Eugene: Ok, so this is just a lil' one-shot for my friend, Emi Izumi, here.. I needed to write this because I nearly broke down while writing "Heroes of the Star and the Maple Leaf" recently. You know how Korea has this weird obsession with touching Japan's, China's, and/or everyone else's chests ("breasts" as he called them)? This is… kind of reverse. *clears throat* Anyway, ONWARD WITH THE CHINA, JAPAN, AND KOREA ONE-SHOT! REVENGE OF THE GROPED COUNTRIES!

"JAPAN, YOUR BREASTS BELONG TO KOREA, DA-ZE~!" Korea suddenly leapt out of nowhere and in a flash, groped Japan by the chest.

"A-Ah! Korea, stop it! It- ah! feels shameful…" Japan tried to contain himself as he struggled to squirm away from Korea's groping hands. Forcing to keep his blush down, he resisted long enough to turn around and push Korea away in harsh force. The Korean country flew off from one side of the room, all the way to the farthest wooden shelf. The shelf smash and Korea and his dazed-looking curl saw spinning stars.

"What's going on here, aru?" A new voice came into the room; it was China, Korea's and Japan's older brother/father-like figure. "Why is this place- AIYAH~!" And then it happened. Korea immediately recovered and jumped up, long sleeves stretching wide and the curl got a devious face.

"CHINA~! YOUR BREASTS ORIGINATED FROM ME, DA-ZE~! LET ME TOUCH THEM, DA-ZE~!" The next thing China knew, he got groped, too. Great…..

"S-Stay away from me, aru!" China tried to find words as he too tried to get away. But Korea was just so- ugh, you don't want to know.


"Korea- AIYAH!"

"Hehe, you like it, da-ze~!" Korea cooed out before he randomly left, skipping and waving his arms around, singing in an off-tune voice, "THEIR BREASTS BELONG TO ME~! THEIR BREASTS BELONG TO ME…"

China let out a sigh before realizing that Japan had trouble standing up, so he gave him a hand to assist him.

"This has been the 12th time this week…" Japan muttered.

"13, aru." China corrected, remembering an incident from last night. "Korea tried to grope one of us while we were asleep, aru."


Feeling some pain throbbing on his head, China massaged his temples to make it go away as he said, "I wish Korea would stop groping us, aru."

After giving some thought, China felt soft lips in his ear"…..we could always give him a taste of his own medicine." Japan suggested in a hopeful voice.

China gave his 'kid brother' a weird look. "What do you mean, aru?"

The Japanese man whispered out what sounded like, "We must grope his own chest as revenge." and "Maybe Korea will not come after us by then…".

China pulled away, completely shocked. "Aiyah! Japan, your idea is sinful, aru!" But then again, China thought, Korea must not mess with the elders… "…but it's not half-bad, aru."

Japan smirked. "Hai. Now here's how to do it…"

Sometime later, Korea glued his eyes to the hi-definition flat-screen TV as one of his Korean dramas were on. He nearly wanted to weep himself, as they're so emotional sometimes. But little did he know that someone, or some people, were stalking him…

"YOUR BREASTS BELONG TO US!" Korea looked up from the ceiling and found China and Japan both leaping up and strangling the poor young nation, groping harshly on his flat chest.

"NO~! WHY ARE YOU TWO DOING THIS TO ME, DA-ZE~!" Korea sobbed out chokingly. "SOMEBODY HELP ME~!"

Scrambling on his feet, Korea tried to fix up his loose hanbok and ran off, crying out tears of guilt. China and Japan rose up and stared at this very sight.

"…do you think we went too far?" Japan asked quietly.

"Maybe," China replied with a shrug. "But then again, he deserves it, aru…"

Eugene: O-k… that's a little harsh. Even though this may be against my cultural grounds, KOREA, YOU DESERVED IT!

Korea: TT TT