Lucky Star Super!
Ch1: Here I me!

Finally! I've begun work on a Lucky Star Fanfic, I'll be doing this for a while while I take a break from my other story from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.

"No way, I'm not going to do that!" said Kagami, she her younger sister Tsukasa, Miyuki Takara, and Konata Izumi were at the Hiiragi house, Konata had been trying to convince the Tsundere to cosplay for a special party that she wanted to throw during the summer weekend.

"I'm not going to do it!" she shouted at the Otaku extrodinare

"Aw come on Kagamin, you'd look great in a cosplay outfit, and besides, you wear that miko uniform and it makes you look super cute!" said Konata with her cat like smile all while making Kagami blush

"Damn you, thats because Tsukasa and I always do actual preistes work at the srine!" the Tsundere said with a vein popping out of her head, almost like she wanted to hit her tiny friend, making Tsukasa nervous and Miyuki look worried for everyone

"So...what do you say?" said Konata, she was dedset on getting her Kagamin to cosplay

"F-Fine! I'll do the stinkin' cosplay, will that make you happy?" said Kagami with her arms folded

"YAY! thank you Kagamin, thank you, thank you, thank you!" the bluenette went over to hug the younger girl

"Alright, Alright get off!" shouted Kagami prying the older girl off of her (Which can be hard sometimes)

"So what might you want Kagami to cosplay as Kona-chan?" asked Tsukasa as she took a bite of her chocolate cookie, Miyuki and Tsukasa were pretty curious too on what Konata might have in store for Kagami. Konata continued to ponder until...

"I've got it!" she jumped up from where she was sitting, then an evil yet perverted smile crawled on Konata's face

"Oh no, I know that smile anywhere, she's got something planned" thought Kagami

"Just you wait 'till tomorrow my Kagamin" Konata said as she grabbed her things, quickly ran around the room twice and then bolted out the door.

"Um...what happened Onee-chan?" asked Tsukasa

"I don't know Tsukasa, but I've got a feeling that I just might die of embarassment during this summer" said Kagami as she put her head on the table and let out a big sigh.


"Hiyorin! I need your services!" said Konata as she rode on her skateboard towards the Doujin Artist

"K-Konata-Sempai?" said Hyori as she faced the direction that Konata was coming from, Konata wizzed by the black haired girl, almost blowing the younger girl's skirt up but Hiyori guarded herself from embarassment. The Otaku finally stopped and kicked up her Haruhi skateboard.

"Konata-sempai, w-when did you get that dangerous thing?" shuddered the Doujin Artist

"That's not important right now, I need your services" the look on Konata's face was unusually serious, as she looked at Hiyori with her big green eyes.

"Y-Yes?" the younger girl was terrified at the older girl's gaze

"I need your help with a special suprise!" the serious face turned into her catlike smile

"Eh? Uhh...Sure sempai, but for who?" asked Hiyori

"Walk with me my pupil" said Konata in a calm voice as she put an arm around the younger girl and began walking off towards Hiyori's place.

"By the way Yori-chan, love the undies...Kero Kero!" she said that perverted smile came back on to her face

"What the?" squeaked the doujin artist as she realized that Konata saw her underwear while she was on her skateboard which drew her into a nosebleed.


"I'll be going then, see you tommorow!" said Miyuki as she began her journey home

"See ya Yuki-chan" cheered Tsukasa as she and Kagami waived at her pink haired friend

As Kagami shut the door, she thought about Konata, she couldn't excatly get that crazy girl off her mind and what she had planned for her at this so-called party that she was going to throw.

"I hope she doesn't pull some sort of prank on me again" said Kagami as she walked up to her room, she couldn't get Konata off her mind, this has been going on lately at times when Konata would come over. She'd come over and make things fun for Kagami's expense (most of the time) but the Tsundere girl had always enjoyed the tiny Otaku's company, this made Kagami turn a light shade of red. "She's only my friend!" she shouted in her mind.


"Ahh! I like it, I like it!" said Konata as she looked at Hiyori's sketchbook, looking at the image that Hiyori drew "You think this might work?" asked Hiyori with a nervous smile

"Yeah...Yeah, I think she'll like this very much" said the otaku with a hint of sweetness in her voice, Konata had been thinking about Kagami for quite some time, even though Kagami would scold her for not doing her homework or spending too much time doing Otaku stuff, she felt joy that her tsundere would always be her friend...and maybe more

"I see, so you really like her don't you?" said Hiyori with a smile, making Konata blush a little

"Eh? How could you tell?" she panicked, Konata didn't want anyone to know about her secret crush on her beloved Kagami

"The way you're always around her and how often she's always paying attention to you, and the way you look at her and I think she likes you back Sempai" said Hiyori with a smile


Kagami had gotten on her cell phone, her friend Misao Kusakabe was calling, most likely to bug her about nothing.

"Yo Hiiragi, what are you wearin'?" the fanged girl asked in her cheerful voice

"What the- Dammit! don't ask dumb questions like that Misao" yelled Kagami

"Woah, Woah, I was just kidding dude!" said Misao

"*sigh* What do you want this time?" the Tsundere asked dryly

"Welllll, were you going to the midget's party next week?" the brunnete asked

"Unfortunately, and she insists that I do cosplay" Kagami started but then she heard a muffled squeak on the phone

"Aw man, Hiiragi in cosplay? I wonder what that might be like?" Misao started to imagine Kagami in Haruko Haruhara cosplay in the red bunny outfit, weilding a blue guitar and smacking a giant robot.

"Wow!" the fanged girl thought in joy

"Helooooo! you still there?" said Kagami over the phone

"Y-Yes, Yes I am!" answered Misao, she was now deadset on going to that party, just so she can see what cosplay that she will be wearing.

"I can't wait! See you there Hiiragi" cheered the Fanged girl as she made kissing noises

"Oh shut up!" said the tsundere as she closed her phone and then went over to flop into her bed

"She's as bad as Konata" said Kagami as she burried her face in her pillow, Kagami was getting stressed out over all this nonsense, she wanted to just stay in her bed and blow the entire thing over with this cosplay party, but she knew she'd be upseting people if she didn't come...especially...

"No! I can't think of my friends like that!" she threw her Bonta-Kun pillow at the wall, just as Tsukasa opened the door

"GAH! Uhhh...I'll come back later Onee-chan" Tsukasa said with a nervous laugh

"N-No wait Tsukasa, its okay, come on in" said the Tsundere as she regained her composure

"What's the matter Onee-chan, what's bugging you?" asked the younger twin

The older Hiiragi took in a deep breath, and started

"What do you do when you like someone and you aren't sure what to do about it?" The look on Kagami's face was of the utmost seriousness, which made Tsukasa a little nervous but she thought about her sister's question for a little while...then she smiled and answered.

"Well...I think, that you should follow whereever your heart leads, because I think that something like love can be know?" the Air head had been blushing a deep crimson and pushing her index fingers together.

"Awwww, You're so cute sometimes Tsukasa!" squeaked Kagami as she tickled Tsukasa...but then Kagami had realized what she was doing...

"I think Konata's rubbed off on me" thought the Tsundere, this fact is all too true!