So hi guys :) few things :) I may be changing my pennname...just for precaution (I'd change it to orderofthewarbler)...and I should be back on my blog tomorrow, but it's going to have a different URL which I haven't decidet on yet. as of right now I'm temporarily blogging at freelancewarbler, do you can go follow me there until I'm back on my oldblog.

Now I wrote this in the car in my phone and uploaded it and everything :) yanno, since I have 18 hours to kill

I think you'll allenjoy this chapter...

A few days later, Blaine was lying on Cooper's couch, just staring at the ceiling.

He didn't know what to do. Regarding Kurt, that is.

He felt something for Kurt, something that he hadn't felt for anyone in a long time. And he thought that maybe it was mutual, that maybe Kurt felt something back.

But he couldn't get into a relationship. He was broken with a damaged arm, he wasn't the same as he'd once been. He used to be witty and excitable, if not a little bashful. The old Blaine used to go around singing show tunes and Top 40's, gelling his hair down in the classic school boy way, if not even more. And then, when he wasn't in his uniform and blazer, he'd wear bow ties and suspenders. That Blaine had countless of friends and would have done anything for his family.

Blaine sighed and turned a little on the couch. He didn't know how he had changed so much, or even when. It wasn't gradual like he figured it would have been. And, now that he was thinking about it, he hadn't even realized how much he'd changed until he was back where he used to be, where everyone knew the old Blaine.

Bottom line, he was changed and damaged, and he didn't know how anyone could even so much as look at him without realizing that.

Blaine groaned again and shifted back to his original position. What was he even doing in the house when it was 2 in the afternoon?

The old Blaine wouldn't have been doing this.

Before Blaine could do any more thinking, he saw Cooper's head pop into the room from the reflection in the television.

"Hey, B," he said, walking into the room and plopping himself down at the end of the couch and propping Blaine's feet in his lap.

Cooper had said that so many times before in the past. He would walk into Blaine's bedroom when he came him for the weekends, or the occasional day in the summer when he'd come and visit for a day, he'd find Blaine and walk in with a "Hey, B," and then do exactly what he'd just done.

Blaine sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, feeling Cooper's gaze heavy on his face.

"What's up?" He asked after a few moments of silence. "You haven't been yourself lately."

"No shit," Blaine all but hissed, "that's the problem."

Cooper sighed and nodded, staring out the window across the couch. "I didn't mean like that," he said. "I just meant since the last time you went to visit Kurt."

Kurt's name sent Blaine's heart fluttering, and he mentally scolded it and gently told it to cut it out.

Blaine didn't respond and avoided his brother's gaze.

Cooped had never been oblivious. He noticed and knew everything.

So what he said next shouldn't have surprised Blaine.

"You like him."

Blaine's eyes widened and he shook his head. "I - no," he stuttered. "No I don't."

"Yes," Cooper smirked, "you do."

Blaine groaned and picked a pillow up off the floor, shoving it in his face and effectively hiding himself from Cooper.

"But since that's not even a question," Cooper went on, "I want to know why it's such a problem for you to like him."

The look Cooper was giving him, the omniscient one, the same one he'd given Blaine time and time again, made him squirm a little, a wave of nostalgia sweeping over him again.

"Because I'm not who I used to be."

"People change, Blaine."

Blaine sighed. "Yeah, we'll I'm really not who I used to be. You guys wouldn't have known it was me if I didn't look almost the same."

Cooper sighed and studied Blaine again. Blaine squirmed under his gaze a little, not knowing what his brother was thinking or what he would say.

"I'm like a completely different person that who you guys knew."

"But Kurt doesn't know that."

And there it was.

Blaine had been looking for a reason, and Cooped had practically handed one right to him.

"I'm broken, Coop."

"And, from what you told me, so is he."

"I can't imagine putting two broken people together could end well."

Cooper sighed and patted Blaine's knee as he stood up. "Or maybe," he said slowly, "that's exactly what two broken people need."

Cooper started to walk out of the living room, pausing right before the doorway.

"Sometimes it takes two halves to make a whole," he said softly. "So maybe it takes two broken people to make a person, like who you used to be."

Cooped walked out of the room then, and Blaine had only one thought.

"I need to talk to Kurt," he whispered to himself, reaching out to grab his phone off of the coffee table.

Kurt didn't know what he was getting himself into. All he knew was that Blaine had called him, asking him to meet him at the Lima Bean in ten minutes.

He'd obviously obliged, but that didn't make him any less weary about what was going to happen.

All he really knew about Blaine was that Finn had sent him, he was a discharged soldier with an injured arm, and that he was obviously suffering from multiple worries.

But, despite how little he knew about Blaine, he felt closer to him than anyone ever since he poured his heart out to him.

God, sometimes it sucked being lonely.

He'd had the perfect life in high school. The perfect family, the perfect future.

And then he'd moved to New York, and it got even better. He got an internship, and a boyfriend who liked him and told him he was beautiful.

And then he'd lost everything, and everything he was familiar with was gone.

Kurt sighed as he pulled into the parking lot. Blaine wasn't what he was used to, but maybe, just maybe, that's what he needed in order to move on.

He opened his door, spotting Blaine's car a few spots away.

Blaine's tone had sounded serious, almost urgent. But then again, Blaine, at least so far, had come off as a very serious person.

He had been in war for years though. He supposed that was a normal occurrence for war veterans.

As he made his way to the coffee shop door, he realized that Blaine wasn't anything like Declan, or his dad or mom or Finn. He was completely his own.

And because of that, he wasn't a constant reminder of everything Kurt lost.

Kurt reached his hand out and gripped the handle, but someone from the inside came rushing out, surprising Kurt as they gripped his shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, trying to get out of the person's way, "I can just -"

But then a smooth pair of lips were on his, efficiently cutting him off.

The overwhelming smell of Blaine filled his brain, his lips tingling and sparks flying down his back where Blaine's hands were gripping him.

It wasn't like any kisses with Declan had been. No, compared to this kiss, those had been far inferior.

Blaine's lips moved softly against his own, each movement sending a spark through Kurt's body.

When Blaine pulled away, Kurt opened his eyes and let out a soft laugh as Blaine rested his forehead against Kurt's.

Blaine's hazel eyes bore into his own, and Kurt leaned in and pressed their lips together again, moving his arms to wrap around Blaine's neck and pull him closer.

"I'm broken," Blaine whispered against his lips. "I'm so broken, Kurt."

"So am I," Kurt breathed in reply.

"Are you sure you want this? I didn't even ask you, and I just kind of pounced you, and we've only known each other for a few weeks, and oh god you think it's too fast -"

Kurt laughed again and pressed another soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sure," he breathed, hoping his eyes said everything he couldn't. "You're exactly what I need."

Teehee :)

let me know what you thought!

Disclaimer: I don't own glee

And don't be alarmed if my pennname changes!