The winter air is biting, but the wind's stopped, and the snow's not getting any worse. It's almost as if the scene's frozen - fitting, he thinks. Frozen, forever, only haunted by the ghosts of memories from long ago. From before. He can see the cabin behind him. It's falling apart now. No one to take care of it. The curtains have faded, but he still knows the pattern, has known it since he was sixteen. Since before all of this started. What he wouldn't give to go back. The course they had been on had seemed right then. How wrong they had been.
He takes a step towards the dock, then swallows. He knows he can't deal with this, but he still goes forward. He hates the man for leaving him here. Alone. He's so alone. He hasn't been this alone in years. Since before. He doesn't feel the cold anymore. He's numb.
Numb is a feeling he's become acquainted with. He doesn't 'feel' anymore. He can't. He felt before. He felt before, and didn't do anything about it. Now he can't feel. He thinks it's a fair price to pay. He doesn't want to feel anymore. Not anymore.
Every step closer to the end of the dock, the more he's aware of something out of place. His footsteps still as he reaches the edge, staring down into the peaceful water. Oh. He's hurting. Inside. He can't help but to laugh, tears streaming down his face. For three years he hasn't felt. Why now? Why now?
But he knows. He knows. He is here. But why? Tranquilty washes over him as he realizes why he was driven here. It's his turn, now. He starts to laugh, hard, tears streaming down his face. "Hi, Jim. Are you letting me come home now?"
For it is home. Wherever Jim is has always been home for Sebastian Moran. Ever since that first summer, years ago. Sebastian might be the only person to call hell home. He doesn't care. Jim's calling, and so he will come.
He topples into the water, accepting the wave of white that washes over him. He's been in between since The Fall and finally he's dying. He can feel Jim's arms around him, and he relaxes.
Some people say they see a white light when they die. Sebastian Moran knows better.
Because when Sebastian Moran dies, he walks towards a blood red light. And standing in front of that light, waiting for him, is James Moriarty, consulting criminal.