Authors Note: Just a little two-shot for Ron Weasley's Birthday! I was re-reading book five, and was reading about Molly's boggart and was thinking 'man, something tells me Ron' biggest fear is not spiders anymore either!' They never really brought the Boggarts back for the trio, so here is my interpretation of how it would have gone. Enjoy.
Ch. 1 Biggest Fears
Hermione Granger hadn't faced a boggart since she was 13 years old.
Honestly, she was completely content to keep it that way. She had suspected, for quite some time now, that her boggart had changed since her third year Defense Against the Dark Arts final. There was just no way that at 22 years old, after having successfully fought and survived the Second Wizarding War, her boggart was still Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed everything.
Hermione Granger suspected this, but she had absolutely no interest in finding out what her boggart was now.
"Can't you do it? You're the best at spells." Ron said, whining slightly, blue eyes wide and pleading at his girlfriend.
"You are a bloody Auror!" Hermione retorted, causing Ron's eyes to widen further. Caught by surprise by her language, his intended response got lost and he merely gaped at her.
"You are so sexy when you curse." Ron replied when his wits caught back up to him, causing Hermione to smile slightly.
The young couple was facing a minor conundrum. They had recently bought a small house together. It was a charming cottage home that was older but had plenty of "character." They had been in the process of cleaning it out and moving their furniture into the home, when Ron had come across a boggart in the upstairs hallway closet. To Hermione's surprise instead of banishing it himself, he called for her and asked her to take care of it.
This was unusual. Not that boggarts were particularly menacing, but Ron was incredibly overprotective and certainly didn't seem keen on asking Hermione to do anything that could even be construed as dangerous. Although she knew he didn't doubt her capabilities, to ask her to do anything with a dark creature, even just a boggart, was incredibly out of character for him.
Twenty minutes later, the two were sitting at their new kitchen table glaring at each other. Hermione had no interest at all in taking on a boggart. It wasn't that she was afraid of it, but since she didn't know what to expect it was something that made her incredibly uneasy. Besides, he was an Auror, surely a boggart was not too much for him.
"Please Hermione, I promise you didn't fail everything." Ron said with a smirk. She sighed, now frustrated with him.
"I don't understand, Ron, I know you hate spiders but I didn't think you still couldn't face them. You've been through so much worse." She didn't mean for this statement to sound condescending, but as soon as the words left her mouth she realized that they did.
In response, Ron's face turned bright red and for the first time since the conversation began, he took his eyes off Hermione's and stared at the ground.
Hermione found this peculiar as well. When Ron wanted something from her, whether it was more pancakes, his back rubbed, or for her to proofread an essay, he would widen his baby blues at her like a lost puppy dog. She couldn't resist him when he looked at her like that. But now he was looking away, ears turning that famous Weasley red.
"notspiders." he mumbled, resuming his deadpanned stare at the floor.
"Pardon?" She asked, not really understanding what he had said.
"Bloody Hell, Hermione! I know I have the emotional range of a teaspoon, but do you really think my biggest fear is still bloody spiders?" Ron said, voice now raised. He got up from his chair, and began pacing around their new kitchen.
"You've faced one again?" Hermione said, surprised by this new information. She thought that she knew absolutely everything there was to know about Ron Weasley. Up until about 30 seconds ago, had she been asked "what is Ron's Boggart" she would have confidently answered "Spiders, or more specifically Acromantula's."
Ron nodded once, and began his pacing again. His arms were wrapped tightly around himself, rather protectively, and he was biting his lip.
"When?" She asked. She couldn't help herself. It was evident by Ron's distress that this was something that was somewhat personal and perhaps he hadn't shared it with her for a reason, but her curiosity got the best of her.
"Training" he replied gruffly. This confused Hermione even more. What on earth were boggarts being used for in Auror training? The wheels in her head were spinning as she looked up at Ron. He had stopped his pacing, but his arms were still folded and he was still biting his lip. He looked at her with an expression that was both a mix of expectancy and nervousness.
"Harry.." She whispered. It hit her all at once. Ron and Harry had gone through Auror training together. Surely whomever was in charge of their training curriculum had figured that having Ron or Harry face a boggart would give the trainee's a chance to face Voldemort, even if it was just a fake version of him.
She smirked a bit, remembering what Harry had told her about Professor Lupin while they were in their third year. Lupin hadn't wanted Harry to face the boggart then because of his misplaced concern's that Harry's biggest fear was Voldemort. Clearly their trainer had same idea.
"Voldemort?" she asked understanding slightly. Perhaps the thought of Voldemort hanging out in their upstairs hallway didn't appeal to Ron. It didn't appeal to her either actually, but what if her boggart was Voldemort too? Who on earth could they call to get rid of it? Neville maybe? But something told Hermione that like herself and Ron, Neville's biggest fear had changed too.
Ron sighed in frustration and leaned against the wall. His wand was clutched tightly in his right hand. He was still biting on his lower lip, something Hermione had noticed he only tended to do when he was very nervous.
Now Hermione was very curious. She knew that she should just go upstairs and take care of it and let Ron be, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to know about Ron's new boggart, and more importantly why he had kept it from her.
"Ron?" She asked. She had expected him to affirm the Voldemort boggart but he had remained silent on the matter.
"Not Voldemort" he responded after several full seconds of silence.
"Well then…"
"Drop it, Hermione." Ron interrupted, and began walking out of the room.
"But…" curiosity was really getting the better of her now.
"I said drop it." Ron said, but he was not yelling. It was more like pleading. "I'll take care of it, I shouldn't have asked you."
Hermione stood up, following him as he walked out of the kitchen and began to climb the stairway to the second story of their home, where the boggart was currently located.
"No, Ron. I'm sorry. I'll take care of it." Hermione said, concerned now for her boyfriend. She wasn't sure what it was that he had faced during Auror training, but it had clearly upset him greatly. She didn't want him to have to go through it again.
Ron turned on their stairs to face her. For a second, Hermione thought he was going to start shouting at her, but then he caught her by surprise and kissed her.
Hermione returned the kiss, allowing herself to be pinned up against the wall side of the stairs as Ron continued to kiss her almost feverishly. When he broke away from her for air, Hermione looked into his eyes and saw the look of pure tenderness and love that he had for her. The passion in his eyes made her feel weak in the knees.
He grinned momentarily before resuming his somber expression from earlier.
"The problem is, there is no way to make my boggart funny. If it were Voldemort, I could have put him in a tutu."
"What happened last time?" Hermione asked, feeling this was a safer question than asking him what he saw.
"Couldn't banish it." Ron said, blushing a bit. "It was bad, I kind of lost it. Harry had stun me so I wouldn't hurt myself."
"WHAT?" Hermione said, shocked by this information. "How did you pass the training then?"
"The trainer felt like such a git, trying to use me and Harry to bring back Voldemort for an exercise. He realized that given what we've been through, we had some horrors in our heads that he didn't consider. So they didn't fail me."
Hermione was horrified by this information. She had no idea Ron had gone through something so horrible and she hadn't been able to comfort him or even just be there for him.
"No. Ron. You're not facing this again. You don't have to tell me what it is, but I'm not putting you through it again. I'll go put Voldemort in a tutu." Hermione said with a smile.
"You think yours will be Voldemort?" he asked and she nodded in response. This seemed to satisfy him.
"Ok then, I'll go make us some tea." Ron said, turning down the stairs.
"Thanks darling" she said before heading up the stairs.
'Voldemort in a tutu..' she whispered to herself, giving herself some encouragement.
As she approached the closet door, she pictured the bright pink tutu her mother had forced her to wear to dance at age 6. It was a hideous thing, with ribbons and sparkles, and the whole frilly lot. It would look fantastic on Voldemort, she decided.
She opened the door, wand at the ready.
And out came Ronald Wealsey, whose eyes met hers for a split second, before he collapsed on the ground. His limbs were spread out at awkward angles and the blue eyes that she had just seen so much love in were staring blankly and unseeing. He was clearly dead.
Hermione couldn't do anything but scream.
a/n: Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I'll be writing one more chapter to this (Ron to the rescue+Ron's boggart). I really appreciate reviews and constructive criticism is welcome. As I stated earlier today in "The Arrangement," my grammar is… not the best… and I'm in the market for a beta. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested!