Hello everyone ^.^ First off I'd like to explain something... I used to write the fanfiction of Ookami to miko... But my computer got infected by a virus and I had to wipe it clean :(... I lost word processor and I couldn't find it for awhile in fact I still haven't found it so I'm just using open office. I may finish writing Ookami to miko but I like this story much better. Anyway Please accept my apology and I hope you will also enjoy this story.

Howling at the moon

Chapter. 1

'In Shippou's hands.'

Shippou grumbled and snuggled into Kagomes' shirt contently. He had been there all night while she cried over Inuyasha meeting Kikyo again. Their visits have been more and more frequent, and everyone was beginning to notice. Shippou's eyes opened slightly and he looked up at kagome's sleeping face. Sadness and pain was spread over her pretty features.

His heart clenched, He had always seen her as a mother and now that she was in this state because of Inuyasha he just couldn't stand it anymore something had to be done shifting his weight around Shippou made it out of Kagome's sleeping bag. Tiptoeing across the campsite, weary of inuyasha's hearing abilities he slipped off into the night to find some help.

He traveled swiftly using his fox magic to outsmart many lesser demons in his path. The terrain around him changed from tall forest trees to high rocky jagged cliffs. No normal human would dare climb these mountains and Shippou knew exactly why, for he was In wolf territory now and the dangers around him increased with every step. But his mind was set on the most important mother figure in his life. Kagome.

Howls where heard in the distance making the fur on his tale stand on end. He was close, and that drove his determination to it's fullest. Transforming into his floating pink form he flew over a few cliffs and caught sight of the dim glow on the horizon. 'Oh no! Its sunrise already! I have to hurry!" He popped out of his flying form and landed effortlessly on the ground in full sprint.

Out of breath, dirty, sweaty and utterly exhausted he slowly ascended the last jagged cliff. To his horror he came face to face with a huge adult wolf. Quickly he tried to transform but to no avail, the wolfs jaws snapped shut on his bushy tail. Shippou let out a shriek and curled up into a ball, tears already forming in his green eyes. The wolf turned and ran toward the den skidding to a halt in the middle of a bunch of its fellow wolfs. They howled with happiness at the new catch of the day, they hadn't eaten for quite awhile. Just before one could take a bite a strong hand lifted shippou out of the wolfs grasp.

Slowly shippou opened his eyes to be greeted by bright blue ones. A big smile formed on his lips. " KOUGA!" He opened his arms with joy and laughed. "Eh? Your Kagome's Kit aren't you? Why are you in my den?" Kouga asked curiously. Shippou nodded. "uh-huh! I need your help kouga." By now the wolf leader had set the kitsune down, giving a few warning growls to the lesser wolves. "Is something wrong with MY Kagome? What did mutt-face do? I'll kill him!"

Kouga balled his fist with rage making shippou a little frightened to tell him. "I-I-Inuyasha has hurt kagome really bad... He keeps seeing kikyou, you know kagomes her reincarnation?" Kouga nodded indicating he was listening. "Well every time he goes to see her kagome cries and doesn't talk. She even runs off to her home and lately its been getting worse and worse... I'm scared that one day she isn't going to come back." Shippou took a deep breath and looked to the ground. "please kouga, If there's anything you can do. Please help me."

Kouga didn't know what to say, Kagome's Kit was coming to HIM for help and that was something he couldn't deny. "Of course I'll help! She is MY woman after all." He let out a laugh and looked to shippou. "You look exhausted you should rest, come with me." reaching down he picked up shippou and set him on his shoulder.

Honestly kouga had no idea how to hold a kit and this was the way he always saw kagome holding him. Walking through the cave's kouga asked a couple of the wolf tribesmen to bring shippou some of the fresh boar they had killed earlier.

Finally Kouga stopped and set shippou down on some fur blankets. "Now you rest here and bring up your strength while I go get Kagome." Shippou's eyes bulged. "But I want to go with you! I can't just stay here and wait." His tail puffed up and his chest swelled as he smacked his chest lightly with a balled fist. "I'm also trying to protect Kagome!" Kouga grinned at his braveness and knelt down on one knee. "Listen kit if I bring you back with me Kagome will just take you and not come back with me at all. With you here she has a really good reason to come back to my den."

Shippou shook his head and countered kougas idea. "Inuyasha would never let you take kagome." Kouga grinned. "Didn't you say mutt-face is being occupied by that dead woman? Shippou nodded. "Oh I get it kouga. So if inuyasha goes with Kikyou he won't be there to stop you!" Both of them laughed and kouga took shippous small hand and shook it. "Thanks kit for coming to me." Kouga smiled genuinely and stood up running out of the den. Shippou sat there star struck at his new hero.

After a few commands and threats Kouga left the den with Ginta and Hakkaku trailing behind destined to never catch him. His legs were swift and his heart was pounding out of his chest though it was not from running but rather the anxiousness to see kagomes beautiful face again. "Kouga! Slow down will ya!" Ginta yelled to him from afar. "No chance I'm going to see my kagome and there's nothing anyone can do to slow me down." He sped up enjoying the wind in his hair and the grass at his feet. He always felt alive when running and he had always loved going fast even when he was young.

Ginta panted heavily he was already tired and it looked to be hakkaku was the same. "Hey Hakakku do you think sister Kagome is actually going to come back to the den with us?" Hakkaku looked up at the sky in thought. "Well sister has always denied kougas advances so its really up in the air, I dunno what's gonna happen." Ginta joined Hakkaku in looking up through the thick forest. Dazed He slammed right into a tree making Hakkaku burst out into laughter. Ginta growled, embarrassed and lifted his fist to punch hakkaku until kouga's loud howl commanded them to speed up. Scrambling to his feet the to tired wolf demons started running again.

Yawning Kagome slid her arms (which had been resting under her pillow) to grasp shippou. Her blue eyes shot open when she felt the empty space. Frantic she rushed out of her sleeping bag and started trampling over the campsite. Sango jolted awake quickly and grabbed her hiraikotsu. Miroku on the other hand opened one eye slowly and yawned. He felt no evil aura so there was no reason for him to be alarmed.

"Kagome what on earth-" The young priestess quickly cut her off. "Shippous gone I can't find him anywhere!" Sango sighed and lowered her hiraikotsu. "Maybe he is relieving himself somewhere in the forest." Miroku added. "No." Kagome immediately cut in. "Hes always woke up with me on every morning plus I don't sense him anywhere. Not to mention he wakes me up every time he has to go." Sango looked to miroku. "Well Miroku, do you sense shippou close by?" Kagome stopped and looked to the monk hoping that her powers where failing her. His brow furrowed. " I do not lady kagome." Kagome's heart sank her little shippou was missing. Suddenly sango spoke up. "Hey where is inuyasha?" Everyone looked around the campsite suspiciously but the hanyou wasn't accounted for.

"Kikyou..." Inuyasha mumbled. He had snuck away early this morning to be with his beloved first love. He glanced down and grinned, her Long black hair cascaded down her milky white bare skin. They had just made love and inuyasha couldn't be happier. His eyes where glazed over with lust while kikyou slept soundlessly atop his chest.

The undead miko snuggled deeper into him. "mmm...Inuyasha. How I've missed you my love." Her hauntingly smooth voice danced around his dog-like ears. "As have I Kikyou." He wrapped his clawed hands around her small frame. "Are you going to talk to her today my love?" She asked. "Yes my love." he replied. "What happens If she says no...what will you do Inuyasha?" He thought for a moment then responded. "Even If she does It's none of her business. I run this pack and what I say goes." Kikyou didn't reply to that, but rather stayed silent relishing the fact that she had inuyasha again and her reincarnation did not.

Kagomes shoulders drooped when she saw inuyasha was gone again, and she knew where. "I'm going to find shippou with or without him." That was that, her voice was firm and full of authority. No one disagreed on her decision either. They where tired of inuyasha's crap and they wanted it to end.

Later they packed up and began traveling on the path they all thought was Shippou's. "How strong is the sent Kirara?" Kirara mewed solemnly, she was obviously missing the kit to. Sango knew how close Kirara and shippou are, sadly she stroked her large ear. "Its ok Kirara we'll find him."

The group traveled for what seemed like hours until they reached a steep cliff. "Kirara stop here." Sango ordered the transformed cat. She landed and allowed all riders to slip of her back easily. Soon after she transformed back into a small kitten like demon. "Kirara looks so tired..." Kagome commented sadly. "How are we going to cross this? I don't want to push her."

Right as she asked a whirlwind appeared and out popped Kouga immediately grasping Kagome's hands. "No need my love I'll carry you across."
"Oh hi kouga..." He noted the sadness in her voice and put a hand to her cheek, softly he stroked it. "What's wrong my love?" Kagome of course ignored his words of admiration and sniffled. "Shippou's gone we can't find him and god knows where Inuyasha is." Kougas brow furrowed. 'Damn that mutt always hurting my kagome. Its time I take her under my protection.' Kouga's thoughts where interrupted by Kagome's soft sobs. "Don't cry! I know where Shippou is." He said frantically.

"You do!" Everybody said in unison. "Yea he's at my den, one of my wolfs found him clinging to my tribes cliff. So I took him in. Hes should be all fed and cleaned up by now." What came next didn't only shock Kouga but everyone else in the clearing as well. Kagome's small arms wrapped around his frame in a thankful notion. "Thank you kouga thank you so so much!" Her words made him smile a cocky smile. " I don't know how I will repay you." Kouga grin got bigger and then spoke. "Well there is one way." The young girl looked up into his eyes. "Hows that?"

Sango readied her weapon, she knew all to well how men where like and she wouldn't hesitate to sedate the wolf if he where to try anything. "Come with me to my den?" Kagome immediately nodded and agreed. "Yes of course." Slowly she let go of Kouga and dried her eyes. "Just let me get my thing's ready.

When she went to get her things Kouga walked over to the monk and slayer. "Wheres the mutt?" He asked quiet enough so Kagome couldn't hear. Both of them shook their heads. "We're not sure but I bet he's with Kikyou." Miroku answered.

"I see. Well let him know that kagome will now be under my protection and she will be in no need of his." Both blinked at him. "Kouga we're coming to, we are not just going to let our friend run off with you." Sango agreed with miroku's statement Kouga must be crazy if he thought they where going to let him take her.

"I understand you care for Kagome but remember the last time you ran off with her? She was involved in a war with you and the birds of paradise." Sango quietly added.

Kouga scratched the back of his head. "That war is over and we are not in another. Plus who is going to tell dog breath shes with me huh?" Both shook their heads. "We're not leaving her alone."

Kouga's frustration grew and he balled his fist. "Look I love that woman and I would never harm her or let others harm her. I want to show her I can protect her with all my heart and soul. If you come with me Inuyasha will come running to my den, probably in a fit and go around swinging that oversized sword around my tribemates. And I do not want any of them hurt."

Both of them stayed quiet. "All I'm asking for is a chance to be with Kagome just one chance." He was pleading. Something he has never done before. Kouga knelt down and crossed his right arm over his chest. "I give you my word that she will not be harmed." Sango was about to deny again but Miroku stopped her. "Maybe we should let him take her." Sango's aura flared and Miroku felt it. "Miroku!" Sango hissed. "Easy sango my dear think about kagome... do you really think she is in the mood to see inuyasha just yet? Plus..." Miroku locked eyes with kouga. "this could be good for her."

Kouga smiled and stood up. "So what are we going to tell Inuyasha hm?" Sango said still upset at the wolf. "That she's spending a relaxing vacation with hes arch enemy?" Miroku's eye had an evil glint and his lips spread into a smile. "Well I don't know what your talking about. Kirara took lady Kagome home this morning." Sango's eyes widened. "That's brilliant. He won't be able to tell because Kouga didn't come near the campsite so we can just travel back and hopefully Inuyasha won't be there. "So it's settled." kouga finally concluded. "Whats settled?" Kagome asked curiously, her oversized yellow back draped over her shoulder.

"Oh me and miroku have decided to go back and hunt down Inuyasha while you go gather Shippou." Kagome's eyes widened, they where going to leave here alone...with ...kouga? "But aren't you coming with me?" Sango shook her head. "If inuyasha finds out we're with kouga he will come and hunt us down and may possibly hurt one of Kouga's pack mates." Kagome nodded understanding, and frankly she didn't want to see Inuyasha right now anyway.

"You ready my love?" Kouga asked. "Mhm." lately Kagome had just seem to ignore all kouga's lovey dovey words. "Here let me hold this for you." He started to take the giant yellow pack off her back. Kouga swore every time he saw her wearing that she looked like a merchant. "Oh no you don't have to its really heavy." Kouga laughed. "Please." He lifted it effortlessly and put it to his back. "See light as a feather." She smiled genuinely and nodded. "Thank you kouga."

"KOUGGAAA!" Just then Ginta and Hakkaku burst through to the clearing panting and wheezing. "Finally!" Kouga said in a joking manner. "I thought you guys would never catch up, what took you so long?" Both of them sent glares to their leader. "Well if you would just slow down a little bit we could catch up!" Huffed ginta. Kouga shook his head. "Maybe you two need to speed up." Kagome walked toward Sango and Miroku. "Well Kagome this is goodbye for now, we shall meet again once you have shippou."Miroku's calm voice made kagome at ease. "I'll come back soon okay?" They nodded and then took their leave not before sango gave Kagome a big hug and one last secret warning glare at Kouga.

"Well up you go!" Kouga said cheerfully and lifted her in the bridal position. She blushed and protested. "I could walk you know. Or at least ride on your back you don't have to hold me like this." He shook his head. "You can't walk over cliffs and I'm holding your pack on my back. Also..." He gave her a cocky wolf smile. "A princess should be handled more delicately." Her face turned a crimson red making the two wolfs in the back whisper devilish things.

End of Chapter 1

Thank you for reading my first chapter! I will post more soon I promise! Please review. If I get some good one's I'll post the next chapter right away ;)