Cress had found himself trapped underneath the Ursaring's paw, his breathing labored as he struggled to roll out from under it. The Pokemon was having none of this though as it only growled angrily right in front of the male's face. Fear ran up and back down his spine as he stared it straight into its golden hues but he did not hesitate as he did so. Instead, he just made sure to look as weak and powerless as possible.

His own blue hues had a few tears in them as Cress thought he would surely die from this experience. He prayed silently, moving his mouth a few times as a silent plea for help as the Pokemon again leaned down further to confront the other face to face – literally. Its teeth were bared as it examined the fear. It started to back off when Cress had completely stopped moving from total and utter fear, thinking he had just died with his eyes open, but that wasn't the case as Cress was pretty much alive.

As soon as the Ursaring removed its huge paw from Cress' chest, he took his chance and rolled away, surprising the Ursaring as it roared angrily. All was fine until a blast of fire hit the Ursaring. "Cress!" a voice yelled out to him and the male immediately looked up to see Chili climbing from tree branch to tree branch. All Cress could do was look at the even more angered Pokemon then sprint to the safety of the trees. It wasn't over, he knew. They still had to escape…

Cress and Chili had reunited. Chili had found himself having to save his brother from the Ursaring that had him under its paw. He had used his Pansear of course, but now they were both stuck in another tree. Only this Pokemon knew how to climb. They found themselves going from tree to tree, wishing that I was there to save them.

"Cilan stayed back there to distract the other Ursaring…" Chili told Cress as they got comfortable in another tree, but not too comfortable that they wouldn't be able to escape in time. Cress looked towards his brother with a frown. He knew that I was always prepared to protect the both of them, but I was terrified of going out into the woods alone, and especially scared of being chased by dangerous Pokemon with no hope of getting away. Cress could only hope that I was okay. "Meanwhile, we should do something about those claw marks."

Cress looked down at his stomach where the Ursaring had placed its paw. His clothing had been practically ripped apart by one little swipe, and there was a little blood dripping from the small cuts the tips of the Pokemon's claws had made, but it didn't hurt any more or any less than a fully powered swipe would have been. If anything, Cress was lucky to get away from that with just a few minor scratches.

"No, Chili, I'm fine. It's just some scratches." Cress was like me in a way. He worried for Chili just as I did but he was more composed. "I'm worried about Cilan more than myself anyways. You said he stayed behind with what might be the angry mom of this Teddiursa."

"Cress…why is there Ursaring and Teddiursa around in the forest? Last I heard, there were never any of these types of Pokemon in the forest here…"

That got Cress thinking. Why were these Pokemon here after all? They didn't belong in the region they were in, and in fact, Cress was positive they lived two regions over. "Maybe someone had those as their Pokemon and released them here?"

It was the only logical reason Cress could come up with and probably the only one that made any type of sense. Unfortunately, deep down, Cress knew that couldn't have been the case. There was always something more to a story like this. But he shook that thought off before looking back down at the Ursaring that was completely messing up the tree, for it had marks and scratches and bark had been torn from the poor tree. "Chili? Do you think someone released their Pokemon here from another region?"

"I can't believe someone would do that, Cress."

Chili was right. No person that lived in their region would ever do such things to their beloved Pokemon. Therefore Cress found it odd that someone would even have an Ursaring. Very rarely did someone move from a different community. There was a huge plan that someone had, releasing such dangerous Pokemon into the wild; especially with those chips in their necks.

Wait – blinking chips were implanted in the Pokemon's necks?

"Chili, what's that on the Ursaring's neck?" Cress asked his brother as he pointed to the source. Chili looked at him then to the Pokemon with a keen eye, hoping to see something and make heads and tails of their situation.

"Well Cress, it looks like a chip. Some people chip their Pokemon harmlessly so they don't get lost."

"I don't think these Pokemon are lost at all."

It was true that people would chip their Pokemon if they absolutely had to for fear of losing their beloved Pokemon, but one would not release a Pokemon with one still embedded. Never. It would be too much trouble for the owner and very inconvenient having to track their pet all the time.

Slowly, he crawled to a lower tree branch, just out of the Ursaring's reach and got a closer look at the thing. It was probably irritating it more than it could handle. It was probably the reason why it was so mad. "I bet I could get it out if it just calmed down…" he sighed as he looked up at Chili.

"Chili, let's go find Cilan, maybe he'd know what to do…" They sure as hell didn't.

I sat there on the tree, eyes staring down at the calmed down Ursaring. I had pulled a chip out of her neck, and it took a while but she had calmed down and was now resting at the base of the tree. It was in the shape of a parasite and it flashed every few seconds. Being myself, I instantly connected the dots and figured it was a tracking device. But being in the shape of a parasite, it also had parasite abilities, such as biting the outside skin and hanging on.

It must have irritated her so much. The poor thing had probably been suffering this entire time and he just now realized it. How could he have not noticed it sooner?

But now she rested at the base, and I didn't want to disturb her slumber, so I just watched her. I earlier had gotten the idea to go ahead and catch her with a Poke ball but it hadn't worked. Someone still owned her which made me believe that it had just wandered off looking for food, but now I thought better.

No one would lose their Pokemon like that.

More dots connected in my head, gears turning as if they were just now thinking that there was something else wrong with this entire idea. Someone had purposely set these Pokemon loose in the forest, where they could easily defend themselves. If they were being tracked, then I knew it had something to do with the entire Unova region.

"Cilan! Cilan!" I looked to the side to see Chili and Cress climbing over the tree branches with each other, an angry Ursaring with them. The Teddiursa was following behind happily, though he too had that agonizing chip upon its neck. The huge Ursaring as well had the chip. I looked back between my two brothers before the entire Ursaring family was reunited. They seemed happy to just be together again, and started communicating. At first it looked to me as if the much larger Pokemon was complaining about the three being around and messing with them, but the smaller of the two shook her head. She disagreed with whatever her mate was saying.

"Let's go home while they're distracted," Cress said as he put his hand upon my shoulder. I looked at him with sad eyes. "I can't just leave those trackers on them. I got one Pokemon to trust me just by taking it off…" I whispered to him. Chili had absolutely no clue what was going on. Cress was confused when I wanted to help the male. "Besides, in this darkness, we can't navigate our way through, right?" Cress stared at me for a while before nodding and sitting back against the cool bark of a tree. I looked back down at the larger Ursaring. I could easily remove that chip while his mate was distracting him. No difficulties would arise if I just did it now.

So I did. I made a quick grab and tore the chip from its neck. He roared in protest and made a swipe at me, but I avoided the hit luckily, and examined this one. It was larger than the female's. I guessed that the larger the Pokemon, the larger the chip. The Teddiursa was probably the same way, except with a much smaller chip that I couldn't see, but the blue blinking radiating from it made it almost impossible not to in the darkness surrounding them.

Eventually, the male calmed himself and too sat against the tree, as if a heavy weight was lifted from their shoulders. They seemed exhausted.

It would be a long night for the all of them as Cress had fallen asleep against the tree, Chili was staring at me with those big, sad eyes he always gave, and me smiling as if I had accomplished something that had just save both these Pokemon's lives and our own.

A long night, but one that was successful in every way.