Jade looks really, really hot in that shirt.
…I should stop staring, but she hasn't noticed, so it's probably OK to keep looking at her for just a little longer. The shirt offers very generous cleavage, and the way she's leaning forward only enhances that. Every time she breathes, her chest rises and falls slowly – it's mesmerising. Although my gaze doesn't move away, the image of her ample breasts is gradually replaced by that of her thighs, spread apart by my hands, the contrast of my skin against hers, and the sweet sound she makes when I finally touch her…
Something impacts my cheek and I fall off the chair. When I open my eyes, I'm back in Sikowitz's classroom, where everybody is looking at me. A familiar green ball bounces away from me as I stand up, painfully aware of my own blush. Sikowitz stands on the stage, arms crossed and his foot tapping. "So glad you're paying attention again. Now could you please tell me the proper way to display an intense emotion, as opposed to a subtle one?"
I don't know what answer he wants to hear. Seeing that, he sighs and tells me to just bring back the ball. I do, rubbing my still painful cheek. Sikowitz continues his lesson, explaining that the difference is in the amount of facial wrinkles, while I walk back to my seat. Most eyes are fixed on me, but the only ones I really notice are the green ones piercing me. She knows I was watching her. When I sit down, I try not to look at her again, but then she stretches her back, and… oh wow, that is nice. Once she's done stretching, she gives me a wicked grin, and I quickly look away, cheeks burning. My eyes land on Cat. Which, frankly, is not much better.
You see, Jade catches your eye once, and then you can't look away. With Cat, it's more like a very pleasant distraction. You look at her once, notice how adorable she is, and look away. But she's still in your periphereal vision, and whenever she moves, you just can't help but look again. And again, and again, until you stop looking away altogether. Jade is easier to get addicted to, but once you're hooked on Cat, it's impossible to quit. Unless you have a very dedicated teacher who likes to make sure his students are paying attention. With green balls. Both of my cheeks are burning now, and not out of shame. To add metaphorical insult to literal injury, he also gives me detention. I'd call it the worst day ever, but then I remember the reason I got detention in the first place, and it doesn't seem so bad anymore.
André walks me to detention, and even keeps me company for the first half hour. There's no supervisor, and I briefly toy with the idea of just leaving, but André points out that weekday detention attendance is always checked at the end of it. If you leave early, you are placed on a list titled 'Failed to Attend'. Neither of us is entirely sure what happens if your name is on that list, but I don't plan to find out. However, that way of doing things does imply that as long as I'm back before half past four, I can do whatever I want until then. I'm content to just sit and chat with André, but he eventually has to leave to pick up his grandmother from the therapist. After sitting by myself for ten minutes, I grow bored of drawing stick figures and decide to go grab a book from my locker.
On the way to my locker, I pass Jade's, which has been left ajar. Of course I'm curious; surely you understand. And yes, I know that it's wrong, but so is staring at her boobs, and I did that too. The thought of a boobytrap doesn't even occur to me until I've already grabbed the little door, which sends a powerful voltage through my hand and arm. I shriek in pain and jump away from the locker. After blowing on my hand for a minute or so, I take a wary step back towards it. Using a pencil, I pry open Jade's locker, then duck away in case of another trap. Nothing comes flying out, though, so I peek in.
She's got some pictures of artists in the door, almost all female. Joan Jett and Pink are heavily featured. Her books are all painted black, and I briefly wonder how she tells them apart. A little further back, I can see various power tools and a bottle of unidentified liquid. I'm about to close the locker door with my trusty pencil, when I notice something odd all the way in the back: colour. I reach back there to grab it. It feels like a bra, and indeed it is. I'm pretty sure Jade wouldn't wear one that's yellow with red polka dots, though. In fact, I only know one person who would…
I'm holding Cat's bra. The thought should not be so exciting – it's just a piece of clothing – but I can't stop the mental image of her breasts from appearing. I've never seen her naked, but I have seen her in her underwear before, and I think I payed enough attention to her breasts to know what they'd look like bare. Small when compared to Jade, but very perky. Maybe if I return the bra to her, I'll get to watch her put it on…
"Hey Tori. What'cha doing there?" Jade asks from behind me. I jump and quickly turn around, hands instinctively going up in surrender. Jade and Cat are there, both of them smiling at me. Cat smiling is par for the course, but Jade… she's always kind of scary, but when she's smiling at you, you generally want to start running. I would, but Cat has already walked up to me and is currently giving me a tight hug. I'm pretty sure she's doing it to keep me in place. She's definitely braless, though, so the pros of not fighting her off far outweight the cons.
Jade, meanwhile, goes to her locker and reaches far into it. When she pulls her hand back out, she's holding a black strap-on. With her other hand, she shuts her locker door, shivering as the shocks hits her. Maybe it wasn't a boobytrap after all. The two of them leave together, Cat running and waiting for Jade to catch up every few metres. A split-second after they turn a corner and disappear from sight, I realise what Jade had been holding.
A strap-on. Images and sounds immediately flood my mind: Jade wearing it, Jade holding Cat by the hips, Cat gasping as it's driven into her, the way she cries out Jade's name, Jade's grin as Cat begins to writhe… then Cat is wearing it, giggling whenever Jade can't hold back a moan, Jade encouraging her to go deeper… It's too much. I can already feel myself burning down there, without even touching myself… or being touched…
Jade reappears around the corner. "Vega! You coming or what?" she shouts, then she disappears once again. I don't even hesitate. Frankly, I don't think I'm even in control of my legs right now: it's like they're moving on their own. I turn the corner just in time to see Jade heading into a classroom. Fifteen more metres. I have to take a deep breath with every step I take. My heart is pounding, my entire lower body is tingling, and I'm pretty sure my underwear is ruined. When I finally arrive at the door, I reach for the handle, but someone opens it from the inside and a tiny hand drags me in.
Cat crashes into me, shoves me against a wall and kisses me. It hurts my back, but I don't even care. She's naked, and pressing her body into me with more force than I ever imagined possible for such a small girl. I hear Jade locking the door, then she's on me too. She touches me everywhere Cat isn't blocking. Even through my clothes, her fingers seem to leave a burning trail on my skin. She says something – I have no idea what – and Cat takes a step back.
The first word that comes to mind when I see her naked body is 'smooth'. The curve in her waist, her toned stomach, her firm breasts… and that smile above them. She's having fun with this. Or maybe she's looking forward to the fun she will have. Jade draws my attention when she tugs at the hem of my shirt. I lift my arms obediently and she pulls it over my head. Cat steps forward and unhooks my bra; I hold my arms out so that she can slide it off. The cold air makes me shiver a little. Cat's mouth on my nipple makes me shiver a lot.
Looking to the side, I see that Jade is still fully clothed. She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to undress, either. Instead, she stands behind Cat and snakes her right hand down her friend's stomach. The other hand cups Cat's breast and squeezes it softly, causing Cat to lean back against Jade. I look down. Jade has reached all the way down to between Cat's legs, and judging by the sounds that come out of the little redhead, Jade knows what she's doing. When I look back up, Jade is staring me right in the eyes, a half-smile around her lips. Cat has her eyes closed, her mouth opening only to let out moans and pants. I'm far more focussed on Jade, though. Her piercing green eyes, and the message in them: I could be doing this to you, too.
I fumble with the button on my jeans. It would help if I could see what I'm doing, but I can't look away from Jade. She grins, noticing my struggle, but just keeps working on Cat. Eventually, though, I manage to get my pants off. My underwear quickly follows. Neither Cat nor Jade makes any move to touch me, Jade having her hands full and Cat being too distracted, so I do it myself. I find my clit and rub it quickly, back and forth, desperate to release some of this tension. Jade's still smirking at me, and the look in her eyes would make for very decent masturbation material just by itself, but it's Cat's loud, stretched moan that drives me over the edge. For a brief moment, the world around me ceases to exist. After that split-second, all I see is white and all I feel is wave after wave of pleasure going through my body.
I open my eyes. The first thing I see is Cat leaning in for a kiss, a satisfied look in her eyes. Jade, currently seated on one of the tables, is busy opening a condom package. Although Cat's kiss demands most of my attention, I still look at Jade as she rolls the condom over the strap-on. She notices my stare and explains: "For lube. Plus it's ribbed." Then she saunters over, as calm and collected as always. "You a virgin, Vega?" she asks casually. I nod awkwardly, mouth occupied, and she smiles. "Shame… would've loved to fuck you with this. Maybe next time. Cat!"
Cat breaks the kiss and spins around to face Jade. "Strap her in," Jade says. Cat nods enthusiastically, takes the strap-on and drops to her knees before me.
"Leg up!" she commands. I do as she says and she leans in, her lips touching my core directly. After a playful lick over my clit, she leans back again and giggles. "Just wanted a taste… it's a bit like cinnamon." I'm fairly sure I don't taste like cinnamon, but I'm not fool enough to argue the point right now. As Cat finishes strapping me in, Jade slides her pants and underwear down in a single motion. I notice that unlike Cat, she doesn't seem to shave her pubes: they've been neatly trimmed, and part of me wonders if she used scissors to do it. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
Cat grabs my wrist and pulls me to a chair. I sit down; the next moment, Jade is hovering above the black toy as Cat kneels behind her "Cat, test me," Jade says. Cat rubs between Jade's legs, then carefully inserts finger after finger. When she manages to fit three, Jade makes a small noise and Cat pulls out her fingers, now holding up the strap-on. As Jade slowly lowers her body, Cat guides the toy in. "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh… Fuck, that's good," Jade says once her hips touch mine.
She embraces me in what has to be the best hug I've ever had, pulls her body tightly against mine and grinds down on the strap-on. I put a hand on her waist and try to slip it up her shirt, but she slaps the hand away. Cat, now behind the chair, grabs both of my wrists and pulls them backward. It's not a good angle to exert force, and with Jade on top of me, I'm essentially trapped. They're holding me down, preventing me from doing anything but watch Jade's face as she grinds her way to an orgasm. Her thighs move smoothly on mine, and even through her shirt, I can feel the shape of her voluminous breasts. I love it. It may be wrong, or it may be right, but I love every second of it either way.
Jade's orgasm is very subtle. She closes her eyes, her leg muscles tense up around me, and then she's standing up again, looking as casual as ever even when she's missing the bottom half of her clothes. Cat lets me go and I stand too, knees weak. I feel Cat sliding the strap-on down my legs, so I step out of it, a little dazed from what just happened. Jade's voice is like a cold shower: "Hey Tori, shouldn't you be back in detention? It's almost half past."
Suddenly, I feel very aware of the sweat on my skin and my flushed cheeks. There's no time to do anything about that, though. I quickly pull my shirt back on, skipping the bra. Cat helpfully fetches my underwear, but since it's ruined, I don't put it back on either. I have some trouble with my pants – the button's being problematic again. Cat helps me fix it, and I sprint out of the room, Jade's farewell ("See you next time!") sending another wave of heat through me.
I arrive at the detention room, completely out of breath. It looks like the supervisor isn't back yet, so I sit down and try to look like I haven't just sprinted back from my all-girl threesome. It takes me a while to notice the clock on the wall, or more specifically, the fact that it indicates thirty-four past three. In the distance, I can hear a car, probably Jade's. I don't hear her laughing evilly, but I imagine that she is.
Fortunately, I've now got an excellent experience to mentally relive for the next fifty-six minutes…
A/N: You have no idea how much fun it was to describe Liz's boobs. Nor how wrong it felt. But mostly fun.
I'd like reviews. I guess. You'll get actual Lizboobs if you review. That's a good incentive, right?
...I hope Liz never reads this.
...Also, you won't actually get Lizboobs for reviewing. But go ahead and do it anyway.