Blood Capture



I stopped upon my tracks, hearing the voice I knew so well. Smiling to myself, I turned around and spotted a straight, slightly wavy pile of natural strawberry blonde hair, light skin, and luminescent green orbs looking my way. She smiled, her eyes dancing with amusement.

"Hey, Luna!" I called back, waving to my one and only best friend since the beginning of time. I walked up to her with my trademark smile on my face, and we immediately began talking in full volume. That's one of the reasons why people refer to us as the un shut uppables, whether that's even a word or not.

"I'm definitely going to kick ass this year!" Luna cried, "There is no freaking way I'm going to graduate high school without getting my own pair of wings!~"

"Sheesh, hold up! You need to complete your training first!" I laughed, watching as Luna throw me a look that said, do you really think I'm not going to pass?

What exactly were we talking about? Well, there are actually three dimensions.

The first one's Earth. It's the place where humans live. Second is Heaven, that's where me and Luna are. It's the best place you could think of, and like you all know of, it's filled with angels. From the time they turn five, angels are required to become students of Gakuen Alice, a school for angels-in-training. When you turn 18, you have to take a test different from everyone else. If you pass, you get your own pair of wings! But, if you don't pass, you'll have to repeat. All. Over. Again. So, believe me when I say that being an angel isn't as fun as you thought.

Then, after you get your wings, you can go down to Earth and watch over humans and keep peace. Luna and I have been training for years, and we're FINALLY 18.

But, like always, there's a catch. I said that there were three dimensions, and the last one is-gulp-Hell. Hell is a place for demons. Like us, they're training every year and at 18, they're required to take a test to see if they pass. But those lucky folks are actually born with wings! Demons are your worst nightmare from what I've heard. They are said to be violent, ruthless, and bloodthirsty, ranging from the most vicious werewolves to the most sadistic vampires. Those would be known as lesser demons. Angels have fair skin, light hair, and bright eyes, while Demons have pale or dark skin, dark hair, and hypnotizing eyes.

And, if an angel commits a sin, they're sent to Hell as a Fallen Angel.

Well, aside from angels, there are other beings in Heaven, such as White Witches, Nymphs, and of course, the Royal Family. Heaven's Royal Family supposedly died out thirty years ago, but Hell still has a Royal Family. The princess and soon to be queen of Hell is Ibaragi Nobara, an ice princess. It's said that she has untamed, silverish-blue curls that always hides her eyes, so nobody really knows what she looks like.

Angels and Demons have been fueding for years. Long ago, there was supposedly an Angel who befriended a Demon but the Demon ended up killing her. Demons refused to believe that and the Angels were outraged. Now, relationships between Angels and Demons are forbidden. Outlawed. A taboo.

Moving on, some angels do not want their kids to stay in Heaven, and they move to Earth. There's also a Gakuen Alice at Earth that forces all Angels and Demons at Earth to attend in the same school and restrain from violence. It's the only exception for Demon to Angel relationships. And then, the Angels and Demons are divided in the campus. The Angels live on one side and the Demons are on the other.

"-kan! Mikan!" Luna yelled, waving her hand in front of my face with an annoyed look in her forest green eyes.

"Huh?" I asked, snapping out of my trance.

"Jeez, classes are starting! Naru-sensei's going to use his alice on you if you don't get your ass into class!"

Another thing I forgot to tell. Demons and Angels have extra abilities known as alices. It can be any type of mythical or supernatural power, no matter if it's a pheromone alice like Narumi-sensei or a soul-entraping alice like Luna's. Luna somehow ended up as an angel with succubus powers, and succubusses are classified as Demons. But since she seemed harmless at birth, they decided to keep her in Heaven. Which is a good thing, since I would've fallen apart in my life if it weren't for her. She kept me in check everyday, making sure I did my homework, got to class on time, and kept my body in tip top shape. Usually, my older sister Misaki would do these things for me, but she's busy on Earth and hardly ever comes home.

"You know I'd just use my nullification alice on him," I teased, catching up with her. I smiled at the bright sunlight as we dashed to the front gates. Heaven really was a beautiful place with English lights and modern England Light posts and gardens, looking like a place from a picture book or a movie than my home.

We ran to class, just on time. The classroom was bubbling with excitement as usual, and I smiled when I spotted Narumi-sensei reading the newspaper on his desk.

"Hi, Dad!" I chirped, kissing the blonde teacher's cheek. Of course, Narumi-sensei wasn't my real father, but since I was an orphan, he was the only person I could think of as Dad. Narumi smiled back and nodded.

"Nice to see you here on time, Mikan-chan," he replied brightly with a gleam in his lavender eyes. "All in all, it took you eighteen years to be punctual, eh?"

"All thanks to me!" Luna boasted with a smile of satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, you bring sunshine to my world and you're the bestest friend a girl could ask for, Luna," I sighed with a roll of my eyes.

"That's what I love to hear!" Luna cheered, pumping her fist in the air. Her eyes were light with amusement.

I smiled, tossing my hazelnut colored hair over my shoulders. Classes soon started, and today, we were learning about combat between an Angel and a Demon.

"As you all know, the only way to kill a pure-blooded Demon is to burn their limbs to ashes," Narumi-sensei said with a wink. "So, you have to find a way to get a lighter or a match. Guns will work as well, but you have to have perfect aim, children!" he paused. "And if you don't have any of those things and a Demon is behind you, RUN!"

"What if you want to single-handedly defeat a Demon without a weapon?" A funny boy named Koko asked, tilting his head to the side with a goofy smile on his face. Narumi's gaze darkened.

"Not even the strongest Angels have a chance. Only the Archangels and the Royal Family are able to do that. So, if you want to keep yourself alive, I suggest you carry a lighter in your pocket after you graduate."

"I was just asking," Koko mumbled under his breath.

"Hey, do you think I could become an Archangel?" Luna whispered to me, her eyes bright. I thought it over for a moment. Misaki was an Archangel, and she told me it was fine. They were strong and fast and pretty. Who wouldn't want to be an Archangel?

Oh yeah, me. I just wanted to be a normal student, pass, and then live a normal life on Earth. Maybe fall in love with a hot Angel. But I'm sure Luna's ideas were way bigger than mine. She probably wanted to become an Archangel, marry an Angel Popstar, have a gorgeous Angel child, and be a famous model or actor.

"Sure, Luna," I responded easily. "After you become an Archangel, I'm sure you'll have a chance with Sono Kaname." Luna's eyes sparkled, and I faintly heard her mumble "Hell yeah" under her breath. Sono Kaname was a model one year older than us in Earth, and he was the hottest teen sensation in Heaven. I could settle for Ruka Nogi, the cutest guy in my class. He was nice, friendly, and my perfect prince charming. But I'd better act fast.

"Don't forget, you have trials tomorrow!" Narumi-sensei yelled as class ended. "Make sure to study your butts off!" Everyone began mumbling 'gaylord' under their breaths but I ignored them. Sure, Narumi-sensei was weird, but he was the most caring person you could ask for.

"Get good sleep, tonight, Mikan," Luna adviced sternly. "If your lazy ass misses by one crummy point tomorrow, it's another year of Alice High."

Easy for her to say. Luna had perfect grades and would probably ace the test. I was just average; your normal Angel. I was just me. And I couldn't be anything more than normal. It almost hurt to say it, but I knew it was true. I was just normal. Nothing special. I walked home and closed the door to my house, fidgeting with my keys.

"Youichi, I'm home," I called to my younger brother. Usually he would come downstairs to make sure I'd come home unscathed and make a smart excuse of checking up on me, then leave.

Nobody answered.

Frowning, I crept upstairs. The smell of blood entered my nose.

Gasping, I held onto the wall for support, trying not to faint. Blood always made me so dizzy. I think I had nausea.

Wasting not ime, I entered Youichi's room and froze on my tracks when I saw scarlet drops of blood on the floor. His whole place smelled like Demon flesh. There was a creeking of the door, and my eyes trailed up to the window.

I was being watched by a Demon.

The dark, hypnotizing blue-violet eyes of a sleek black bat caught my eyes. It stared at me coldly, then left, flying off to somewhere else.

I froze. Bats weren't allowed in Heaven. It could only be the work of a Demon.

A single drop of blood fell from the roof and plopped on my head. I looked up and felt like my heart had stopped beating. There, on his roof, was a sentence written out in blood.

Come to us, Mikan Sakura. We have your brother and we will not release him until you come to Hell.



Author's Note: This story is going to focus on Demons and Angels and forbidden love. I'm probably going to make a sequel like I usually do.