Heya! Ok here it is! I hope you guys lurve it, I looked over it again and again, trying to make it perfect so I hope it is. Let me know what you think, and make sure to add me to your author alerts because I can promise you I will have some more fics out soon! Thank you all so very very much for reading without you guys there would be no Fics so I lurve you all so much for enjoying my stories. ENJOY!


Twins age: 7 years old

Dyson lifted Jax above his head and tossed him out into the deep end of the pool. Dyson watched until his head popped back up above the water and he laughed madly.

"Now me daddy!" Ellie called pushing herself into Dyson's hands. He laughed and lifted her in the air and easily tossed her to the end close to her brother. Her head like his popped back up quickly and she laughed.

"Remember what Kenzi said, she'll go momma bear on your ass if you hurt them." Hale said from the spot where he was perked against the wall of the pool, cold beer in hand.

"Hey! I thought you two were going to help me with this!" Trick yelled from his spot behind the grill. Dyson spun around and laughed.

"You can't grill a hotdog?" Dyson called as he climbed out of the pool.

"It's not the hotdog I'm having trouble with, it's the steak." He said smirking.

"Flip them now." He said nodding to the grill. Trick nodded and flipped the steaks as Hale climbed from the pool.

"Need another beer baby?" Hale's wife said walking from inside the house. Yes, she was his wife. Hale had met the spicy little elf right after they had brought Kenzi back, and he had fallen head over heels in love with her. Mostly because she had not jumped into bed with him. Marissa was a great girl and she made Hale happy.

"Yeah, thanks sugar." He said leaning in and pressing a kiss to her lips. She smiled and handed him a cold beer from the cooler, Hale dipped down and kissed Marissa's quickly growing belly.

"How's it in there little man." He said.

"She is very comfortable." Marissa said. Dyson chuckled and shook his head.

"Marissa, where are the girls?" Dyson asked nodding his head.

"Lauren is finishing the cookies." She said. Dyson nodded and turned to Trick.

"You can take them off now." He said. He kept his eyes on Ellie and Jax as they swam around the pool, Ellie squealing and Jax chasing after her.

"I think Kenzi is going to eat all Lauren's cookies." Marissa said walking over toward Dyson. He snorted and smiled.

"And that surprises you?" he asked. She laughed and shook her head.

"Not at all." Marissa said with a laugh. Dyson nodded and his eyes followed Ellie as he watched the scheming look cross her face.

"You know before I met Kenzi and Lauren I didn't really have much respect for humans. But Lauren is a wonderful and talented doctor, and Kenzi is such a great mother." Marissa smiled and ran her hand over her belly.

"I hope I can be as great a mom as she is." She said.

"Just love him or her with all your heart, that's all Kenzi did." Dyson smiled and watched Ellie climb out of the pool and run to the end of the pool, she leapt off the edge and landed right on top of Jax's head. Dyson could not help but laugh as they both came back up in a fit of giggles. He peeked over his shoulder and peered into the house where he saw Kenzi hovering over the pan of cookies. He smirked and turned back to his children as he dove into the pool after them.

Kenzi smiled to Bo as she slid one of Lauren's cookies into her mouth.

"That's good." Kenzi said nodding.

"That's the fourth time you've told me that, if you don't stop taste testing I'm not going to have any left." Lauren said. Bo bounced a laughing Jolene on her hip.

"Tell your momma to stop being so mean to auntie Kenzi." Kenzi said turning to face the giggling baby girl.

"Tell auntie Kenzi to stop eating all momma's cookies." Lauren said leaning in and placing a wet kiss on Jo's cheek. She giggled again and grabbed Bo's long hair in her hands. After Lauren and Bo had decided they wanted to take their relationship to the next level and have children, well one artificial insemination appointment later and Bo was pregnant. They had decided on another Fae male so that their child would be Fae, and Jo had come out looking exactly like Bo, all brown hair and pouty lips. Before Jo was born they had bought this beautiful house right down the road from Dyson and Kenzi. It had a pool, so they had normal parties here quite often. Kenzi smirked and glanced out the window. Marissa and Hale were arguing as usual over the sex of their baby while Trick put the food on the table. She scanned the pool and spotted Dyson waving the children out of the pool. She let her eyes roam over his body and could not help but lick her lips.

"Stop looking at him like you're going to eat him." Bo said smirking.

"How do you know I'm not?" Kenzi chuckled and grabbed up the bowls of chips pushing open the door with her foot and heading outside.

Dyson looked up when he heard the door open and smiled. Kenzi was coming down the walkway, two bowls of chips in her hands. This was the first time he'd seen her in her bathing suit and god was she sexy. The bright red of the bikini was a sharp contrast to her jet black hair that fell down her back. He let his gaze slide over her and all the pale skin that was bared, her breasts filling the top of the bikini and peeking over, her long flat stomach accompanied by the two tattoos that rode her hips and her long legs. She smiled and did a twirl knowing he was watching her. He chuckled and let his eyes rest on the bite mark that wrapped around her side.

"Finally, been waiting for you to get your little ass out here." he said. She chuckled and sat down the bowls of chips and then slid into his arms.

"My ass is very nice, thank you very much." She said. He laughed and grabbed up her hand kissing the large ring that sat on her left hand and third finger. His other mark, she was his wife.

"I couldn't agree more." He said. She rolled her eyes and pulled him down to her lips, kissing him gently.

"Eww!" Ellie and Jax called simultaneously. Kenzi laughed and pulled back.

"Hush." She said to them.

"Let eat!" Bo called as she and Lauren exited the house, Jolene waddling beside Bo and Lauren carrying the cookies. Jax and Ellie ran ahead of Dyson and Kenzi as everyone crowded around the table. Kenzi watched as Trick sat down at the head of the table and took Jolene from the ground. She giggled and planted a kiss on his cheek. Jax and Ellie sat down on the right side of him, leaving two seats in front of them for Dyson and Kenzi. Bo and Lauren sat down to the left, and Hale and Marissa each took a seat on opposite sides of the table, facing one another. Hale reached out and took her hand and gently kissed it. Kenzi smiled as Dyson wrapped an arm around her waist and slowly led her to the table. They were a family, a big happy family. Trick was the grandfather or pap pap as all the kids called him, Lauren, Bo, Kenzi, Dyson, Hale, and Marissa were like his children, or all the aunts and uncles, and their children were like his grandchildren. They all loved each other, and took care of each other, just like a family. Kenzi really loved the fact that her children would grow up Fae.