Outside the gates of Konohagakure two young Kunouchi strolled into to the village, neither looked happy to be in Konoha and their moods soured even more when they greeted not too friendly by a few ANBU black ops, "state your business," one of them said rather coldly.
"We are here to deliver a message to the Hokage," Ryuzetsu replied as calmly as she could.
"I will escort them," they all turned to see Jiraiya standing there.
"Hai, Jiraiya-Sama," the three ANBU said in unison before they vanished.
"Follow me," he said turning to head towards the Hokage toward.
"Why would he send you two usually he would send Izuna…Izuna must have sustained more serious injuries than we thought…or is he hurt and needs to keep his right hand close?" Jiraiya asked watching them from the corner of his eye.
"I don't see what it matters to you who he sends to deliver a message," Ryuzetsu said glaring at Jiraiya, she never liked him because of a certain bad habit of his, the only reason she tolerated him at all was because for some reason Kami-Sama respected him, sure he was one of the Sannin but he had defeated all three of them at the same time, "we are just as capable of delivering massages as Izuna."
"No he has a way of wowing people we he delivers a message, its more than just telling us what we need to know it's his flair for the dramatics…you two just do," he said adding the last part rather lamely after an impassioned speech. Both girls' eyes twitched at this but they didn't say anything. It seemed to take much longer than it should have for them to reach the Hokage tower. When they got there Minato was able to hide his shock in seeing them in his office, "hello, what can I do for you two?" Minato asked kindly.
"We were told to give this to you," Sasame said pulling out a scroll and walked it over to Minato placing it on the desk. Minato opened the scroll he read it over and over he set it down.
Elsewhere Naruko was sitting looking up at the sky under the tree on Kurama's property, "how did you find me?" she asked turned looking at Sasuke who was taking a seat next to her.
"You aren't that hard to find, if you are not eating or training you here," Sasuke replied she pouted.
"I am not that predictable," she whined, Sasuke raised an eye brow before looking away into the sky.
"It wasn't your fault," Sasuke said glancing at her thru the corner of his eye.
"What are you talking about Teme?" she asked as she turned away from him.
"That man seemed to have controlled everything from very beginning," Sasuke said kindly, "if he wanted Kurama dead there was nothing you could do about it."
"If I would have acted sooner…" Naruko started.
"Don't do this too yourself," Sasuke said pulling Naruko into his embarrass, "you will slowly drive yourself into darkness and that isn't what Kurama would want. He knew the risk of fighting Nagato."
"But it wasn't Nagato who killed him…it was me if I would…" Naruko started. He pushed her back his hands on her shoulders looking her in the eyes.
"You did all you could," Sasuke said before holding her tighter.
"Sorry to break up this little love feast but the Hokage wants you two in his office," they jumped apart to see Kakashi standing there reading his book.
"How does everyone know where to find me?" Naruko asked pouting.
"When you weren't eating Ramen I figured you would be here," Kakashi said shrugging.
"Am I really that predictable?" she asked looking up at Sasuke.
"Hai," he replied nonchalantly, Naruko started pouting rather childishly. When they arrived at Minato's office the other rookie nine along with Gai's team and Sai were already waiting.
"You're late Kakashi," Minato said coolly.
"I know but Naruko and Sasuke were having such a touching moment that I didn't have it in me to break them apart," Kakashi said trying to sound innocent. Ino and Sakura looked speechless, Hinata giggled were as a few of the guys looked murderous.
"And what were you doing with my daughter Uchiha-San?" Minato asked looking murderous.
"It isn't what you think, Ero-Sensei is just being dramatic," Naruko replied glaring at Kakashi who had a hurt look on what could be seen of face.
"Hokage-Sama, why have you called us all here?" Shikamaru asked.
"You have a mission and Neji since you have been Jonin the longest you will take lead on this mission," Minato replied, "and you are all going to Uzushiogakure to gather information."
"Why us, and why so many of us, if this is a mission to gather information…why not just send an ANBU team?" Ino asked confused.
"Because this isn't a normal situation, normally I would…but he requested that you all go to Uzushiogakure," Minato explained.
"Why us…?" Naruko asked.
"I don't know," Minato replied but they could tell he wasn't being truthful he knew even if he didn't want to tell them.
"Hai, when do we leave?" Neji asked.
"That will be up to you, as team leader," Minato answered.
"We leave in an hour," Neji said turning to face the others. Once they were gone Kakashi turned to Minato.
"What are you thinking?" he asked calmly as he pulled out his book.
"I think we were right, it is Kurama...but who is Kurama?" Minato replied turning to look out the window at the peaceful village.
An hour later the thirteen Konoha Shinobi were off heading off towards Uzushiogakure, none of them knew what to expect when they arrived, the last time any of them had gone they ended up with Fu, but the Sannin left licking their wounds.
When night fell Naruko was surprised to see Hinata setting away from the others, she sat down beside her dark haired friend, "What's wrong Hinata-Chan?"
"What do you think of the Rikudo Sennin?" Hinata asked softly.
"I don't know…I want to hate him for what he did…but I can't…I mean everything he has done, he wiped out the Uchiha clan but he did it for Konoha…he killed Kurama but he gave us Ero-Sennin and Itachi-Kun back…he started a war but gave us peace," Naruko answered, "What about you?"
"He saved me…when he was confronted about it he said it was a whim," Hinata said softly.
"Do you believe that?"
"I don't know," Hinata replied.
"I guess we both can find our answers when we get there," Naruko said just before Kiba put his arm around the both of them.
"I know they say, three is a crowd, but I think we can make it a party," Kiba said pulling both girls closer. Naruko was about to reply but something wasn't right, she was becoming tired and she couldn't fight it, 'Genjutsu…' she thought but there was nothing she could do about it, and it seemed that everyone else was feeling the effects of this Genjutsu as well.
A hawk perched itself on a branch with one eye milky white the other with A Sharingan. The Sharingan started spinning rapidly and the thirteen vanished before the bird flew off.
The next morning they all woke up and standing before them was Izuna, "I am glad to see that you are awake," he said calmly.
"Why are we here?"Shikamaru asked studying Izuna carefully.
"You are here because Kami-Sama wills it," Izuna said.
"Who is this guy?" Kiba barked, "I doubt he is really Kami."
"That is because you don't know what he is capable of, what his true powers are," Izuna said calmly.
"Enlighten us, what he is capable of?" Neji asked calmly.
"If you really want to know what he is capable of look around you, if you realized how much of this was possible because of him, you wouldn't be questioning if he was really Kami," Izuna replied.
"Can we talk to him?" Naruko asked.
"Hai, that is why you are here after all," Izuna replied, "so…follow me."
They all got up and followed him. The thirteen Shinobi looked around studying their surroundings, trying to figure out where they were but, they had no idea where they were. All they knew they were under ground by the look of things and they were going deeper beneath the earth's surface.
Izuna stopped in front of a large steel door. He turned to face them his expression was unreadable, "before you continue be sure that you really want to know…if you don't think you can handle the truth turn back now."
"What is so horrible that you have to warn us?" Ino asked.
"The truth can cause the greatest pain," Izuna replied, "but if you don't wish to continue, follow the path out."
None of them moved to leave Izuna turned back to the door and he rapidly made a few hand signs before placing his hand on the door. Slowly the door started to swing open. When it finished opening Izuna stepped aside, "this is where I leave you, thru the room there is a second door that will lead you to what you seek."
The thirteen Shinobi were a little hesitant about entering the room but they did and the second they all were inside the room the door closed.
"There is someone in here and they have a large amount of Chakra," Neji said his Byakugan.
"Is it this Kami guy?" Kiba asked.
"No…isn't a stable chakra…almost like a child's chakra but it is too large," Neji said then whispers filled the air.
"I can't believe the Hokage let's that thing walk around."
"I don't want that De…"
"Shh, you know you are not allowed to talk about that."
"Why doesn't it even have decency to crawl in a hole and die," then they heard the soft creaking of swing they turned to see little boy on a swing all they could make out of the boy was his blond hair, under him was a strange movement, it was his shadow but it was not his shadow. It was the shadow of the Kyubi.
"Hinata what are you doing?" Kiba asked as she approached the little boy.
"Hello…" she said uncertainly. He turned slowly his eyes were bright blue he had whisker marks on both cheeks and he had a large grin on his face but his eyes were cold.
"Hi," he said in a cheery tone.
"Kurama…?" Naruko asked looking at the little boy before her.
"No…my name is Uzu…" then he stopped and looked away.
"Why are you in here alone?" Naruko asked.
"We are outside," the little blond boy said smiling, they all looked around and they were outside at a park in Konoha, the sun was going down and he was the only one in the park besides them.
"Where are your parents, kid?" Kiba asked.
"I don't know…I don't even know who they are…" the little boy replied.
"What about your guardians?" Hinata asked as kindly as she could.
"I don't have any…people don't like me much…I don't know why I am a lovable guy aren't I?" he said looking up and Hinata could help but to hug the little boy.
"Why don't we get you home…it's getting late," Naruko said.
"Hai," he said jumping to his feet leading them off but as they walked they were surrounded by different scenes all of them had the same blond boy. One was sitting on a swing outside the academy.
"Hey, that kid…"
"Hai, that's the kid and he is the only one who failed."
"Well that's good."
"We can't have him becoming a Shinobi."
Their attention turned to another scene; he was outside again with a massive scroll in hand his eyes were hardened, then thousands of the blond boys appeared none of them had ever seen anything like it before. More scenes played around them some happy some said and just amazed them. Scenes started slowing down as what looked like a war had started. But what was different about these the other's face became clearer. They noticed Tsunade along with the four of the five Kages, the only one missing was Minato…and they were fighting Uchiha Madara.
"Hinata…it's you…" Neji said in shock as the blond stood in front of Hinata protecting her from an attack by what looked like a group of Shinobi, but at a second they realized that they were Zetsu.
"Naruto-Kun…" they heard the Hinata in the memory say in shock.
"Are you alright Hinata?" Naruto asked turning his head to look at her.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner that Naruto had arrived?" Neji asked.
"Naruto just got here a second ago. I was in the middle of fighting when I bumped into him," a random Shinobi said to Neji and Kiba.
"Your smell is different than before Naruto! That is why I didn't notice you at all…! But what about you, shouldn't you have noticed him first?" Kiba said turning to Neji.
"He looks different than he normally does…and his chakra signature is, different as well…!" Neji replied.
"Well you could have said you noticed someone new!" Kiba replied.
"Are you really Naruto? You're not another one of those white things are you?"
"I am Naruto," he said calmly.
"How do you plan on proving that?" Neji replied.
"It's Naruto-Kun…just look at his eyes you can tell."
More war Senses played out before them showing more of them in each scene, only two of them hand appeared yet Naruko and Sasuke. Soon a sense appeared before them, Naruto was walking away he wounds healing with each step he took his back to them as a figure approached.
"How will this end…" they heard Naruto say softly, "Sasuke?"
They were all shocked to see Sasuke covered in blood but by the look of things it wasn't his own, "With the fall of Konoha and you dead."
"I told you already Sasuke, if we fight we both will die," Naruto said calmly.
"Things have changed since then Naruto," Sasuke said coldly.
"Nothing has changed, if we fight no one will win," Naruto replied.
"Enough talk Dobe I have people to kill," Sasuke said activating his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and Naruto was consumed by the golden cloak, the two boys charged each other before the scene faded away.
A new one scene of the battle appeared both boys looked to be at their limits, Sasuke charged his Chidori and Naruto his Rasengan, a hard look in the faces of both Shinobi, they both were going for the kill shot, but in the last second someone took the shot for each of the boys. Jugo took the hit for Sasuke and Hinata had done the same for Naruto.
"Hinata!" Naruto cried out as he caught her before she hit the ground, she took his hand smiling up at him.
"…All I ever wanted…was to be next to you…holding your hand…walk with you," she said in barely a whisper her eyes slowly closing, "when this…is over…can we go for that walk?"
"Hinata…keep your eyes open…Hinata don't leave me…Hinata wake up!" Naruto shouted, her eyes closed, "hai, we can go for that walk…when this is over…I promise."
Tears running down his face as Sasuke stood behind him ready to strike Naruto down as a potent chakra was being pulling towards Naruto. He opened his eyes as Sasuke's Chidori came crashing down the scene faded into nothingness as the little Naruto reach out to take hold of his apartment door.
"Do you guys want to come in? It's small but it's home," he said smiling at them seeming oblivious to the things they had just seen. They all looked each other for a moment before they made their way into the apartment but on the other side they were in a large room on the other side was a stone throne that was on a elevated platform and sitting in it was the man they called Kami.
"Who are you?" Sakura asked watching the masked man, "and why did you show us that?"
"Naruko you should know," he said calmly. She searched her mind for anything that could help her then she remembered what Kurama had told her about the Jutsu he created.
"This whole time we thought you were from the past but really…you are from the future," Naruko said realizing it for the first time, "and…all this time…you were one of us…you are Uchiha Sasuke."
"You are close. I am from the future, but more over, an alternate timeline if you will. I told you once before my mere presence altered reality…it changed the person I was, the person I would be. I was once two souls, but since both souls resided in this time line I became a completely new being along with alterations to the person I would have been if not for my presence," Naruto explained.
"Who are you," Sasuke snapped.
"You still haven't figured it out," Naruto said smiling under his mask. Sasuke glared at him, "I am no one, I have no family no connections to this world," Naruto said calmly.
"You…are Naruto," Hinata said softly.
"But Naruto died in this time line and the last," Sakura said quickly, "he killed him," she said pointing up at Naruto.
"No…he is Naruto…that is why you saved me during that war isn't it?" Hinata said her eyes leaving him. He reached up and removed the mask tossed the bandana aside revealing his bright blond hair and his bright blue eyes with silver rings.
"Let me introduce myself to you, I was once the Rikudo Sennin and Uzumaki Naruto, the son of Minato and Kushina former Rikudaime Hokage," he said smiling, "I am what you would have been Naruko if I not stepped in and save your parents."
"What are you talking about save them?" Naruko asked confused, "my father is one of the strongest Shinobi to ever live what could you save him from?"
"I am sure your father figured it all out the moment he learned my name or the name I was going by, Kurama my former tenant," Naruto explained, "he heard me use that name when the Kyubi attacked Konoha sixteen years ago. Minato was supposes to die that night along with your mother the former Jinchuriki in order to seal the Kyubi within you, and that night something else happened, that was the beginning of the end of the Uchiha clan."
"We saw Sasuke kill you…" Sakura said in shock.
"I never wanted to be a hero the man who killed the treacherous Uchiha, I could have also done without being Hokage…all I ever wanted was to be seen to be recognized as a human. As I grew up I would've take people hating me…because that would have meant people had to acknowledge my existence…I hated Konoha I wanted it to burn. But…I found people who started to care about me Sandaime Hokage, Iruka, then Kakashi and my team, Jiraiya," Naruto said his eyes fixed on something they couldn't see a joy they had never seen in his eyes before appeared but it dulled as quickly as it came, "Sakura, I once made a promise to you…I told you I would bring Sasuke back…that everything would go back to the way they were before, but I failed you. I was unable to do it but I guess that really didn't matter seeing how he killed you anyway, along with Neji and Lee. You all knew what I had said and didn't want that to happen so you three fought Sasuke and lost."
"What did you say?" Tenten asked.
"That if I fought Sasuke, we would both die… and I was right, I didn't physically die but the person I was…Uzumaki Naruto died that day, I failed to protect my friends to save my best friend. After Tsunade retried which was shortly after the war they appointed me Hokage…the village the other nations wouldn't accept anyone else as the new Hokage. The only person who seemed to take the losses harder than me was Hanabi, she grew to hate me and I couldn't blame her…but I decided to train her to make sure what happened to Neji and Hinata wouldn't happen to her. All the time I was working on something to fix all my mistakes, a do over of sorts, a one shot deal…but I even failed in that."
"What are you talking about you have changed a lot for the better," Naruko said shocked he would say such things.
"True, I fixed a lot more than any of you could ever imagine… but that doesn't mean I didn't fail," Naruto said smiling.
"Where did you fail?" Shikamaru asked.
"I am still here, the Jutsu was designed that I would vanish when my chakra ran out…but instead I reverted back to the age I should have been in this time, my memories and powers still intact…then the Akatsuki believed Naruko to be the Jinchuriki."
"I still don't see the problem you got a second chance at life," Ino said.
"The seal I placed on Naruko was designed to take all my powers the moment I died…but limit the power she could use until she needed to use more to protect those important to her. And by taking the Kyubi into my body first I hoped that people would believe the Kyubi host had just vanished."
"The seal…?" Naruko said sounding confused.
"I am sure you have noticed it, there have been a couple times you have tapped into my powers because of the seal…the power you can take is minimal, but it was my power none the less and I believe that is why people believed you to be a Jinchuriki. I guess with my last set of failures I was able to fix others. I brought Sasuke back to Konoha I saved Jiraiya-Sensei and I was able to protect all of you."
"Why didn't you stay in Konoha…why did you fake your own death?" Hinata asked.
"Because it hurt too much, you all reminded me of my friend of the life I use to have…but you are not them as much as you look like them sound like them and even act like them, they never existed."
"Why call us here then?" Hinata asked softly.
"I wanted to be selfish for one last time, I wanted to see you guys again and say Uzumaki Naruto always keeps his words, I was Hokage and I brought Sasuke back to you just like I said I would even if you don't remember," he said smiling brightly.
"Come back to Konoha with us…please," Hinata pleaded.
"I can't…and I thought that would have been oblivious," he said still smiling. But none of them seemed to understand.
"I told you that once I was the Rikudo Sennin… I created the nine Biju to maintain a balance of power… and now there is no need from them so I have taken them all into my body recreating the Jubi or Okami, and we no longer belong in this world, but let me leave it with one last gift. You can have all the Chakra and all the Jutsu in the world at your disposal, but that isn't real power. Real power is one's own free will, the will to protect what you hold dear to never give up in the darkest times, when you realize there is something worse than death…that is the greatest power. I have destroy the world just as I said I would…now it is up to you all to rebuild it mold it, create a world we all could have lived in peace, a place I could have live with the girl I loved, a place my best friend could have seen his godchildren…a place my powers are no longer needed," a single tear running down his cheek, "Tell Gaara I ride the world of one more pain. Please be happy in this new world we created, goodbye my friends."
A new path way opened up, a hawk flew in landing on his shoulder, the floor started to glow. He beamed at them giving them the thumbs up as they all left all but four.
"Dobe…do you think we will let you go out alone," Sasuke said smirking.
"Not this time," Sakura said smiling.
"I am you where you go I go," Naruko said smiling.
"You owe me that walk?" Hinata said as they were all swallowed by a bright light.