Mpreg, not my favorite but I'm willing to try writing it.

Mpreg, not possible but you're gonna pretend it is.

This is for you Rebel Jr.

Rolling to his side, Kendall swung his legs off of his twin bed, rubbing his sleep-filled eyes. Reopening them, he took in the empty space of the other twin bed, pushed to his own many nights ago.

Ruffling the back of his hair, Kendall padded out of his room into the living room spotting James and Carlos on the orange couch engrossed in the television. Chuckling at James' obsessive combing strokes through his smooth hair, Kendall continued on to the small kitchenette where he located Logan, sitting in a breakfast bar stool, crunching on chips.

""Morning." Logan greeted, voice muffled with his snack.

Returning the sediment, Kendall brushed Logan's hand away from his mouth to replace it with his lips. Lips firmly pressed against Logan's grin, Kendall hummed in appreciation of the tasty mixture of chips and pure Logan.

Raising a hand to caress Logan's smooth cheek, Kendall parted his lips to press his tongue to the seam of Logan's lips, ever the gentleman, asking for permission.

Smirking into the kiss as Logan accepted his tongue, Kendall leaned forward, running his tongue over Logan's front canines, his back molars, the roof of his hot mouth.

Logan groaned in satisfied approval, tongue wrestling with the other. A sudden swooping lurch through his lower stomach elicited a strained gasp. Pushing the taller away, Logan made a dash for the bathroom; knees on the floor, head in the toilet.

Quickly following his sick friend, Kendall entered the tiny bathroom to kneel beside the heaving boy.

"You okay, Babe?" Kendall ran a soothing hand down the other's back, in an attempt to comfort the other.

"Awesome." Logan sarcastically let out in between heaves.

Suppressing a laugh, Kendall helped Logan to his feet and led him to their room, ignoring the concerned glances from Carlos and James.

"Great way to spend our day off, huh?" Logan's sarcasm had yet to disperse.

"I've had worse days." Reassuring the other, Kendall tucked the now worn out boy into their combined beds. Brushing away Logan's flattened down bangs Kendall leaned down to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "Sleep it off."

As he stepped into the doorway Kendall turned back around to get one last glimpse of the cocooned boy, smiling at the pitiful site.

"Love you." Logan's voice was already dropping as he eyes drooped shut.

"Love you too." Kendall gently shut the door and turned around to gasp in surprise. "God, Carlos, you nearly killed me." Joking lightly Kendall observed the serious expression on the normally happily bouncing boy's face.

Carlos let out an apology before glancing over his shoulder at James. Placing a strong hand on the shorter's shoulder, James looked up to Kendall's confused face. "Carlos has something you might be interested in."

"What's up?" Fearing the worst, Kendall steeled himself for Carlos' response.

Letting out a deep breath Carlos looked up at his taller friend. "I want to the drugstore the other day with Logan."

Confused, Kendall remained silent, letting the caramel colored skinned boy continue.

"He bought this." Thrusting his hand out, Carlos deposited a positive pregnancy test into Kendall's palm.

Not my best. Whatever.