I hope you enjoy this story. All rights go to C.S. Lewis and Walden Media, except my own characters.

Chapter 1

'Night Mum.' 17-year-old Jamie-Lee Johnson yelled down the stars.
'Goodnight Jamie.' He mum called back. Jamie entered her room, it was painted in forest green and blues. Her room was rather basic, her mum couldn't afford to buy her lots of nice things since her father had died. Jamie didn't mind though, her room was enough. A desk sat by the window, and her bed, on the opposite of the room, had a duvet cover with a rearing horse on it. She grabbed a hair band and tied her blonde highlighted brown hair out of her face. Her highlights had been a Christmas present from one of her aunts.

Jamie turned her light off and got into bed, pulling the covers over her body. She was hoping that her sleep tonight would be dreamless, as the last few nights, she had been having bad dreams that she would tell no one about. She closed her eyes, letting the darkness enfold her. 'Awake child.' Jamie's eyes snapped open, expecting to see someone, the voice had been so clear. No one was there. She rolled onto her side and closed her eyes. 'Come child.' There it was again. This time Jamie sat straight up in bed, and reached out to turn her bedside light on. Jamie gasped in surprise, for there in the middle of her room stood a great golden lion. 'Jamie-Lee.' It said. 'You must come at once.'
'How, how can you talk? Who are you? How do you know my name?' Jamie stammered out.
'Too many questions dear one. I am Aslan, and I need you to come with me.'
'You are needed. Now come climb on my back.' Aslan ordered.
'Can I get changed?' Jamie asked.
'You do not need to. Come.' Jamie slipped out of bed, he may be a lion, but somehow he made Jamie trust him. Aslan crouched to allow the teenager onto his back. Once onboard the lion rose to his feet.

Wind began to pick up and Aslan seemed to be running forward. Jamie held tightly onto his mane. Suddenly they were no longer in Jamie's bedroom, but running through a forest. Aslan's feet pounded on the floor beneath them. The pair burst out of the trees onto an open plain, where Aslan slowed as they were surrounded by creatures, who escorted them into a large camp. Once in the middle, Aslan crouched down and Jamie slid from his back. She stared around her in amazement. She had only ever read about creatures that were here; Centaurs, fauns, dryads, and many more mythological creatures moved easily around the camp. One thing she did notice though, was that she was the only human there. 'Laceia.' Aslan said. A female centaur stepped forward. 'Take Jamie-Lee and prepare her.'
'Yes sire. This way milady.' Laceia said, leading Jamie away from the crowd.

Jamie followed Laceia into a tent, where she was told to change out of her Disney pjs and into the clothes provided. They consisted of red riding trousers, a dark blue, long-sleeved top underneath a mid-thigh length, short-sleeved, forest green tunic. For her feet she was provided with brown riding boots. She came out from behind the screen. 'Why are you not surprised I am here?' She asked Laceia.
'Aslan told us you would be coming milady.' The centaur replied as she attached leather vambraces to Jamie's forearms.
'You can just call me Jamie.' Laceia smiled and removed Jamie's hair band and plaited her hair down her back. She then held out a set of weapons to Jamie. She took it. There was a bow and quiver, a sword and two knives.
As she was fastening them to her body a female faun entered the tent. 'Aslan would like to see you milady.' Jamie rolled her eyes at the formalities and left the tent, walking to where she was directed.

As she left the camp, Jamie noticed that there was snow lying in places, however she didn't feel cold. Aslan was standing away from the camp, on a cliff that looked out towards the sea and a castle. Jamie approached him and he said, 'Thank you for coming to Narnia, Jamie.'
'Narnia?' Jamie asked.
'This world is Narnia.' Aslan replied.
'Why am I here?'
'This world has been trapped in winter for 100 years. A prophecy came to light around the same time, when Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits
in Cair Paravel in throne the evil time is over and done. Right now four children from your world, but another time, have come to Narnia too. They are whom the prophecy speaks. They will need your help to fulfill the prophecy.'
Jamie was still confused. 'But why me?'
'There is a second prophecy. A daughter of Narnia will return, a daughter of Kings. She will hold the power and the key to peace and victory, elements and people.'
'And you think the prophecy refers to me?' Jamie questioned. 'How is that possible? I am just a normal girl, my mum works, my dad died when I was 6. There is no way either of them came from here.'
'That's where you're wrong, your father came from Narnia. Time here works differently to your world.'
'Will I ever be able to go home?' Jamie wondered.
'That's depends on what you decide, but also your actions and your destiny. If you do return it could be years. But now is not the time to worry about it. I would like you to go down to the training grounds where the centaur Oreius will be waiting for you.'

Jamie entered the training grounds and saw a centaur, who she assumed was Oreius, talking to a buckskin horse. The centaur looked towards her as she approached. 'Lady Jamie?' He inquired.
'Yes, please just call me Jamie. Are you Oreius?'
The centaur chuckled, 'Yes I am, and I would like to introduce you to Roshir, she will be your horse.'
'Huh, I belong to nobody.' The horse said, 'However I will allow myself to be guided by you.'
Jamie smiled, 'Thank you Roshir.'
'Aslan would like me to teach me to teach you how to fight, and Roshir will teach you how to ride. If you are agreeable of course.' Oreius said.
'Of course.' Jamie said excitedly.

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