Title: Ice-Queen
Summary: Sakura Kinomoto is the ice queen of her school. No one ever saw her smile or laugh. So what happens when she meets the popular jock Syaoran Li? Love happened of course. S/S

Chapter 1: Prologue

Dear Diary,

A long time ago there was a family known as Kinomoto, the fifth richest family in the busy city called Tokyo, Japan. In it belonged a young woman named Nadeshiko, the wife to Fujitaka Kinomoto. She gave birth to two young children: a son and a daughter. The son was older than the daughter through birth by a few years. Their names are Touya Kinomoto and Sakura Kinomoto.

I hesitate as I look at my dairy before continuing to write. A few weeks later my mother died from an in-curable illness that tormented her until her death. I can't remember much of my mother Nadeshiko, because she died when I turned five years old. After my mother's death, my father's emotions and feelings seemed to change drastically. He became cold and distant to me and Touya. I couldn't help but think our father hated us, because he was never there for us in our childhood as far as I remember.

At the mention of my father, my hands start to clutch in a tight fist. This cold- hearted man isn't my father. No parents neglect their child such as this man named Fujitaka Kinomoto. I swear upon my mother's graves; that I will not call him my father. Call me a bitch or whatever you please, but this who I have become. If my father decided he can boss us around, then he is wrong. I, Sakura Kinomoto, will defy my father's wishes and I will not play the role as daddy's girl in this story of mine.

As I recall my childhood memories, I find it was hard and painful. My heart turned bitter. The reason why I hate my father so much is because of the neglect that I receive from my him. He never showed any love towards Touya and I. Because of that, I lost the meaning of love from a family. I suppose I lost the meaning of love as soon as I was born.

Due to the cold attitude I adopted, I begun to shut everyone out except my brother Touya Kinomoto. Because of my attitude, everyone is afraid to be my friend, and thus I became lonely and am known as the "Ice Queen" in my school. This is just the beginning of my life as Sakura Kinomoto.


Sakura K.