
Nobody knew how many years had passed since that incident. Nobody bothered to keep track. Well, it had to be over ten years.

On Earth, cars and trucks busily honked by, oblivious to the war that was going on between Angels and Demons.

The war had started, and it wasn't anywhere close to ending. No human knew that their precious lives were about to turn dark. No human understood the fact that home was about to turn into a bloody battlefield.

In America, a woman who looked no older than 23 was sitting on the center of a large bridge, her long brown hair flowing freely in the wind. She looked to be calm and at peace, but if you looked into her butterscotch eyes, you could tell there was pain.

Her eyes were beautiful but dull; empty. Once you looked into them, you would want to look away immediately.

She simply sat there, not speaking a word. But she longed to tell her loved one so many things.

"Mommy!" a high, ringing voice that broke through the silence like shattered glass cried, an inhumanely beautiful sound. Mikan turned around with a slight smile on her face as an angelic brunette ran up to her with immense speed not made for the human eye.

"Scarlet," Mikan smiled, holding the girl close, "How was school?"

"Fine," Scarlet lied, looking down. She fiddled with a strand of her light brown hair, blushing and squirming slightly.

Mikan sighed. "Did the scouts come after you again?"

"Err, yeah," she responded, embarrassed that her mother had caught onto her obvious lie.

Mikan's hand rested on her daughter's brown-haired head. "Did you get hurt?"

"Nope!" Scarlet smiled, her small fangs gleaming under the sunlight.

Mikan frowned. "Let me guess. You've been using that pocketknife again."

"Meteor Hammer," Scarlet corrected causing Mikan to groan in exhasperation.

"Scar, you're ten! You shouldn't be using those dangerous things!"

"I'm actually twenty three," Scarlet corrected with a cheeky smile.

"Whatever. You still have the body of a ten year old, you have the voice of a ten year old, and you look like a ten year old, SO YOU ARE A TEN YEAR OLD." Mikan emphasized each word, glaring.

Scarlet sighed. "Mom. I live in a world where Demons and Angels reside in. I'm a freak of nature that's being targeted by a bizarre academy that teaches kids to fight."

"Yeah, well, I guess that makes a difference," Mikan laughed lightly, ruffling Scarlet's hair, "But I can't shake off the feeling that . . . I'm not being a good mom. I mean, what kind of mother just lets her kid go around kicking a Demon's ass?"

"You," Scarlet said bluntly.

Mikan frowned. "Not helping."

"Would it be better if I said that you are a unique type of mother that knows what to do from the many mistakes she's made in her past?" Scarlet wondered, twisting a strand of her hair into a knot. As soon as she released it, it slipped out from her fingertips like liquid, falling into its usual grace.

"Not really. It makes me sound like a tragety," Mikan remarked.

"Okay, then. Don't worry. No matter how abonormal you may be, you'll still be Mom," Scarlet exclaimed with a sparkling smile.

"Are you sassing me?" Mikan raised a brow.

"I would never sass you, mother dearest."

Mikan stared at Scarlet, aggravated, then blew out a sigh. "Whatever . . . it's obvious you're never going to talk like a normal ten year old," she muttered and added, "Go home, take a shower, sleep."

Scarlet pursed her lips. "What are you . . ?"

"I'll be back in a minute,"

"Okay . . ." Scarlet dropped down from her mother's arms and disappeared with inhumane speed, heading to her home with confusion written all over her face.

Mikan watched her thin form disappear before redirecting her gaze to the crystal clear pond beneath the bridge she was sitting on top of. Disgust filled her stomach as empty yellow eeys stared back at her.

"Natsume . . ." pain laced her voice as she spoke, clutching her stomach while shaking her head, "If only you were here . . . I would tell you so many things . . ."

She would tell him how much she loved him, of course, but there were other things that she wanted to tell.

About their daughter.

She would tell him how lovely she was.

She would tell him how much spunk she had.

She would tell him how bright she was, the strength she possessed even through rough times.

But what she wanted to tell him the most was that she had his beautiful crimson eyes.

But that would never happen. She saw it for herself, Natsume's body burning down in his own flames, his chest not heaving anymore as the bullet slowly devoured him.

A single tear trickled down her cheek as she stared at her own reflection.

It was her fault. If she were stronger, if she were able to fight off Koko, nobody wouldn't have been hurt.

I'm sorry . . .

Ruka . . .

Hotaru . . .

Perona . . .

Aoi . . .

Nobara . . .

Luna . .

Narumi-sensei . . .

Tsubasa . . .

Misaki . . .

Youichi . . .

Natsume . . .

"This is the end of my love," Mikan whispered, staring down as her tears caused ripples in the water.

But this is not the end of the story.

Author's Note: Homg, more than 100 reviews! Ahhhh! And only like 18 chapters!


Too many reviews to reply to! Gah! Mm, I guess I'll just give ya'll some info . . .

1) Natsume is dead, technically . . . sorry, but by right now, his body is probably five feet underground. He isn't coming back . . . but maybe his spirit . . . Oh, I feel so bad about killing him, but you'll see why I did! I just . . . can't tell you right now!

2) Yes, there will be a sequel . . . and it will be focusing more on the next generation. It will be very violent and gory and stuff filled with child abuse . . . but it will have a happy ending and it will be very long! (I think)

3) I think I'll be posting bonus chapters at the end of the sequel . . . since you all really don't know the whole story yet.

Peace Out! And don't kill me for killing Natsume! And he may be dead, but he's not . . . completely gone.