A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for all your loving reviews! Hope you enjoy! P.S: I'm sorry if I make typos. Sorry I didn't post for so long! But… yeah. NEW YEAR NEW COMMITMENTS! :)

It had been about three days since the fight and things were completely smoothed over for each couple. The night before Hoenhiem's departure, the quartet was in the living room sleeping. Ed and Winry took the couch, Winry lying on top of Ed, his hand on the small of her back. Al and Mei were on the floor spooning. Winry was calmly listening to Ed's heartbeat as he moved cautiously and whispered, "Winry?"


"Whatcha' thinking?" Ed asked, his hand moving up to stroke her head. Winry murmured her reply, her eyes drooping softly.

"What, Win?" Ed asked.

"Just thinkin' how much I love you," Winry said softly. Ed's cheeks turned a light pink and the two stayed quiet. A voice made them jump as it said, "Aren't you going to say it back, brother?"

Ed's cheeks steamed a dark red and he stuttered, "A-Al! What the hell?"

Winry drowsily replied, with a yawn, "Thanks for ruining the moment, Al."

"Sorry Winry." Alphonse yawned. Winry was sleeping when Al replied, her hands clutching Ed's shirt lightly.

"Brother?" Al started but Ed shushed him. Then with a gentle coo, Ed went, "Winry-chan?" When he didn't receive a reply, he told Al to continue.

"Are you ever going to do it?" Al asked quietly.

"Do what?"

"Propose, I saw you looking at rings before and, if you're going to do it, don't do it after diving into a fountain." Al laughed, recalling the excitement the ring had caused. Ed was quiet, thinking about the question his brother had said.

"I honestly don't know," Ed whispered.

"What do you mean?" Al asked. Ed continued in his hushed voice, "I mean I love Winry, with all my heart. But we haven't been together long and it would be a little weird if I got on one knee,"

"As if you would do that!" Al interrupted in a loud chortle.

"Shut up! I mean, I would do it, in a heartbeat; no doubt, she is the one I can picture a future with. But, you and Mei had been together for about forever before you proposed." Ed muttered.

"Each person is different, brother. I'm sure Winry wouldn't mind. But I know what you mean about futures. I can't picture myself with anyone but Mei. QUIZ TIME! When is your anniversary? With Win." Al teased.

"December sixth." Ed replied automatically.

"WRONG! It's December ninth." Al smirked, proud to remember the date.

"No, actually, Winry isn't the greatest at remembering dates either and so she suggested the day we met, could be our anniversary date and I agreed." Ed beamed. The two yawned and Ed said, "I'm tired, talk to you tomorrow mornin'."

"Same and brother...consider what I said. I know Winry wouldn't refuse." Al sighed, snuggling back up with Mei. As the two's heavy breathing occurred, Mei grinned, proud of all the information she knew and how she was able to portray as a heavy sleeper.

Van Hoenhiem scrolled down the stairs of the condo and was about to enter the kitchen when he saw the sight in front of him. Edward and Winry were laying on the couch, somehow tangled up in a mess of legs and sheets, while Alphonse and Mei were on the floor in front of the couch, Al's arms wrapped around Mei's torso. It was amazing how well, the engaged couple looked while Ed and Winry looked like fish out of water. Hoenhiem stifled a laugh and went on his way to the kitchen. As he started a pot of coffee, a voice spoke, "Why are you up early, Pop?" Hoenhiem turned to see his youngest son leaning against the wall.

"I couldn't really sleep. It is weird, I've been here for a long while now and I have to leave."

Al slowly nodded and he said, "We'll miss you. Even Ed, if he doesn't say it."

Hoenhiem laughed, his mind flicking back to the picture of Ed and Winry on the couch. Al rolled his eyes and softly said, "Call me when the coffee is ready." He then headed back towards the living room. The minutes passed by slowly, as if they were hours and a loud shriek of laughter was heard. Hoenhiem walked out of the kitchen to the living room where Mei and Al were laughing uncontrollably.

"Winry! Stop moving, you're only making this wo…." Ed snapped as Winry struggled against the sheets that bonded the two together. With a loud thump, the couple fell to the ground, Winry groaning because she not only had to deal with her fall, but also Ed landing on top of her. Furiously, the couple began to maneuver themselves out of the sheets and Hoenhiem couldn't help but laugh. Her cheeks red, Winry tried pulling away, before saying, "Ow," and being tugged back. It looked like they weren't done with the tangles yet.

"How is this bloody possible?" Winry shrieked as Mei was trying to untangle, Ed and Winry's entwined hair.

"This is why I sleep alone!" Ed said loudly. He shut up when Winry gave him a sharp look.

"Want anything, Win? Some coffee? Cereal? Scissors?" Al laughed loudly. Winry scowled and said, "No thanks." Ed winced as Mei yanked the blonds' head to try and undo the knot.

"Enjoy your slumber?" Hoenhiem suggested merrily. Ed flipped him off and Winry then elbowed Ed hard in the stomach.

"OWW!" They cried in union as Ed rolled to the ground and the final yank had freed the two teens from their treacherous tangle. Winry rubbed her sore scalp and scowled at the pain. Ed had sat back up and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head saying, "Mornin' beautiful." Winry rolled back, her hands over her face as she groaned, "Beautiful? How can this be beautiful? My hair is a mess, I'm sweaty and I'm just plain gross right now!" Hoenhiem swiftly left the room and Al had said, "I'm going to help Dad pack…."

"You're still beautiful to me!" Ed sang loudly. With a smirk, Winry sung back, "You only look good without a shirt, that's why I keep you!"

"Yea…Wait! That's not fair!" Ed groaned. Winry rolled her eyes and giggled, "Will it be fair if I get you a cup of coffee, with no milk added?" Ed nodded enthusiastically. Winry sashayed out of the room and grabbed two mugs from the cabinet and the full coffee pot. She was pouring the cup for Ed when the telephone rang.

"Hello?" Winry giggled. A grave voice spoke, "May I speak to a Miss Rockbell please? I was told I could reach her here by her Grandmother."

"Yes, this is her. Is anything wrong with Gr…." Winry started, both hands flying up to hold the receiver.

"Hello Winry, I'm Raelyn. No, it has nothing to do with your Grandmother. I was told you were friends with a, Miss Amelia Stanford, am I correct?" She continued.

"Yes." Winry spoke, her voice on edge.

"We regret to inform you that her Father had passed away this morning. We we're told to call her friends and none of them answered." Raelyn said.

"Oh, that's terrible!" Winry gasped.

"Yes, it is. We think it would be best if you could visit the Stanford household soon. Good day." Raelyn said, hanging up. In a quick movement, Winry dialed the number she knew by heart. It rang a few times and a tearful hello was spoken.

"I'm sorry about what happened."

"Oh, it's fine, Win." Amelia sniffled. "Mom has it much worse. She won't even leave her room." The two were silent and you can feel the tension through the phone as Amelia said, "I'll tell mom you called ok? She'd like that."

"Feel better, again, I'm sorry."

"No problem, Winry. Bye." They two hung up the phone and Winry went back to pouring the coffee. She felt horrible for not feeling sorry enough, but wasn't sure. After adding the milk and sugar to her own mug, Winry picked up the mugs and headed towards the living room, stepping over the orange tabby cat that Al had dubbed, 'Pumpkin'.

"Hey, Win!" Mei giggled as Winry handed a mug to Ed. He shot Winry a worried look and Winry took a sip of her mug and started gagging.

"ED! Don't drink that!" Winry shouted as Ed had the mug at his lips. She held out the bitter drink in her mug to him, and the two traded. Mei beamed happily at the couple and recalled what she had heard last night.

Ed gave Mei a confused look and Mei asked, "Winry, can you get me a cup of coffee?"

"Yeah sure!" Winry cheered, putting her mug down and exiting to the kitchen. Mei then leaned close to Ed and sang, "You and Winry would make beautiful babies. B-E-A-YOU-TIIIII-FULL!"

"What the hell?" Ed gasped as Mei went to the kitchen to see Winry. As she perched herself on the counter, she beamed at Winry and said in a creepy voice, "Would you say yes?" Winry glanced at Mei and spoke, "Say yes for what?"

"If Ed ever proposed to you, would you say yes?" Mei said with a groan. Winry's cheeks turned pink and she nodded.

"What brought that up?" Winry asked, biting the inside of her cheek, the coffee for Mei sitting forgotten on the counter.

"Last night, Al told Ed that he had saw Ed looking at rings and talked about proposing." Winry smiled and Mei said, "I'll be back!" As Mei ran up to inform Hoenhiem, Winry went back to the living room, thinking about what Mei had said. As she seated herself next to Ed, Winry asked, "You love me right?"

"Yeah, why?" Ed asked worriedly.

"No reason, just wondering." Winry laughed. Ed laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

"Do you know what Mei told me?" Ed asked suddenly. Winy cocked her head and looked at Ed excitedly. "What?"

"She went to me saying that you and me would make beautiful kids." Ed laughed.

Winry laughed and thought, 'Mei was probably pulling my leg, she was just joking.'

Ed looked at Winry with a serious look and leaned forward and said, "Winry, there's something I want to ask you…." Winry's heart started beating faster and she thought back to what Mei said.


"Haha, never mind, I'm going to go get ready to see Dad off." Ed chortled and quickly exited the living room leaving Winry by herself, wondering about what he was going to tell her.