Not a new chapter, I know. I just deleted Chapter 4 and added the one I edited in, so it would notify you. I have edited all the chapters, changing a few things. You probably will want to read it. You will want to read this one as well. Like, for one thing, Nina's blindness didn't go away. And some added Fabina stuff. More Eddie. So read the last chapters again before this one!

Also, if you haven't realized, this story used to be called 'Capture'. I didn't think it was a very cool title, so I switched it over :)

Chapter 4 - Nina's POV

After we had finished lunch, we all headed out to search the town. Amber and Alfie headed in one taxi, and Fabian and I headed in another. I was so excited to find Patricia. I missed her so much. I just hope we find her.

But of course, I know we will. But maybe not today.

Fabian and I rode in silence, neither of us saying a word. I really had nothing to say. I was just really excited, really worried, and a bit nervous. And I am sure Fabian was as well. We hadn't seen Patricia in two days. And to us, that was a long time.

The taxi pulled into the city, and Fabian and I both stepped out. I tried to pay the taxi, but Fabian refused to let me. So he paid himself, and we began to walk. Fabian had put his arm around me, since I still can't see. This was slowing us down.

"So, where should we look first?" Fabian asked. We were in the bad side of town. The north side was better. Still, I felt safe since Fabian was here with me. I would be scared to death if he wasn't.

"I have no idea. Cause I can't even see to start with."

Amber's POV

The taxi stopped when we were near the northern part of the city. I smiled over at Alfie, hoping he would pay for the ride. He rolled his eyes, and handed the driver the money.

"Thanks, Alfie." I said happily.

We started to walk around the city.

Patricia's POV

I couldn't tell if it was early or not, but I had just woken up. Rufus was still gone, thank God.

I laid back down on the gravel, which was making my back a bit sore. I was starting to doubt that Nina (or anybody, really) was going to find me.

I looked up at the ceiling, bored out of my mind. There was absolutely nothing to do. I would fall back asleep, but I was scared of what Rufus would do to me if I wasn't conscious.

The door opened again, and I saw Rufus come in. This time, I pretended to fall asleep. Sometimes when you are asleep, you hear things you wouldn't hear otherwise.

"Finally, the brat's asleep." Rufus whispered, chuckling. I heard him dial someone on his phone. "Hey Victor. We haven't chatted recently. So, here I am." Rufus said into the receiver, rudely.

I couldn't hear Victor. Why was he calling him anyways? I thought they hated each other. Something isn't right here.

"Yes Victor, I have Patricia. Duh. Who else would take such a rude person? I should have killed her already." Rufus said sharply.

He wanted to kill me?

"No, I haven't killed her. But I will, if you don't follow my instructions. I want the cup, Victor. I know it wasn't destroyed, and…"

I coughed, and Rufus stopped talking.

"Hold on." He mumbled. Rufus walked back outside, and locked the door behind him. The breeze taunted me once more. I was beginning to become claustrophobic, this space wasn't big. It wouldn't fit more than four people.

Nina's POV

There was only one place left to look, the old cemetery. I shuddered at the thought, and Fabian squeezed my hand. We really did have to slow down, since I can't see. We could have been done searching by now, if I could.

We slowly walked over to the cemetery.

I had already called Amber, asking if she had found anything. She said they had looked everywhere, and didn't find one single thing. So if she wasn't in the cemetery, I had no idea where she could be.

Amber had not talked to me very long. Was she mad at me? Or was she mad at Rufus? I would have to find that out later. Right now, we were looking for Patricia, and that's all that mattered. Patricia Williamson was still missing.

Fabian and I walked through the cemetery gates. Fabian told me it had gotten dark, and that the cemetery was really creepy looking. I was glad I couldn't see it.

But was this going to end like a horror movie? If Rufus is here, he could easily kill us both.

Fabian looked through the different tombstones, which was kind of pointless. She wouldn't be over here. Knowing Rufus, she was probably in something abandoned. She was in the barn last time, and we checked there. She was nowhere to be seen.

"We'll check in the back of the cemetery, and then we should probably head back…" Fabian whispered. I could tell he wasn't happy about the possibility that Patricia wouldn't be coming back with us.

"I know." I said, giving a frown. "Let's just hope she is back there."

Fabian agreed, and we began to walk to the back of the cemetery. I jumped multiple times, only being able to hear the freaky noises the cemetery held. I didn't even know what they were.

A chain saw murderer could have stood right in front of me, and I would have never realized until he turned on his chainsaw, and chopped me to pieces.

But that wouldn't happen, Fabian was walking right next to me, holding my hand as we went.

"Okay, Neens, I'm going to let go of your hand, and go look. Stay right here, alright?" Fabian asked me, letting go. I nodded, unsure. "You'll be fine Neens. Promise."

I decided to sit on the ground, after he left. No reason to keep on standing. I wonder how long he was going to take. It was becoming cold out.

Fabian's POV

This part of the cemetery had absolutely nothing. Just a bunch of bushes, and a shed to keep all their tools.

Wait, a shed? That would be perfect to hide someone.

I slowly walked over to the shed, looking at Nina before I went over. She was fidgeting with her hands slightly, looking upwards. I know she didn't like being blind, I could tell it bothered her. That's why I was really trying to help her. Good thing her vision should return by tomorrow.

I was still wondering if she had heard me last night.

I turned the knob on the shed slightly, locked. I didn't think it would be open. Maybe if I took a bobby pin from Nina, I could get it opened.

"Hey Ne-" I started, then turned around, only to see that she wasn't where she was before. I never heard her get up!

"Nina? Where did you go?" I whispered, looking around for her.

I heard a muffled scream in the distance, and instantly knew what was going on.

Nina was kidnapped. She was an easy target, she couldn't see, and I wasn't with her. I am positive it was Rufus, which would be the only person that would ever kidnap her. He wanted that elixir and I knew it.

"Nina!" I screamed, running towards where I heard her voice. But it was no use. She was already gone. I let her get taken.

So now, both Patricia and Nina are gone.

But does that mean that maybe, Patricia is in these parts of the cemetery? Though Rufus is smarter than that, he wouldn't make things that simple. I took out my phone, and dialed Amber.

When she finally picked up, I cut her off before she could say anything, and said "Nina's gone."

So many point of view changes! Not very professional… But oh well. Did the editing help with the story? I think it did. Well, tell me what you think in the reviews! I'll try to update this and 'Rumor Has It' soon!
