Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Tides Change

Chapter 20

It had been surprisingly easy for Thor to settle back into his old life. Jane was still overprotective, but Tony had already begun making jokes out of the whole situation (much to Bruce's annoyance). But he was back, alive and healthy, and even the villains of this world seemed to give the Avengers some slack. Exactly eleven days had passed since Thor had returned to Midgard and not one threat had been reported.

If this lasted any longer, Thor would find himself craving for battle. Anything was better than staying inside for so long. Especially when Jane did nothing but cook and bake while constantly hanging on the phone with Darcy.

"No, I have a class to teach in the morning, Darcy," Jane said into the telephone, "but I would appreciate it if you'd bring my notes from last week." Thor smiled when he saw Jane rolling her eyes. "I know you're not my personal assistant, but since you borrowed my notes, I would like to have them back. I'm still your professor."

Thor turned his attention away from her and allowed his thoughts to turn to Loki. For the past few days, he had avoided thinking of his brother. He hadn't been successful, but Thor knew he couldn't avoid the subject for much longer. He had to face the fact that Loki had killed him. When he thought of it, his chest hurt.


He hadn't realized Jane had disconnected the call and was now looking at him with a frown on her face. She looked beautiful as ever, with her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and her dark eyes piercing his.

"Did you ask something?"

"Yes," Jane smiled, apparently finding Thor's confusion amusing. Then her smile faded and she began frowning again. "What's on your mind? You look troubled."

Thor inhaled deeply, instantly thinking of Loki again. At this point, he didn't know what he thought of him. "I was wondering if I should try and contact my brother. Perhaps I should try and talk to him again, only I do not know where he is or what I could tell him."

"I understand," Jane said softly, indicating that she didn't entirely agreed with Thor. Jane had made it no secret that she thoroughly disliked Loki. He had killed the man she loved after all and that had only been his last act. "Loki is still your brother and he will always be your brother. What he did, however, is there still hope for him?"

"There must be," Thor said almost stubbornly. He had watched Asgard turn against his brother, he had watched Midgard despise him, but Thor would be damned if he turned his back on his own brother. "If I lose hope then who will fight for him? Who will protect him when he needs protection the most?"

Jane said nothing, but her eyes betrayed what she truly felt. She was confused and didn't understand how Thor could think like that. Not after everything that happened.

"I know you find it difficult to understand," he told her, "and I do not agree with what he did, but I fear that if I turn my back on him, Loki will be lost forever. He is a powerful man, Jane, but also a broken one. I know that deep down in his heart, he feels remorse for everything. There is still hope."

"But aren't your angry?" Jane asked, trying to get a better understanding of what Thor was telling her. "He killed you, stabbed you through your heart."

"That he did," Thor sighed, remembering the events vividly. He could still feel the scepter breaking his skin and chest. "It doesn't mean, however, that to love him, is to forgive him."

"I think that's exactly what loves means," Jane said, half smiling now, "and I think that you have already forgiven him deep down. Am I right?"

Thor was amazed by how easily Jane understood him. She was one of the few that knew what he was saying without having to use many words. Once Sif had been able to do that, but she and Thor had grown apart over the last few years. Thor could only find himself lucky to have met such a beautiful and smart woman like Jane.

"You amaze me, Jane Foster," Thor smiled.

Jane moved closer to where Thor was sitting and pressed a kiss against his lips. "I love you, Thor Odinson."

Thor kissed her back.


Loki had been reading a book when Sigyn had entered. He could instantly feel that something was wrong. The little hairs on the back of his neck stood up and a shiver ran down his spine. He looked up and found Sigyn's eyes merely staring at him. She seemed different than before. More tense somehow even though she never lost her graces.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

She folded her hands together and went to sit next to him. There was something about her behavior that almost alarmed Loki. "I have gone to the market," she began to explain, her large blue eyes never leaving his green ones, "and I heard something. At first I didn't understand, but then I learned the truth."

"Sigyn," Loki said softly, urging her to say more, "tell me."

Sigyn swallowed heavily. "Your brother lives."

Loki could hear the words, but he didn't understand them. How could Sigyn be telling him this? Was this a lie? A joke? If so, it was a very bad one. A very cruel one. When Loki continued to look into her eyes, however, he knew that she was speaking the truth.

"Thor lives?" he echoed.

"Apparently, Odin made a deal with Hela when he feared for Thor's life; your freedom in exchange for Thor to be revived." Sigyn spoke each word with the uttermost care. She knew how dangerous her words were for Loki. "That's why no one has come looking for you yet – not that they would ever find us."

It had become hard for Loki to speak. "He…lives?"

Sigyn nodded, not sure what her husband was currently experiencing. "Loki, talk to me."

"I have to see him," he quickly said, the words flowing from his lips now. It felt as he had been thrown from a nightmare into a dream. Though still a very dark dream, one with blurred edges and a fog clouding his vision. Could it be that his brother was all right? Could Loki have escaped this horrible destiny? He had never wanted to murder his own brother and now it seemed he had been given a second chance.

"You can't go to Midgard," Sigyn said, only thinking of the dangers that were on that planet, "Odin might have granted you freedom, but those mortals don't owe you anything. They would capture you, lock you away!"

"They won't," Loki said, "besides, Thor will be the only one to see me. I will be safe, Sigyn, and I will return."

A short moment of silence passed, but Sigyn nodded and even managed to produce a smile. She leaned forward while placing a hand on Loki's cheek. Their kiss was short, but intense and Loki returned her smile when they broke apart.

"I will be waiting."

Loki nodded and then magically transported himself away from Asgard.


Loki found Thor in the top level of the Stark Tower. He looked like his normal self, something which Loki hadn't really expected. He didn't know what he'd expected, but Thor looked good with his golden hair, golden skin and bright blue eyes. He looked…alive. Loki didn't dare to reveal himself just yet. He needed a moment to recollect his thoughts. After all, he was looking at the man he had killed. He didn't know how Thor would react upon seeing him. Would he be angry? Disappointed? Knowing Thor, he would probably try and beat him with Mjolnir.

Good to know that the hammer wasn't directly in sight.

Finally the moment came when Loki found the courage to face his brother and to face his actions. He revealed himself, knowing that Thor wouldn't actually be able to hurt him. He had only projected himself into the room which meant he was there physically.

When Thor suddenly found his brother standing before him, he widened his eyes and parted his lips as if he wanted to say something. No sound came from his mouth, however, and he didn't move.

"Hello, brother," Loki said, thankful that his own voice sounded strong and even. Thor only stared at him as if he couldn't really understand what was happening. "Good to see you alive."

Thor swallowed heavily as a means to recover himself. Then he smiled. He actually smiled. "You look well," he said after a long excruciating silence.

"Had you expected something else?" Loki asked almost tauntingly. Thor had probably expected him to be locked in a cell or viciously punished for killing him. Then another thought came to Loki; did Thor even know about the deal? He had to.

"I am glad to see you," Thor simply stated.

Loki would have raised an eyebrow at those words, but he didn't want to reveal too much of his emotions and inner thoughts. He needed to remain in control over the situation. "I couldn't believe it when I first heard the tale," he said, "the mighty Thor was back from the dead. Then I thought; well if anyone is to get special treatment, it would be the golden boy of Asgard."

He didn't know why he said what he said. He had come here with good intentions, but somehow he felt angry when looking at his brother. It was proof yet again that Odin favored him.

"I didn't expect to come back either," Thor said, remaining calm and collected. He did hear the anger in Loki's voice, that much was obvious by his cautious gaze. "I had no idea of the deal father made."

Loki stepped to the window and was momentarily amazed by the view of the city. Midgard had beauty, though it much differed from Asgard's beauty. "It's interesting, though," he said, "do you think he would have done it for me?"

Thor said nothing and Loki smiled. Silence was a good enough answer.

"Father only thought about what was best for the both of us," Thor said, his voice hard. He clearly didn't like the way Loki spoke about their father. "You killed me, Loki, but father set you free."

"Because he had you back!" Loki spun around, knowing that anger radiated from his eyes. "His son and heir." The words dripped from his tongue like poison.

"You twist everything," Thor nearly shouted, "father loves you, mother loves you. We all miss you, but you continue to be so…stubborn!"

"I really wish I could believe you," Loki sighed. Without realizing, he revealed how true his words were, how sad and broken he truly felt. He looked at Thor and found that his brother took pity on him. This was not what he wanted.

"Why can you not believe it?" Thor asked.

Loki pressed his lips together, feeling a white heat crawl up his chest and neck. He knew he was no longer in control of the situation. "Because Odin only ever wanted to use me and when you were in danger, he used my daughter!"

Thor clearly didn't follow Loki's train of thoughts.

"He used her sense of loyalty and love to make that deal," Loki explained, trying to keep his voice under control. He was only half succeeding. "Don't get me wrong, I am glad Hela accepted, that you are back, but it still wrong."

Thor only looked at him.

"I killed you, Thor," Loki continued softly, no longer able to bear his brother's eyes on him. They were too accusing even though Thor did not accuse him at all. "Are you not angry?"

Thor shook his head. "I thought that if anyone had the right, it was you."

Loki was taken aback by those words. He had already seen Thor agitated, but when he had spoken those few words, he looked honest and sincere. There wasn't even the faintest hint of anger in his voice.

"What's done is done," Thor said, "and I can see that you regret killing me. That is enough. I forgive you, Loki, and I hope that one day, you'll be able to forgive me for everything that has happened."

Those words weren't fair. Now it was expected of Loki to do the honorable thing and forgive Thor as well. He didn't want to, however, he…couldn't. "Perhaps one day," he spoke softly. The conversation had lasted long enough and Thor sensed that Loki felt this way.

"Where are you staying?" The golden brother asked.

For a second, Loki hesitated to answer truthfully, but there really was no harm in it. Even if Thor knew, he would never be able to find them. "With Sigyn."

"Ah," Thor smiled, "take good care of her, she is a good woman."

"I know." Loki looked into his brother's eyes for a long second and found only love and acceptance. Perhaps they could one day be brothers again. One day…in a future where Loki would have found his place in this universe. "Goodbye, brother."

Thor's smile broadened. "Goodbye."


The End


AN: That's it! I finished this story. It seemed to have lasted forever Thanks for anyone who stuck with it until the very end. I might have an idea for a sequel, anyone interested in that? Let me know what you thought of this last chapter!

Greetz – Cass