The Edge
My toes curled over the stony ledge. Holding me hundreds of feet in the air. One gust of wind and I would topple over the edge, topple and spin in a destructive spiral akin to that of my life. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to leave this world for the next. Maybe the edge barricaded me from an entirely better existence.
I could feel my toes inching forward, subconsciously urging me to take the final step. I counted the seconds with my slow steady breaths. My feet were slipping beyond the point of return. My heart rate quickened, and I gave in to the inevitable fall.
The world spun around and around in a blur. I envisioned the moments in my life. They flashed by in a sick, twisted movie. My heartbeat quickened as I prepared for impact…
Bam! I woke with a start, jumping up out of bed. Sweat covered my aching body. My heart beat as rapidly as a hummingbird's wings. Realizing it had just been a dream I sat slowly back on my bed. The vivid nightmare would haunt my thoughts. The edge is a barrier that I never want to climb.