This is the last Chapter.

Five angry girls banged on Victor's door.

"What do you want?" Victor asked.

"All of our school uniforms are missing, and we think the boys did it." Amber answered.

Victor huffed. "Bring them all in. All of them!"

Joy and Patricia scurried off to find all the boys. Amber, Nina, and Mara retreated to their rooms.


"Victor wants all of you guys in the office." Patricia said. They boys were all sitting around the dining table. Groaning they got up.

But as they were leaving the room, Victor came in with the rest of the girls.

"Never mind, I want to talk to all of you here." Victor said. "I understand you've been having a prank war. Well, it's over. Boys, give the girls their uniforms back and head to chool."

No one moved.

"NOW!" Victor yelled. Everyone scrambled away.


"So who wins?" Alfie asked. Everyone was in the dining room for breakfast. The girls were dressed in their uniforms.

"Well, the boys got two. One for the uniforms, and we're counting the trick we played on Mara." Eddie said.

"The girls only have one…" Patricia said. "Water fight. So I guess the boys win then?"

Amber groaned. "Sadly yes."

The boys high- fived each other.

"So anyway, how was your date last night?" Nina asked.

"Jerome and Mara left early." Alfie accused.

"Sorry, my head was hurting." Mara shot Alfie a glare.

"How's your head now, Mars?" Jerome asked.

"Fine, thank you."

"Another date?" Jerome asked.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"McDonalds!" Eddie randomly cried out.

Mara giggled. "Ok. How about McDonalds?"

Jerome smiled. "Why not?" The couple smiled at each other.

Suddenly, Amber pulled a camera out and snapped a picture.

"Amber! Do you carry that camera with you everywhere you go?" Jerome asked.

"Yep." Amber smiled. "Honestly, Jara is the hardest couple to take pictures of."

"Kids, get to school!" Trudy walked in and shooed the nine kids out of the house.


They were at the cave. Well technically, they were lying in the grass in front of the cave. They were stargazing.

"Mara, look. A shooting star. Make a wish." Jerome said. He pointed at a star as it flashed across the sky.

"I don't have a wish." Mara answered. "All I want is for this moment to last forever."

"All I want, is for the prank war to never happen again." Jerome grumbled. "But this lasting forever works too."

"Don't wish for the prank war to never happen again. If it wasn't for your green paint prank, we wouldn't be here right now." Mara murmured.

"I have a wish. All I want is you." Jerome kissed her forehead.

"What you said." Mara smiled as their lips met.

"All I want is this scrapbook to be finished."

Mara and Jerome barely looked up.

"Go away Amber."

I'm sorry the ending is rushed, but I sort of lost interest in this story, completely. But I didn't want to ditch it, so I wrote whatever I could think of. Sorry, but I hope you liked it anyway.

This next part is the epilogue.

20 years later.

"Mom, there is this new kid in school, and he is hot!" Lillian Clarke said over the phone.

On the other end of the line, Mara smiled. "Tell me about him."

"He's a jock, and extremely cute."

"Tell me more." Mara said.

"… He's a guy in my math class…"

"Let me tell you something sweetie." Mara began.

"No mom, no lectures."

"Just listen, Lillian. Is there another boy in your house? One that you met when you were new, and became instant friends with?"

"Yes, but I don't talk to him anymore."

"Well, I want you to start talking to him again. You never know, he might become very important to you later."

"What about Jerry?"


"The jock."

Mara smiled. "Befriend them both. Take things slow, and then see who's really there for you."

Lillian sighed. "Ok. Bye mom."

Mara hung up the phone.


Mara looked down to see four year old Bradley at her feet. "Yes baby?"

Bradley held up a book. "What's this?"

Mara picked it up and opened it. "Memories. They're memories."

Jerome walked into the room. "What do you have there?" he asked, picking Bradley up.

Mara handed him the book. "Sometimes I regret trying to stop Amber from making scrapbooks."

"Mommy Daddy kissy!" Bradley pointed to a picture in the scrapbook.

Mara just smiled.