Well, here we are. Chapter 5…so excited! Now, on with it!


I groggily rubbed my eyes, and rolled out of bed. I walked over to my closet, and opened it up.

Then, I stripped down completely naked, because, well, Charlie wasn't there, and it wasn't like there was anyone to see me. I looked for my robe, my thoughts wandering as I moved clothes around, but I was brought back by a loud snore.

I froze, then slowly turned around. You know, naked. Like, bare-ass naked. And the events of last night came flooding back to me. And then, both Paul and Seth woke up. They sat up and stretched, extending their arms above their heads, putting their glorious muscles on display for me. At the same time.

Holy fuck, my panties would be drenched. As it was, I wasn't wearing any, so my thighs were know glistening with my arousal. And I could smell it, so I knew they could, too. They were both frozen, eyes wide as they stared at me.

A very naked me. Their eyes darkened, and just as I noticed their tented pants, my limbs caught up with my brain, and I bolted. Into the closet. I shut the door and stayed there, absolutely still and silent in all my fucking nakedness. Fucking great.

And then, I saw my robe. I grabbed it and slipped it one, using a great deal of contortionism, and opened the door to see the two wolves still staring at the door of the closet, mouths open, noses flaring, and boners standing at attention.

I walked past them in the most dignified way possible, and then took a long shower. When I went back to my room, the beds were cleaned up and my wolves were gone. I felt a pang of sadness at that, then realized what I had just thought. MY wolveS! I said my, and 's!

Both of them were not mine! Neither of them were mine!

While I had been having my internal rant, I had dressed, so I headed downstairs. I figured they had both left, so imagine my surprise when I go downstairs to find breakfast on the table, and my two wolves (I'm just gonna go with it) sitting there, waiting not so patiently to begin eating.

"Hurry up and sit down! We are starving, but we figured it'd be rude to eat before you, so don't be so goddamn slow!" Well, someone gets cranky when they don't get their food on time, I thought as I looked at Paul, who looks pissed now.

I sit and say, "Go ahead," and they immediately begin to chow down. Within five minutes, the heaping piles of food on their plates were gone…it was so frightening! They completely shoved the food in their mouths!

"Ewww…" I say as I watch them. They look at me, shrug, and continue. Just, fucking disgusting. I eat my meal (like a normal human being, might I add) and look up to see them finished and staring at me. Cue awkwardness.

"Soooo…." I say, waiting for them to say something. And they do, they say it at the same time.

"You have nice tits!"

"Why were you so turned on?"

Seth complimented my tits, so I answer Pauls question.

"You two just had to go look all sleepy-hot on me and stretch, didn't you? You have to be aware of the fact that you guys are…eye-candy," I say the last part a little desperately, so they don't think I'm a freak. And then, Seth asks a more obvious question.

"Why were you standing there, naked?" Oh joy. I sigh.

"Well, I forgot you guys were there, and I knew Charlie was gone, and I really wanted to take a fucking shower, and I couldn't find my damn robe, so yeah." I finish lamely, but I don't blush or anything. I'm too fucking awesome for that shit.

"Cool. By the way, thanks for flashing us," Paul says in his low baritone, and cue the need for fresh panties. They both freeze and sniff, then smirk, looking at me.

"Paul, I think you should talk seems to…enjoy that," Seth says in a lower hoarser voice and my panties are officially wrecked. I squirm a little, but they both look at me with amusement, which pisses me, and suddenly, there is no more turned on Bella.

"Fucking little bitches! What the hell! WI let you sleep in my house, you better damn well show me some fucking respect! Now what the fuck do you want?" I could tell they were both about to ask something, what with my super awesome smidgen of vampire venom in my veins.

"How'd you know we wanted to ask you anything?" inquires Seth, quite innocently. I get wide eyed, and stutter, trying to make up an excuse.

"U-umm, uh, I-I-I-I c-can j-just k-k-kinda t-t-tell…?" My voice goes up at the end, making it sound like a question, and they look at me suspiciously. My hand absently covers the mark on my left shoulder.

"You wanna go to the bonfire with us tonight? It's just gonna be the pack and the imprints, and Emily and Kim are both really nice, I haven't met Embry and Quils imprints yet, that's why we're having a bonfire, to formally introduce them to the pack." Paul explains, and without a conscious decision, I'm nodding my head.

"So, you can either get ready and come hang out at the rez with us until then, or you can come down later?" Seth asks me, and my heart aches at the idea of being away from them. "Can you guys wait here? I'll just grab some stuff to change into, and then I'll follow behind you on the bike, okay?" They nod, and I rush upstairs. I throw some short shorts, a tank, pants, a tee shirt, my wallet, a swimsuit, my toothbrush, some shampoo and some ibuprofen into the bag, and run downstairs. They are still just sitting there, and I peek from around the corner and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"-and she was just standing there, looking all shocked. I swear, it was like I had an instant boner-"

"I don't care, Seth. I was there, right there, in case you don't remember, and I was a little more preoccupied with her."

I run halfway back up the stairs, then come back down noisily so that they don't think I was eavesdropping. Too bad being noisy requires banging against things.

I stumbled into the wall, and then down about ten stairs. Fucking joyous. When I landed, I laid still for a moment, and took in the damage. My face was pressed against the ground, my ankle was throbbing a bit, too. In the five seconds it took to figure that out, Seth and Paul rushed in. Paul quickly and gently picked me up and set me on the couch.

"Are you okay? What happened? How did you fall?" Seth starts rattling off questions, but I block him out and look at Paul, who has a scrutinizing look on his face as he looks at my nose. Then, he interrupts Seth.

"Your nose is definitely fucked up, Bella." I roll my eyes.

"Really? You mean besides the fact that its gushing blood and I can fucking see it pointing way to the fucking goddamn right side of my face?" I reply sarcastically, tilting my head back and using the tissues Seth gave me to keep blood from dripping on my clothes.

He laughs, then says we need to go to the hospital. So, I kick up a piss fit.

"No way in fucking hell am I going to the hospital for the third time in three days! You think I haven't broken my nose before? I know how to reset the damn thing, so back the fuck up!" I yell at him as he moves closer to me…

His eyes widen, and he backs up a step, so I take a chance and dash up stairs into the bathroom. I slam the door shut and lock it. I hear them following me, so I quickly inspect my nose. Yeah, way worse than I've ever had before, but whatever. I grip it tightly, then, count to three and jerk it back into place.

I let out a grunt of pain, and blood starts flowing a little more heavily. The door bursts open, and there stand Seth and Paul, both looking panicked. I give them pained grins and say,"Hey, it's straight now!" They both gasp like idiots, and stand there, so I direct them.

"Sethy, grab my bag, Pauly, make sure I don't trip down the stairs. Again." And then I walk away, down the stairs.

I grab my keys on my way out the door, and quickly hop on my motorcycle. They come out a second later, looking slightly confused as to why there is so much stuff in my bag. So, I answer their un-asked question.

"If we're drinking, I'm spending the night at one of your guys' house," And then I gesture for them to get in their truck and lead the way. They do, and I rev the engine and follow after. When we get there, it's a house I don't recognize.

"You'll have to hang out with just me for a while, Bella, Paul has to patrol." I look over to see Paul pulling down his pants as he gets to the tree line. I look quickly over at Seth, who's smiling at me. I follow him into his house, and wave when I see Sue.

"Hello, Bella, how are you?"

"I'm good, how about you?"

"Great, great, what about your dad?"

"Charlie's been good, he's been working a lot, but eh, what can I do?" I smile politely at her as I follow Seth upstairs to his room. In the room across the hall, there's music blaring behind the closed door, and I assume it's Leahs room. He gestures me in, and I look around. It's a bit smaller than my room, there's a full sized bed, a desk, dresser, nightstand and a TV. He has tons of movies and CDs, and I'm instantly jealous.

I can feel his eyes on me as I run a finger over his movies, but when I grab a movie and throw it at him, he looks only slightly startled.

"Put that in, and then can you give me some stuff to clean this," I gesture to the mess that is my nose,"up a bit?" I ask him. He puts the movie in and while the previews are showing he helps me clean my face up. We sit back on his bed and relax to watch the movie.

Towards the end, my ice pack is melted, so I get up to empty it and get fresh ice. When I go downstairs, you wanna know who I run into?


"What the hell are you doing here, leach-lover?"She growls, and I just look at her. Then, I say something I know she wasn't expecting.

"I'm sorry," I pause to look into her still furious eyes before continuing. "I'm sorry that the Cullens caused you to phase, that they caused Sam to phase, and imprint on Emily, I'm sorry that you got so fucking screwed over by all this voodoo shit around here. But, I didn't do it. I didn't bring them here, I didn't force Sam to fall in love with Emily, I didn't force you to phase. That is the Cullens fault, and I fucking hate them for doing this to all of you, to Paul, to Seth. I wish I could take back loving them, but I can't. I wish I could take back the time I wished to join them, but I can't! So just back the hell off and get that damn stick outta your ass. Sam didn't want to hurt you, and you know that, I'm sure you hear it everytime you phase with him." After I finish my rant she just stands there, so I grab my ice, and I look back to her as I'm about to leave.

I see her eyes are a bit watery, and she whispers an "I'm sorry," I nod, before leaving the room. Seth is at the bottom of the stairs, looking at me with wide eyes.

We go upstairs, and hang out for the rest of the afternoon. He tells me that he hasn't met the new imprints, Alexis and Samantha, but he's happy for Embry and Quil.

I'm looking forward to meeting them, too.

So….did you like it? Sorry it's been a while, I've been really busy! Please review! The next chapter….The bonfire! Thanks to the people who gave me the ideas for Quill and Embry's imprints, I'll explain what happened to Claire in the next chapter! Sorry, that parts gonna be a little sad, but whatever! Now, I'm going to thank everyone who reviewed, favorited or put me or my story on alert!(So far)

MEmyselfANDiANDyolanda, Jazmin123, darksailor, jma4397, hvnsllbbygrl, Crimson-Midnight-Moon, Miznana, 1dreamkeeper, Siwiutka85, Countrygirl83, Snoodles, sasrrtp177, JustSmile25, kk1999, paulswolfgirlmeraz82, sacoyawild, Heather1970, Black Dagger Daughter, Vane3131, himeko63, VampireGirl1019, Ella1983, Kathy Hiester, Twilight-lover106, bombon, Somthin'Smancey, vampiresrok, mayfairmarybeth, Jaspernumber1, grabski8, Ika0110, trisha917, iloveecfromtwilight, YankeeGirlNJ, iwantavampire, flory, wetterwaxs, Sunshine72, wolfgirl517, JulesLillanTeller, Carastarr, SparklingFae, TaylorLaunterIsMyBoyfriend97, and dz0316. Thank you all, you're the first to review, favorite, or alert this story within the first five chapters! I'm gonna do this every five chapters, so yeah! BYYYYEEEE!