
Title: What Happens in Vegas

Summary: A wedding in Vegas leads to a very interesting discovery, and an embarrassing revelation.

Warnings: Major adult actions (basically PWP).

Disclaimer: I don't own Hey Arnold!

Hope you enjoy!

- I O I - I O I - I O I- I O I – I O I - I O I - I O I - I O I- I O I - I O I- I O I -

Helga's skin felt too tight. The craziness of the bachelorette party had gotten to her. The driving beats in the club were pounding in her veins, the alcohol in those veins making her more liquid, loose, free. She swayed her hips, laughing as Phoebe threw an arm around her hips and shimmied with her. Maroon5's Moves Like Jagger blasted through the speakers, mixed with some driving beat that Helga couldn't ignore. Knocking back the last of her Bacardi and coke, she grabbed Phoebe's hands and pulled her further onto the floor, the throng of girls giggling and following after them.

Helga gulped when she saw the guys across the floor, seated in the VIP section, a hot girl in next to nothing, specifically a bustier and lycra hot pants, bent over with new carafes of juice, and poured more Belvedere in everyone's glass. Her eyes were drawn to the man with the lazy green gaze. His lids were low over his eyes, as he glanced out over the crowd. Helga's throat went dry when they locked gazes for a second. He gave a short nod before turning back to his friends. She watched him for a second longer, the suit jacket hugged his shoulders, the dark green silk shirt lay open at his throat, the black pants. She shook her head, and turned back to dance with Phoebe.

A few hours later she stood in the elevator, holding her shoes in one hand and the YSL clutch in the other. Juggling the shoes and the clutch, she fished for the hotel keys as she padded down the hallway with the other girls. They were in two suites, Lila, Rhonda, and Patti in the one suite and Helga and Phoebe in the other. Helga and Phoebe's suite adjoined Arnold and Gerald's suite. Once she made sure the other three were in their suite, she led Phoebe into the foyer, dropping her heels and clutch into the chair at the end of the little desk. Phoebe wobbled a bit and Helga reached out to steady her, chuckling softly.

Once Phoebe had been shoved into her pajamas and passed out on the bed Helga wandered through the suite. She looked at the couch in front of the tv, but passed by, she went to the window and pressed her nose against it as she tried to look north to the other hotels. The lights were spectacular, and she was grateful for the excuse to come to this opulent town. Trailing her fingers along the glass she headed back to her room. She pulled off the slinky dress she'd worn to the club, then pulled off her strapless bra, she pulled on an oversized t-shirt and crawled into bed. Her skin was hot and prickly, she tossed and turned in the plush bed trying to get comfortable, laying there in the silence she groaned.

Shoving off the sheet she slid off the bed and went to wear her suitcase stood by the closet. In a small hidden zipper, she found the package she was looking for. Taking out the small pink bag she froze, listening for any sign Phoebe had woken up. She pushed the drape a little ways back from the window, allowing a tiny sliver of light to hit the bed and gently illuminating the room. That done, she sat back down on the bed. Taking a deep breath she pulled the zipper back, pulled the small silver and pink device out, a slim book, then the Ziploc of batteries. She set the book aside, set the silver and pink pack in her lap and set the pink bag on the dresser. She popped the Ziploc open and slid out three double a batteries, then slid the plastic backing off the plastic pack in her lap. Popping the batteries in, the tiny clicks disguised the very light sound of a door opening and closing in the background.

Realizing it was too dark to try and read the erotica packed with the tiny vibrator, she tossed it onto the dresser and leaned back against the pillows, closing her eyes and trying to think of a fantasy. The small smacking noise the book made when it hit the dresser disguised the sound of a door opening much closer to her.

She let her mind flow back to the club, back to that moment when her eyes had locked with Arnold's emerald ones. Only this time instead of turning away from her, he let his eyes burn into hers as he stood up, moving sinuously through the crowd. Helga felt her pulse speed up as she looked into her fantasy's eyes. She shivered as she ran her fingers over her body, feeling the soft cotton catch on the pads of her fingers. The fantasy Arnold slowly circled around her, letting his face dip into her neck to delicately sniff the perfume she had spritzed there earlier. He stood firmly behind her, his fingers digging into her hips as he pulled her back to be flush against his chest. Her own hand followed his, sliding over her hip to just below her belly button. The other hand fluttered over her hip up her ribcage, to hover just below her breast.

Her breath caught as her mind delved into the fantasy, Arnold rubbing her body, sliding his hands over her possessively, the pounding rhythm of the music speeding up her pulse. Impatiently her one fist clutched the fabric of the shirt and pulled it up to the top of her thighs. She let out a sigh as her hand brushed the skin of her leg, she let go of the shirt and her breast as she lifted up a bit to find the little silver bullet. Once her fingers closed over it, she set the control on her stomach and spread her thighs a bit as she ran the smooth plastic over her skin to warm it up a bit. Her stomach clenched as she slid it along the inside of her thigh, slowly she pulled it back up to the juncture of her thighs, letting out a mewl as it pressed against her, her fingers were wet when she pulled them away.

She cupped one breast, pinching her nipple before letting her fingers flick on the controls, her body jolted as the first rush of vibration pulsed against her most sensitive part. A moan left her mouth as she slid her hand from her breast, over her neck, to tangle in the hair she'd left loose at the club. In her fantasy, Arnold mimicked the motion, gripping her hair as he trailed his lips over the pulse point at her neck. She made a keening noise as she got closer, one hand between her legs to hold the bullet steady, the other clutching the tiny plastic box, thumb over the sliding control. Her breathing was heavy and gasping as she got closer. Her fantasy became less linear, more flashes of moments, bright shining wishes given form. Her teeth pressed into her bottom lip, her neck muscles straining, her lungs heaving, and she knew it was coming. She let out a breath, his name coming out in a needy rush before her body tightened, shaking and shivering, and then she relaxed.

She lay there for a moment, jolting a bit with the aftershocks as she tried to move too soon. Finally she was able to pull her shirt down and sit up. She grabbed a wipe from the CumClean packet. She wiped up the bullet, pulled the batteries out, replaced everything in the pink bag and returned it to the suitcase. She tossed the wipe into the trash by the door, and paused. Her head cocked to the side as she looked at the door, it was cracked open 2 inches. Frowning at it, she opened the door and peeked out into the common area of the suite. It was empty. Shrugging, she figured she mustn't have latched it tightly when she closed it. Stretching, she yawned, and was grateful that tomorrow was the spa day, still one more day til the wedding. Pulling the door securely behind her, she twitched the curtains closed and jumped back into bed, and was asleep shortly after.

- I O I - I O I - I O I- I O I – I O I - I O I - I O I - I O I- I O I - I O I- I O I -

Smut, pure smut. But I hope you enjoy it. I sure did...And I can't wait to reveal what happens next. What do you think happens?

Please, please review!