A different path
Chapter 1 : The end of one world
Arthur watched the blade seared into the enchanteress' side, a scream stuck in his throat. The dark silhouette's fled and Morgana's fell, so slowly it could have been a dream if he didn't see the shock on her face. Unfrozen at last, he rushed forward to catch her before she hit the ground.
Her pale green eyes fluttered open, filled with so much pain he shook.
"Arthur… I nearly wait…"
Even stabbed to death, she wanted to bicker. He eased her gently on the floor, her head against his chest, her curls hardened by dust tangling in his chainmail.
"Shush… Don't talk. It'll be alright. I-"
Her fingers on his lips were icy cold already.
"No. Even you cannot fix this… Humf! You're hurting me…" She complained, wincing when Arthur pressed both hands to her wound to stop the bleeding. "Just hold me, Arthur… I don't want to be alone anymore… Always peace in your arm-"
"No, no Morgana don't close your eyes, Morgana!"
Pain vanished from the beautiful face as he embraced her, too tight for her to breathe properly, yet it didn't matter anymore. For a brief instant, he wanted to believe she had just fainted. That in a minute she was to burn him with acid words for misbehaving, or simply to stare like she used to do, baring his soul with those incredible green eyes. But no. She was gone at last.
Tears filled his eyes. Arthur let out a growl. His cry amplified, until it reached the sky and tiny white ears.
Aithusa landed near the couple, the young king hugging the dead body of his half-sister. Her blood had darkened the crimson of his cloak. He had his forehead pressed to hers, his fingers clutching to the rough material of her dress.
"King Arthur, I can help."
"She's dead, don't you… Bloody hell!"
Still holding Morgana with one arm, Arthur grabbed his sword to face the creature. Aithusa bowed his head.
"I can save her, but you have to-"
"No. If you bring her back now, it will be the same. She'll be alone and sad and it would be my fault."
He kissed the delicate skin, something he hadn't done in a long time. He could not accept she was gone, but he would not let her suffer more of this life.
"Bring me back."
"I… It's forbidden."
"I don't care! My father is dead; my sister hated me and she died in pain, my wife loved another man. I DON'T CARE! Take me back to the day all went wrong!"
The dragon bowed his reptilian head so he could look directly into Arthur's eyes.
"She never hated you, King Arthur. She loved you deeply. So much that she doomed herself so you live."
"I don't want to live without her. Take me back. Now."
"If I do that, you will have a miserable life. You will remember every pain, every betrayal, unless a detail changes the future. And then, your memory will alter, so before long you will have to battle to know what's real and what's not. If you aren't strong enough, such burden can drive you mad."
Arthur looked down once more to the woman he had failed in so many ways.
"I understand. Take me back."