CM is back!

Sorry for the long wait. I simply couldn't find the motivation to write another story. I can finally see why so many people have problems writing!

But I digress.

This time I've decided to do one of my favourite, but least used, crossover fics! Mind you I've never done one but there's a fist time for everything right!

I'm ranting now...back on track.

Summary: What if the organization had a small secret? What if they lied about there being only 3 abyssal ones? What if there was a fourth? What's his story? Let's find out!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or claymore, however I do own a claymore sword! I don't think that counts though...

Naruto, The fourth abyssal one

The organization. A mysterious group that came to the island years beyond anyone can remember. However one thing is certain. The day they came, so came those monsters.


A sickening beast that ate humans for food, the yoma had the power to crush a strong man with a single hand, and while they were mentally nothing more than beast`s, they possessed physical prowess that put them far above humankind in terms of strength and speed. These monsters lurked in a person's darkest nightmares and were the cause of great fear amongst the people.

However when they feared that they had no fighting chance, their salvation came from the organization, the very people that damned them to the monsters clutches. The organization created a warrior that could combat the beasts.


Named after the massive broad swords they carried with them, these men and women were the only ones that could combat a yoma and win. Infused with flesh and blood of the monsters they hunt, claymores were far above humans in terms of strength and speed, even above that of the yoma. They were easy enough to recognize as they all shared trademark traits. Pale blonde or sometimes silvery hair decorated their heads, and they all possessed silver eyes that seemed to give them an ethereal beauty and grace. They were also ranked within their organization from 1 to 47, with 47 being the weakest and 1 being the strongest.

However there was one drawback to these hybrid soldiers. Each and every one of them had the chance to enter a process called awakening. It is feared by all claymores as the worst fate to ever happen to them, even worse than death. Awakening was a closely guarded secret within the organization and the claymores ranks. The reason was because when a claymore awakened they created a far more powerful and intelligent yoma. An Awakened Being.

Ironically and somewhat humorously, even among the Awakened Beings there were ranks. Each and every one of them remembered their former rankings within the organization and used those rankings to identify their own power. An average rank 20`s Awakened Being, for example, could demolish most of the 20`s ranked claymores due to their own sever increases in power. However even among those depths of power there were those that towered above the rest.

The Abyssal Ones.

Former ranked number 1 claymores, these beings far surpassed the others in sheer power and skill, and were among the oldest beings that walked the lands. They were unmatched by all and feared none. The organization had nothing in their own ranks that could possibly match the great beings, and so decided to leave them alone.

There are three known Abyssal ones.

Isley, the silver king of the north, Abyssal one of the northern lands and the only male Abyssal. He is boasted as the strongest of the known living Abyssal and had the power to defeat the other two. He is also the only one of the 3 known Abyssal's that remembers his sword training from when he was a warrior.

Riful of the west, mistress of the blades. She is the youngest warrior to ever reach the rank of number 1 in the organization, but Awakened soon after. She is the strongest female Abyssal One and lives within the western lands. She is said to be the most brutal of the Abyssal and is not above torture to get what she wants.

Luciela of the south, the monster cat and failed experiment of the organization. Luciela, as her name states, is a failed experiment to create a controlled Awakened Being. The experiment, obviously, failed and caused the former number 1 to Awaken.

These three monsters are creatures of unparallel strength and power. No single warrior could hope to combat them and have a slight chance at winning.

But what if the organization was lying to the people?

What if there was another of these unconquerable monsters?

Deep within the mountains of Paburo, another sleeps, awaiting a time when it can emerge again to fight once more.

Annnnd cut!

How's that for a prologue? Short I know but I promise to make the actual chapters longer. I just needed to kick it off with something of interest.

I probably will have the next chapter up today or tomorrow, depending on how inspired I am feeling.

We'll have to see.

Ja ne!