Disclaimer: Sherlock belongs to the BBC and Sir ACD, Dragonriders of Pern belongs to the late great Anne McCaffrey.

This was originally written as part of a Sherlock drabble series called "101 Deductions", but I thought I might as well publish it separately as a x-over as well. If anyone wants to make this into something bigger fell free, just PM me first.

Sherlock wasn't like most; he didn't want to impress a dragon.

However his brother, bronze-rider M'Croft, had other plans, mostly involving blackmail.

So, Sherlock found himself on the sands, standing by the clutch, watching as the dragonets broke free of the eggs and chose their partners.

Sherlock particularly was examining one that was approaching him. He was brown, smaller than average. Calm, observant, would be a good fighter. Left wing slightly smaller, would be prone to veering left...

That's brilliant! Quite extraordinary.

"Excuse me?" Sherlock blurted, startled by the voice in his head.

I am Johneth, and I am yours.

Please R & R. I'll say it again, if anyone wants to make this into something bigger fell free, just PM me first.