Just A Kid

What if there was another Grayson that survived when Robin's family died? What if Robins little brother Daniel Grayson was adopted by the Fentons as a baby and Robin went to live with Batman? What if Danny found out that he was adopted and had a brother out there somewhere? What if Robin stopped at nothing to find him and went to see him? Well this is what.

I don't own anything.

Chapter One

'This can't be right.' That was all I could think as I stared up at the monumental T in the middle of the bay. This can't be where my brother lives.

"Well are you coming or not?" the older raven headed boy asked.


I just got back from school as I walked through the front door. I heard talking coming from the kitchen. "I'm home!" I said loudly.

"In the kitchen Danny" I heard my mother's voice say.

I walked into the kitchen to find both my parents, Jazz and a boy I had never seen before. He looked about two years older than me. He had the same shade of raven black hair as me styled similar to mine only shorter. He also had a similar build to me and he was scrawny. Only about an inch or two taller than me. He was wearing the strangest clothes in the world.

A mask that only covered his eyes was the most normal thing on the guy. He had a red shirt with an R on the right side of his chest and a black cape that was yellow inside. He also wore a belt that looked like it was straight out of a comic book, along with green tights that were tucked into black steel toed combat boots.

The expression on his face was halfway between overjoyed and terrified.

I for one was very curious to know what the walking traffic light was doing in my kitchen. And why was he looking at me like that.

"Danny, come and sit down. We need to talk."

This can't be good. Dad only gets serious if something really big happened.

"What's going on?"

"Danny" my mother began "There is no easy way to tell you this but…" I waited patiently. "You're adopted."

My eyes were the size of dinner platters. 'How could I be adopted?' I thought.

"That's not all" dad said.

'What more could there possibly be.' Then I looked at the boy and it all clicked. He looked so much like me that we could have been brothers.

"This is Dick Grayson. Danny this is your older brother."

Actually hearing the words were what sent me into shock because the next thing I know is that my brother is waving a hand in my face and staring at me worriedly.

I screamed and jerked back in surprise. The worried stare did not drop and for the first time he spoke to me. "I understand that this is a bit of a shock, but I need to ask you." I recovered from my stupor just enough for me to understand what he was saying to me. "Danny I haven't seen you in almost thirteen years and I want to get to know you. Your parents and I have talked it over and they agree that I should be allowed to know you. Will you come live with me for a little while?"

I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything. I wouldn't know what to say even if I could. Luckily though Jazz noticed this and answered for me. "Yes he will come. I think this is what's best to Danny. He is the only blood relative you have and I want you to do this as well."

I nodded dumbly. But apparently this was good enough for Dick because he broke into a 100watt smile. For some reason this looked strange on him. Like he didn't smile all that much.

"Great. You have today to pack and we can leave tomorrow. You can say goodbye to your friends and family and then it's off to Titans Tower."

After he left I went up to my room and called Sam and Tucker for two reasons. One was to tell them what happened. The second reason was to warn them that I won't be able to protect the town while I was gone. I did this as I was packing.

I used my newest ability to pack quickly. Telekinesis was a very powerful power of mine. I could already lift the Fenton family assault vehicle.

Lately my human half was just as powerful as my ghost form and I now only used the transformation for disguise. This was another power of mine. I found that if I focused I could shape shift just as well as Amorpho. It's saved my life more than once.

My ghost form has changed as well. I ditched the jumpsuit and instead had black jeans and a black hoody with white lightning streaking down from the arms. I had a bone white skull mask and a bat shaped pendant Sam gave me. If I focused ectoplasm into it then I could turn it into any form of weapon I wanted. I could also materialize the pendant at will no matter what form I was in.

I just finished my call as I watched all of my things, glowing a faint green, pack themselves. It seemed peaceful at that moment. But that was just the calm before the storm.

I was putting the last of my stuff in the case when my ghost sense went off. But before I could do anything the entire house exploded. The shockwave sent me through the window. It shattered upon contact. I could feel the green fires licking at my skin.

I landed hard on the car parked just outside. The impact shattered the windows and caved the roof in. The last thing I saw was the outline of Vlad Plasmius as he flew off. Laughing maniacally as he disappeared into the moon light. And the last thought that ran through my mind before I blacked out was of my family. 'I can't let this happen. Please let them be okay.' And then I was overcome by darkness.

I woke up three days later in a hospital bed with three broken ribs, almost sixty stiches and a sleeping boy in the chair at my side.

Slowly I opened my eyes. I was greeted with a bright white light and a lot of pain. I heard beeping and wondered what it was. I was weak. I was so weak that it was hard for me to move my head.

I noticed an I.V in my arm and realized that I was in the hospital. Then it all came rushing back to me.

Dick woke up and noticed I was awake as well. "Danny!" he screamed in happiness and relief.


I was shocked when I heard that the Fenton house was destroyed. It was even worse when I heard that my little brother was in the hospital.

I was riding the R-cycle over to the Fentons to pick up Danny when I heard sirens in the direction that I was going.

When I got there instead of the strange home that I visited just yesterday, I saw the remains of what seemed to be an explosion. The building was completely leveled. Only ruble remained.

I noticed police cars and an ambulance had arrived as well. Then I saw something that would haunt me forever. They were slowly lifting Danny, my little brother off the roof of a ruined car.

He was so cut up and bloody that I thought he was dead. I could see other paramedics carrying off body bags. Three full body bags.

I realized he was alive when Danny was put on a stretcher and into the ambulance. I ran towards them and before they could close the door "WAIT! Please let me ride with you he's my brother."

The two paramedics looked at each other before nodding and letting me in. I jumped in and took a seat next to Danny.

Danny just lost his family for the second time and I swore to whatever god was listening that I would make up for it. I would take care of him and help him through this. I was all he had left.

We arrived at the hospital and Danny was admitted. I wanted to stay with him but they made me stay in the waiting room. I was worried sick when they told me that they had to operate.

I waited for what felt what like days in that room. In reality it took about four hours to operate, stich and bandage my brother. Then he was put in recovery and I was allowed to visit. I stayed in that chair next to his bed for three days.

I didn't eat or drink, and I barely slept. I didn't leave for one second. I watched over him and patiently waited for my brother to wake up.

On the third day he did. I had finally gone to sleep when I felt something rustling in the bed. I looked up and saw that Danny's eyes were open.

I was so happy that it was all I could do not to tackle the kid with a bear hug. "Danny"

He looked up at me with a puzzled expression. "Dick?" He croaked out. "What happened?"

I winced at the sound of his voice. "There was an explosion. Your house blew up. Danny I'm sorry."

"My family" He didn't need to finish the sentence because I already knew he would want to know that. Who wouldn't?

"Danny I'm sorry but… they were downstairs when it happened and the police say it came from the basement. They died instantly." I looked up to see that he had begun to cry while I was talking and tears were now running freely down his face.

Hesitantly I put my arms around my brother's now sobbing form, I did not notice that his eyes were glowing green with fury, sadness, and most of all power.

When he registered that I was hugging him he hugged me back fiercely. Like I was a lifeline. The sobbing was still racking his body and after who knows how long he quieted down and lay back down.

I called a nurse to tell her that he was awake and she came in with a doctor a few minutes later.

The doctor was a tall man with wild dark brown hair with red brown eyes and a large build. He wore glasses and a white lab coat.

The nurse was petite. She had slightly lighter brown hair and green brown eyes that went down to just below her shoulders. She wore a nurse uniform.

"Hello Danny. It's good to see you awake. My name is doctor George Gillespie and I am your doctor. This is Martha." He said, his eyes never leaving us.

"When can we leave?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Danny can be released in about two days."

I nodded. I would have to remember to tell my team that I would be gone for a while longer. "In the meantime I recommend that you get some rest. I realize that you must want to get out of here as soon as possible but you are still recovering Danny and if you over exert yourself you will spend even more time here."

I nodded but Danny just stared at him before looking back up at the ceiling and closing his eyes. I looked down at him as he went to sleep.

It went on like that for the next two days. When he was awake we talked. He learned that I was the superhero Robin. "That explains the clothes." I chuckled at that. And I learned that he played Guitar and he was really good at it.

When the day finally came around that he was released we were both itching to get out of there. The rest of the Titans had no idea why I left. All they knew was that I had a big surprise for them when I got back. I couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces.

I had the R-cycle taken back to the tower and asked Bruce for something that would be more accommodating for a kid who was still recovering from an explosion. He sent us a car with a driver.

We drove to the airport and got on a private jet. I thanked him for this because even though our relationship is strained he was doing this for my brother which I appreciated greatly. He even sent over a new guitar and gear for Danny.

When we finally got to the Tower Danny was gaping at it. I chuckled and asked in a mischievous tone "Are you coming or not?"

He nodded and followed me in. "Time to meet the others." I said. We walked in and shut the door behind us.