H-he," I tried to say something, but I couldn't, as I immediately broke into sobs. I slumped into one of the chairs and cried my eyes out. When I was all cried out, I looked at the nurse. "Can I go in his room?" I asked quietly.

She nodded and opened the door for me.

After I went in I heard the door shut behind me. I pulled a chair from the corner of the room and put it next to Peeta's bed. I sat down and looked at his face. I stroked my fingers down his cheeks. I flinched when I felt his scars from the torturing he probably went through. Then I did something I thought I wouldn't ever do again. I leaned down and kissed his lips. Despite all the torturing, his lips were still so soft. I stayed in the kiss for a while, not wanting to let go anytime soon. I thought I was hallucinating when I felt a breath against my skin. I just kissed Peeta harder. I thought I was hallucinating when I felt hand on the side of my neck. But when I finally let go for air and saw that breathtaking blue that I knew so much, I knew I wasn't hallucinating.

"Peeta," I whispered, not believing it.

"Katniss?" he asked squinting, as if trying to adjust to the light after a long sleep. I guess it was a long sleep actually.

I grasped his hand in both of mine. "You came back to me," I said tears starting to form as a smile stretched across my face.

He smiled weakly. "I would never leave you."

That's when the door burst open and doctors came flooding in. I pushed back towards the door.

"No! Don't make me leave him!" I shrieked.

The nurse from before came to my aid.

"Don't worry sweetie, we just need to make sure he doesn't fall back into the coma. It'll only take ten minutes."

I just nodded my head and went back to the little rooms with the window. Even though it was only ten minutes, it felt like ten hours. When they finally let me back in I saw Peeta still on the bed, but his shirt was off and there were little wires poking into his chest. The doctor removed the wires and gave my shoulder a squeeze on his way out.

When Peeta saw me his whole face lit up. I began to sit back down in the chair but he scooted over in the bed and motioned for me to lie down next to him. I gladly accepted his offer and cuddled into his shoulder. He put an arm around me.

"Wait, so what exactly happened?" I asked while tracing patterns on this chest with my finger.

"Well, as far as I know, the Capitol tried to make me hate you by hijacking me, but I guess my body rejected it by falling into a coma."

I just nodded.

Peeta took a deep breath before speaking again. "But, I'm still a little confused about some things."

"Well, you can ask me anything," I replied.

"Ok, well first of all, where are we?"

"District 13 and we're in the hospital wing."

"What happened at the end of the Quarter Quell?"

I took a deep breath. "We separated, so when the rebels came to rescue us from the arena, they could only get me and Finnick and Beetee in time. You and Johanna were taken by the Capitol."

He nodded. "There's one more thing I need to ask you," he said.


"Do you love me?" I'm a bit surprised by this, and he can tell, so he continues. "Because I remember you kissing me when I just woke up, and then on the beach during the Quarter Quell, and they seemed genuine. Were they real?"

I don't answer for a long time, trying to think. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," he whispers.

I look up at him and smile. "Yes," I reply. "I do love you. It took being without you to realize it, but I do really love you."

His smile stretched across his face. I laughed and leaned up to kiss him. And it was anything but fake.

A/N: Thx for reading! And remember to review please! Tell me if I should continue this, because if I don't get any reviews I'll probably just toss it. So please please review! :D